The King’s Return

Chapter 41: undercover


At 7:40 in the evening, Mohen finally spoke on the guild channel: "The guild mission is about to start, and all online people log into the voice system to enter the guild room."

This message was posted three times in a row on the guild channel, and soon, all the online members of the Mo Jue guild logged into the guild voice system. A clear and cold voice sounded next to my ear: "The guild mission this time is to escort Qu Ling'er from Qingcheng Mountain to Jinling City. There are two routes. The first is Qingcheng Mountain-Sword God Valley-Jinling City direction, and the second is Qingcheng Mountain- Peach Blossom Forest - Jinling City direction. Peach Blossom Forest is easy to be ambushed by opponents, so we take the first route."

As soon as Qin Mo finished speaking, the guild channel started frantically swiping the screen.

"The chief's voice is so nice, your ears are about to get pregnant~"

"Master, do you still need a little follower?"

"Sing a song for the master, everyone will be more motivated to do tasks after singing a song!"

Qin Mo ignored these teasing and teasing words, and continued to calmly say: "Let me regroup first. The healers will all work with Xiao Yaoxian, and they will be responsible for adding blood to Qu Ling'er; the melee team will be led by Xiao Li Dao, walking in the front Be a meat shield; I will lead the long-distance team, and the assassins will be led by Qianli Bingfeng. In this mission, the Sword Song Gang will receive an order that is hostile to us. They will come to kill Qu Linger. Everyone should pay attention to the Sword Song Gang. ambush."

Jian Ge is now a second-tier gang, with over a hundred members, twice as many as Mo Jue. The last time Qin Mo and Xiao Han teamed up to kill 30 of them, it shows that most of the players in the Sword Song Guild are of average level, but the real management of the guild has not yet appeared, and Qin Mo is not sure if there are any masters among them. exist.

"There is a three-way intersection in the middle of Qingcheng Mountain, surrounded by a dense forest, which is very suitable for an ambush. After we escort Qu Ling'er to the fork, the melee team with a hidden knife in the smile and the treatment team of Xiaoyaoxian will take Qu Linger directly. Go to the right, take a shortcut to the direction of Sword God Valley, and all the teams I lead will stay and clear the field."

Qin Mo calmly gave instructions on the voice channel. But in the multiplayer chat text channel in the game, what he said was completely different: "You go to the left at the three-way intersection, and go to the direction of Peach Blossom Forest." He was very surprised with a hidden knife in his smile: "Ah? Didn't you just say go right to Sword God Valley? "

Qin Mo said: "Prevent undercover agents."

With a hidden knife in his smile, he suddenly realized, and sent a row of thumbs up: "The leader is wise!"

Shen Qi asked doubtfully: "There are Jian Ge's undercover agents in our gang? I checked their information when I approved the membership application, and they were all accounts without gang records."

"General undercover agents will use this new account with a clean history, you can't tell." Qin Mo explained, "Before I snatched Jiange's field boss with Bingfeng, they have not moved, so they must have sent Come in undercover."

"So that's how it is." Shen Qi nodded understandingly, "You deliberately said on the voice channel that we are going to go to the Sword God Valley on the right, because you want the undercover to report wrong information and let them lie in ambush on the right?"

"Yeah." Qin Mo glanced at the map, smiled slightly, and said, "If I'm not wrong, after the undercover reports the news, they will not lie in ambush in the woods at the intersection of the three forks, but directly in the southeast corner of the Sword God Valley." An ambush on the mountain road. But in fact, we are walking in the peach blossom forest in the northwest, so the distance between the mission target and them will become farther and farther.”

Xiao Han couldn't help admiring Qin Mo's carefulness—using an undercover agent to make a fuss is really clever.


Qin Mo's command on the voice channel was sent back to the Sword Song Guild command headquarters by the undercover agents.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, the guild mission officially started. Qin Mo quickly divided the fifty people into two groups. One group had melee, healing and assassins, and was responsible for protecting the boss. He brought a pure long-range output group to deal with hostile players. More than 50 people from the Mo Jue Guild escorted Qu Ling'er along the Qingcheng Mountain path, and when they arrived near the three-way intersection, Qin Mo pretended to issue an order on the voice channel: "All members of our group stay behind, be careful there is an ambush nearby."

A group of people waited in place for a while, but did not see any ambush.

Xiao Han, Hidden Sword in a Smile, and Xiao Yaoxian led Qu Ling'er away gradually, but they went in the completely opposite direction of Peach Blossom Forest.

After waiting for a minute at the three-way intersection, Qin Mo said, "Continue to the Sword God Valley."

Qin Mo's team came all the way to the entrance of the Sword God Valley. At this time, Xiao Han and Xiao Yaoxian had already taken Qu Ling'er to the Peach Blossom Forest.

