The King’s Return

Chapter 45: New beginning


As soon as Xiao Han entered the house, he found that the decoration of this villa was very warm. The distinctive art paintings on the walls and all kinds of exquisite ornaments in the house should have been bought by Zhou Lan. Temperament, but also very good at life. Even though her legs couldn't stand, she still had a gentle smile on her face.

Zhou Lan is a woman who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. Qin Mo should have been able to survive the past few years with her encouragement and comfort.

Qin Mo is actually very happy to have such a mother.

Xiao Han had a very good impression of her, because Xiao Han knew that she must always be by his side during Qin Mo's most difficult moments. Without this mother, Qin Mo might not be able to return to e-sports today.

The servants at home prepared lunch in advance, and the four of them went to the dining room and sat around the dining table, chatting while eating.

Zhou Lan looked at Xiao Han kindly and asked, "Xiao Han, Xiao Mo said in WeChat that he wants to go back to Changsha with you, right?"

"Yes, we plan to establish the Mojue team in Changsha."

"Oh..." Zhou Lan nodded thoughtfully, "I don't know much about the battle team. Xiaomo originally wanted to build a team by himself. The Qin family's hometown is in Xi'an, and he said he would choose Xi'an as the address of the team. , Some time ago, I was still asking an intermediary company to help find a dormitory... If you go to Changsha together, have you already found a dormitory?" In my own hands." Xiao Han explained, "Actually, Xiaomo still has the final say on the team, and the Longyin Club only provides us with some equipment and financial support as an investor, both in the dormitory and in the training room. , we can settle in directly.”

"Separate the team from the club?" Qin Yu thought for a while and said, "It seems that there is no precedent for this in China. How could your club owner agree?"

"Our boss is not a pure businessman. He used to be an e-sports player, so he can understand Qin Mo and I's feelings." Xiao Han said.

"Well, this method is very good. If you hold more than 51% of the shares, you have the right to speak on the team. Even if you don't play games in the future, you can continue to manage the team." Qin Yu paused, and then said, "But there is a problem, The two of you hold shares together. If there is a disagreement, who will you listen to? I am a businessman. In the business field, many partners work together at the beginning, but later part ways due to various reasons, causing trouble like enemies. The so-called brothers settle accounts clearly, I am not saying that you two will definitely have conflicts, but you must always prepare for the worst."

"Uncle is right, I have considered this issue." Xiao Han said frankly, "Xiaomo holds 26% of the shares, a little higher than me, and is the team's largest shareholder. If there are differences of opinion in the future, I will listen to him .”

"..." Qin Mo was very surprised by Xiao Han's decisiveness. He suddenly became the top of the food chain, which made him not used to it for a while.

"You listen to him?" Qin Yu was also surprised, "I think you are also a person with ideas, you can't listen to Qin Mo in everything, right?"

"We can discuss and resolve some small differences. If there is a big decision and I disagree with Qin Mo, I will listen to Qin Mo. Because I believe that his decision-making will not be wrong." Xiao Han is very happy Seriously looking at the elders in front of him, he said, "Uncle, there are indeed many examples of partners falling out that you mentioned in the business world, but Qin Mo and I did not build the team for business, we just wanted to play better. I think our team can go far in the long run only if two people trust each other. I trust Qin Mo completely, and Qin Mo also trusts me."

"Yeah." Qin Yu glanced at Xiao Han appreciatively, and said with a smile, "Most of the partners fall out because they each have their own secrets and seek private interests. If they are not on the same page, naturally there is no way to talk about it. I just Let me remind you, you are right, as long as you and Qin Mo can trust each other, there will be no conflicts that cannot be resolved."

Qin Yu has been in the business field for many years, and has met all kinds of people. They calculated everything for personal interests, and turned against each other in order to fight for equity... He was used to seeing those ugliness, but he felt that the cooperation between Xiao Han and Qin Mo was very pure. The open-mindedness shown by the mixed-race youth in front of him, as well as the trust and respect for Qin Mo from the bottom of his heart, all made him really like him. When he first received Qin Mo's WeChat message saying that he wanted to partner with someone, he was still worried that his son had been cheated. It wasn't until he saw Xiao Han with his own eyes that he was completely relieved.

— It is also Qin Mo's luck to have such a trustworthy partner. When the strong join forces, 1+1 is often greater than 2.

"The intermediary company has already found a single apartment in Xi'an. The conditions are very good. You can directly rent two floors. The first floor will be used as a dormitory and the first floor will be used as a training room. I originally planned to take you to see it in a few days. I paid the deposit, now it seems that there is no need for this, right?" Qin Yu smiled and looked at his son, "You have already decided to partner with Xiao Han?"

"Well, the Longyin Club will help us with the league review, which can save a lot of time. I want to spend more energy on researching the competition." Qin Mo said seriously, "Dad, I'm going to take care of the dormitory in Xi'an. No more renting, please tell me at the intermediary company, so there is no need to look for it anymore."

"Okay, come here at your convenience." Qin Yu said, "When you sign the contract, you must read it carefully, and pay attention to whether there are any traps in it."

"Uncle, don't worry, my father is a lawyer. I will show him the contract and go over it personally, and sign it if there is no problem." Xiao Han said.

"It's best to have a lawyer check it out." Qin Yu paused, "Have you booked your plane ticket to Changsha?"

"The plane is at eight o'clock in the evening." Qin Mo took the initiative to answer, "There is not much time left for us, I want to go to Changsha as soon as possible to complete the formalities."

"You want to buy 26% of the new team, do you have enough funds?" Qin Yu asked with concern.

