The King’s Return

Chapter 39: Third invitation


Back in the community, there was a call. The two took the elevator up to the 17th floor. As soon as they entered the house and put on slippers, Xiao Han said, "Qin Mo, I can actually play the piano."

Qin Mo looked back at him in surprise: "Really? Why didn't I hear you mention it?"

Xiao Han looked at Qin Mo's eyes tenderly: "I studied abroad for a while when I was young, let's play a piece together."

The two came to the piano room that Qin Mo arranged alone. There was a bench in front of the white grand piano that could sit two people at the same time. Xiao Han took Qin Mo to the bench and sat down. Xiao Han sat on the left, Let Qin Mo sit on the right, and then, he flipped through the score set Qin Mo put on it, and found a song that he had practiced before, Croatian Rhapsody, Croatian Rhapsody.

Qin Mo was puzzled: "You want to play this piece?"

Xiao Han nodded: "How about our ensemble? You play the main melody with your right hand, and I will accompany you with my left hand."

Qin Mo had never tried to play piano music with others before, and was also very interested in Xiao Han's proposal, so he couldn't help laughing: "Okay, you can try." He put his right hand on the black and white keys, and Xiao Han immediately cooperated. Putting his left hand up, Qin Mo pressed the first key of the piano to test the sound, and a melodious note came from his ear. Xiao Han also tried the sound, and asked, "Start?"

Qin Mo was a little amused, and looked back at him: "Do you know the treble clef and bass clef?"

Xiao Han had never said before that he could play the piano, and this sudden ensemble proposal always made Qin Mo feel like he was joking. Xiao Han did not answer Qin Mo's question, but proved it with practical actions - he played the first paragraph directly according to the music score, pressing the keys with his slender and strong fingers, and grasped the rhythm and intonation very well: "How is it?" ?”

Listening to the smooth music he played, Qin Mo couldn't help being very surprised: "You are really hiding something."

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Don't worry, I can keep up with you."

Qin Mo nodded: "Then let's start."

As Qin Mo's right hand quickly pressed the black and white piano keys, Xiao Han's left hand also played the corresponding ensemble notes in accordance with the rhythm. There was a strange tacit understanding, and the not-so-simple score was played very smoothly by the two of them.

Listening to the familiar and beautiful music, Qin Mo was very happy. He never thought that one day he would be able to play a piece of music with Xiao Han.

With the tacit cooperation of the two, a page of music score was played to the end soon. Xiao Han thoughtfully helped to turn the page, and Qin Mo looked at the score and continued to play.

When the music reaches its climax, the number of notes is increasing, and Qin Mo's fingers are getting faster and faster. His white and slender fingers press the keys at a dizzying speed, as if dancing a gorgeous dance on the piano . Looking at his still flexible fingers, Xiao Han thought of the scene of him sitting in front of the piano practicing day and night in the past few years in order to restore his hand speed, and he couldn't help feeling a little pity and more respect in his heart.

This man really commanded his respect.

If it was him, Xiao Han wasn't sure if he could muster up the courage to do all this. However, Qin Mo did it. After his hands were seriously injured, with his firm will, he restored the speed of his hands to the current state. Although it is not as good as when he was young, but in the new VR touch screen mode, this kind of hand speed is enough for him to play smoothly, and his high-level performance in the unique arena is the evidence.

The music finally came to an end. Qin Mo played the last verse with a smile on his lips, and Xiao Han also played the chorus seriously.

In the empty room, the lingering sound echoed softly in the ears. At that moment, the heartbeats of the two seemed to merge into the same frequency.

Qin Mo wanted to say something, but felt that such a warm and beautiful atmosphere should not be disrupted with words.

The two turned their heads to look at each other, and couldn't help but smile at each other.

Xiao Han's gaze was extremely gentle, he looked into Qin Mo's eyes, and asked, "Do you think it's okay for us to cooperate? Isn't the song that pops up very nice?"

Qin Mo nodded: "The cooperation is good. It seems that your piano level is no worse than mine."

Xiao Han said seriously: "My level of playing games is no worse than yours. How about we cooperate and build the Mojue team together?"

This sudden proposal made Qin Mo stunned. He didn't expect that Xiao Han, who has always been straight to the point, would use a tactful, even a bit romantic way of expression, first played a piano piece together, and then turned the topic to the cooperative team. After careful calculation, this is the third time Xiao Han has invited him to join the team.

Facing Xiao Han's serious gaze, Qin Mo didn't know how to answer for a while.

"I understand your concerns." Xiao Han said softly, "Only by creating a team yourself can you have the absolute right to speak about the team members' fate and tactical arrangements. Therefore, I don't want to invite you to join the Dragons Club's team again." , but, I will work with you to create a team of our own, and the name of the team is Mo Jue."

Qin Mo was moved when he heard his words: "It's not that easy to create a team by yourself, Xiao Han, you don't have to do this for me..."

"I'm not just for you, but also for myself." Xiao Han collected his thoughts and explained patiently, "Nowadays, professional leagues are becoming more and more formal, and the CEL e-sports league's review of teams is becoming more and more strict. To build a team by yourself, first of all, the players’ accommodation and training room need to be re-rented and renovated. And you have to contact the team’s funds, advertising endorsements, etc., am I right?”

Xiao Han's statement is indeed correct. Civilian grassroots teams can only participate in "cups" hosted by various sponsors or the game's official "online league". If they want to participate in the regular professional league recognized by the CEL professional league, they must register To become an official professional team, all player information must be submitted to the alliance for unified management. The CEL e-sports league has very strict requirements for professional teams. For example, the accommodation conditions of the players must not be too bad, the equipment in the training room must be professional, the team needs a team leader to communicate with the league, and a team manager is responsible for the budget, Advertising cooperation and more...