The trees in the Peach Blossom Forest were very dense. Xiao Han led Qu Ling'er through the forest, but he didn't find any members of the Sword Song Guild along the way. Obviously, the wrong information sent back by the undercover made them choose the wrong ambush location at first, and it was too late to arrive Peach Blossom Forest here. If the undercover agent was in the team escorting Qu Ling'er, then the Sword Song Gang would soon know that they had been duped, and they would go directly to Jinling City, the destination map, to ambush before they had time to reach the Peach Blossom Forest.

Xiao Han led the team through the Peach Blossom Forest and finally arrived at the end of this mission - Jinling City.

The map of Jinling City is huge. They have to escort Qu Linger to the teahouse in the east of the city to complete the task. Xiao Han followed Qu Linger incognito. Members of the Sword Song Guild!

The missions of the two sides are hostile, and they will be automatically red-named when they meet. Hundreds of people are all ambushing here, and they are menacing. Someone in the team channel asked in surprise: "Why are there so many people?"

Xiao Han said calmly: "Don't mess around. The assassins are all hidden around Qu Ling'er, protect and heal!"

Xiao Yaoxian also immediately said on the team channel: "Everyone, don't panic, keep an eye on Qu Linger's health bar and give her blood, and the continuous state is full!"

The NPC being escorted will not actively attack the enemy. On the contrary, once Qu Ling'er is attacked, she will stop in place.

Hundreds of people from the Sword Song Guild swarmed up, and more than 20 people from the Mo Jue Gang who were in charge of escorting Qu Linger suffered heavy casualties. Fortunately, Xiao Han and a few assassins stayed by Qu Linger's side, and all the hostile players who approached Qu Linger died. Under the frozen sharp dagger thousands of miles away!

Soon, Qu Ling'er's blood volume was knocked down by half by members of the Sword Song Guild. At this moment, Xiao Han suddenly said, "Back 20 meters."

With a hidden knife in his smile, he understood, and immediately led the team back. The members of the Sword Song Guild thought they were scared of being beaten, so they rushed up even more fiercely!

At this moment, the little Yaoxian who was hiding behind the tree suddenly issued a prop—the guild calling order!

All the guild members on the map of Sword God Valley have received this system message—the deputy guild leader [Xiao Yaoxian] called the guild to gather in Jinling City, do you agree

This was also arranged by Qin Mo a long time ago. In case of an ambush in Jinling City, the deputy gang leader Xiao Yaoxian will directly send a summoning order.

Qin Mo said in the voice channel: "The owner of the map of Sword God Valley agrees to call and go to Jinling City as soon as possible!"

Following the confirmation one by one, more than twenty people were teleported directly to the battlefield of Jinling City. And Xiaoyaoxian sent out the summoning order to send the location, just in time for the team led by Qin Mo and Xiao Han to surround the sword song gang in the middle!

The members of the Sword Song Guild were beating Qu Ling'er desperately. As a result, a group of gang members from the Mo Jue Guild suddenly appeared behind them. The leader was Mohen, the leader of the Sword Song Guild, and the Jian Ge members were a little flustered!

Jiange Bingyu hurriedly typed: "Everyone, don't mess around! Remotely turn around and set fire to them to help Mohen!"

The ice-breaking sword in Mohen's hand stood up in front of him, and directly unleashed the large-scale group attack skill "Sword Rain and Fragrance"!

Countless snow-white sword spirits descended from the sky, instantly stunned all hostile targets within fifteen meters!

Mo Hen followed up with a smooth combo attack towards the front right—holding the sword to the end of the world, swinging the sword into a river!

The sword light, as white as a river, slammed forward, knocking the stunned group of people into the air—and the spot where they were knocked into the air was the bandit den on the right side of the main road!

The level 50 field elite boss "Bitter Leader" was wandering around boredly. Qin Mo pushed the group of people in front of him. The boss immediately slashed down with the huge ax in his hand, cutting off half of the group of people!

Jiange Bingyu was about to collapse: "Damn, he's doing this trick again!"

I remember that when fighting for the boss in the wild, Mohen used the boss to kill ten melee members of their Sword Song Guild. Now, he kicked the members of the Sword Song Guild in front of the bandit leader like a football. Jiange Bingyu was really bloody: "Quickly leave, pull away! Don't fight with the bandit leader!"

A dozen or so members of the Sword Song Guild dragged the bandit leader into the depths of the forest in a panic, and the bandit leader let them go and turned back to his lair.

At this time, Qin Mo had quickly killed several rangers on the periphery of the Sword Song Guild, and Xiao Han was protecting and treating the inner periphery. Although Qu Linger's HP had dropped to one-third, Jian There are fewer and fewer people in the Song Guild, but it was Qin Mo who caught them late, using the guild summoning order to instantly teleport over and kill them by surprise!

