The King’s Return

Chapter 63: Decide


There were nine people in the training camp at the beginning, Li Yueran voluntarily withdrew due to fear of heights, Song Changdong was sent to the Sword Song Team, Yan Zhou, Xu Sizhe, Lin Jin and Xue Xiaoyuan were sent to the dormitory by Xiao Han to reflect and write a review, now there are only three people left, Li Mu However, he was still a silent gourd, and Pei Yu continued to level up in the game on his own, He Beiguang almost went crazy, chatting with Pei Yu privately: "Xiao Pei, you said that Hanshen got so angry today that the four The newcomer was called to the meeting room and scolded, what happened? What should we do next?"

Pei Yu said calmly, "Just wait and see."

He Beiguang scratched his head: "When will Team Qin eliminate me? It's too uncomfortable to be on the same level."

Pei Yu: "He doesn't necessarily eliminate you, what are you in a hurry for?"

He Beiguang said depressedly: "But he has such a bad impression of me, if he doesn't eliminate me now, does he want to find a way to torture me later?"

Pei Yu almost laughed: "Captain Qin is not that kind of person, is he? He won't be idle and torment you. Don't think too much about it."

He Beiguang was puzzled: "How do you know what kind of person he is? Do you know him well?"

Pei Yu thought for a while and said, "Although I don't know him well, I think that since he was able to be called the 'Twin Stars of the Alliance' with Hanshen back then, it is impossible for him to be inferior to Hanshen in terms of level and character. .Besides, people who can come back after retirement are generally very strong-minded. He looks a little cold, but I think he should be very good, otherwise Hanshen would not be willing to let the captain out, right?"

He Beiguang was stunned for a moment, feeling that what Pei Yu said made a lot of sense. Since Xiao Han gave up the captain to Qin Mo, it shows that Qin Mo is not the kind of cheapskate who cares about every detail, and it seems that he can still be saved. He Beiguang nodded excitedly: "The God of Han appreciates him so much and trusts him, then he must have something extraordinary. You shouldn't care about my little transparency, so I still have hope?!"

"Of course." Pei Yu said, "Talk less, do more, go to leveling quickly."

"Yeah!" He Beiguang immediately ran to upgrade the task actively.

After Qin Mo and Xiao Han brushed the Peach Blossom Forest a few times, he wanted to take Shen He to play a five-player dungeon, but suddenly remembered that Shen He would report to the team today. He opened the friend list and checked, and he was not online. Qin Mo asked Shen Qi privately: "Has Xiao He already set off?"

Shen Qi replied: "He just left for the airport, the plane at nine o'clock in the evening should arrive in Changsha after eleven o'clock."

"Why so late?" Qin Mo frowned slightly.

"No way, today's air tickets are sold out, so I can only buy this flight." Shen Qi was a little helpless, "Xiao He was anxious to see you, so he bought the air ticket for tonight."

"He arrived at the airport so late by himself, let me pick him up, give me his mobile phone number." Qin Mo asked for the mobile phone number from Shen Qi, and sent a text message to Shen He, "Xiaohe, I am Qin Mo, when will you arrive at Changsha Airport? Give me a message and I will pick you up at the airport."

"Ah, Master! I arrived in Changsha at 23:30, and Master actually picked me up personally. I am so touched Q_Q"

"See you at the airport then, don't run around alone."

"Hmm! See you at the airport, master O(∩_∩)O~"

After putting away the phone, Qin Mo looked back at Xiao Han, leaned into his ear and asked softly, "Can you drive?"

Xiao Han was taken aback, thinking of a very popular word on the Internet recently - driving.

Many domestic netizens like to extend some simple words into more usages, such as "2B", which was originally a pencil for exams, but later became a curse word, which is similar to "stupid". Another example is "hehe", which was originally a way of laughing like hehehahaha, but later turned into a sneer inexplicably, and the subtext is "You idiot, I don't want to talk to you."

In addition to learning idioms and poems, Xiao Han also learned a lot of Internet words, "driving a car" is what he has just learned recently, and it is a cryptic expression for Make love.

Qin Mo suddenly asked what is this for? Thinking of the scene of hugging and having sex with Qin Mo, Xiao Han couldn't help feeling distracted, his body started to heat up, his cheeks were almost burning, he glanced at Qin Mo, and said with some embarrassment: "Cough, I'm not very good at it, although I I grew up abroad, but... I am relatively conservative in this regard, I have always kept myself clean, and I have never been in a relationship, so I have no experience."

Qin Mo looked surprised—what does driving have to do with falling in love and keeping a clean life

Has his Chinese suddenly dropped to the level of a primary school student after this morning's outburst

After being dazed for a while, Qin Mo suddenly wanted to understand Xiao Han's meaning, and his face turned red immediately: "You, what are you talking about! I asked you if you have a driver's license and if you know how to drive a car!"

—It turns out that the "driving" that Qin Mo said was pure Drive, not Make Love, which is more popular on the Internet.

