The King’s Return

Chapter 64: Shen He joined the team


That night, Xiao Han sent an email to Liu Chuan, explaining Xu Sizhe's situation in detail, and suggested that Liu Chuan directly fire this dishonest player to avoid future troubles. Liu Chuan happened to be at the club these days, and quickly replied to the email: "Understood, I will investigate this player's situation in detail, and let you know the result."

Firing a player is a serious matter, just like a company firing an employee cannot be too hasty, Xiao Han can only wait for the club to deal with it.

It was already ten o'clock in the evening, Qin Mo changed his clothes and said, "Let's go pick up Shen He."

Xiao Han turned off his laptop, took the key and went out with Qin Mo.

The two took the elevator to the underground garage, Xiao Han pressed the unlock button on the key, and a handsome black off-road vehicle immediately turned on its headlights.

Qin Mo asked in surprise, "Is this your car? Why did you buy an SUV, isn't it necessary to drive in the city?"

"The performance of an SUV is better for long distances, and I can drive you around China." When this topic was mentioned, Xiao Han couldn't help showing a longing look on his face, "I am Chinese, but I don't know much about China. Few, I plan to travel around China after I retire in a few years, you can be my tour guide, introduce me to the customs and customs of various places along the way, and take me to taste delicious specialties.”

"..." Qin Mo was stunned, "I was already retired when you bought the car, and I have no contact with you, how can you be sure that I will drive around China with you?"

"Because I have a premonition that I can see you again." Xiao Han looked back at Qin Mo and said with a smile, "If you don't come back, I will find you after I retire, and I will definitely find you. "

"..." Qin Mo asked curiously, "What if I can't find it?"

"Then I'll post a missing person notice in the newspaper—Qin Mo, male, 21 years old, 1.8 meters tall, lost his whereabouts three years ago, and Xiao Han misses him very much. Anyone who knows his whereabouts, please contact Xiao as soon as possible." Thank you very much for contacting Han." Xiao Han paused and asked seriously, "Will it be effective if I write the missing person notice like this?"

"..." Qin Mo was amused by him and smiled, "Let's go, I'm already back, you don't need to post any missing person notices."

"Well, it saved me a lot of advertising costs." Xiao Han took the initiative to open the door of the passenger seat, "You sit here, no one has ever sat in my passenger seat."

"Really?" Qin Mo sat on it happily. The SUV chassis is high, and the view in the front row is indeed wider than that of a car, and the space in the car is also very spacious. Legs spread out.

Xiao Han turned back to the driver's seat and sat down, turned his head and glanced at Qin Mo: "That's right."

Qin Mo was puzzled: "For what?"

Xiao Han said: "If you sit beside me, the car won't look empty."

In the year when he first bought the car, Xiao Han drove the car to Xi'an on a high-speed road. He thought about going to Qin Mo's hometown, thinking that he might meet Qin Mo in Xi'an by chance, but that journey was ultimately in vain. And then, he went to eat Roujiamo by himself. When he returned to Changsha, he was very empty. He always felt that there was no one sitting in the co-pilot's seat, and no one chatted with him while driving. He was always a little indescribably lonely.

At that time, he didn't understand the reason for his empty mood. It wasn't until now that Qin Mo was sitting next to him, and he could see Qin Mo's face as long as he turned his head. He suddenly realized that it turned out that he felt so empty during that journey because he was missing this person by his side. When the person he was thinking about finally sat on the co-pilot's seat, the car immediately became warmer, and his heart was extremely full.

The reason he bought the car was to be able to drive out with Qin Mo, and he believed that this idea would definitely come true in the future.

Xiao Han smiled slightly, attached himself to help Qin Mo fasten his seat belt, started the car, and said, "Let's go."

The car drove out of the parking lot steadily, and Xiao Han opened the car CD. The sound effect in the car was very good, and the familiar melody rang in his ears. Qin Mo knew that the song was "I Really Miss You" as soon as he heard it. It's just that this is not a vocal version, but a guzheng version from the well-known domestic orchestra "Twelve Girls Band". The lovers who reunited after a long absence whispered in their ears their deep-seated miss for each other.

In the quiet compartment, the soft melody of "I really miss you" echoed repeatedly.

