The King’s Return

Chapter 46: chance encounter


The e-sports league happened to be meeting in Shanghai in the last two days. To avoid encountering reporters at the airport, Xiao Han and Qin Mo both wore sunglasses and masks. The two of them didn't have much luggage, so they didn't check in at all. They went directly to the automatic ticket machine to pick up the tickets and entered the security checkpoint. The two boarded the plane ahead of time through the VIP channel. Qin Mo was just about to put the suitcase on the luggage rack, but Xiao Han took the initiative to take his suitcase and put it on for him.

Qin Mo looked back at the guy who was half a head taller than him, and said, "I'm not much shorter than you, am I? I can put the box in by myself."

Xiao Han smiled brightly: "But I just want to let you go."

Qin Mo: "..."

The two were talking, when they heard a familiar voice in the cabin: "I said that there are no reporters at the airport, so don't worry too much, can you take off your sunglasses?" As footsteps approached, the two men followed one another Walking in, the person in front just took off his sunglasses, and Xiao Han happened to meet his gaze when he turned his head.

The latter was obviously a little surprised, but quickly reacted, and said with a smile: "What a coincidence, Xiao Han, are you going back to Changsha today?"

"Well, I want to finish the team formalities as soon as possible. By the way, the boss, this is Qin Mo." Xiao Han took the initiative to introduce Qin Mo to him, and then turned back to introduce Qin Mo, "He is the owner of the Dragon Club, Liu Sichuan."

Qin Mo nodded towards the man with a calm expression: "Hello."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "Hello. I've been hearing about you from Xiao Han before, and it's really better to see once than to hear a hundred times."

The young man in front of him has exquisite facial features and a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes. His calm expression makes him look a little proud, but not so flamboyant that it makes people disgusted; his figure is thin and straight, standing in the corridor with a straight back, he looks very energetic . Liu Chuan has been in the e-sports circle for so many years, and has seen all kinds of players. Before, he had heard Xiao Han say that Qin Mo is a very talented player. It was not until today that he saw it with his own eyes that Liu Chuan believed it.

There are many problems with young players, some are arrogant and conceited, and some are too humble and lack confidence. As the owner of the e-sports club, Liu Chuan has always been very accurate in seeing people—in Qin Mo’s eyes, there are some ordinary players who are hard to see calm and firm.

It is a unique temperament that has been precipitated after going through twists and turns.

Only a player with such a firm gaze will not shake his faith no matter whether he faces victory or failure in the future.

It seems that the choice made by the shareholders is not wrong, handing over the team to Xiao Han and Qin Mo, these two young people will definitely not let the club down.

Liu Chuan's seat happened to be next to Xiao Han's. He helped the man behind him pack his luggage, and then he turned around and introduced to Qin Mo: "Let me introduce, this is Wu Zewen, the financial director of Dragon Yin Club, our little The housekeeper is also my wife."

Wu Zewen: "..."

Qin Mo: "..."

Xiao Han seemed to be used to this, and there was no reaction on his face, but Qin Mo was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

He had heard rumors about Liu Chuan before. Liu Chuan formed the Dragon Yin team to win the championship and established the Dragon Yin club. I went abroad to get a certificate and got married, and I made it public very frankly.

They are a couple, and almost everyone in the e-sports circle knows that they still wear couple rings on their hands.

But knowing that Gui knew, Qin Mo still felt a little shocked when he heard Liu Chuan calmly introduce "This is my wife" face to face.

Wu Zewen was more careful. When he noticed Qin Mo's surprise, he turned around and said, "Liu Chuan speaks out loud, don't mind. We have already contacted the shareholders, and I have calculated the specific investment ratio. I want to let you know as soon as possible. Shareholders come to meet with you and Xiao Han, you see, when is more convenient?"

Qin Mo said: "You can do it anytime after you arrive in Changsha, it depends on your arrangements."