Xiao Han recalled the thoughts that had drifted far away, and said, "Oh, I can drive this car."

"..." Qin Mo wanted to beat him up, but when he met his innocent eyes, he reluctantly withdrew his hand. His Chinese level is like a roller coaster, rising to the peak and then falling to the bottom in an instant—pay attention to the context, please? When I asked you to drive, it must mean driving a car. What is going on in your mind

Xiao Han looked upright: "What? You want me to drive you to go shopping?"

Qin Mo took a deep breath to calm himself down, and said, "Shen He didn't arrive at the airport until 11:30 in the evening. He has never been to Changsha. I'm afraid he won't find a place, so I want to drive to pick him up." Xiao Han immediately agreed: " No problem, I'll go pick him up with you, my car is parked in the underground garage."

"Well, I was thinking that if you don't have a driver's license, I'll take a taxi there." Qin Mo asked suspiciously, "When did you get your driver's license?"

"The holiday of the year before last, I was so bored that I applied for a driving school." Xiao Han said seriously, "I even failed subject two once."

"Oh, have you passed the internship period now? Is it okay to drive on the road?"

"Don't worry, the technology is guaranteed to pass."

"That's good." Qin Mo was silent for a moment, remembering that he mentioned that he was conservative just now, so he pretended to be casual and asked: "By the way, you just said that you have never been in a relationship, have you?"

"Yeah, I haven't talked about it." Xiao Han smiled bluntly and said, "The atmosphere abroad is open, and teenage boys and girls are all in love. When I was a teenager, I was still an Internet addict. In the game, I don’t understand these at all, and after returning to China, I played games with my master everywhere, and I didn’t have time to think about emotional issues.”

"So, your first love is still there?" Qin Mo said lightly.

"Well. What about you?" Xiao Han asked curiously, "Do you have a girlfriend? Or a girl you like?"

"No." Qin Mo said, "I haven't been in a relationship either."

The two were testing each other, and after knowing that the other had no definite lover, they were both secretly happy.

At this moment, He Beiguang suddenly interjected enthusiastically: "Captain, don't you have a girlfriend? Let me introduce you to what kind of girl you like!"

Xiao Han: "..."

Qin Mo: "..."

With a headache, Pei Yu covered his head with both hands.

It is said that "If you don't die, you will not die", when will He Beiguang stop the pace of dying? You want to please the captain, but the method is completely wrong, idiot!

Facing Xiao Han's sharp gaze, He Beiguang was stunned, and added cautiously: "Cough, Hanshen, don't you have a girlfriend? Then I, I'll introduce you to one too?"

Xiao Han said coldly: "He Beiguang, are you bored, so you listen to us with your ears up?"

He Beiguang found that Hanshen was angry, and immediately waved his hands to explain: "No, no, I didn't do it on purpose... It's just, I just happened to hear you talking about your girlfriend..."

Qin Mo said indifferently: "I think Xiao He is really boring. I will train in the ring for another hour and show me the video."

"..." He Beiguang was completely stunned like an eggplant beaten by frost, and ran to the ring for overtime training dejectedly. Pei Yu almost laughed when he saw his cowardly appearance, but Li Muran continued to study with a paralyzed face that had nothing to do with him. With their own equipment data.

The afternoon training was spent in dire straits, and He Beiguang felt that his eyes were going to go blind. He was as quiet as a chicken until dinner time, without saying a word.

Pei Yu patted him on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Say less in the future."

He Beiguang had a bitter face, he really couldn't understand, what did he say wrong that both Hanshen and Moshen were so upset


After returning to the dormitory after dinner, Xiao Han took the initiative to wash a plate of fruit in the kitchen and brought it to the living room, calling Qin Mo to come and eat.

Qin Mo walked up to him and sat down, stuck a piece of apple with a toothpick, and was about to eat it, but Xiao Han opened his mouth on his own initiative, meaning "feed me a piece first".

When he was young, Xiao Han always asked Qin Mo to feed him. When Qin Mo got angry, he even scolded him, "Are you a dog?" But today, Qin Mo understood his feelings for him, and looked at him like this. Qin Mo didn't feel bored at all by his appearance, on the contrary, he found Xiao Han like this extremely cute.

Feed the apple in his hand into Xiao Han's mouth, and seeing him eat it happily, Qin Mo's mood also improved.

The fruit that I don't usually like very much seems to be extra sweet today.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door, Xiao Han got up to open the door, and saw Yan Zhou, Xue Xiaoyuan and Lin Jin standing at the door together, each holding a piece of paper. The gentle look on Qin Mo's face turned cold in an instant, Xiao Han glanced at the three newcomers, and asked calmly, "Would you like to hand in the statement of self-criticism?"

The three nodded immediately, and at the same time respectfully offered the review book with both hands.

Xiao Han took the review book and found that the three guys wrote the review very seriously, densely writing a whole page.