I don't know if Xiao Han played this song unintentionally or on purpose? Is it simply expressing the miss of "friends", or do you have other ideas

Qin Mo couldn't guess the other party's intentions, his heart beat a little fast, he didn't dare to look into Xiao Han's eyes, so he had to turn his head to look out of the car window.

As night fell, the lights outside the window receded quickly like a chain, and the music inside the car kept beating on the eardrums. In the quiet night, the unstoppable heartbeat made the atmosphere in the car extremely ambiguous, and the two of them had a tacit understanding Di didn't open his mouth to break the tense but sweet atmosphere.

Xiao Han drove on the highway all the way, and the car soon arrived at the airport.

Standing in the airport lobby with the air conditioner blowing, Qin Mo finally regained his composure and asked, "By the way, did you say hello to Li Muran?"

"Just now I was just looking at the review, so I'll call him now." Xiao Han picked up his cell phone, dialed Li Muran's number, and said, "Muran, the Shen He I told you about today When I arrive at the team at night, I don’t have the key to the dormitory, so don’t go to sleep, and go to sleep after we take him back and settle him down.”

"Oh." Li Muran only answered one sentence, "Got it."

Xiao Han hung up the phone, quite helpless: "This person really cherishes words like gold, he can say three words, he will never say four words."

Thinking of the silent bored gourd, Qin Mo couldn't help smiling: "It's okay, Shen He talks a lot, and they won't be bored after they live together."

Just as he was talking, a clear and sweet voice suddenly sounded not far away: "Master, I'm coming!!"

Then, a teenager dragging a suitcase appeared in the field of vision. He was wearing a light blue sportswear with white sneakers. Besides the suitcase, he also carried a pair of tennis rackets on his back. He looked sunny and energetic. full. After seeing Qin Mo, he immediately ran over briskly. Not afraid of Qin Mo's indifference, he rushed over and hugged Qin Mo: "Master! Hehehe!"

Qin Mo was almost thrown down by him, and quickly supported Xiao Han's arm to stand firm, frowning and said: "Stand still."

"Oh!" Shen He let him go, stood at attention, scratched his head, "It's a great honor that Master and Hanshen came to pick me up! Is this considered VIP treatment?" The emoji is typed like that in the game, so the boy personally made the emoji of O(∩_∩)O, a face with a very bright smile, showing two cute little canine teeth and a dimple on the left cheek.

Although a little rash, but his sincere smile will not make people annoying.

Facing his smiling face, Qin Mo couldn't help smiling, and said, "I don't know how to drive, so let Xiao Han drive over to pick you up, let's go, let's go back to the club." He turned and walked forward, Shen He immediately dogged The three of them went to the parking lot and drove. Xiao Han put Shen He's luggage into the trunk, Qin Mo still sat in the passenger seat, and Shen He consciously sat in the back row.

After the car started, the old song "I Really Miss You" was played again on the car CD, probably because Xiao Han set it as the default song.

Shen He couldn't help but started humming along with the melody: "I miss you so much, I call for the dawn at night, the stars in the sky also understand my heart, I only have you in my heart... Thousands of mountains and rivers, how can I block you, I My love for you floats gently under the moon, my love~~ah, I really miss you... "

Xiao Han expressed his love for this "human voice translator".

When Qin Mo heard him sing all the hazy lyrics, his face was a little embarrassed, and he coughed: "Stop singing."

"Oh." Shen He immediately stopped singing and asked, "This song is a song I often order in KTV, Hanshen also likes it?"

"I think the lyrics are pretty good." Xiao Han smiled slightly, and turned to Qin Mo, "What do you think?"

"'s okay." Qin Mo said calmly.

"Yes, yes, the lyrics are very good!" Shen He, who didn't know why, echoed earnestly.

Because there was a little guy in the back row who interrupted from time to time, the atmosphere in the car immediately became active on the way back. Shen He asked a lot about the club, and Qin Mo answered him patiently. It wasn't until 12:30 in the morning that the three arrived at the headquarters of the Longyin Club. Xiao Han parked the car and offered to help Shen He carry the suitcase and take the elevator to the dormitory on the third floor.

Shen He was assigned to dormitory 323, Xiao Han took him to the dormitory and knocked on the door, and Li Muran came to open the door soon after there was no one there.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw a boy following behind the captain and deputy team. The boy's eyes were big and bright, and he was very cute. When he saw him, he smiled friendly and stretched out his hand and said, "Hi, how are you?" , My name is Shen He! I heard that your name is Li Muran, right? From now on, we will live in a dormitory, and we will be roommates. Please take care of me!"