Wu Zewen turned around and asked Liu Chuan: "Then what about tomorrow? Will Ah Ce and the others make it back in time?"

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "No problem, Ah Ce happens to be flying back to Changsha tomorrow, so it should be tomorrow morning."

Wu Zewen said: "Then I'll book a private room at the hotel opposite the club, where shall we talk?"

Liu Chuan said bluntly: "Well, you can arrange it." After he finished speaking, he turned to look at Xiao Han, "I drafted a contract with a lawyer, and I will go through it tomorrow. If there are any problems, I can revise it."

Xiao Han nodded: "Okay."

The four of them sat down in their seats. The plane was about to take off soon, and various precautions began to be played on the radio. Liu Chuan was probably too tired from the meetings these two days. He closed his eyes and started to sleep. He rested his head on Wu Zewen's shoulder unceremoniously. Wu Zewen adjusted his posture to make his pillow more comfortable, and then took the read a newspaper.

After a while, the plane left the horizon, Xiao Han suddenly leaned into Qin Mo's ear, and asked in a low voice, "Do you think they are compatible?"

Qin Mo said, "It's a good match."

This sentence is quite true. Liu Chuan's unrestrained atmosphere and Wu Zewen's carefulness and rigor complement each other perfectly. Standing together, the two of them are well matched in height and appearance. In addition, the way they get along as an old husband and wife, and the tacit understanding when they look at each other, will It makes people feel that their feelings are very touching. The two of them didn't show off at all, but showed sincerity naturally. Even though both of them are men, they really love each other, not like those celebrities on the Internet who deliberately show off.

Ignoring the gender factor, in fact they are just the most common couple among all living beings.

Seeing that Qin Mo didn't show any disgust, Xiao Han asked, "What do you think of men being with men?"

Qin Mo looked back at Xiao Han suspiciously: "Why are you asking this all of a sudden?"

Xiao Han said, "I'm curious about your opinion."

Qin Mo thought for a while and said, "Whoever likes to be with whomever, as long as they are happy, I don't reject it."

He looked at this issue very calmly, with an attitude of "nothing to do with himself, and hang on high".

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Then what about you?"

Qin Mo was startled: "What?"

Xiao Han said directly: "Would you like to be with a man?"

Qin Mo's heart skipped a beat—he didn't know what Xiao Han's words meant, was it because after seeing Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen, he curiously asked him about his attitude towards same-sex couples? Or do you mean something else? Or that he actually likes himself, so he is taking the opportunity to test his attitude

Facing Xiao Han's deep eyes, Qin Mo's cheeks suddenly felt hot.

Immediately put away his messy thoughts, Qin Mo pretended to look away calmly, and said indifferently: "I haven't thought about these things, I just want to prepare for the professional league next year."

"Oh." In fact, Xiao Han also wanted to say "this is my wife Qin Mo" when introducing others, but if he really said that, Qin Mo would probably be scared away. Emotional matters should not be too urgent, at least, Qin Mo is not disgusted with men being together, maybe he can be moved slowly. Thinking of this, Xiao Han smiled and said, "Are you tired? If you are tired, go to sleep for a while."

Qin Mo just didn't know how to face Xiao Han, so he nodded immediately and said, "Okay, then I'll sleep for two hours."

Although he closed his eyes, Qin Mo was so upset that he couldn't sleep at all, because he always felt that Xiao Han beside him was looking at him, and the feeling of being watched made his heart burn.


Two hours later, when the plane finally arrived at Changsha Airport, Qin Mo heaved a long sigh of relief as if relieved—it was strange, sitting so close to Xiao Han and feeling Xiao Han's gaze, he was actually a little nervous.

Qin Mo pretended to wake up, rubbed his eyes lightly, then turned around and asked Xiao Han, "Are you there yet?"

"Yeah." Xiao Han was smiling, and that kind of smile made Qin Mo suddenly feel embarrassed that he had seen through him, so he hurriedly stood up to take his luggage.

