The King’s Return

Chapter 95: Arena ranking


Sometimes Xie Changming couldn't keep up with Su Cheng's train of thought. The man in front of him looked very gentle and played the piano well. Listening to him playing the piano would give people a feeling of "like a spring breeze", but what was going on in his heart, he couldn't tell. No one can guess it, especially his eyes, which seem to be gentle and harmless, but are actually shockingly deep.

Even though he was his junior brother, Xie Changming felt that he actually knew less than 30% of him.

The only thing that is certain is that Su Cheng is very smart, and his speculation has never made a mistake.

Thinking of this, Xie Changming asked cheekily: "Senior brother, how are you sure that the two of them must belong to Team Mo Jue?"

There was a smile on the corner of Su Cheng's lips, but there was a determined look in his eyes: "There are five teams in Telecom District 1, we can use the method of elimination. First of all, it is impossible for the Jiange team to send us undercover agents. Lin Shuangcheng knows the situation of our team well." I clearly understand that there is no need for this; secondly, the Guose Tianxiang club is full of female players, and they are not enough in manpower. It is not easy to find good teammates in the new area, and I am too busy to pay attention to other teams; thirdly Well, the Huaxia Club doesn't have any great summoner players, and the flamboyant Yuan Xi doesn't have the character to be an undercover agent himself... So, the only thing left is Mo Jue."

Xie Changming expressed admiration: "It makes sense!"

Su Cheng turned around and double-clicked the mouse to open a screenshot, pointing to the eight IDs on it: "This is a screenshot of the customs clearance record before the revision of Gaoshan Liushui in District 1 of China Telecom. The eight members of the Mojue gang are from the eight sects. If I can guess That's right, they should be the eight members of the Mo Jue team."

The ID in the screenshot does indeed have the name of the Mo Jue Gang behind it. He had also heard about this incident. At the beginning, there was a lot of trouble in the forum, and some people said that "Mohen opened a cheat", but was slapped in the face by the authorities. Xie Changming wondered: "If these eight players are all players of Team Mojue, then how dare their captains post the roster openly? Are you afraid that other teams will know?"

"So what if you know? Can you think of a way to deal with it?" Su Cheng looked at him with a smile.

After thinking carefully for a while, Xie Changming finally gave up helplessly: "Indeed, the eight sects are complete, and it is difficult to target."

"That's it. Their lineup is very comprehensive. The captain can adjust the players before each team battle. This comprehensive team has no obvious weaknesses, so he is not afraid to announce the list in advance. Among the eight people, There are masters from the Xuanbing Palace Shuanghuan school and the Zhuge family organ school, which happen to be the same as the two trumpet schools that came undercover to our gang." Su Cheng paused, and then said, "Besides, I just asked Man Tingfang, She said that she did meet Mo Jue's guild leader, Mo Hen, during the cross-server arena qualifying match last week, and she added him as a friend out of curiosity. The time when our guild's undercover agent appeared was just a few days ago. "

"..." Xie Changming was almost on his knees. He just went out to call Lin Shuangcheng for a minute, and the powerful senior brother actually checked everything out.

"What should we do next?" Xie Changming asked earnestly.

"Pretend you don't know. I'll call this pair of undercover agents, and we'll go to the arena to try out a platoon."


As soon as Qin Mo and Xiao Han came out of the arena, they received an invitation to form a team and a private chat from Xiaofeng Wanyue: "Amin and I are going to the cross-server arena. We are short of teammates. Come?"

"Okay." Qin Mo agreed to the invitation without hesitation, and Xiao Han followed suit.

In the room of the cross-server arena, I wish to have one heart and one mind, never leave each other, four people form a team.

Xiaofeng Wanyue: "Hello."

I wish to have one-hearted people: "I am on the same level as my wife, the two great gods forgive me a lot."

Xiaofeng Canyue: "You're welcome, your wife is quite powerful."

White heads never parted: "Thank you."

Eternal Light: "I want to know, are you two a real couple? Or a couple in online games?"

I wish to get the one-hearted person: "A real couple, just got married some time ago."

Eternal Light: "Really? What do you do?"

Wish to have someone with one heart: "I am an English simultaneous interpreter, and my wife is a high school Chinese teacher."

Eternal Light: "...then you two are quite a match."