Putting the three review papers away, Xiao Han calmly said: "It's good to know that you made a mistake. Don't make the same mistake a second time. If you lose a game in the future, find the reason from yourself first, understand?" The three responded in unison. Said: "Understood!"

Xiao Han waved his hand: "Go."

After the three of them left, Xiao Han entered the room and handed the self-criticism to Qin Mo to read. Qin Mo took three copies of the review and read them carefully, and said with a smile: "The newcomers are frightened by you, and this review is written with sincerity, more than a thousand words, and must have been written in the dormitory all afternoon. A lot of brain cells were wasted."

Xiao Han's expression was still a little displeased: "These three people are still saved, but Xu Sizhe's self-criticism has not yet been handed in."

Qin Mo was silent for a moment, and asked, "Do you think he will hand it over?"

While chatting, there was another knock on the door outside. Xiao Han opened the door and saw that it was Xu Sizhe who was standing at the door, holding a written self-criticism in his hand. It seems that he is not bold enough to openly confront Xiao Han, and the review written by Ren was written on time, Xiao Han took it over and took a look, his face suddenly turned cold: "You wrote this all afternoon? ! Is this a review or an analysis of the ring competition?!"

—The content in the review book is basically consistent with what Xiao Han scolded him.

In the first round, he was so angry that he lost his mind, and didn't pay attention to Shen He's placement of the puppet stand-in; in the second round, his position was messy and he was not calm enough; If you are proud, conceited, arrogant, and underestimate the enemy, let alone mention the complaint letter.

Originally, he wanted to give this young man a chance, but when he saw the self-criticism written by him, Xiao Han suddenly became cold-hearted.

Xiao Han took a deep breath, folded the review and threw it into the trash can: "You can go."

"Deputy team..." Xu Sizhe moved his lips, as if he wanted to explain, Xiao Han directly interrupted him: "No need to explain, I know what you think, let's go." Xiao Han said "bang" in front of him After closing the door and entering the room, his face was still dark, obviously very angry.

Qin Mo heard the conversation between the two at the door just now, and asked suspiciously: "What? The self-criticism he wrote was unqualified?"

"The self-criticism is just dealing with errands, and he has no sincerity to admit his mistakes." Xiao Han said disappointedly, "I deliberately mentioned the words 'ruthless and unfair' today, which are the original words in his complaint letter, as long as he is not IQ problem, he should be very clear that we all know about the complaint letter. Since his complaint is based on misunderstanding and prejudice against you, then he should reflect on himself, and it is best to apologize to you in person! But... Not only did he not reflect on his mistakes, but he also took chances, thinking that we would not be able to guess who the anonymous email was!" Xiao Han took a deep breath to suppress the anger in his heart, and said coldly, "This person is paranoid, arrogant, conceited, no Admit defeat, and it's very stupid, I really don't need to keep him."

When Xiao Han was angry, his Chinese proficiency soared immediately, and he could speak a long list without panting.

Qin Mo patted the back of his hand lightly: "Don't be too angry, some young people nowadays are indeed spoiled by their parents. I hear what you mean, you want to kick him out of Longyin?"

Xiao Han nodded: "My contract with Longyin has not yet expired. Before the end of the year, I will still be the team captain of the Dragonyin club. The captain has the right to report some players who perform poorly to the boss and kick them out directly. , as long as the boss approves it.”

Qin Mo frowned: "There's no need to be so extreme, right?"

Xiao Han looked back at Qin Mo, his expression gradually softened: "Xiao Mo, I don't want to put an indeterminate time bomb by your side." He gently held Qin Mo's hand and said seriously, " Xu Sizhe has already had a prejudice against you in his heart, and this is hard to change. He can complain about you anonymously today, and tomorrow, he may expose your scandal anonymously on the forum—this person is terrible to be around, not only is he Proud, but also scheming! I gave him a chance, but he still didn’t admit his mistake. I don’t want to be soft on him anymore. Tomorrow, I’ll tell him to pack his bags and leave, lest he stay in the club and stare at your mistakes.”

Xiao Han's voice is very gentle, but his eyes are very firm - and all that Xiao Han does is to protect Qin Mo.

Qin Mo understood what he meant, and couldn't help but feel a little moved, and also knew that what Xiao Han said was indeed very reasonable. People who question you face to face are not scary, but the most annoying thing is the kind of people who make small moves behind the scenes, because you don't know when you will offend him, let alone what shady means he will use to retaliate against you.

If this kind of person stays in the team, it will become a headache and an unstable factor. I believe that after Liu Chuan knows the truth, he will not keep such a newcomer in the club.

Qin Mo sighed softly, and said helplessly, "Maybe he really hates me, it's better to let him leave Longyin."

Xiao Han said softly: "Don't worry, I won't let anyone threaten you."

The two looked at each other, and Qin Mo couldn't help but smiled - how could he not like Xiao Han who is so straightforward, responsible, and always considerate of him