The King’s Return

Chapter 70: Zhu Qingyue joined the team


After dinner, Zhu Qingyue took a taxi home to pack his luggage. Xiao Han and Qin Mo simply waited for him in a coffee shop near the high-speed rail station.

Qin Mo doesn't like adding sugar to coffee, because the bitter taste can make him more awake. Xiao Han added two pieces of sugar, and while stirring slowly, he asked: "After Zhu Qingyue joined, our team has only the last spot left. What kind of players do you want?"

Qin Mo took a sip of coffee and said calmly: "Currently, the overall lineup of Mojue is basically formed. There are our two attackers and the meat shield Xiao He in the front row, Shen He for remote field control, Pei Yu for long-range interference, and Pei Yu for support. And the treatment is also in place. I feel that there is still a mid-range single-point single-control output, which is convenient for us to focus on the opponent's core. Didn't you say that the transfer window of the Miracle League is about to open? Wulin should also have some If the contract expires at least, let’s take a look at it in two days, if there is a suitable player, we can recruit them again, which can be regarded as the icing on the cake for the team.”

"You still think comprehensively." Xiao Han said appreciatively, "Gufeng games are a bit difficult to understand. Before Qingyue played support in Miracle, what school should he play after switching to this side?"

"Tingyulou sect, the weapon is an umbrella." Qin Mo explained, "This sect has two branches, the black umbrella system and the white umbrella system. The black umbrella system is a large-scale formation group attack, and the white umbrella system is a formation Status assistance and teleportation, there is a skill called cyan rain screen, which can open a rain screen barrier within the range, directly shielding all negative states of the opponent. With Qingyue's consciousness, as long as you are familiar with the skills of this sect, you should be able to get started quickly."

"Xiao Mo, you are really good." Xiao Han admired, "You understand other sects so clearly."

"I watched the official website for half a month before entering the game." Qin Mo smiled slightly, and said, "The skills of those martial arts are almost memorized."


He is serious and caring.

It is said that serious men are the most attractive, and this is indeed true.

The two were chatting, and Zhu Qingyue soon came to the coffee shop to find them, carrying a small white suitcase in his hand. He didn't have many things, and he planned to buy daily necessities after arriving in Changsha, so he only brought some change of clothes.

Seeing him, Qin Mo stood up and said, "Let's go, let's go back to the team first."

The three of them took the high-speed rail together and arrived in Changsha at three o'clock in the afternoon. Qin Mo arranged a special car in advance to take them back to Longyin Club, and took Zhu Qingyue to the dormitory to put their luggage first.

Since Xu Sizhe left Longyin, there was just one vacant room in the dormitory. Xiao Han introduced while walking: "Your roommate is called Li Yueran. He was also playing Dubu Jianghu before, but his fear of heights couldn't be overcome, so he voluntarily quit and transferred to the Wulin team. There are still several dormitories in the club In the process of rearranging, you will live with him for a while, and we will adjust after the new dormitory is sorted out next week."

Zhu Qingyue nodded understandingly, and said with a good temper: "You can arrange the dormitory as you like, and I don't have high requirements for these."

Xiao Han knocked on the door of the dormitory, and Li Yueran poked his head out to take a look, and his eyes widened in shock: "Hey? Qing... the great god Qing?!"

Before Xiao Han sent a message to ask him to clean the dormitory, saying that a new roommate came over in the afternoon, he immediately wiped all the dormitory floors seriously. Unexpectedly, the so-called new teammate turned out to be the first assistant of the Miracle League.

As soon as the Qingmu team was disbanded, Hanshen invited the captain Zhu Qingyue over, which was quick enough.

Facing the shocked eyes of the newcomer, Zhu Qingyue smiled slightly and said, "Hello, is Li Yueran? Take care of me in the future."

Li Yueran didn't expect the Great God to have such a good temper at all, and immediately opened the door to help him carry the luggage: "The Great God is too polite..."

Xiao Han and Qin Mo helped Zhu Qingyue settle his luggage and brought him to the training room.

In the training room, Shen Hezheng said loudly: "Let me tell you this task is not that easy! Five-star difficulty, what a miserable death!"

He Beiguang looked puzzled: "How do I know that these little monsters are linked with hatred, there are dozens of them at once!"

Pei Yu said: "Take Mu Ran and kill him with more blood."

Shen He complained: "We are already professional players, and we need to bring a nanny to kill a mob!"

Li Muran corrected lightly: "Daddy."

Shen He: "... oh oh daddy, I'm wrong daddy, give me a mouthful of blood!"

