The King’s Return

Chapter 69: interview


It only takes one and a half hours to take the high-speed train from Changsha to Wuhan. Xiao Han booked a ticket for 10:00 in the morning. Qin Mo asked the four newcomers to upgrade themselves. After a while, he went back to tidy up and set off with Xiao Han to the high-speed railway station. After arriving in Wuhan, Qin Mo first sent Zhu Qingyue a WeChat message, and Zhu Qingyue sent him an address and thoughtfully sent him a map location, asking him to have lunch together.

It was exactly twelve noon when the two took a taxi to the restaurant that Zhu Qingyue had reserved. The sun was shining brightly. In the elegantly decorated private room, a man was sitting by the window. He was wearing a clean and tidy light blue short-sleeved shirt and a white slim fit shirt. Wearing long trousers, the whole person is bathed in the warm sunshine, giving people a particularly gentle and elegant feeling. His appearance is not the kind of handsome that people can't forget, smiling eyes, delicate and small nose, softly curved lips, combined with a very unique and elegant, it is not very handsome at first glance, but The more you look at it, the more attractive it is.

——Zhu Qingyue, elegant and outstanding, really lives up to his name.

When he was young, he was abused by the gods in the arena, and he went to the backstage to cry secretly. The gods liked to make fun of him, saying "Xiao Zhu, don't cry this time" "Xiao Zhu, I will be gentle and kill you later in the game "Xiao Zhu, would you like to get a pack of tissues in advance?" Zhu Qingyue's eyes were red with grievances, like a little white rabbit who strayed into the forest and was surrounded by a group of wild animals.

Later, the photos of Zhu Qingyue crying in the background spread all over the Internet, and he was miserably hacked by the reporters. He was really too young at that time, and many sixteen-year-old boys were held in the palms of their parents and did not know how much the outside world was like. Cruel, but Zhu Qingyue, who was less than sixteen years old, had to go to the arena with his master, and was killed by the great gods without any power to fight back. It is understandable that he shed tears when he was sad.

There are too many rookies in the league who show their sharpness, and a rookie who can cry suddenly appears. Everyone thinks it's amazing, and they can't help but want to tease him. In fact, the e-sports circle also follows the law of the jungle. In a forest full of wild wolves, tigers, and lions, a simple little white rabbit seems out of place.

Many people think that this player's psychological quality is so fragile that he will definitely not be successful in the future. Maybe he will run home crying after playing for half a year. His master Chu Yan was also very worried at the time. In order to temper his will, he deliberately put the burden of the captain on his shoulders. Zhu Qingyue had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk under the spotlight, facing repeated bombardments by the reporters...

Gradually, he stopped crying and learned to smile to the reporters after losing the game.

Later, Zhu Qingyue became the captain of the new generation of the Qingmu team, leading this unorthodox team in the Miracle Professional League. Compared with the brutal and violent team, it is simply a breath of fresh air in the entire alliance.

Six years have passed in a hurry, Zhu Qingyue, who is now over 22 years old, has lost the fragility and immaturity of his youth, and the youthfulness on his body has faded away.

The man sat by the window and smiled gently, like a handsome gentleman.

"Xiao Han, Qin Mo, long time no see." Zhu Qingyue took the initiative to stand up and stretched out his hand towards the two.

"Long time no see." Qin Mo reached out and shook his hand.

Looking at his handsome face with a smile on his face, Qin Mo was in a daze for a moment. In the blink of an eye, so many years have passed, the little crying bag of the alliance that was made fun of by the great gods at the beginning seems to have become a gray negative that was frozen in memory, and this person has walked all the way. The twists and turns and hardships experienced are unimaginable to ordinary people.

Zhu Qingyue's body is more gentle and calm, he is not as nervous and wronged as he was when he was young, and he is not as aggressive as the new generation of players. He is like a glass of water with just the right temperature. Stimulating taste, but very comfortable.

It was hard for Qin Mo to imagine that if he was in such a team whose performance was always at the bottom of the list, would he have the perseverance to persevere for so many years

Although Zhu Qingyue finally disbanded the team and announced his retirement, facing him, Qin Mo did not despise him at all, but admired him very much.


Qin Mo and Xiao Han sat down opposite Zhu Qingyue, and Zhu Qingyue brought over the menu for them to order.

