The King’s Return

Chapter 50: Distressed newcomer


Most of the new districts are level-up madmen. Qin Mo and Xiao Han don't have much online time these days, and their levels have obviously fallen behind. After re-logging into the game, Qin Mo took the initiative to form a group with Xiao Han, and went to the Peach Blossom Forest dungeon with him to earn experience. The mobs in the Peach Blossom Forest dungeon will be adjusted as the level of the player increases. Mohen is level 55, Thousand Miles of Frozen is level 53, and the mobs in the dungeon are set to level 54 by the system. The experience of killing one is very high.

The two were typing and chatting while killing mobs, and the intimacy of their friends gradually increased to three stars.

After playing in Peach Blossom Forest for two hours, Xiao Han finally reached level 55, and Qin Mo suggested, "Let's make a team and clear the number of dungeons."

Every tenth level in the game, a copy of the 5-person team sect will be opened, and the cheats of the eight sects will be dropped. "Main Helm of Mad Saber Gate" and "Chamber of Eternal Night City". Every level 5 will open a team dungeon, and randomly drop golden equipment to create a map. The current team includes the "Sword God Valley Ruins" at level 35, the "Sunset Peak" at level 45, and the "Jiangnan Academy" at level 55. These dungeons must be visited during the upgrade process. Small dungeons collect cheats, and large dungeons collect golden materials and build maps.

The small dungeon is relatively simple, it can be entered five times a day, Qin Mo chatted privately with Shen Qi and asked: "Have you played today's sect dungeon?"

Xiao Yaoxian replied: "I have already fought with Jing Jing and the others, Xiao He has not yet fought, he has just reached level 50."

"Then I'll take him with me." Qin Mo chatted privately with Drunk Jianghe again, "Join the group and take you to play the dungeon."

Shen He immediately joined the team and sent a row of smiley faces: "Hey, Moshen is good, Hanshen is good O(∩_∩)O~"

Every time he teamed up with the two great gods to play a dungeon, Shen He felt very happy, but also very stressed - because the two great gods treated him as air every time they chatted, and he wished he could learn a stealth skill by himself.

There are still two people left in the team. Qin Mo thought for a while and asked, "He Beiguang, have you played today's copy of the sect?"

He Beiguang shook his hand and almost knocked over the cup on the table. Fortunately, Pei Yu had sharp eyes and quick hands, and immediately helped him hold the teacup.

"No, no hit." He Beiguang's voice was thin and weak, as if he wanted to pretend that he didn't exist.

"Joining the group, I happen to have a copy of Mad Saber Gate, and here is the cheat book for you," Qin Mo said.

"Oh..." He Beiguang didn't feel honored in the slightest by being led by the captain to take the cheats, but was terrified instead. Playing dungeons with the captain is stressful! If you make a mistake and attract mobs, you will definitely be disgusted...

After forming He Beiguang, Qin Mo said again: "One more long-distance, if you haven't cleared the dungeon today, ask Xiao Han to join the group."

Pei Yu boldly clicked in.

Seeing two more people in the team, Shen He greeted immediately: "Hi, hello O(∩_∩)O~"

How dare you sell cute symbols in front of Captain Gao Leng? Which idiot is this

The corner of He Beiguang's mouth twitched, he didn't dare to type, and Pei Yu didn't type either. Shen He was bored and wondered, "Why are you ignoring me?"

Xiao Han explained bluntly: "Because they are a little nervous."

He Beiguang: "..."

Pei Yu: "..."

Mohen: "Enter the book."

The two crisp words put an end to the strange atmosphere in the team, and He Beiguang and Pei Yu silently followed Master Mohen into the dungeon.


The helm of Mad Saber Gate, this dungeon is a bit difficult, but fortunately, He Beiguang has fought several times with his teammates at level 50 yesterday, and he is very familiar with this place, so he didn't make any big mistakes walking in front and pulling mobs.

Pei Yu is a long-distance output player, and has been standing in the distance to release his skills. The martial art he plays is called "Luo Ying Gu", which is a martial art with a more artistic style.

The weapons of Luoying Valley are Guqin and bamboo flute, which kill people with rhythm. The difference is that Guqin has a wide range of sound waves, a long distance, and more group attack skills; More body attack skills. Pei Yu belongs to the bamboo flute genre. His game character is dressed in a literati long gown, holding an emerald green flute in his hand. The character ID is "Luoyu", which combines the word "Luo" in "Luoying Valley" and the word "Luo" in his name. The word "feather".

The dungeon moved forward smoothly, and when it reached a fork in the road where mobs were very dense, Qin Mo sent a private message to Xiao Han: "Bring all the mobs here."

Xiao Han understood, and immediately flew to the right side with light kung fu, and a set of "Changhong Guanri" triple hits, attracted all the mobs on the right side. Mohen jumped to the left, and with a fan-shaped group attack of "Sword to the End of the World", all the mobs on the left were also attracted, and everyone was instantly surrounded by dozens of mobs.

He Beiguang was dumbfounded, and hurriedly activated the skill "Wind Raging" to increase the defense of the whole body and hold back the hatred of mobs in a large area. Shen He is very witty. When playing dungeons before, Qin Mo often created unexpected situations to test his reaction. Seeing this scene, he immediately climbed to the nearby tree, summoned several mechanical mice and mechanical snakes in succession, and gnawed on the ground. Bite mobs. Pei Yu's reaction was not slow, he immediately retreated lightly, and at the same time played a melodious piece of music - Bird in the Shade!