Soon, the large army of the Sword Song Gang was wiped out, leaving only a few scattered people, and finally Xiao Han killed them all in one breath with a dagger.

Only then did Qin Mo say on the voice channel: "Everyone gather around Qu Ling'er, clear the surrounding area of the assassin, and go to the teahouse in the east of the city as quickly as possible."

There happened to be no resurrection point nearby, and even if the members of the Sword Song Guild rushed over after the resurrection, there would not be enough time.

The crowd led Qu Ling'er and continued to walk forward. At this moment, a "Princess and the Pea" who was wearing a green dress suddenly "accidentally" fell down the hillside, and the bandit leader who had been guarding there for a long time immediately took turns. The ax came to kill her, Princess Pea was shocked, and quickly climbed up while brushing her blood, the bandit leader led a group of bandit boys to follow her up!

As soon as Qu Ling'er was attacked by mobs, she stopped again.

"Leave it to me here, and you continue to escort the target." Qin Mo said to Xiao Han, and used the "Tianyang Erlian" to silence all the mobs in place, and then said on the voice channel, "People in my regiment , kill these little monsters quickly, don't worry about the bandit leader, I will take him away."

Mohen jumped to the front of the bandit leader, a burst of output, instantly attracted the hatred of the bandit leader, and then flew away quickly with the lightness of "Pianruo Jinghong", bringing the bandit leader to the hillside on the right Next, make way for Qu Linger. Xiao Han immediately took Qu Ling'er and continued towards the teahouse in the east of the city.

A moment later, a prompt pops up on the guild channel—congratulations to [Mo Jue Guild] for completing the escort task!

Immediately afterwards, another prompt popped up—the player [Princess Pea] was kicked out of the Mojue Guild by the leader [Mohen].

Everyone was a little surprised. I didn't expect the leader to directly kick this wrong treatment!

On a nearby channel, Princess and the Pea said innocently: "Why are you kicking me?"

Mohen: "I don't like undercover agents who make trouble."

The Princess and the Pea: "Who's undercover? Are you joking?"

Mohen: "The method of adding blood to oneself is so fast, but when adding blood to NPC, you are pretending to be a noob, can't I see it?"

The Princess and the Pea: "..."

Mo Hen: "Go back and tell the leader of Sword Song, don't send undercover agents over again, and ask whatever you want to ask face to face."

The princess and the pea ran away in a desperate manner, and everyone around her applauded.

Xiao Han praised: "Xiaomo, you have sharp eyes, and you recognized the undercover agent."

While the other healers were frantically adding blood to the NPC, this Princess and the Pea pretended to be Xiaobai and made soy sauce. In the team led by Xiaoyaoxian, her healing amount was the lowest. And when she deliberately made trouble to attract the bandit leader later, adding blood to herself was a miracle. The word "undercover" was almost written on his forehead, but Qin Mo recognized it at a glance.

After kicking the undercover agent away, Qin Mo took the initiative to speak on the voice channel: "I know there must be undercover agents from other gangs here. If you act as an undercover agent to inquire about news, I can turn a blind eye. However, gang activities are deliberately disruptive. Yes, I will kick people without hesitation, please be more conscious, all undercover agents."

Qin Mo said this very calmly, but Xiao Han felt that such a Qin Mo was very handsome. His calm voice sounds calm, but it has a convincing power.

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the guild channel fell silent instantly. Obviously, the undercover agents were all afraid of him, so they didn't dare to toss about diving silently for the time being.

With the successful completion of the guild missions, the Mo Jue guild received a large amount of development point rewards, and was directly upgraded to a second-level guild, and the number of guild members it could accommodate increased from 50 to 150. Qin Mo opened up the membership application channel again, and told Xiao Yaoxian: "This time, only pick approvals around level 50, and include your brother Shen He." He thought for a while, and then asked Xiao Han, "This group of dragons sings. Do newcomers need to join a gang?"

"Add it." Xiao Han casually sent He Beiguang a private message, asking everyone to apply to join the Mo Jue Guild, and said: "I will return to the club in a few days, and there will be another master who will go back with me. You can say hello to everyone." call."

Startled, He Beiguang immediately turned his head and asked, "Xiao Pei, the captain said that he will bring back a master in a few days, could it be Mohen?"

Pei Yu was a little surprised: "He really said that?"

He Beiguang said: "That's right, he chatted with me in private just now, asking everyone to join the Mo Jue Guild."

Pei Yu was silent for a moment, then smiled and said: "It seems that we guessed right before, Mohen will really become our deputy team."

In fact, they still guessed wrong. Mohen is not the deputy team, but the captain.

Xiao Han did not become the kind of captain that He Beiguang was worried about "obedient to the vice-team's words". His approach was even more straightforward - he directly handed over the captain to Mohen.