Wishing to win the one-hearted person: "I also feel [smile]"

Xie Changming couldn't help complaining: "This great god is really thick-skinned, he doesn't even draft drafts when he brags, and he's not afraid that the cowhide will be blown."

Su Cheng was very calm: "It's natural to have a thick skin when you're an undercover agent. Don't use this kind of probing method, it's useless."

Xie Changming poked the back of his head embarrassingly, and found that he was indeed a little bored. Since the other party was here as an undercover agent, what could he find out by language probing? These are definitely lies.

Xiaofeng Canyue: "Let's start, play a few rounds and sleep."

The white heads are inseparable: "Okay."

Qin Mo couldn't stand Xiao Han's nonsense anymore, and wished to start quickly, so he pressed the ready button immediately.

Their trumpet points are only about 1,500 points, but Eternal Light and Xiaofeng Wanyue have more than 2,500 points. If such four people form a team, the system will average their points and match them to teammates and opponents with about 2,000 points. Of course, because Qin Mo and Xiao Han have a lot of victories in a row, the system may also choose the opponent with the most victories in a row, so that they can be evenly matched.

—In the cross-server arena qualifying match, looking for teammates and opponents, please wait.

—Have found teammates and opponents for you, do you want to enter

During the peak online hours at night, the team matching speed in the cross-server arena was very fast, and it only took a few seconds to find a suitable team. Everyone enter the arena room...

Qin Mo was suddenly embarrassed.

The person whose teammate was matched was actually Duanhun—Yuan Xi, the captain of the Fengse team in the new area.

And the opponents who were matched were even more indescribable-Drunken River, Silence, Three Points of Water, Feather Falling, Gentleman Wushuang.

Xiao Han almost sprayed the water he drank.

Seeing the lineups of both sides, Lin Shuangcheng sent two words: "Hehe."

He immediately guessed that the other party's "Wish to win a person with one heart" and "White head never leave" are the twin stars of Mo Jue. Before Xiao Han came to him to ask about Yulou Chunxiao, and then Xie Changming asked him about Mo Jue, saying that a pair of undercover agents from Telecom District 1 came from the gang, which couldn't be more obvious. Su Cheng was a man of deep scheming, and deliberately pulled the two trumpets into the team for ranking, obviously testing their identities.

As a result... it happened to be Mo Jue!

What's even more ridiculous is that there is Yuan Xi among the teammates, the new summoner player of the Fengse team who replaced Qin Mo.

——This ranking is really a bloody drama.

Lin Shuangcheng watched the show with folded arms, gloating.

Shen He couldn't sit still anymore, and asked, "Master, what should we do? Do we need to cooperate with you two in acting?"

Qin Mo calmed down: "You don't need to play, you don't need to act. This place is full of masters, and they will be able to tell right away if you act."

Here, Duan Hun sent a row of question marks on the team channel: "???" He was obviously still out of the situation, and didn't know what the "hehe" of Junzi Wushuang meant. After thinking about it, he played against Junzi Wushuang in the last round The opponent happened to lose, and it is more likely that he would use "hehe" to mock himself. Yuan Xi couldn't help but explode on the spot: "What are you huh? I met you three times in the arena today, it's really bad luck!!"

Lin Shuangcheng was very surprised: "I didn't say hello to you, why are you excited?"

Yuan Xi: "???"

Xie Changming asked: "Brother, Mo Jue happens to be on the opposite side, how should we fight this round?"

Su Cheng smiled: "That depends on how the two undercover agents deal with it."

I wish to have someone with one heart: "On the other side, don't kill my wife later, I will kill whoever kills my wife [smile]"

Yuan Xi: "????"

Lin Shuangcheng: "..."

Liu Hong: "..."

Shen He: "..."

Qin Mo's cheeks were hot, and he said directly: "You acted too much! Speed up and get ready to fight."

Xiao Han immediately pressed the ready button. In fact, his words were a reminder to Mo Jue's team members, don't come to kill Xiaomo, otherwise Xiaomo's actions are too sharp under conditioned reflex, and Yuan Xi may recognize him.

And Yuan Xi, the leader of Fengse New District who was randomly assigned to this inexplicable team, was still in a state of confusion at this time. His brows frowned into the word Chuan, thinking in his heart, after the start of the game, no matter what happens, let's talk about the captain of the sword song team first.

The countdown to the start of the game finally appeared on the screen...