You can't just invite a few people to open a private room in an Internet cafe and say that you are a professional team. That would also lower the standard of the league too much.

It is precisely because of these requirements that are not easy to meet that most civilian teams want to become regular professional teams, they must find a strong sponsor to provide them with basic hardware facilities.

How could it be so easy to regroup

But Qin Mo is not afraid of these. His goal is very firm. He just wants to return to the game and work hard with his own ability. Even if he can't win the championship, he has at least worked hard and won't let himself leave too many regrets.

Qin Mo understood that Xiao Han was thinking of him, so he no longer concealed the preparation situation: "I know everything you said. I am asking the agency to help find accommodation and training rooms. As for the funds, I will I have a lot of savings, enough to cover the team's first year's expenses, and it's okay even if I can't find a sponsor." Qin Mo paused, and added, "The most troublesome thing for me now is the problem of time. The league is about to start, and I only have half a year to prepare for it. Even if the process of finding teammates is smooth, the training time after the establishment of the team will be very short, which is incomparable with clubs that have been training together for a long time. It will definitely be difficult. But I believe that in the later stages of the game, the team's results will gradually improve."

When he was young, Qin Mo was surrounded by his master in the Fengse team, and he was the "little prince" held in the palm of everyone's hands. He was a little squeamish when he first debuted, and even lost many games because of his conceit. However, the current Qin Mo has completely transformed. Now, no matter what difficulties he faces, he is so calm and composed. After these three years of tempering, he is no longer afraid of anything.

A person has to go through some things to truly grow up, but the price for Qin Mo's growth is too heavy.

Xiao Han held his finger distressedly, and asked, "Are you going to bear all this alone?"

Qin Mo pulled his finger back uncomfortably, and said, "I'm ready."

Xiao Han said: "I want to help you share some."

Qin Mo asked curiously: "How to share?"

"Let the Mojue team find a very strong sponsor to help you solve these troublesome things. You only need to concentrate on recruiting players and studying tactics."

"Of course, this method is the best. However, big sponsors have regular e-sports clubs, and few people are willing to bet on a new team." Qin Mo said calmly, "I want to find a trustworthy e-sports club." Sponsorship, it's not an easy thing."

"What if I find it?"

"You found it?" Qin Mo was a little surprised.

"Well, Longyin Club is willing to be an investor in our new team." Xiao Han said straightly, "I met Liu Chuan today to discuss this matter. I made a condition with him, and I want to form a brand new team with you. Team Mojue jointly holds 51% of the shares of the new team. Dragons Club only provides us with basic conditions such as dormitories and training rooms as the major shareholder behind it. The team is managed by us, and the club's senior management will not participate in the internal affairs of Team Mojue. They just need to wait for the year-end dividends. This afternoon, Liu Chuan finally agreed to my proposal after meeting and discussing with several shareholders."

"..." Qin Mo couldn't believe that Xiao Han actually ran to ask the boss such a strange request. Moreover, Long Yin actually agreed. This approach is equivalent to the independence of the Mo Jue team. The Longyin Club only exists as a shareholder. In China, there is no precedent for a team to be independent from the club.

"How could Liu Chuan agree to such a proposal?" Qin Mo asked with some doubts.

"Because my contract is about to expire, if he disagrees, I can only leave Longyin after the contract expires and come to you." Xiao Han said with a smile, "Liu Chuan has always been very far-sighted, probably because he believes After I team up with you, I will definitely win the championship, so he doesn't want Gemini to become Long Yin's opponent."

"..." Qin Mo's expression was a little complicated. Unexpectedly, Xiao Han did so many things for him.

"Xiao Mo, let's build the Mojue team together, shall we?" Xiao Han looked at Qin Mo and said seriously, "I will be your vice-captain. As for the investment of the Dragon Yin Club, I will bring it to you. Gift."

Seeing his smiling face, Qin Mo was silent for a moment, and then said softly, "Xiao Han, you are too kind to me."

For him, Xiao Han took great risks to negotiate with the boss, and he must have been prepared to leave Longyin after his proposal was rejected. Xiao Han is very determined to help him rebuild the team, he must know something. No matter how much Xiao Han knew about the inside story of the year, he didn't mention anything, probably because he was afraid that mentioning those past events would make him sad

The person in front of him was so considerate and righteous, just like when he was young, every time the reporter said something unfavorable to Qin Mo, Xiao Han was always the first to stand up to reason for Qin Mo, even though his Chinese level was getting better and better. The worse it is, but the feeling of protecting friends is the purest and most sincere.

Three full years have passed, but his friendship with him has not changed.

Qin Mo really couldn't think of any reason to reject Xiao Han's proposal.

—When he needed encouragement and help the most, Xiao Han's words gave him great support.

— Xiao Han said, I will be your vice captain.

Nothing moved Qin Mo more than this decision.

Taking a deep breath, trying to hold back the tears welling up in his eyes, Qin Mo stretched out his hand to Xiao Han: "We were rivals before. But this time, we will work together to win next year's championship!" Qin Mo's His eyes were serious and firm, with a trace of trust and gratitude, "Xiao Han, thank you for your willingness to help me, and welcome you to join the Mo Jue team."

"You're welcome." Xiao Han stretched out his hand, held Qin Mo lightly, and said with a smile, "It's my honor to be your vice-captain."

—Because I know that after going through so many hardships, you, reborn from Nirvana, will definitely draw the most dazzling light in the professional league with the sharp sword in your hand.