The King’s Return

Chapter 61: Lecture


Xiao Han brought several newcomers to a meeting room with a large photography screen, and connected the USB flash drive he carried with him to the projection screen. The four newcomers looked at each other, not knowing what he wanted to do, until a familiar picture appeared on the screen—it was Xiao Han actually saved all the God's perspective videos of them fighting in Dubu Jianghu before.

"Qin Mo treats you very harshly. He eliminated six newcomers in a row when he first arrived at the club. I know you are not convinced, right?" Xiao Han said coldly, scanning the few people present with his sharp eyes.

The four newcomers met his gaze and immediately lowered their heads, not daring to vent their anger. Xiao Han has been in the club for so many years, he usually speaks very little, and rarely participates in the management of the training camp. Everyone has never seen him swearing, and everyone thinks he has a good temper. But today, Xiao Han was obviously very angry, that sharp gaze was like a sharp dagger, almost piercing their hearts.

They had never seen Xiao Han like this before, and they were a little frightened for a while.

"Keep your heads up and watch carefully!" Xiao Han pressed the laser pointer, and played the first video - it was the match between Xue Xiaoyuan and Qin Mo. After being controlled by Qin Mo, Xue Xiaoyuan was almost suppressed Hit, and died under Qin Mo's sword in less than half a minute. Seeing the scene where he fell down, Xue Xiaoyuan couldn't help but blush in embarrassment.

"Xiaoxue, where did you lose in this round, did you see it?"

"Uh... it's because I played very passively after being controlled by Team Qin." Xue Xiaoyuan replied in a low voice.

"That's right." Xiao Han looked at him coldly and said, "The luthier you play has a long attack range, a wide range, and many group attack skills, but this school has a fatal shortcoming—that is, it has no control skills and relies on teammates. Sexuality is too strong. To put it bluntly, once you are disturbed by others, your self-protection ability is very weak. Mojue team is based on the melee output of me and Qin Mo as the core. Take the initiative to control the field to help us break out. If you join the Mojue team, it will only become the weakness that the opponent will attack first in team battles! Qin Mo doesn't want to sign you, not because you are not good enough, but because your profession is not in tune with our main lineup , have I made it clear enough?"

"Yeah, I understand." Xue Xiaoyuan immediately nodded obediently, "I have always played pure damage, and my field control ability is too weak. It is indeed reasonable for Team Qin not to sign me."

"It's good to understand. You go to Miracle and follow Team Zhuo. The Miracle team just lacks large-scale group attack players. Your teammates will protect you and provide you with better output conditions."

"Understood! Thank you, deputy team!"

"It's not me that you should thank, but Captain Qin. These are all suggested by him."

"Oh." Xue Xiaoyuan scratched his head, a little in disbelief. Maybe Qin Mo wasn't as indifferent as everyone imagined

Xiao Han moved his gaze to Lin Jin who was standing beside him, and then played the second video: "Lin Jin, you are a very careful player, this is your advantage, but it will become a disadvantage in the Mo Jue team .Your rhythm can't keep up with the thinking of the main attacker. You want to be safe too much. Sometimes you don't take the initiative to fight for the opportunity. About you, Qin Mo discussed with me for a long time last night. What he meant was that you Not only is his personal style out of step with Team Mojue, but it also doesn’t match up with other teams of Longyin. If you want to continue to stay in Longyin, there is only one way in front of you - give up playing as an attacker, change your thinking, and practice. treatment or assistance."

"..." Lin Jin's eyes lit up suddenly! Ever since she came to the training camp, she always felt that she couldn't keep up with the speed of the other players in the Longyin Club, so this was the reason! The attackers of the Dragon Yin Club are generally very proactive in their style of play, which has something to do with the overall atmosphere of Dragon Yin, but she is too entangled, and when others don't hit her, she rarely takes the initiative to hit others. Qin Mo could tell at a glance that this was due to her personality, and suggested that she switch to support or healing—healing really doesn't need to be too active, but careful and stable healing can become the team's strongest backing!

"Team Qin has already greeted Zhuo Hang this morning. Team Miracle just needs a substitute treatment. If you are willing to change treatment, you can report to Team Zhuo tomorrow."

"Thank you Team Qin!" The little girl was so touched that her eyes were red. To be honest, she was a little dissatisfied when Qin Mo eliminated her yesterday. She always felt that Qin Mo's decision was too hasty. But today, with Xiao Han's explanation, she suddenly understood. What was even more unexpected was that Qin Mo had thought out a way out for her. Lin Jin was grateful but also a little ashamed.

"Yan Zhou." Xiao Han continued to put down a video, looking sharply at the timid young man in front of him, "Stage fright before the fight starts, you are destined to lose in the first round! Although you regained your form in the second round, you will lose You made a mistake of being careless, and you were too eager to kill your opponent in seconds, and instead walked into the trap set by your opponent! Qin Mo's evaluation of you is that you have good potential, but your psychological quality is too poor!"

"..." Yan Zhou lowered his head in shame, because Qin Mo's evaluation of him really hit the nail on the head.

Seeing that the boy's eyes were flushed and he was about to cry, Xiao Han said sharply, "What? I'm going to cry after a few words?! To an e-sports player, tears are the most worthless thing!"

Yan Zhou quickly wiped his eyes, lowered his head and whispered, "I, I know."

"Fortunately, you are still young and have no experience in official competitions. The problem of poor mental quality can be corrected. Qin team gave Zhuo Hang a suggestion. After the start of next season, let you sit on the bench first and feel the atmosphere of the game. , When you meet those second-rate teams, take you to win a few rounds appropriately to enhance your self-confidence. Your most critical problem is lack of confidence. After going there, don’t be frightened at all times. Losing is very hearty, players who have stage fright before the start of the game will only embarrass the team!"