Li Muran: "Yes."

Shen He: "...???"

The other party didn't speak any more after "um", and didn't mean to greet him warmly at all, Shen He stayed where he didn't know what to do, Qin Mo whispered in his ear: "Your roommate doesn't like talking very much, let's go into the room. "

"Oh." Shen He scratched his head in puzzlement, and walked into the room with his luggage.

Li Muran pointed to the room with the door open, and said expressionlessly, "This is your bedroom."

"Okay, thank you!" Shen He walked into the bedroom and put down the suitcase. Seeing that it was getting late, he was embarrassed to trouble Han and Mo to accompany him to clean up, so he said with a smile, "Master, you go to bed first." Let's go! I'll pack these luggage tomorrow, and I'll wash and go to bed first!"

"Well, then you should go to bed early and have breakfast in the cafeteria at around eight o'clock tomorrow." Qin Mo and Xiao Han turned and went out.

After Shen He sent them away, he went back to the bedroom and dug out his pajamas and toiletries, planning to go to the bathroom to take a shower and sleep. As a result, I took the toiletry bag to the bathroom only to realize that I was in a hurry when I left and forgot to bring shampoo. It's so hot in summer, and my hair is oily after sweating. It's unbearable not to wash my hair. Shen He hesitated for a moment, then knocked on the door of the opposite bedroom: "Dude? Dude... are you asleep?"

Li Muran opened the door, expressionless: "What's the matter?"

Shen He smiled flatteringly at him: "Hey, I forgot to bring shampoo, can I borrow yours first?"

Li Muran: "Oh."

Then he went to the bathroom to pick up his shampoo and handed it to Shen He, with an indifferent expression of "Is there anything else?"

Shen He quickly took a step back: "It's okay, you can go to sleep, thank you!"

Li Muran nodded, turned around and went back to the room, closing the door behind him.

Shen He went to the bathroom to take a shower, just wanted to brush his teeth and go to bed, but found that he forgot to bring toothpaste...

So Shen He bit the bullet and knocked on Li Muran's door: "Brother, buddy, are you asleep yet?"

Li Muran opened the door, this time he didn't even bother to say "what's the matter", just looked at him with calm eyes.

Shen He blushed and scratched his head: "Hey, do you have spare toothpaste? Lend me one first, and I buy it tomorrow, can I return it to you?"

Li Muran: "..."

Glancing at this reckless guy indifferently, Li Muran turned around and took out a new toothpaste from his drawer and handed it to him. Shen He received it thankfully, ran to the bathroom to finish brushing his teeth, wanted to dry his hair before going to bed, but found that he didn’t bring a hair dryer—in order to see the master was overly excited, he didn’t bring what he should have brought when he packed his luggage, what he shouldn’t have brought Clothes are stuffed into a big box.

It's almost here, it's not good to bother your roommates anymore, right

Shen He hesitated for a moment, remembering that roommate's expressionless face, he still didn't have the guts to knock on his door again, so he had to wipe his hair with a towel with a bitter face, and sat by the bed to wait for the hair to dry naturally.


In the middle of the night, Li Muran always heard a strange sound. The new roommate with ADHD sneaked from the bedroom to the bathroom for a while, and sneaked from the bathroom to the kitchen for a while. When he opened the door, he saw that Shen He was wearing a big loose T-shirt pajamas, showing two bare long legs, and was coming out of the kitchen lightly with a glass of water.

—That action is like being a thief.

If it wasn't for knowing that a new dormmate had arrived, Li Muran would have thought that the dormitory had been broken into by thieves.

Seeing the expressionless Li Muran standing in front of him, under the dim light of the restaurant, his paralyzed face looked like a ghost, Shen He was startled and dropped the cup directly.

With a bang, the glass was in close contact with the floor tiles, and instantly shattered into pieces, and the water spilled all over the floor until it reached Li Muran's feet.

Shen He: "..."

The two stared wide-eyed, and after a while, Shen He explained with a dry smile: "I'm thirsty, so I went to the kitchen to pour a glass of water. Why did you get up? You scared me to death."

Li Muran: "..." You scared me to death.

Can I ask the captain to apply for a change of dormitory tomorrow