The King’s Return

Chapter 57: New competition system


Xiao Han's assassin and Qin Mo's swordsman are both close combat professions. The explosive power of the two teamed up is beyond doubt, but the disadvantage is also very obvious-the attack distance is not enough. And Shen He's summoner can just make up for this shortcoming in attack distance. He can put pets to assist Qin Mo in controlling the field, and at the same time, he can cooperate with Qin Mo to attack when Qin Mo controls the opponent. This combination is considered to be initially formed. The output lineup of the Mojue team.

Qin Mo is not in a hurry to confirm the candidate now, because Dubu Jianghu has not released any news related to the league, and he does not know whether the league will set the upper limit on the number of teams.

At this moment, a line of small characters suddenly appeared on the private chat channel——

Xueman Tianshan: "Brother, the official announcement has been made, you can go to the official website to have a look."

It turned out to be Zhou Xuewei from Team Fengse, Qin Mo immediately replied, "Is it an announcement about the competition system?"

Xueman Tianshan: "Well, the review of the Dubu Jianghu project by the CEL Alliance has passed, and the official has just issued a detailed announcement."

Qin Mo immediately closed the game window and opened the game's official website.

- The Dubu Jianghu Professional League was established in Shanghai today, and the new competition system and professional team review rules were officially released.

This bright red letter announcement is on the top of the official website. Qin Mo clicked in and took a look. The announcement was very long. The first paragraph clearly stated the personnel structure of the Dubu Jianghu professional league. The chairman was elected from the CEL e-sports league. Tang Ximing, in his thirties this year, was also a former e-sports player; the information of the referee team leader, official commentator, player leader, official reporter and other members is also listed on the official website.

Further down is the specific competition system of Dope Jianghu.

—Pibu Jianghu innovatively adopts the points-based competition system. Professional teams can obtain points and bonuses through various competitions. At the end of the year, the total points of the teams will be cleared to award the annual championship. Events included in the team points include: March's "Network Sword Competition"; April's "Golden Combination League"; May's "E-sports Platform Invitational Tournament"; June's "Challenge Cup Competition"; -December "Unique Jianghu Official Professional League". All registered professional teams must participate in the year-end official professional league. For other events, each major team can freely choose whether to participate according to the score situation.

In addition to the official professional league, the other four competitions are also open to the public. Non-professional players can directly register on the official website before the start of the competition. The top ten private masters/teams selected through the online Shanghai selection stage can enter the final round. Compete with professional players for the championship.

Later, the rules of each event are explained in detail. Among them, the "All Network Sword Competition" is a 1V1 single-handed match, the "Golden Combination" is a 2V2 partner match, and the "E-sports Platform Invitational Tournament" is a 3V3 small team battle. The "Challenge Cup Arena" is a round-to-wheel competition system, and the final highlight of the "Official Professional League" is a 5V5 big team battle mode.

This point system is indeed an innovation that has never been seen in the e-sports circle.

In the past, the official professional league was the only criterion for judging, but "Unique Jianghu" took a different approach and added a variety of different events, which gave professional players more choices—for example, some people are particularly good in singles , team battles do not cooperate well with teammates; and in some teams, the two-person partner is very powerful, but it is difficult to win in a five-member team.

Due to the increase in the number of events, it is very difficult for the championship to be monopolized by one team. If you can't win the professional league championship, it's not bad to win a trophy for a small event. Moreover, this competition system has greatly improved the freedom of the team. Some small events can be selected to send some substitute players to participate, and the main players will take the opportunity to recharge their batteries and prepare for the big events that follow. Who to send depends on the captain's grasp of the entire annual competition system. It is not necessarily a good thing to greedily participate in each event, and the most important thing is to allocate personnel reasonably.

The official website also states the registration conditions for professional teams. In addition to the hardware conditions such as dormitories and training rooms required by the CEL League, there are also clear restrictions on the number of players—each professional team, the number of applicants per season A minimum of five and a maximum of eight.

Controlling the upper limit of the number of teams is probably also convenient for the alliance to control the budget in hotels and catering.