This restaurant is a more literary restaurant with special dishes. The names of the dishes are "encounter at the corner" and "young time in memory". Xiao Han said with a blank face that the names of Chinese dishes are too It was difficult to understand, so he simply handed the menu to Qin Mo. Qin Mo roughly deduced what these dishes were based on the pictures, and ordered a few five-star dishes to the waiter.

This kind of literary theme restaurant is very popular among young people nowadays. Zhu Qingyue chose this restaurant because it is relatively close to the high-speed rail station, which is convenient for Qin Mo and Xiao Han to find; secondly, the environment here is really good and quiet. Soft piano music is played in the dining room, and there is a kind of laid-back atmosphere, which is very suitable for sitting down and talking about things.

The dishes were served quickly, and the dishes were more beautiful than the last one. The dishes were arranged in various exquisite shapes by the chef, which was pleasing to the eye just by looking at them.

Zhu Qingyue said: "You should be hungry too, let's chat while eating."

Xiao Han tasted it and found that the dishes in this restaurant tasted very good, light and refreshing. It seems that Zhu Qingyue used to come here often, and this place really suits his personal style.

Qin Mo ate a few mouthfuls of food, and then took the initiative to ask: "I saw the news of the disbandment of the Qingmu team on the official blog of the alliance today. Is the Zhu team planning to leave completely?"

Zhu Qingyue smiled slightly, and said calmly: "I'm not Captain Zhu anymore, I'm only one year older than you, just call me Qingyue."

Xiao Han agreed and said, "Well, it's kinder to call you by name, so what are your plans next?"

Zhu Qingyue said: "At first I wanted to join my uncle. He opened several stores selling electronic products to do business in Changsha, but he just needed a manager. But in fact, I don't know much about this, so I'm still hesitating. I'm afraid it will cause trouble for him in the future."

Xiao Han asked suspiciously: "Aren't you in touch with your master? As far as I know, he is also in Changsha."

Zhu Qingyue's expression darkened, and he said softly: "Master seldom contacted me after he retired, and I don't know much about his recent situation... Is he in Changsha?"

Xiao Han nodded: "Last month, I met him at the cooperation meeting between Longyin and other manufacturers. He is now the director of the R&D department of an electronic product company. That's right, the Dragon Yin Club may want to endorse their company's products, the specific project is still being discussed, and I don't know the progress."

"Oh." Zhu Qingyue nodded, the expression on his face was a little disappointed, but he quickly put on a smile: "It seems that he has developed well after leaving the e-sports circle."

Qin Mo calmly returned to the topic: "What about you? Have you considered changing the game and continuing to play?"

"You mean the unique world you mentioned earlier?"

"Yeah. Xiao Han and I formed the Mo Jue team, and we are preparing for next year's Dubu Jianghu professional league." Qin Mo said seriously, "The team is very short of people right now, especially for players with rich experience in competitions like you. If you are willing to come If so, we'll do it together."

"That's right." Xiao Han echoed, "Pibujianghu is a brand new VR perspective game. It has just been tested recently. You should have heard of it, right?"

"I heard that most domestic clubs have sent people to settle in." Zhu Qingyue paused, "But I didn't pay much attention to the specific situation. Xiao Han, you also went there?"

"Longyin sent me to lead the team into the new game." Xiao Han explained, "I happened to meet Xiaomo in the new area. Xiaomo planned to come back to play games, so we formed a team together."

"So that's how it is." Zhu Qingyue suddenly realized, "No wonder you two are in the same team. I couldn't believe it when I received WeChat today. Didn't Qin Mo retire three years ago?"

"I retired, but I can't let it go. This time I just had a chance, so I came back." Qin Mo looked into Zhu Qingyue's eyes and asked, "I know you are not reconciled, right?"

"..." Zhu Qingyue didn't speak.

"Actually, this game does not require as much opponent speed as traditional competitive games. The VR viewing angle is too real, and it is easy to get dizzy when switching quickly. Hand speed is not the key in future games. It is the player's awareness, the overall tactical lineup and the cooperation of teammates that matter. It is the key to victory. Moreover, this game has a touch screen control mode, which can minimize the movement of finger joints. I know that you choose to retire because of helplessness, but what is in front of us is indeed a very rare opportunity "Qin Mo explained seriously, "You have also seen the sincerity between Xiao Han and me, and I came to have an interview with you in person, just to sincerely invite you to join the Mo Jue team."

"Yes, Xiao Mo asked me to book a bus ticket right after chatting with you on WeChat." Xiao Han cooperated authentically.