Liu Chuan, who was sleeping dead next door, was also woken up by Wu Zewen, took his luggage and prepared to get off the plane.

Liu Chuan said as he walked, "The news of my return today is known to all the reporters in Changsha. Xiao Han, take Qin Mo to another exit and take a taxi back to the club. Don't be blocked by reporters."

Xiao Han nodded understandingly: "I know."

Wu Zewen asked: "Is the club's dormitory arranged? Where do you live tonight?"

Xiao Han said: "It's already been arranged, Xiaomo will live in a room with me, and my dormitory happens to have a vacant bedroom."

Liu Chuan smiled and said, "I didn't expect Xiao Han to be so far-sighted. That bedroom has been vacant for other team members to live in. So you are waiting for Qin Mo?"

These words made Qin Mo's ears suddenly feel hot.

Wu Zewen looked at Xiao Han and said, "Be careful on the way, Liu Chuan and I have to go home first, see you tomorrow."

Xiao Han nodded: "Okay, see you tomorrow."

The four separated at the exit, Liu Chuan and Wu Zewen walked in front, and a group of reporters surrounded Liu Chuan from a long distance away, Liu Chuan greeted the reporters with a smile, and patiently answered the reporters' questions about the e-sports league. Regarding the question of the meeting, as the owner of the Longyin Club, Liu Chuan usually carefully avoids reporters at the airport. Today he deliberately went up to meet them, obviously to divert the reporter's attention, lest the reporter catch Xiao Han and Qin Mo.

Xiao Han gently held Qin Mo's hand and said, "Let's go this way."

Before Qin Mo came back to his senses, Xiao Han dragged him to the other side.

Xiao Han took Qin Mo by the hand, walked forward quickly, and said: "The boss means that the formation of the Mojue team will not be announced for the time being. It is best not to let the reporters know about your coming to Changsha. The club where Dubu Jianghu is stationed There are a lot of new team members from other clubs that are kept secret, and we can't make too much publicity."

Of course Qin Mo understands this truth, but the problem is that Xiao Han actually held his hand...

The man's slender fingers passed through his fingers, and the fingers intertwined. Qin Mo passively followed Xiao Han and walked forward quickly, his heart beating so fast that it almost jumped out of his chest.

How can you hold hands casually? And it's still a way of interlocking fingers

It is true that girls with a good relationship can hold hands when shopping together, but are they men? Does Xiao Han understand that this action is wrong

Qin Mo wanted to pull his hand back, but Xiao Han held it tighter, and told him, "You are not familiar with Changsha, follow me."

I don't need you to lead me if I'm not familiar with you, right

Qin Mo intends to seriously educate this half-breed who doesn't understand written language, let alone body language: "Xiao Han, you..."

Xiao Han, who was walking in front, turned his head, with a puzzled and innocent look on his face: "What's wrong with me?"

Qin Mo: "..."

You shouldn't hold my hand, we're all men.

But when the words came to his lips, meeting Xiao Han's innocent eyes, Qin Mo swallowed the words back in embarrassment, turned his head and said, "It's nothing, hurry up, lest the reporters catch up."

Xiao Han smiled and said, "Okay, let's just run over."

After finishing speaking, he dragged Qin Mo forward.

Qin Mo's heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and he didn't know if it was because of running too fast, or something else. The fingers held by him were also slightly hot, and a layer of sweat emerged from the palm of his hand.

It happened to be raining lightly outside, neither of them brought an umbrella, they ran all the way to the parking lot in the rain, and found the special car that had been reserved in advance.

It wasn't until he got into the car that Xiao Han reluctantly let go of Qin Mo's hand.

Qin Mo's fingers were slender and fair, and the temperature was a little cold. Xiao Han really wanted to hold him tightly.

But... I'd better accept it as soon as I see it today, and there will definitely be opportunities in the future.

He didn't refuse to hold his hand this time, nor did he seem to be disgusted. Maybe he will get used to holding her hand in the future