The King’s Return

Chapter 22: Internet cafe owner


Qin Mo logged back into Dubujianghu. As soon as he went online, he received a private chat from Qianli Bingfeng: "Did you go see Xiaoyaoxian's younger brother? How is it?"

"The foundation is good, and it is very distinctive." Qin Mo replied, "I have already brought him to the new game."

"Very good." Xiao Han sent a thumbs up, "By the way, have you received any special private chat messages?"

"what news?"

"For example, news that some clubs invite you to join."

Qin Mo was about to say "no", but a private message from a stranger popped up in the lower left corner——

"Hello master, I'm the head of the Huaxia Club's players in this area. Are you interested in participating in the professional league next year? If you are interested, please feel free to contact me."

Xiao Han's mouth is like a crow's mouth, he can say whatever he wants.

Huaxia Club is one of the comprehensive e-sports clubs in China. It has strong strength and has won many trophies in the e-sports field it is involved in. Its popularity is also very stable. Qin Mo played against players from the Huaxia Club many times when he was playing at Miracle before. The club has a lot of masters, no worse than Xiao Han's Longyin Club.

After receiving this news, Qin Mo couldn't help asking curiously: "Has Huaxia's team in Dubujianghu been established? What's its name?"

Huaxia received the person and replied: "Team Dynasty."

The team name is so domineering, it seems that this time the captain has a lot of ambitions!

However, Qin Mo had no interest in joining the Huaxia club, and replied, "I don't consider joining Huaxia for the time being."

Huaxia's guide continued to persuade: "There are currently many clubs stationed in Dubu Jianghu. According to internal information, the league scale of the new game is comparable to international competitions. It is very important to choose a club to succeed in next year's professional league. We The Huaxia Club has a perfect management system and is very strong in all aspects. Only a good club can help you achieve your goal of winning the championship. I hope the masters will carefully consider it."

Qin Mo also learned from Xiao Han's directness, and replied simply: "I will not join Huaxia, thank you."

The person in charge who was blocked had no choice but to say: "Okay. If one day you change your mind, you can contact me at any time."

Qin Mo sent him off politely: "Okay, goodbye."

There are many clubs in Dubujianghu, big and small. No matter how great the records of these clubs have been in the past, now they switch to a brand new game, and everyone is standing on the same starting line. It is hard to say what will happen in the future. Even if the strength is as strong as Huaxia, it is normal to stumble in the new league project, the key depends on the captain's ability. A good captain can lead a second-rate team, but a bad captain can ruin a giant team. Qin Mo, the leader of Huaxia's team, has not been in contact with it yet, so naturally he would not agree to join because of the club's reputation.

Qianli Frozen: "How is it? Haven't received it yet?"

"You guessed right, I just received an invitation from Huaxia." Qin Mo came back to his senses and sent a reply to Xiao Han, "But I declined."

"Good rejection." Xiao Han said, "Huaxia's actions are very active, and it is estimated that other clubs will throw branches at you recently."

What is Throwing Branches? Xiao Han's Chinese is really ups and downs, and his performance is very unstable!

"It's an olive branch." Qin Mo corrected helplessly.

"Oh, olive branch." Xiao Han obediently corrected his grammatical mistakes immediately, and continued, "Don't listen to the bragging of those club leaders, they can make the trash club a world-class one. Anyway, don't worry, take your time." Best Reject all club invitations and throw yourself into the arms of our Dragon Yin—Of course, Xiao Han refrained from saying this.

"Well, I'm going to upgrade first." Qin Mo turned to go to the task, and Xiao Han also led the team to continue to upgrade.

The two occasionally exchanged ideas during the upgrade process, and by around six o'clock in the evening, everyone had collectively upgraded to level 40.

Jinghua Shuiyue suggested: "Would you like to have dinner first?"

Mohen: "Okay, take a break for an hour and a half, and we will meet again at 7:30."

Xiao Yaoxian immediately chatted positively with him in private: "Mohen, I didn't expect you to be an e-sports master. You invited me for lunch, and I'll invite you for dinner!"