"In order to let you know more about the situation of the team, let me briefly introduce to you that there are four young players in the Mo Jue team besides me and Xiao Han, three of them are newcomers to the training camp of the Dragon Yin Club, and the other is my recruit. All four of them have good talents, but because they have never played before, they will definitely have various problems in the arena. The team now has me and Xiao Han's fast attack combination, as well as front row defense, healing, and long-range Attacker and summoner control the field, if you can join us as a support, our lineup system will be more complete." Qin Mo analyzed word by word.

"Xiaomo is right. We are particularly short of experienced players. You have led the team for so many years. You have seen all kinds of lineups and participated in the World Series. If you can join the Mojue team, it will be a great deal for us. You are like a tiger with wings." Xiao Han glanced at Qin Mo and said, "If you are like a tiger with wings, am I right?"

"Very correct." Qin Mo smiled slightly at Xiao Han, and looked at Zhu Qingyue sincerely, "Qingyue, join us."

"Yes, join us." Xiao Han also looked at Zhu Qingyue sincerely.

"..." Zhu Qingyue's expression was very helpless, "You two sing together, I can't beat you two alone."

The level of tacit understanding between the twin stars, if two people say something to each other, it's like talking about cross talk, Zhu Qingyue really can't get in the way.

"We didn't mean to force you." Qin Mo took out a contract and put it in front of Zhu Qingyue, "It's not credible to say it sincerely. After discussing with Xiao Han, I initially drafted a contract. The team will give you The salary can be in the millions, 20% to 80% for a single advertising endorsement, 80% for you, and only 20% for the team. In addition, those peripherals, event tickets, live broadcast platform income, etc., can also be given the highest share." Qin Mo After a pause, he said seriously, "We know that you don't care about money, but the signing amount is the most intuitive way to show how much we value you."

"..." Zhu Qingyue looked at the contract in front of him, feeling a little moved. This condition is indeed very good, even better than when he was the captain of Qing Mu. Zhu Qingyue hesitated for a moment, and said in doubt, "I'm just a support, is it worth the price you pay? With this condition, it is absolutely possible to recruit a core master."

"You are not just a support." Qin Mo said calmly, "We need you to control the rhythm of the game. If Xiao Han and I are forwards, you are the most reliable defender of our team."

"..." Zhu Qingyue suddenly had nothing to say.

He is also a professional player, so he can understand what Qin Mo said.

No matter how fierce the front row is, without the support and assistance from the rear, it is impossible for Xiao Han and Qin Mo to be in the air every second of every second. If a team has obvious weaknesses, it is doomed not to go far. Only a team with a comprehensive lineup and both offense and defense will have the possibility of winning the championship.

—Mo Jue's weakest link right now is the back row support.

Qin Mo desperately wanted Zhu Qingyue to join the Mo Jue team, just to stabilize the rear of the team. Even if Li Muran is a rookie with a fast healing speed, his judgment of the situation and grasp of the rhythm are definitely not as good as Zhu Qingyue, a veteran who has played for six years. With Zhu Qingyue joining, the back row of the Mo Jue team will naturally become indestructible.

Facing the sincere gazes of Xiao Han and Qin Mo, Zhu Qingyue was silent for a moment, and finally smiled: "Well, since the two of you are so kind, I will join Mo Jue."

Qin Mo asked, "Don't you need to think about it?"

Zhu Qingyue shook his head lightly: "As you said, I am really not reconciled. Since there is an opportunity, why don't I take it?"

Qin Mo and Xiao Han looked at each other, and at the same time saw a trace of excitement in each other's eyes.

Xiao Han immediately stood up and said, "Great, why don't you come back to Changsha with us today."

Zhu Qingyue was surprised and said, "Are you in such a hurry?"

Xiao Han said: "We just happened to pick you up. If it's not convenient for you, you can come back in a few days, and I will drive to pick you up then."

The more Zhu Qing thought about it, he felt that it would be troublesome for Xiao Han to pick him up again, so he simply said: "I have nothing to do recently, when I go back to pack my luggage, I will go with you in the afternoon, and I just happen to get acquainted with you in advance. There are other teammates in this game."

Seeing that the general situation has been settled, Xiao Han and Qin Mo couldn't help but smile at each other.

With the addition of Zhu Qingyue, Team Mo Jue's team battle lineup will become impeccable.