"Enough." Qin Mo said, "I have saved all the money from playing games in the past few years, and I have a lot of savings in my hand."

"That's good. If you don't have enough money, ask your father for it. If you want a few million, I'll transfer it to you directly through online banking." The rich father said straightforwardly.

"..." Qin Mo smiled, "I really don't need it, I have it myself."

He would be ashamed that such an old man still used his parents' money. It is enough for his parents to support him to continue playing e-sports.


In the afternoon, Qin Yu asked the driver to drive them to the city hospital to find Dr. Jiang.

Jiang Shuo was the attending physician when Qin Mo was hospitalized, but now he has been promoted to associate professor and has his own office. Qin Mo's mother and son are his old patients, so they went directly to the ward office to find him.

Qin Mo went in alone and chatted with Doctor Jiang for a while. Jiang Shuo checked the dexterity of his fingers and said, "Your hand recovered very quickly."

"Then can I go back to play the game?" Qin Mo asked.

"I heard that e-sports players have very strong training tasks every day." Jiang Shuo looked at him worriedly, "If you train for a long time, I'm afraid your hands will have sequelae."

"Doctor Jiang, don't worry, I will pay attention to it." Qin Mo said seriously, "Train continuously for no more than two hours a day. I know my own hands well."

"Well, it's best not to overuse it." Jiang Shuo encouraged, "Good luck."

"Thank you, Doctor Jiang."

When the two were chatting in the office, Zhou Lan was chatting with Xiao Han in the corridor outside.

"Qin Mo is an only child. When he was a child, he was spoiled by being held in the hands of his elders. He has a very proud personality. When his temper comes up, he will speak very poisonously, but he has no malicious intentions. Don't be serious with him. In the future, you will jointly run the team. I hope The relationship between the two of you can always be very harmonious, if you have anything to discuss, don't quarrel."

"I know." Xiao Han smiled, "Don't worry, Auntie, I will let him go. Besides, my Chinese is not good, so I can't quarrel with him."

"Sorry, I know you are the same age, and asking you to be more tolerant of him is actually my selfishness as a mother. He never tells anyone what is on his mind. I don't want to make him sad."

"I understand." In fact, I did too, and I couldn't bear to make him sad anymore. Facing Zhou Lan's gentle and loving gaze, Xiao Han's heart moved, and he suddenly said, "Auntie, my parents separated when I was very young. Not long after, my mother died of illness. I have never had a mother. I think it's better for me Is it okay to recognize you as a godmother?" Seeing Zhou Lan's surprised face after hearing this, Xiao Han quickly added, "I know this request is a bit abrupt, if you don't want to, just pretend I didn't say it."

"Why don't you want to?" Zhou Lan said with a smile, "It's too late for me to pick up such a handsome son for nothing!"

"Really? The godmother is the most beautiful and temperamental woman I have ever seen."

"The mouth is so sweet." Zhou Lan was so teased that she couldn't stop laughing, she held Xiao Han's hand and said, "Let Qin Mo bring you back next time you are on vacation, and I will be your mother from now on."

At this moment, Qin Mo happened to come out of Dr. Jiang's office. When Xiao Han called her mother, his face froze, and he immediately stepped forward: "What's going on? Xiao Han, what did you call her?"

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Mom."

Qin Mo: "..."

Zhou Lan said happily: "I recognize Xiao Han as my son."

Qin Mo was a little embarrassed, but very helpless.

It can be seen that my mother likes Xiao Han very much. Although Xiao Han is not good at rhetoric, he can always impress others in the most straightforward and sincere way. Xiao Han had no mother since he was a child, so it would be nice to recognize Zhou Lan as a godmother. Qin Mo suddenly discovered that he did not object to Xiao Han calling Zhou Lan's mother. The name "Mom" made him suddenly feel that the distance between himself and Xiao Han seemed to be getting closer, and he became a family for no reason. Since they are a family, even if they no longer play games, they will have many opportunities to meet each other.

Thinking of this, Qin Mo couldn't help but feel happy.

After the examination in the hospital, everyone had dinner together, and Xiao Han, the godson, took the initiative to pay the bill very sensiblely.

After dinner, Qin Yu and Zhou Lan were going back to their residence in the suburbs, while Xiao Han and Qin Mo set off for the airport.

Qin Mo took the initiative to go over and hug his parents, saying: "Dad, Mom, I may not be able to come back this year for the Spring Festival, and I will come back to accompany you during the next year's holiday."

Zhou Lan smiled and said, "Go ahead, when you come back together, remember to call home more often."

Qin Yu patted his son on the shoulder: "Do it well."

"Yeah." Qin Mo nodded seriously, turned and left with Xiao Han.

His father pushed his mother's wheelchair and watched them go. That scene made Qin Mo's heart suddenly a little sour. In the past few years, his parents gave him a lot of encouragement and support. Now, he is about to leave his parents and go out to venture outside. It's sad, but fortunately, he's not alone this time.

Qin Mo took a deep breath, looked back at Xiao Han, and said, "Let's go. Come see them next time, and I hope to come back with the trophy."

Xiao Han said firmly: "It will."

The two looked at each other and smiled, got into the taxi, opened the window and waved goodbye to their parents.

The taxi quickly left the hospital and onto the highway to the airport.

Outside the car window, the bustling lights of Shanghai receded quickly, just like the past three years.

—They are about to start a new journey.

—Fortunately, this time, there will be each other by my side.

——Qin Mo, Xiao Han, the former "Gemini Stars" of the Miracle Professional Alliance, from now on, will join forces to fight in the unique world and write a legend that belongs to them.

[Volume 2: Mojue Team]