A few people were discussing, Qin Mo and Xiao Han came in with a man, Pei Yu who was sitting at the door immediately stopped the task in his hand after seeing it, and took the initiative to say hello: "Qin team, Hanshen, you are back so soon ?”

Hearing Pei Yu's voice, the other three also raised their heads—the man behind Qin Mo was wearing a light blue short-sleeved shirt and white slim-fit trousers, which were very suitable for summer, with a very elegant demeanor. Facing the curious eyes, he seemed a little embarrassed, and stood there smiling shyly.

—Where did this man come from? How come these newcomers are still shy when they meet them

Xiao Han took the initiative to say: "Let me introduce, this is Zhu Qingyue, the first assistant of the Miracle Professional League. He was the captain of the Qingmu team before. Starting today, he is a member of our Mojue team."

Qin Mo added: "Qingyue has six years of experience as a professional e-sports player, and has also participated in the World Series. In the future, everyone can learn from him."

Wow, six year old contestant!

The four teenagers immediately widened their eyes in surprise. They didn't expect Team Qin to find such a great god!

Zhu Qingyue was very embarrassed by these compliments, smiled slightly, and said: "Actually, I'm just an assistant, and my level is average. I haven't played this game before. I have to adapt from the beginning. Please teach me when you have time."

Pei Yu thought to himself, it's quite rare that a great god who is obviously of top strength is still so humble and gentle. This person reminded him of an orchid quietly raised in a corner—a gentleman like an orchid, gentle and elegant. Although his appearance was not particularly handsome, his temperament was unforgettable.

Shen He couldn't hide something in his heart, so he immediately said with a smile on his face: "You are welcome, God, none of us have played this game haha, we all got used to it from scratch."

He Beiguang also echoed: "That's right, that's right, the Great Master must be faster than us to adapt."

Li Muran still didn't speak, he was rushing to give blood to the bastards who left the mission to talk to Zhu Qingyue, so as not to kill them all.

Qin Mo took the initiative to introduce to Zhu Qingyue: "This is He Beiguang, the front row of the team; Shen He, the summoner; Li Muran, the healer; Pei Yu is the long-range interference output, and the four are all players who have confirmed the signing of the Mojue team. Everyone is currently busy upgrading, and you will learn more about it later."

Zhu Qingyue nodded: "Well. Let's do the task first, I think you are all about to die..."

He Beiguang immediately turned his head to look at the computer screen: "Damn, hurry up! Shen He, hurry up and fight! We are all surrounded by mobs!"

Shen He also turned his head: "I see, don't yell! You can't die with daddy around! Right daddy?"

Li Muran: ""

A group of newcomers are doing difficult tasks, and they are quite energetic in their chirping.

Qin Mo didn't bother them, and took Zhu Qingyue to sit down in front of the computer next to him. Xiao Han brought a game ID card and a touch-screen control panel. Zhu Qingyue looked at the LCD touch screen with blue water ripple light effect in Qin Mo's hand, and felt quite fresh: "Is this the touch screen operation mode you mentioned?"

"Yeah." Qin Mo nodded, and showed him his LCD touch screen panel, "Sliding control does not require fast joint movement, so the requirement for hand speed is not very high, but the requirement for accuracy is higher , The skill area on the left can be set with 9 to 16 buttons, and each touch must be very precise, and no other buttons can be touched. The sliding area on the right can control the camera conversion and displacement in the game."

"Oh..." Zhu Qingyue watched him control it carefully, and probably understood what was going on, so he connected the control board Xiao Han handed to him to the USB port, then put on the VR glasses, and entered a new world of uniqueness.

After activating the identity card, eight schools popped up in the role creation column for him to choose. Zhu Qingyue didn't understand, so he simply asked Qin Mo: "There are so many schools, which one should I choose?"

"The Tingyu Tower is closer to your previous gameplay." Qin Mo said, "The one with the umbrella as the weapon."

"Okay." Zhu Qingyue chose Tingyulou, and immediately appeared in front of him a young man wearing a blue and white gown and holding an umbrella in his hand. Jade, and the umbrella surface is also embroidered with exquisite and beautiful patterns. When closed, it is a palpitating jet black, with a sharp blade hidden in the umbrella.

According to his understanding of the game, these should be two different states. The white umbrella is probably taking the defensive route, and the black umbrella is taking the offensive route.

—Confirm the martial art selection and listen to Yulou.

—Please enter a character name.

