The King’s Return

Chapter 83: Mountains and Flowing Water (Part 1)


Li Muran and Shen He happened to meet Han Mo on the way back to the dormitory, Xiao Han looked at the big and small bags in their hands, and couldn't help being surprised: "Aren't you going to buy toothpaste?"

Shen He said awkwardly: "By the way, I bought a little something else."

Xiao Han said straightly: "Isn't this a little bit?"

Qin Mo added: "It's a lot."

"..." Shen He blushed even more, scratched his head embarrassingly, and said, "Master, let's go back to the dormitory to put things away."

Qin Mo nodded: "Go ahead, gather in the training room later."

Shen He quickly ran to the dormitory to put things away, he really bought too much with cheap hands, such as tea sets, thermos cups, clothes, daily necessities...

Li Muran saw him tidying things up and down, and thought to himself: It's really the same as moving house, just need to buy a cooking pot.

Shen He quickly put away all the things he bought, rubbed his hands together and said with a smile, "Okay, thank you so much for today!"

Li Muran: "...No thanks."

When the two came to the training room together, the other teammates had already arrived, and the time was exactly half past two.

Qin Mo confessed: "Everyone will continue to work in teams and reach level 75 within two days."

At present, on the first page of the level list, many people have broken through the 75th level barrier, among them are "Gentlemen Wushuang" and "Smoke Dissipated" from the Sword Song team, "Snow Man Tianshan" and "Poison Little Demon" from the Fengse team, Guose The club's "Jinling Old Dream" and other professional players, and some ID Qin Mo don't know, they are probably professional players from major clubs or masters trained by major guilds.

After level 65, the main task gives a lot of experience, and the corresponding difficulty will also increase. Ordinary online game players will level up more and more slowly after level 65, but the team composed of professional players clears tasks very efficiently, and the leveling speed naturally exceeds those who hang up The power leveling studio for spawning monsters is also the reason why the top ranks in the later stage are almost all contracted by professional players and private masters.


Qin Mo gave everyone two days to rush to level 75, and the team members also showed full energy, divided into two teams to complete all the main tasks, and did many difficult side tasks in the field.

At noon two days later, everyone finally reached level 75 smoothly.

Qin Mo glanced at the level list, the first to fifth pages were all level 75. Zhou Xuewei and Lin Shuangcheng were all stuck at level 75 and failed to rise to 76. This was because at level 75 they would face the biggest experience wall in the game—the experience required for leveling up had directly increased by five times. Since the cross-server arena will be opened after the full level of 80, if players can quickly rise to level 80, it means that the arena is full of rookies wearing garbage equipment. The official deliberately blocked the experience wall once at level 75, just to allow everyone to calm down to collect cheats and make equipment, so as to prepare for the arena after the full level.

At level 75, the last team dungeon in the upgrade stage—the "Mountain and Flowing Water" dungeon located in Luoying Valley will be opened.

To Qin Mo's surprise, the first boss kill of this dungeon is still there, and the current clearance record of the dungeon is still blank.

——Haven’t even the elite groups of gangs like Fengse, Jiange, and Guose Tianxiang failed to pass the level

Qin Mo thought for a while and said, "Let's go to the copy of Gaoshan Liushui first."

The eight members of Mojue immediately merged into a team and gathered in the instance of "High Mountain and Flowing Water" in Luoying Valley.

As soon as he entered the dungeon, Qin Mo was a little surprised. This team dungeon didn't have the No. 1, No. 2, and No. 3 bosses like other dungeons, but only a pair of bosses—Bo Ya and Ziqi.

This is obviously related to the allusion of "high mountains and flowing water".

According to legend, the qin master Boya once played the piano in the wilderness. The woodcutter Zhong Ziqi heard what he was thinking. What is flowing water, Ziqi said, "The ocean is like a river". Boya was pleasantly surprised to meet a bosom friend, and the two became close friends. They often played the piano together, one played and the other listened. Later, when Zhong Ziqi passed away, Boya thought that there was no one in the world who could understand his qin, so he broke the strings and never played again.

The planning of the unique Jianghu is obviously more literary. The level 55 dungeon "Jiangnan Academy" set Su Shi and his father and son as bosses, and the level 75 dungeon "High Mountain and Flowing Water" dragged Boya and Ziqi out. Luoying Valley is a school of killing people with rhythm in the unique world. Putting the copy of "High Mountain and Flowing Water" in Luoying Valley is also in line with the game's settings.