Just as Qin Mo was about to resign, Shen He stood up beside him and said, "Moshen, my sister said that your regular team has disbanded and rested, let's have dinner together, I treat you!"

The two siblings rushed to treat guests, and Qin Mo didn't want to eat fast food alone anyway, so he agreed.


In the Internet area of the lobby, just as Shen Qi was about to log off, she saw a young man passing by, knocked on her isolation glass, and asked, "Xiao Qi, are you going to have dinner?"

"I've already made an appointment with someone." Shen Qi quickly turned off the computer, stood up and said.

"Who did you date? It can't be a boyfriend, right?"

"Brother, don't talk nonsense, he is a netizen I just met in the new game." Shen Qi explained, "He happened to come to our Internet cafe to surf the Internet today, and Xiao He just recognized that he used to be the master of the Wind Color team, just like you, in the past He’s also an e-sports player.”

"From the Wind Color Team?" the young man asked curiously, "What's his name?"

"It's called Qin Mo, and it seems to be Shen He's favorite player."

"Yo, that's such a coincidence." The young man smiled and rolled his eyes, "I'll eat with you, and I'll pay the bill."


Qin Mo didn't expect that there would be one more person for dinner.

Shen Qi took the initiative to introduce: "This is my cousin, the owner of the Xiaoyu Internet cafe I mentioned to you before. He used to be an e-sports player, and he heard that you were too, so he wanted to have dinner with us so that we could catch up with you. .”

Looking at the smiling young man standing in front of him, Qin Mo suddenly felt a little headache-what old things do I have with you? Not to mention that it is not a team, it is not a project at all, and I have never seen it before.

Sure enough, ever since Shen He recognized him, his identity could not be concealed completely.

The other party stretched out his hand and said, "Hello, my name is Yu Xiangyang."

"Hello, Qin Mo." Qin Mo also reached out to shake his hand politely.

"I know your name is Qin Mo, and Xiao Han often mentioned you before."

Qin Mo couldn't help being a little embarrassed when he heard this sentence, but fortunately Yu Xiangyang didn't say much, and the four of them turned around and left the Internet cafe together.

The place Shen Qi chose to eat was not far from the Internet cafe, it took only five minutes to walk there. The environment of the newly opened restaurant is very good. The four of them followed the waiter to the second floor and chose a seat by the window. There was an iPad on the table, which listed a lot of pictures of exquisite dishes. Shen Qi actively picked up the iPad and asked: "This place orders online, which one of you will order first?"

"You know the place you choose best, so you can order it." Yu Xiangyang said.

"Okay, then I'll order some." Shen Qi swiftly selected six dishes and four bowls of rice on it, then pressed the confirmation button, and said with a smile, "Look at it, if it's not enough, add more."

Qin Mo glanced at the rich menu, but didn't say much. He doesn't like talking to people very much. But Yu Xiangyang is talkative. After handing the menu to his sister, he took the initiative to say: "Many e-sports players will change their careers as commentators after retiring, transfer to e-sports leagues, or go to various game companies. I am not interested in those positions. , came out to do it alone, and opened an Internet cafe by myself, but the business is not bad. What a coincidence to meet you in the Internet cafe haha!"

"Well, the decoration style of your Internet cafe is very unique." Qin Mo said politely.

"That's right! Now every household in a big city has a computer, and Internet cafes must have their own characteristics if they want to survive. I think I'm quite business-minded hahaha."

"..." Qin Mo was helpless. It is said that the people in the Dragon Yin Club are quite self-confident. It seems that this rumor is true.

"By the way, if I remember correctly, you retired three years ago, right? Have you changed your career in the past few years?" After all, both of them are retired players, and it is normal to ask each other about their arrangements after retirement. However, Qin Mo I don't know how to answer this question. I can't say that he has retired, but his heart has always been in the professional league, right

Seeing that Qin Mo was not willing to answer this question, Yu Xiangyang immediately changed his words: "Hey, I remember that Xiao Han was less than seventeen years old when he first came to Longyin Club. The training rooms for players of different sports in our club are separated. We often meet in the cafeteria during the time. Xiao Han is a mixed race boy with blond hair, black eyes, and looks very cute. We like to sit with him every day when we eat. Listening to him speak awkward Chinese is very fun."

