The King’s Return

Chapter 34: then


three years ago.

The moment the large truck hit from the left side, Qin Mo's mind went blank, he only heard the sound of brakes that was so sharp that it almost burst his eardrums, and his eyes turned blood red.

I don't know how long it took before he woke up from a coma. In the blur, a young man's voice came from next to his ear: "Continue the infusion tonight according to the doctor's advice, and measure his blood pressure tomorrow morning." "Okay."

A footstep gradually faded away. Qin Mo struggled to open his eyes. There was a snow-white ceiling above his head, and the light from the incandescent lamp was dazzling. A man in a white coat with good features was helping him to check his body. Seeing him open his eyes, he asked, "Are you awake?" Is it? How do you feel? Are you uncomfortable?"

Realizing that this is a hospital, Qin Mo immediately asked, "Doctor, where is my... mother...?"

His throat was very dry and his voice was extremely hoarse.

Doctor Jiang said: "Your mother's operation was successful, but she is still awake. You can go see her again tomorrow."

Qin Mo felt relieved, raised his arms, and was surprised to find that his hands were actually wrapped in thick white gauze.

He tried to move his fingers, but he couldn't feel anything in them. Realizing what happened, Qin Mo froze suddenly. He stared blankly at his wrapped hands. After a long time, he came back to his senses and asked cautiously, "Doctor, what's going on? My hands , seems to be unconscious..."

The young man's voice was visibly trembling. Seeing him almost crying, Dr. Jiang couldn't bear it, and said as tactfully as possible: "Do you remember? You and your mother were in a car accident, and your mother You got your hands stuck in the car with multiple fractures in your fingers and some impact trauma on your arms and knees. You were brought to the hospital unconscious and we performed emergency surgery to restore the broken bones in your fingers and bandage them. The effect of the anesthesia has not yet passed, so you are temporarily unconscious. Don’t worry, the nerve damage in your hands is not serious, and the blood circulation is also smooth. As long as you cultivate slowly, you will definitely regain consciousness.”

Hearing these words, Qin Mo suddenly felt a strong fear.

— just to regain consciousness? Can't get back to being as flexible as before

The hand speed of an e-sports player, even a little bit, can affect the entire battle situation during the game. Even ordinary people with a hand speed of 200 APM can hardly cope with professional e-sports competitions. Even with an assist, the minimum hand speed of an e-sports player must be above 220. First-class output players have a stable hand speed above 300. Qin Mo's stable hand speed was 360 before, and his peak hand speed could even reach 540. In other words, in the most intense battle, he could press the mouse and keyboard 540 times in a minute, averaging 9 times a second. time speed.

It is also such a natural fast player that made him an excellent summoner, and he even had the honor to represent his country in the World Series.

But now, looking at his hands wrapped in thick gauze, Qin Mo suddenly felt a tinge of despair.

Is he never going to be able to compete again?

Jiang Shuo was helping him check his injuries, when he raised his head, he found that the boy on the hospital bed was actually crying. His eyes were originally clear and bright, but at this moment, tears kept pouring out of them, and soon wet the pillow, but he didn't seem to notice it, still staring blankly at those hands, and he tried very hard to get rid of them. He held something, but his paralyzed fingers didn't respond at all.

Jiang Shuo touched the boy's head with some distress, and said, "Don't be sad, the recovery process will be more difficult, but you are still young, and young people's bones recover faster."

Qin Mo was silent for a long time before he choked up and asked, "Which finger is the one that hurt me the most?"

Jiang Shuo replied in a gentle tone: "The right index finger, middle finger, and ring finger have comminuted fractures, and the left hand has multiple joint dislocations. Comminuted fractures sound scary, but don't be afraid. In fact, bones are broken into more than three pieces. It’s called a comminuted fracture, not that your bones are turned into powder. Moreover, whether the fracture can recover or not depends on the blood supply. Your nerves and blood vessels are not damaged, so there is still hope for recovery.”

Qin Mo fell silent.

"You should have a good rest first and get some sleep." After the examination, Jiang Shuo left and turned off the light for him.

The doctor said it tactfully, but Qin Mo knew in his heart that there was hope for recovery, but it was just to regain consciousness and not affect daily life. After a fracture, it is impossible for the fingers to regain their former flexibility.

The room was very dark, and Qin Mo opened his eyes wide and did not feel sleepy at all. He looked at the bustling city lights outside the window, and felt as if a gust of cold wind had suddenly poured into his heart, which made him feel cold all of a sudden.