After everyone entered the dungeon, they were sent directly to the top of a high mountain without encountering any mobs.

Boya was sitting in the gazebo on the top of the mountain playing the piano, his white clothes fluttering like a fairy, Zhong Ziqi stood beside him motionless, obviously listening to him playing the piano, the beautiful and melodious melody in his ears was the Guqin piece "High Mountain and Flowing Water".

Qin Mo looked up the attributes of the boss, and was surprised to find that Boya's blood volume was one million, while Zhong Ziqi's blood volume was only 50,000!

Xiao Han also noticed this, and was a little puzzled: "Why is there such a difference in the blood volume of the two bosses?"

Pei Yu followed up and said: "I thought I was wrong, so I counted again, and it is indeed Boya's one million and Zhong Ziqi's fifty thousand."

One million blood is a reasonable value for a level 75 raid boss, but 50,000 blood...

Shen He complained: "The blood output of our crispy skin is also 60,000. A boss' blood is lower than the player's. Are you embarrassed to stand here?"

He Beiguang ran to Zhong Ziqi's side to compare, and found that his blood was twice as much as that of the boss, and he couldn't help laughing: "My blood is twice as much as his, and I feel more like a boss than him!"

——Zhong Ziqi only has 50,000 blood, is he ashamed to stand here as a boss

Then there is only one possibility, he is not the Boss.

Qin Mo thought about it carefully, and said, "Xiao Han, kill him first, and try to see what happens."

"Okay." Xiao Han immediately stepped forward obediently, throwing the bloody dagger in his hand continuously, "Changhong Guanri" three combos, "Liuyue Feixing" two combos - 50,000 blood was quickly emptied by him , Zhong Ziqi almost fell to the ground without any resistance.

Then, a shocking scene happened—the melody of mountains and rivers came to an abrupt end, and Boya smashed the qin in his hand. With the violent sound of the qin being smashed, a soft golden sound wave swept across like a wave. All around, knock everyone directly to the bottom of the cliff!

Everyone: "..."

Eight people fell freely on the cliff, and they collectively fell into meatloaf, and the group was wiped out very simply.

Xiao Han wondered, "Can't this Zhong Ziqi be killed?"

Qin Mo quickly figured out the key settings of the dungeon, and speculated: "Historically, after Zhong Ziqi died, Boya lost his soulmate and never played the piano again. This allusion should be used in the dungeon planning. Once Zhong Ziqi dies, If you drop it, Bo Ya will go berserk immediately, and the golden sound wave will fill the screen instantly."

Xiao Han couldn't help praising: "Xiao Mo, you know a lot."

Everyone: "..."

What's the matter with Hanshen's tone of "I adore you"? Shen He, who is Qin Mo's number one fan, is ashamed of himself!

Qin Mo was used to being praised by Xiao Han from time to time, and said calmly, "If I guessed correctly, Zhong Ziqi is not the boss in this dungeon, but a 'hostage'."

-hostage? Hearing this, everyone immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

The planning of Dubu Jianghu is really bad. In the boss battle, if one of them is turned into a "hostage", how will the players fight

Zhu Qingyue smiled helplessly: "No wonder the first kill of this dungeon is still there. It seems that other teams couldn't guarantee Zhong Ziqi's survival, and were wiped out by Boya's rage."

Liu Hong frowned and said, "If you want to kill Boya without killing Zhong Ziqi, if the two hate each other, wouldn't it be too embarrassing?"

Hate linkage means that if the player attacks Boya, Zhong Ziqi will help Boya. Wherever Boya goes, Zhong Ziqi will follow him, but Zhong Ziqi cannot die. Everyone must avoid Zhong Ziqi. Under the premise of his survival, Bo Ya killed millions of blood... Everyone suddenly felt powerless as "the hostage is being held hostage, and the skills are nowhere to be used".

Qin Mo thought for a while and said, "Everyone, don't use any group attack skills first, so as not to hurt Zhong Ziqi, you must use single-target attack skills to only hit Boya."

Here is the problem, most of the common skills of Dubu Jianghu are group attack skills, and the cooling time of individual skills is relatively long. Moreover, if you only use individual skills to fight Boya, the speed will be very slow, and you may not be able to beat Boya in an hour. Death, in the process, you may also face various big moves from the boss...

Xiao Han asked: "Do you want to fight?"

