The King’s Return

Chapter 92: Undercover plan again


After finishing the conversation with Lin Shuangcheng, Xiao Han pulled Qin Mo over to look at the dialogue box.

Seeing the last sentence sent by Junzi Wushuang, Qin Mo couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly: "A stronger luthier? The wind and the moon?"

He thought that the Everlasting Lantern was strong enough, but he didn't expect that there would be a more powerful character behind the Everlasting Lantern.

The school of Luoyinggu includes the luthiers who play the guqin and the musicians who play the jade flute, all of which are long-range magic attack professions. Guqin musicians have a wide range of sound waves and many group attack skills, while jade flute musicians have sound waves that can penetrate obstacles and have many interference skills.

When Qin Mo picked people from the training camp, he dismissed the rookie from the Guqin genre because the Mojue team didn't need to keep too many long-range magic attacks. But obviously, Yulou Chunxiao's team uses the ensemble of Qin and flute in Luoying Valley as the core of their tactics. If Chang Ming Deng and Xiaofeng Wanyue are not weaker than Lin Shuangcheng, then their ensemble sonic tactics will be very terrible.

Sensing that Qin Mo was bowing his head and thinking seriously, Xiao Han couldn't help asking: "Do you really want to fight these two?"

Qin Mo's mind really cannot be hidden from Xiao Han, probably just like the masters in martial arts novels would be very excited to find each other when they heard that there are masters in other places, Qin Mo also has the same mentality now, he desperately wants to Talk to the two great gods of the Luoying Valley sect. His understanding of the Luoying Valley sect is limited to the introduction on the official website and Pei Yu's usual training performance, but he is very clear that Pei Yu's level in this sect is far from reaching the top of the pyramid. The bottleneck of the problem, we must learn something from the masters of the Luoying Tanimoto sect.

But masters have their own affairs to be busy with, and if Qin Mo doesn't want to compete, he will be sent to his door for him to practice.

Qin Mo frowned and raised a key problem: "We are in the first area of Telecom, and they are in the first area of Netcom. If you want to compete, you can only go to the cross-server arena. But the custom room of the cross-server arena can only invite friends. I didn't add these two people as friends, and if I invite other people to fight, they may not come."

Xiao Han reminded: "Trumpet."

Qin Mo looked back at him: "What trumpet?"

Xiao Han smiled slightly, looked into Qin Mo's eyes and said, "I hope to have one heart and one heart, and the white heads will never be apart."

Qin Mo: "..."

Hearing these words from the other party, Qin Mo's heart skipped a beat, and he was in a daze for a while. The handsome mixed-race guy's eyes are like a bottomless pool, which seems to be attracting him to sink into it...

Shen He, who had been eavesdropping on the conversation between the two, couldn't help but interjected: "That's right, Master! Your undercover trumpet can be used again!"

Qin Mo came back to his senses in an instant, coughed lightly, and said, "Oh, you are talking about the undercover pair."

Xiao Han wondered: "Otherwise?"

Qin Mo's cheeks became hot for a while, and he was in a trance just now, thinking that he was going to confess to himself, it seems that he was thinking too much! This is obviously the name of a pair of trumpets!

— This cranky problem really needs to be changed.

Qin Mo took a sip of cold water from the cup on the table to cool down the heat on his face, and then calmly said, "Do you want to go to the Netcom area to create a new account?"

Xiao Han said: "You don't need to create a new account. You can transfer regions after one month of server opening. It seems that this game can be transferred from Telecom to China Netcom. I'll check it out..." He went to the official website to check the service introduction of transfer regions, and then Confirmed and said, "It is indeed possible to transfer, but we have to pay a lot of handling fees. Moreover, if we encounter duplicate IDs after we transfer to the Netcom area, we need to add a suffix to the end of the name."

As long as you can transfer districts, these are not a problem.

Qin Mo said bluntly: "Then transfer. It's been less than a month since the server was launched, and these two days are just a good time to upgrade the trumpet."

Hearing that the two were going undercover again, Liu Hong couldn't help laughing, and interjected: "After you arrive in the new district, will you continue to call each other husband and wife?"

Qin Mo: "..."

In order to investigate Liu Hong's identity, the two called each other husband and wife in front of her to show off their affection, but now it is really embarrassing in front of Liu Hong, Qin Mo is embarrassed to speak and pretends not to hear while wearing earphones. Xiao Han took the initiative to smooth things over and said: "We are here to break into the enemy and investigate the two masters of Luoying Valley. If necessary, we should continue to pretend to be husband and wife so that it will not be suspicious."

Liu Hong: "Hehe, that's it."

Liu Hong smiled as if he had seen through everything, Xiao Han didn't blush, and changed the subject: "By the way, starting tomorrow, Xiaomo and I will continue to play ranking with Shen He and Mu Ran in the morning, and for the training in the afternoon, Xiang Sister, keep an eye on Xiaohe and Muran, and tell me if you have any questions."