This is a very famous flute song, the sound of the flute is as clear as a bird in the forest, and it is also one of the few group attack skills of the Luoying Valley Bamboo Flute genre. As the flute music was played, countless birds suddenly surrounded the mobs from all directions, causing all the mobs to lose a lot of blood. Shen He immediately manipulated the two huge mechanism snakes to strangle the little monsters.

Although the scene was frantic, fortunately there was no danger and no one was killed.

Qin Mo and Xiao Han stood by and watched the show. The three of them killed all the mobs with great difficulty. Only then was Qin Mo satisfied and continued walking forward.

So next, the process of playing the dungeon became Qin Mo and Xiao Han constantly attracting a large number of monsters, and the three teenagers hurriedly followed behind to kill monsters...

When they finally finished defeating the boss and cleared the level, He Beiguang and Pei Yu's palms were full of sweat—playing a dungeon with the master Mohen was more tiring than running 10,000 meters!

As he was complaining in his heart, Qin Mo said lightly, "This is how we will play dungeons in the future. Remember that you are professional players, don't play a small dungeon slowly and it will take more than ten minutes." Qin Mo paused, then said , "Xiaohe, Xiaopei, the two of you led the team to the Frenzied Saber Gate dungeon respectively, just follow the way of putting pressure on yourself just now, clear the level within five minutes, and check the video for me."

He Beiguang: "..."

Pei Yu: "..."

I have to continue to run 50,000 meters!

Qin Mo said lightly: "I'm not trying to make things difficult for you. You can also practice skills during the upgrade process. A real master is accumulated bit by bit." Qin Mo looked at the time in the game and said, "Now it's At 3:30 p.m., I will give you 20 minutes to complete the copy of Frenzied Sword Gate before 3:50 p.m., and send the video to me."

When the captain gave the order, the newcomers rushed to the door of the dungeon immediately, for fear of wasting a minute and a second, and would be reprimanded by him if they failed to complete the task.

Twenty minutes to finish the remaining four dungeons, excluding the time for entering and exiting the dungeon to read the map and reset the dungeon, there will be no more than five minutes left for each round of dungeons—this means that they must burst out the highest output, like a bulldozer Push the mobs to death all the way without making any mistakes.

The simple small copy makes all the newcomers feel heavy pressure immediately.

The crackling sound of keyboard tapping soon sounded in the training room, and the frequency was obviously much faster than before.

Xiao Han couldn't help admiring seeing this - Qin Mo really deserves to be Ling Xuefeng's apprentice.

Back then, when Team Ling was managing the Fengse team, they used to say the same thing and act resolutely. Under the influence of Ling Xuefeng, the members of the Fengse team moved as fast as lightning. No time, do anything, and habitually focus your attention.

Most of Qin Mo's management of the team was learned from his master.

During Xiao Han's tenure as captain, he was only responsible for the formulation of game tactics, basically he didn't care about the training camp, and he was not very good at training newcomers. Qin Mo is quite good at this. After he came, the atmosphere in the training room immediately changed. The expressions on the faces of a group of teenagers were tense and focused.

Xiao Han could tell that they were very afraid of the new Captain Qin.

Qin Mo was able to establish his prestige in such a short period of time, he really had two brushes. Looking at this group of obedient children, Xiao Han was also very pleased.


In the game, Northern Lights and Luo Yu left the team after finishing a dungeon, Shen He just felt puzzled: "Why did they leave? Then shall we form a new team?"

Mohen said: "There is no group, let's go with three people."

In the dungeon, Qin Mo continued to knock five mobs into the air for Shen He to deal with. Shen He's cooperation with him became more and more tacit, and he could always accurately release the mechanism snake to quickly surround and kill the mobs. The operation technique of the cross siege is also very similar to that of Qin Mo back then. Xiao Han looked at the little summoner who was bouncing around and busy clearing monsters, and remembered the guy who was dizzy and knocked him down before, and couldn't help smiling: "Xiaohe is really progressing!" Fast."

Qin Mo nodded in agreement: "He is really smart and can learn everything quickly."

Xiao Han thought about it carefully, then turned around and asked, "Do you want to sign Shen He? This guy is really talented."

"I don't necessarily sign Shen He. I just gave him the opportunity to become an e-sports player. I will treat everyone equally." Qin Mo is familiar with Shen He. He regards Qin Mo as an idol, and is Qin Mo's number one fanboy, and there is a bit of a master-student relationship between the two of them.

But just because Shen He was taught by him, he can't just sign Shen He directly. The other two summoner players of Dragon Yin Club are also eligible to compete.

Qin Mo lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then said: "The two summoner players in the Dragon Yin training camp, I will meet again tomorrow afternoon. A lineup of two summoners is at least not feasible for our team, that is to say, our team can only Keep one summoner, and who to keep depends on the performance of the three of them."

"Well, it's the most fair way." Xiao Han agreed.

For a lineup with the summoner as the core, other players must take the initiative to cooperate with the summoner, while Team Mojue, Qin Mo and Xiao Han are the core, and a dual summoner lineup will definitely not work. Only one summoner is left, and it exists as a field controller when necessary. This is Qin Mo's current thinking. Who to keep depends on which of the three players is more in line with Qin Mo's requirements.