Since the topic of career could not be discussed happily, Yu Xiangyang had no choice but to bring the topic back to Xiao Han. After all, it is said that the relationship between the twin stars of the alliance is very good.

Sure enough, after mentioning Xiao Han, Qin Mo's complexion improved a lot, and the tense profile of his face rarely softened. He smiled and said, "When Xiao Han first returned to China, his Chinese was pretty bad."

"That's right, he likes to use idioms indiscriminately, and he makes jokes every day!" Recalling the scene back then, Yu Xiangyang laughed happily, "He often mentions you, saying that Qin Mo is his best friend, or his Chinese teacher. Every time we tease him and tell him that a certain word is used wrong, he still doesn’t believe us, so he insists on going back to ask Qin Mo at night, he especially believes in you.”

Listening to Yu Xiangyang's words, Qin Mo's eyes couldn't help but heat up—Xiao Han's complete trust in him made him suddenly feel a little sad.

At the beginning, he promised Xiao Han that he would accompany Xiao Han to participate in the World Series and become Xiao Han's strongest opponent. Xiao Han must really believe in these promises, right

But in the end, he couldn't do anything.

Qin Mo lightly clenched his fingers under the table. Fortunately, when the food was served, Yu Xiangyang finally stopped talking and said enthusiastically, "Let's eat. It is also a kind of fate to see you here!"

Shen He also enthusiastically brought the ribs to Qin Mo: "Moshen, eat more, you're welcome!" Then he turned back and said to Yu Xiangyang, "Brother, Moshen told me that there is more opportunity for new game development, so I will Dubu Jianghu created an account, this time we must practice hard, and strive to participate in next year's professional league!"

Yu Xiangyang praised: "That's right, your kid finally found a clear path."

Shen He said proudly: "Of course, you have so many trophies at home, I will get some more and put them with yours."

Shen Qi smiled and said: "You all become e-sports players, or if I also become an e-sports reporter after graduation, we can become an e-sports family..."

The brothers and sisters chatted very happily, and they would bring food to Qin Mo from time to time. The dinner was very lively, but Qin Mo was a little restless. He always felt that Yu Xiangyang might reveal his whereabouts to Xiao Han. With Xiao Han's temper, would he find him directly? Shouldn't it? Isn't Xiao Han still responsible for the training of the new team, how can he have time to come to Nanjing.

Not knowing whether he wanted to see him or not, Qin Mo suddenly felt conflicted.


After the meal, Yu Xiangyang rushed to buy the bill. After returning to the Internet cafe, he immediately gave Qin Mo a VIP membership card for free Internet access, and enthusiastically said, "I will come here often in the future!"

"Thank you." Qin Mo took the card and said goodbye to him, then turned and went back to the private room.

Yu Xiangyang looked at his back and touched his chin thoughtfully.

Since Qin Mo didn't say that he couldn't tell Xiao Han, that means he could tell Xiao Han about it, right? After all, Qin Mo is Xiao Han's best friend, isn't he

Thinking of this, Yu Xiangyang immediately took out his mobile phone and sent Xiao Han a WeChat message: "Xiao Han, I have very important news to tell you, please tell me how you want to thank me?"

Xiao Han replied: "That depends on what news it is."

Yu Xiangyang made a row of smiling faces: "A rare customer came to my Internet cafe today, and it is your good friend, Qin Mo, whom you used to talk about every day."

Xiao Han immediately stood up from his seat, typed quickly with his fingers: "Tell me the address."

Yu Xiangyang sent the address, and he came back to his senses after a while, and said in surprise, "Why are you asking for the address? Could it be that you want to fly over directly?"

Xiao Han didn't have time to reply, because he was searching for a flight to Nanjing tomorrow morning—yes, he just wanted to fly there directly.