Qin Mo re-read the competition system from the beginning - Dubu Jianghu actually arranged 1V1, 2V2, 3V3 and KOF arenas with different numbers of small events, so the allocation of personnel must be reconsidered. Since the official requirement is that there are no more than eight players in each season, there are currently eight sects in this game. The safest way is to reserve one player for each sect. No matter what kind of lineup you encounter in the future, Mo Jue will be able to choose the right one. Against the lineup.

Thinking of this, Qin Mo communicated with Xiao Han: "There are six people left in the training camp. I probably know about Pei Yu, He Beiguang, and Li Muran. I don't know much about the other three newcomers. You put them Call everyone to the ring, let me take a closer look."

"Okay." Xiao Han turned around to act as a microphone and called the three newcomers over.

Qin Mo created a ring room and asked three people to join in one by one. The first ID is called "Full of Vitality", it's a luthier in Luoying Valley, and it's the same school as Pei Yu. The principles of Qin and Di are similar, they both use rhythm to kill long-range magic output professions. If Team Mojue does not focus on rhythm, there is no need to keep Qin and Di as two players, and they can only choose one of the two.

Qin Mo asked, "What's your name? How long have you been in the Dragon Yin training camp?"

Full of vitality, he replied: "My name is Xue Xiaoyuan, I am seventeen years old, and I have been in the training camp for a month."

Qin Mo nodded: "Let's play a round and see."

At the start of the match, Qin Mo chose the stone forest map that he had used in the previous arena.

Luthier's sonic attack has a very long distance and a wide range. He is a very powerful group attack mage, but his shortcomings are also very obvious-he does not have much control skills and is too dependent on his teammates.

This round was naturally won by Qin Mo.

Qin Mo also had a conclusion in his heart, Xue Xiaoyuan is a good player, but he is not compatible with the main lineup of the Mo Jue team.

If a team wants to determine the lineup, there must be a primary and a secondary. If Mo Jue is a team with remote field control as the core, Xue Xiaoyuan can stand in the distance and provide a large amount of group attack output, but Mo Jue is based on Han and Mo Er. In a team where human melee is the core, the luthier is useless, but Pei Yu's bamboo flute genre can penetrate obstacles through the rhythm, and play some effects on many obstacle maps that are beneficial to summoners.

Qin Mo said nothing for the time being, "Next."

The next person was a poison master from Fangcaotang, ID "Mujin". When he entered the ring, he introduced himself: "Hi Captain, my name is Lin Jin, I am seventeen years old, and I also stayed in the training camp for a month."


Her hair was too short, like a tomboy, Qin Mo would not have noticed that she was a girl if he hadn't seen her slender fingers up close and heard her soft voice.

Qin Mo fought her one-on-one. The Poison Master's style of play is to rely on the superimposition of the negative status of poisoning to cause damage. It can also be matched with Mo Jue's main output. However, Lin Jin's performance disappointed Qin Mo. —She is not as decisive as Zhou Xuewei, her style of play is too meticulous and not aggressive enough.

It's not a bad thing for a female player to be more careful, and she can indeed play a damage role in a team with a cautious style. However, the overall style of Mo Jue's team is not a cautious and slow-playing type. Qin Mo plays very fiercely, and Xiao Han is also very violent. When the two join forces, they usually explode in an instant. She dawdles behind. Looking for opportunities, it doesn't match the overall style of the Mo Jue team, and the ability to act is also inconsistent with the main players.

She is indeed a very distinctive girl, but it's a pity that Mo Jue doesn't need her.

Qin Mo felt a little regretful, and said, "Next."

The third person who appeared was named Song Changdong, whose ID was "Dajiangdongqu". He looked very honest and honest, and he was 19 years old this year.

This age is a bit too old for the training camp, he should find a suitable project to debut as soon as possible. He is playing the swordsman of the Hanhua Sword Sect, which is a short sword school that outputs violence. This is not suitable for the Mo Jue team. The core of the swordsman is the lineup model of the Sword Song team. His level is indeed good, and his style of play is also good Much more stable than the first two players, but Mo Jue's team already has Qin Mo, so it's hard to keep another melee swordsman.

There is no need for these three people to continue training, and Qin Mo didn't want to delay them, so he said, "Come with me to the meeting room."