"Mmm...mmmm..." Yan Zhou immediately nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

The three newcomers were scolded by Xiao Han, and they all looked ashamed. After all, Xiao Han had never criticized anyone like this before, and there were reasons for them, so they couldn't refute a word.

Xiao Han's eyes moved to Xu Sizhe who was standing on the far left.

The boy's face was a little ugly at this time, it was not guilt or shame, but a stubbornness with dissatisfaction.

Xiao Han took a deep breath, controlled the urge to go over and tear him apart, and said coldly, "Xu Sizhe, do you know what's wrong with me?"

Xu Sizhe said in a stiff tone: "Please guide the deputy team."

Xiao Han released the video of his PK with Shen He, and the video from God's perspective is very clear: "In the first game, because Qin Mo just killed you in seconds, you came on stage with anger and wanted to vent your anger on Shen He. You are very Confident, I want to kill Shen He in one breath to vent my anger, but unfortunately Shen He is not a rookie, he is very smart to seize the opportunity to kill you-see? The pre-action of Shen He summoning the puppet stand-in is right in front of you, as long as you are careful Observation can definitely find out. You didn’t notice that he summoned the puppet stand-in, it wasn’t a moment of carelessness, but because you were already dazzled by anger at that time!”

"..." Xu Sizhe didn't speak.

"In the second game, your rage continued to rise. Although you won against Shen He, your poor maneuvers when you circled repeatedly on the Stone Forest map made me unable to believe that you are a player who came out of the Dragon Yin training camp! S-shaped positioning Eaten by you? You can hit a stone while walking in a Z-shaped position. Are you showing everyone the negative teaching material? If Shen He was not caught by your mechanism snake at the corner, as long as he walks through this corner, he will die It's you! You can beat Shen He in this round, not because of strength, but because of luck!"

"..." Xu Sizhe's face turned red and then pale, and the clear video from God's perspective made him finally realize how badly he played that day.

"I don't even want to talk about the third round. You actually chased your opponent against the light. You didn't realize the biggest feature of the map 'Sunset Peak'! There are only five maps that can be selected after opening the arena at level 55, and Sunset Peak is one of them." You didn’t even understand these five maps. Qin team gave you an afternoon to practice in the arena. What did you do? Do you think that you can easily beat Yan Zhou in the ring? Doesn't it matter if you don't practice?"

"..." Xu Sizhe bit his lip lightly, still silent.

Looking at his attitude, Xiao Han knew that he was right. He must have not practiced well that afternoon. He probably didn't expect that besides Yan Zhou, the defeated opponent in the ring battle, there would be another Shen He who was as strong as him. This young man's mind is not right, he doesn't look for reasons from himself when he loses, but blames all his mistakes on the captain. Even now, he still has no intention of admitting his mistakes.

Xiao Han was very disappointed in him.

If he is just young and ignorant, he can be saved by making mistakes on the spur of the moment, but Xu Sizhe has not admitted his mistakes until now, which shows that he is not only stubborn, but paranoid!

It is totally unreasonable for you to reason with such a paranoid person!

Xiao Han was silent for a moment, then lowered his voice and said: "Qin Mo talked with me for three hours last night, analyzing the characteristics of each of you, and helping you think about the future. It was his idea that Song Changdong switched to Jiange, because he felt Xiao Song is already 19 years old, and there is no suitable position for him to stay in Longyin. He should go to another team to develop. As for you, he has made all the arrangements, and went to Zhuohang early this morning to implement this matter... "

Xiao Han gently closed his eyes, thinking of Qin Mo's seriousness last night, and looking at the attitudes of these young people in front of him, his eyes suddenly became extremely cold.

"When Team Qin is helping you think about it, what are you doing?"

"You don't know how to reflect on your own mistakes, but instead discuss in private that he is unfair, emotional, ruthless, and selfish! You even think that he only eliminated players based on his own hobbies, completely disregarding your self-esteem!"

"As I said before, Team Mo Jue and Long Yin are just a cooperative relationship. Qin Mo is the captain of Mo Jue. Whether the eliminated players of Dragon Yin Club is dead or alive is actually none of his business!"

"However, seeing that you are still young, he couldn't bear to make you sad, so he helped each of you figure out a way out."

"His care and love for you newcomers..."

"Are you compatible?"

When the other three heard this, they lowered their heads in unison, with shame and self-reproach all over their faces, Xu Sizhe's face also turned extremely pale.

Xiao Han gave these people a scolding, and the anger in his heart calmed down a little.

In fact, although Xue Xiaoyuan, Lin Jin and Yan Zhou are a bit stupid, they can at least understand the truth and reflect on their own mistakes. Xu Sizhe is the key to his lesson.

Xiao Han looked at Xu Sizhe's stiff face, and said coldly: "I don't have to pursue the past. People who realize their mistakes, go back and write me a profound self-criticism, handwritten, and send it to me before ten o'clock tonight. Dormitory." Xiao Han looked down at his watch and said, "Go, you don't need to practice today, go back to the dormitory and reflect on yourself!"

The four newcomers tremblingly opened the door and went out.

Xue Xiaoyuan's face turned pale with fright, and he said softly: "Han, the God of Han is so angry..."

Lin Jin whispered: "I also think that I have never seen him so fierce before."

While chatting, he raised his head, only to see a man standing in the corridor, with a tall and straight figure and an indifferent expression.

- It's Qin Mo.

The four of them immediately froze like statues.