At this moment, the mobile phone on the bedside table suddenly lit up, Qin Mo couldn't move his hand, so he had to turn his head to look at the screen of the mobile phone with difficulty—it was a text message from Xiao Han: "I will go abroad with my father for about a month I won’t be able to come back until the next season. I’ll see you next season, you said you want to beat me, but I’ll be waiting!”

"..." Tears burst out of his eyes suddenly, blurring Qin Mo's vision instantly, and the characters on the phone screen could no longer be seen clearly.

It was the longest night in Qin Stranger's life, every minute and every second was like a heart-breaking torment. He listened to the tick-tock of the second hand on the wall, and kept flashing through his mind his short e-sports career since he joined the Wind Color Club at the age of fifteen.

As night falls, tomorrow will be a new day, but this car accident has made everything different.


The next morning, Jiang Shuo came in to check the room and found that Qin Mo's eyes were open, obviously he hadn't slept all night. The boy's eyes were originally beautiful, but now, his eyes are empty and lifeless. The bloodshot eyes and the obvious dark circles on the eyelids make him look extremely haggard.

Jiang Shuo walked to the bed and said softly, "Don't be too sad. Didn't I tell you? You are still young and recover quickly. Although your hands will not be as flexible as before, you can hold chopsticks. Daily life such as writing and writing will not be greatly affected."

Qin Mo was silent for a moment, then changed the subject and said, "Is my mother's injury more serious than mine? She is in the driver's seat. I remember the car was hit from her side."

Jiang Shuo nodded: "Her injury is indeed more serious than yours, but fortunately, she was rescued in time, and she is fine. However, her calf tibia and fibula are fractured, and she may be temporarily in a wheelchair for the next few years. Whether she can stand up in the future depends on her perseverance. By the way, she has woken up this morning."

Qin Mo immediately turned over and got out of bed: "I'll go see her."

Wearing a hospital gown and holding up his hands wrapped in gauze, the young man stumbled to the next ward with a pale face. Dr. Jiang opened the door for him. The woman on the hospital bed had already woken up. There was a tall man standing beside the bed. The two were talking about something. The man had obviously just rushed over. His shirt was covered with dust. folds.

When Qin Mo saw him, his nose sharpened, and he said softly, "Dad..."

When Qin Yu heard the voice, he immediately turned around and strode up to Qin Mo: "Xiao Mo, I just arrived at the hospital, how are you doing?"

Qin Mo reluctantly said, "I'm fine... Mom is awake?"

Zhou Lan on the hospital bed smiled slightly and said, "I woke up this morning, your father just flew back from Beijing."

"Mom..." Qin Mo walked to the hospital bed, looked at her legs immobilized by plaster, and suddenly felt as if a knife was piercing his heart: "If I didn't propose to drive there, I wouldn't..."

"Okay, don't say these words again." Zhou Lan stroked Qin Mo's hair lightly, and said softly, "I have also heard from Dr. Jiang about your situation. Mom knows that you love your hands very much. But... Xiaomo, since the incident has already happened, being able to survive is the greatest favor from God to us. We will slowly take care of the injuries on our bodies, so don't be sad... "

Qin Mo felt even more heartbroken when he met her gentle gaze.

——My mother used to be a dancer, and later became a professional teacher of a dance academy. When he was a child, he liked watching his mother dance the most. He thought that his mother was the most temperamental woman in the world. Now, her legs are crippled, but she comforts her son instead, how can she be so embarrassed in front of her

— She was right, she was lucky to survive. It's just a pair of hands, even if they are useless, is it possible that he, Qin Mo, can't think about committing suicide

Qin Mo calmed down and looked back at Qin Yu: "Dad, can you do me a favor? Apart from the hospital, I don't want anyone outside to know about this car accident, especially those in the e-sports circle."

Qin Yu patted his son on the shoulder: "Don't worry, I will block the news from the media, and your and your mother's real names will not appear in the news."

Qin Mo said gratefully, "Thank you Dad."

Qin Yu smiled slightly: "Don't be afraid, even if you don't play games anymore, Dad can still support you."

Zhou Lan gently touched Qin Mo's bandaged hand, and said, "It's good to be alive. Our family is together, and there is no obstacle we can't overcome, Xiaomo, don't be too sad."

Qin Mo's heart warmed, and he nodded seriously: "Yeah."

He promised in this way, but how could he not be sad in his heart