He Beiguang's back stiffened suddenly, and he whispered, "Go to the conference room again! The three of them must have been eliminated..."

Pei Yu also had a look of disbelief: "It shouldn't happen, right? Team Qin has only come to Longyin for one day, and they eliminated six players in one day. This... this is too terrifying."

The two looked at each other, and a chill suddenly rose from the bottom of their hearts.


In the meeting room, Qin Mo looked up at the three people in front of him, and said directly: "The official website of Dubu Jianghu has announced that a team can only sign up to eight people, and the Mo Jue team has currently confirmed that it will focus on melee combat and call control. The output core of the field, Xiao Xue, it is difficult for your profession to play well with the team; what Lin Jin said is that your personal style is not in harmony with Mojue as a whole; Xiao Song, you are a melee output, our lineup does not need too much melee ;I think it's better to arrange the three of you to other projects as soon as possible."

Three people: "..."

They obviously didn't expect that Yan Zhou and Xu Sizhe had just been eliminated, and within half a day, the three of them would also be sent away by the captain.

Team Qin's speed at killing people is really amazing!

Lin Jin boldly asked: "Captain, don't you think this decision is too hasty?"

Qin Mo said: "I already have an idea for the lineup of the team. Your level is good, but your profession and style of play are really not suitable for the Mojue team. I can't change the style of the team."

This explanation is actually very convincing. For example, pure melee and violent chopper teams don’t need slow ranged players. Every team has its own unique style. Become four different. Thinking about it carefully, Lin Jin could understand it, nodded and said: "Since the captain has made a decision, we should quit as soon as possible and make another plan."

The other two are also very frustrated by this result, especially Song Changdong, he is 19 years old this year, if he still can't make his debut...he doesn't know what his future will become.

Qin Mo said, "Xiao Lin, Xiao Xue, you go and pack your things first, and Song Changdong will stay here for a while."

The two turned around and left, giving Song Changdong a sympathetic look, thinking that he was going to be taught a lesson by the captain.

Song Changdong was also very uneasy, and whispered: "Team, captain..."

Qin Mo asked, "You will be twenty years old next year, right?"

Song Changdong lowered his head sadly: "Yes."

Qin Mo said: "Is your family not very supportive of you playing e-sports? You joined the training camp too late."

Song Changdong's eyes turned red suddenly, and he said softly: "I... my family lives in a small rural town, and my parents don't know much about e-sports. When I was seventeen, I wanted to interview at a club, but my mother was sick, so I stayed at home It takes a few years to take care of her."

It seems that his family conditions are not very good, and his parents don't understand well, which delays the best time. If the delay continues, he may not be able to succeed.

Qin Mo thought for a while, and said, "If you go to the Zhuo team to continue training, you may not be able to play next year, because the team lineup of the Miracle of the Longyin Club is very mature, and you can only make room for you unless someone retires. "

Song Changdong clenched his fist lightly. He actually knew this. There is also a limit on the number of people in the league over Miracle, and there are some substitute players in the team who have been training longer than him. Even if he passes, he will not be able to make his debut next year. , may have to be postponed until the next year. The peak period of an e-sports player is very short. If he makes his debut at the age of 21, it will be too late for an output player.

Qin Mo said: "Many young people rush to the rich clubs, always feel that coming to the rich is the affirmation of themselves, but in fact, the rich clubs are full of masters, and the competition is fierce. It is very difficult to get ahead. You have already Nineteen years old, I suggest you don't procrastinate any longer. If you were given a chance to join a team that is not very famous but allows you to officially play games next year, would you be willing?"

Song Changdong was stunned for a moment, and immediately said excitedly: "I, I am willing!"

As long as he can make his debut and officially play games as soon as possible, instead of staying in the training camp to kill time, even if the team's strength is not as good as Long Yin, he is willing!

Qin Mo nodded and said, "I know a friend here, I'll contact him later, you go back to the training room and wait for my news."

Song Changdong looked at Qin Mo gratefully: "Thank you, Captain!"

His eyes are red, he is not a particularly outstanding one in the club, coupled with his age, few people will pay attention to him and care about him. However, Qin Mo considered him from his point of view. The captain looked cold and arrogant, but he was actually a very careful and caring person.