Qin Mo said, "Let's try it. Let's adjust the shortcut key settings first, and find out all the single-target attack skills."

The single-target attack skill of the Hanhua Sword School is "Sword Intent Wushuang", and Liu Hong's single-target attack skill of Xuanbing Palace currently only has "Snake Pearl Sparrow Ring"; fortunately, Xiao Han's assassin and Pei Yu's single-target attack skills of the flute school A little more, Shen He can also use the pet's siege operation to fight one of the bosses alone. With this lineup configuration of Mo Jue, it is theoretically feasible to clear the dungeon.

Qin Mo gave everyone half a minute to adjust their skills, and then said: "Everyone disperse, pay attention to move! Xiao Han counts down three seconds to open the boss."

"Okay." After counting silently for three seconds, Xiao Han accurately hit Boya with a dart, the melody of mountains and flowing water sounded, and the boss battle officially started!

Everyone immediately exploded the hand speed single output of Boya who was playing the piano. Soon, the first bar of the music ended, and a soft red sound wave suddenly covered the surroundings like a tide, and everyone's blood volume dropped by half in an instant! Qin Mo immediately said: "Mu Ran, pay attention to adding blood!"

Li Muran reacted very quickly, and immediately used a group bonus skill "Xinglin Chunnuan" to bring everyone's blood back to about 80%, and then gave everyone the "Golden Needle Blood" continuous blood buff.

However, just as Li Muran got his team's blood back up, the second section of the music ended, and Boya launched an unavoidable large-scale group attack technique again!

—Sonic coverage, the whole regiment loses 60% of blood!

This is simply a squeeze on treatment. If the treatment goes a little bit wrong, it is very likely that people will die at this stage.

Fortunately, Li Muran's hand speed is extremely fast, and the weapon's skill cooldown has been reduced by 30%, so it is quite easy to deal with this situation where the whole regiment loses blood.

However, at the moment when the third section of the music finished playing, Boya's big range move actually caused the whole group to lose 80% of their blood at once!

Seeing that most of the health bars of everyone were cut off by the boss in an instant, Li Muran was also a little puzzled—the boss lost 50% of the blood in the first big move, and most of the healing could handle it. The second blood loss is 60%, which can be added if the speed is faster. For the third 80% blood loss, he had to go all out and heal the crit to barely cope. According to the idea of the plan, the fourth time, maybe 100% blood loss to wipe out the team.

If this is the setting, no treatment can cope with this short-term treatment squeeze, and more than two treatments are required to pass the level.

Li Muran used all the healing ults and the "Hanging Pot to Help the World" to pull the blood of the whole regiment to more than 90%. He was worrying about what to do with the next wave of ults, and the music of the fourth measure had already been played , Bo Ya once again released a large-scale red sound wave...

However, to Li Muran's surprise, this time, the whole regiment didn't lose a single drop of blood!

— Cyan Rain Curtain!

— It was Zhu Qingyue who made the timely move and directly opened the invincible barrier of Tingyu Tower!

At that moment, Li Muran was really lucky to have escaped from death.

He almost forgot that Team Mo Jue also had a god-level supporter!

Zhu Qingyue opened his mouth and said, "Mu Ran, you increase blood three times, and I will open the barrier once, and the cooldown time can just be picked up."

Li Muran nodded seriously: "Yes."

Zhu Qingyue even calculated the cooling time. Obviously, he has been paying attention to Li Muran's blood increase situation all the time, and when he found that Muran was about to be unable to resist the group increase move, Zhu Qingyue immediately connected the rain screen barrier.

The combination of treatment and support successfully resolved the crisis that the team was almost wiped out.

Qin Mo was also very relieved to see this scene—Zhu Qingyue's awareness was really top-notch, and he could even predict the boss's big move.

Next, every time the boss finishes playing a bar, he will unleash an unavoidable full-screen big move, which will cause 50%, 60%, 80%, and 100% of the team's blood loss. The first three times will be increased by Li Muran. To deal with it, Zhu Qingyue opened the invincible barrier for the fourth time and forcibly blocked it.

Boya's skill routines were quickly figured out by everyone, and the process of fighting the boss became extremely smooth.

Five minutes later, Boya's blood volume of 1 million was reduced to 700,000 by everyone's violent output.

Boya uttered a line, and the melody of the high mountain and flowing water immediately accelerated, and many silver halos appeared on the ground.

Qin Mo reminded: "Everyone pay attention to your steps, the stage is about to change!"