Zhu Qingyue thought about it, and set up his ID "Mingyue Qingkong", which is completely different from his previous ID. Anyway, it's a fresh start, so it doesn't hurt to change his name.

After entering the game, Zhu Qingyue felt dizzy for a moment. The too realistic perspective of the VR mode made him feel dizzy. He closed his eyes and adjusted for a while before opening them again—the green hills and green bamboos in the Novice Village in front of him, the small bridge Flowing water, the antique world is extraordinarily realistic, as if you are there.

Zhu Qingyue took a look at the scenery of Xinshou Village, controlled the bright moon and clear sky to pick up the first task, and officially started his journey in Dubu Jianghu.

In the past six years, he failed to make a name for himself, and only won a trophy with the national team. Some people always said that he was holding the thighs of the great masters of the national team...

He's really just an assistant. But he believes that support is an indispensable existence in a team, and support also has the dignity of support.

The brand new opportunity in front of him made him suddenly feel like he was reborn.


Years of game experience allowed Zhu Qingyue to quickly adapt to the operation of the new game, and he finished the task of Xinshou Village and joined the sect in a blink of an eye.

—Tingyulou, this is a mysterious sect located in the south of the Yangtze River. More than half of the year here is the rainy season. The drizzle of the weather inspired the founder of the sect to use "umbrella" as a weapon, and gradually extended Two factions branch.

The black umbrella system has hidden murderous intentions in the umbrella. Once deployed, hidden weapons will be shot out in all directions, and the black umbrella can be thrown out to form a large black umbrella array. The damage of hidden weapons is doubled, and the attack effect of teammates within the range is enhanced.

The exact opposite is the white umbrella system. The umbrella surface of the white umbrella is made of a very special kind of white satin. The effect is similar to the "gold silk soft armor" used for self-defense in martial arts novels. When the white umbrella is unfolded, it can completely defend against damage. It can also form a large white umbrella array, create illusions to confuse the opponent, and use the umbrella array to complete instant teleportation.

Zhu Qingyue chose the white umbrella as his weapon without hesitation after reading the description of the sect - he used to play support, and the Mo Jue team just needed support.

At level 15, you can go to Mingzhou City to do missions. Qin Mo knew that it would be difficult for him to upgrade alone as an assistant, so he took the initiative to take him and sent a message: "Qingyue, I will take you on missions."

Looking at the white-clothed swordsman "Mohen" who appeared in front of him, Zhu Qingyue was a little surprised: "Qin Mo? You don't play Summoner yet?"

"Yeah." Qin Mo didn't explain much, and said lightly, "Changing the game is just a different way of playing. Let's go, I will take you to upgrade as soon as possible."

Since he didn't want to talk about it, Zhu Qingyue didn't ask any more questions, and followed him to learn more about the game's perspective and positioning.

After cleaning up the missions in the main city, Qin Mo took Zhu Qingyue to brush up a few rounds of small dungeons. When Qin Mo teamed up with Jinghua Shuiyue and others to level up, it took 12 hours to reach level 30, but today Qin Mo is already level 60, and fighting low-level monsters is as easy as chopping vegetables. It took Zhu Qingyue to level 35 in an hour.

- There are high-level people with upgrades, and the speed of experience growth is like riding a rocket.

At level 35, you can go to the team copy of "Sword God Valley Ruins". Qin Mo has already played it before, so he asked Zhu Qingyue to wait in the Sword God Valley first, and he went to ask if there is anyone in the gang who wants to fight.

"Is there a group in the guild that fights the ruins of the Sword God Valley? If there is a position, let's form [Mingyue Qingkong]." Qin Mo just finished sending the message, and a system prompt popped up on the guild channel.

—The gang member [Mingyue Qingkong] was ruthlessly killed by [Gorgeous Fireworks] in Sword God Valley!

Qin Mo was startled, and asked suspiciously, "What's going on? Why did this person kill you?"

Zhu Qingyue was also a little dazed: "I don't know, if you see me, you will have revenge."

Zhu Qingyue also found it very interesting to get such a meeting gift as soon as he entered the new game. He just cut to the skill list to look at the data, but was killed for no reason.

Zhu Qingyue checked the battle records and said, "It's a team of five."

Qin Mo asked, "Coordinates."

Zhu Qingyue sent him the coordinates: "You want to come over?"

Qin Mo said indifferently: "Of course. Dare to kill our family's assistant, so that they can't eat and walk around."

His temper has always been like this, people don't offend me, I don't offend others, if people offend me... sorry, let me teach you how to behave.