Liu Xiang had been helping Li Muran improve his treatment skills before, but Li Muran was really bored, she didn't say a few words all day, she was very bored. Xiao Han asked her to keep an eye on Shen He's training, so he wouldn't be bored now, Liu Xiang immediately agreed, and said with a smile: "No problem, just go ahead and get busy."


Two familiar reminders popped up on the system channel of the Guose Tianxiang Gang.

—The guild member [Wish to win a person] is online.

— Guild member [White Heads Never Separate] is online.

The guild channel immediately began to complain: "This couple is here again!" "It's been a long time since I saw this dog abuse couple go online!" "Raise the torch!"

I wish to have one-hearted people: "Long time no see, everyone. My wife and I are going on our honeymoon in a few days. This account will be closed. I am here today to say goodbye to everyone. Thank you for your care during this time."

Everyone immediately expressed their farewell to their departure: "Happy honeymoon!"

Qin Mo found that Xiao Han could enter the state of acting in an instant...

The reason he made up is indeed very satisfactory. A couple is going on their honeymoon, quit the gang in the game, and will not log in again, and no one will doubt it.

When they were undercover in the Guose Gang, they mainly paid attention to Liu Hong's movements. They did tasks with Liu Hong every day, and had no contact with other people. Everyone just complained about their IDs, and they had no friendship with them. The two quit the gang without much reaction.

After quitting the guild, the two went together to do some tasks, and used the time after training to upgrade the trumpet to level 80, and made a suit of equipment by the way.

It just so happened that the one-month public beta was up, and the zone transfer service was opened. The two went to the official website to pay a fee to complete the zone transfer procedures, and then transferred to the Netcom zone together.

The painting style of the Netcom area is different from that of the Telecom area. When the two logged into the "Shui Tiao Ge Tou" of the Netcom area, the world channel was swiping. They hung up on the world channel to scold, and Qin Mo was not interested in these PVE dungeon group tearing incidents, so he opened the guild list directly, and sure enough, he saw that the number one on the guild rankings was "Yulou Chunxiao".

Qin Mo and Xiao Han applied to join the guild, and after a while, both of them received a private chat at the same time——

Man Tingfang: "Hello, I am Yulou Chunxiao's internal affairs manager. We are a competitive guild that focuses on PVP and does not play dungeons. If it is a dungeon casual party, the application for membership will not be approved, please forgive me."

I wish to have one-hearted people: "My wife and I are both competitive parties, focusing on the arena, let's approve it."

The white head never leaves: "We only play in the arena, not dungeons."

The membership application was quickly approved, and Man Tingfang sent a row of clapping emojis on the guild channel: "There are newcomers, welcome!"

A group of people sent clapping emojis in unison.

Wish to get one-hearted people: "Hello everyone, we are new here, please take care of us."

Baishou did not leave: "Hi everyone, we are new here, please take care of us."

The two of them had a tacit understanding again, and the Yulou Chunxiao guild channel suddenly exploded, and the expressions of applauding turned into thunder: "Where is the husband and wife team! Blow up!" "Damn it, this pair of IDs is simply discrimination against us single dogs! "I knelt ten times in the arena, and when I returned to the gang, I was tortured by such an ID! This game is so difficult to play!"

Purely competitive gangs tend to have more rough guys, which is completely different from the Guose Tianxiang gang, which has a lot of girls and a fresh style. Exploitation of foul language on gang channels is very common. Regarding Han Mo, the "couple party", everyone only complained a few words, Let's bring the topic back to qualifying.

"By the way, Myojin has been running around for the past few days. Has he already reached the third stage?" "I saw him with more than 2,600 points yesterday. It's a blast!"

The Mystic that everyone talks about is obviously the master of "Eternal Light".

Xiao Han immediately interjected, "Is Myoshin there?"

Man Tingfang: "Myojin basically doesn't care about the gang's affairs, and it's the same if you have any questions."

This Man Tingfang is like the little Yaoxian from the Mo Jue Gang, he is the manager of the Yulou Chunxiao Online Game Guild. The real masters in the gang are busy building a team, so of course they don't have time to take care of these daily chores in the online game.

Qin Mo followed Xiao Han's words and said, "We want to meet Myoshin."

Man Tingfang: "He's been very busy recently, you guys should form a team to play in the arena first, he and Xiaoxiao should both come over for the weekend guild missions."

Seeing this, Qin Mo sent Xiao Han a private message: "We try our best to attract his attention during guild missions, and get inside to find out."

Xiao Han replied immediately: "Good wife."

Qin Mo: "..."

Xiao Han is too deep into the drama, is it necessary to call his wife when talking privately