The King’s Return

Chapter 96: Dog Blood Qualifying Match (Part 1)


After the ten-second countdown, everyone was sent to the arena map. The random map for this game was "Luojia Village". Everyone was very familiar with this place—the Novice Village in the game, and it was also the first place for everyone to enter the Dubu Jianghu. The world you see.

The game map uses the scenery of Luojia Village at dusk. Under the setting sun, the whole village seems to be covered with a layer of soft golden veil. The flock of sheep all copied the scene settings of Novice Village, making people feel as if they have returned to the novice time when they just entered the game.

As the map is fully loaded, a series of prompts appear on the screen—

The random mode of this game is "Secret Mode".

Victory conditions for both sides: Capture the secret letter and hand it over to the village chief.

Death punishment rules: Resurrection after 1 second for the first death, 2 seconds for the second time, 3 seconds for the third time, and so on.

Kill reward rules: Killing one person increases attack power by 10%, killing two people by 20%, killing three people by 30%, and so on.

It can be seen from the system prompt that the secret letter mode is far from the Escort mode.

Escort mode is divided into red attackers and blue defenders. Secret letter mode has no difference between offense and defense. The goal of both parties is exactly the same - to take the secret letter from the messenger and hand it over to the designated NPC. It is precisely because of this that the random maps in the secret letter mode are generally scenes such as villages, towns, and sects. There will be an NPC receiving the secret letter in the middle of the map. Whoever submits the secret letter first will win.

The reward and punishment rules are also different. The resurrection time after death in Escort mode is 10 seconds, 20 seconds, and 30 seconds, but in secret mode is 1 second, 2 seconds, and 3 seconds—this means that players who die in secret mode can be resurrected almost immediately to participate again In team battles, the battle rhythm will be much faster than that of the Escort Bureau mode. This is also because the bodyguard team moves slowly, but the messenger's movement speed is fast.

There is another characteristic of secret letter mode - secret letter can be hijacked repeatedly.

For example, if a player on the red side intercepts the secret letter first, but is killed by a player on the blue side while delivering the letter, then the secret letter on him will be transferred to the killer.

As long as the secret message does not reach the target NPC, the game will not end.

The arena below 2000 points is almost all Escort mode, and there is a 20% probability of secret message mode only after 2000 points or more. This mode has not been encountered many times recently, but Qin Mo probably knows the rules.

In this game, Qin Mo and the others are the red side, with the birth point in the lower left corner, and the blue side's birth point in the upper right corner.

Among the red team, the musicians and luthiers of the Eternal Lantern, Xiao Feng Wanyue are all long-range magic professions, Qin Mo and Yuan Xi are both summoning professions of the Zhuge family, and Xiao Han's trumpet Xuanbing Palace has a medium-range trap flow attack In hand, the output of five people will be very scary, but such a lineup has no tanks or healers, and the survivability is very low. On the other hand, for the blue side, Lin Shuangcheng's swordsman is a melee group attack, Shen He's summoner, Li Muran's healer, Liu Hong's trap, and Pei Yu's flute music are more complete than the red side's team.

However, the combat rhythm of the secret letter mode is extremely fast. As long as the pure output team can win a few team battles, it also has a chance of winning.

The team is full of masters, and who will direct it has become a difficult problem for everyone to discuss.

On the blue side, Shen He, Li Muran, and Pei Yu are all newbies. Liu Hong happened to be leading the three newcomers to the rankings today. She was in charge of the previous rounds, but now, a sword song came to the team. The captain, plus the undercover trumpet of his own team on the opposite side, Liu Hong immediately threw the hot potato to Lin Shuangcheng wittily: "Master Wushuang, please take command, I don't understand the secret letter mode."

Lin Shuangcheng guessed the identity of the couple's trumpet, so he definitely wouldn't pick up this hot potato, and said, "I don't understand the secret letter mode, so you should come, I'll just make soy sauce."

Liu Hong: "You come, you come!"

Lin Shuangcheng: "No, no, you should come."

Shen He typed anxiously: "Hurry up and discuss it! It's about to start!"

He was dying of anxiety. Although he knew that there were a lot of masters in the opponent's team, including the master and Hanshen's aliases, Shen He was not the kind of character who would immediately admit defeat when he met a master. He was gearing up for a fight, Quickly come to a sharp command to lead us to win! Even if you lose, you can't lose too embarrassingly, right

Liu Hong said bluntly: "Let's vote, everyone, agree with my command to play 1, and agree with Wushuang's command to play 2!"

Four 2s appeared on the team channel immediately.

Lin Shuangcheng: "..."

It's not kind for the four of Mo Jue to bully an outsider! This girl is also witty. She uses voting to decide the command. Lin Shuangcheng has no choice but to refuse, so he has to bite the bullet and say: "Okay, I can't say no to the four of you. Since I am in command, just turn on the voice, typing will Too late."

Everyone immediately turned on the team voice channel, and sure enough, they heard a very magnetic young voice in their ears: "The secret message mode is fast-paced, and we have no chance of winning if we fight head-on."

Shen He typed: "Can't fight head-on? We have treatment!"

Lin Shuangcheng explained very calmly: "With five output points on the opposite side, and the multi-point control of the dual summoners, the opponent will definitely control the healing and then focus on killing one person. As long as there is a gap, our side will be easily wiped out."

Liu Hong also agreed with his analysis in his heart, and typed: "What do you think, the Great Master Wushuang?"

Lin Shuangcheng said: "Try to ambush and attack on the road, wait for them to intercept the secret letter first, and then we will reap the benefits."

Shen He suddenly realized, and sent a row of thumbs up emoji: "This is a good way!"

Lin Shuangcheng quickly marked an ambush location on the map: "Everyone gather at the marked place."


At the same time, the red side was also struggling with the command.

The Yulou Chunxiao team is usually commanded by Su Cheng, and Xie Changming can also command when the senior brother is away. The styles of the two are different, but the tactical thinking is first-rate. However, there are still a pair of undercover masters in the team, and with the handsome young master, Su Cheng can't directly say that he is in command, so he suggested: "Let's choose a conductor first?"

Qin Mo wanted to see the great master's tactical awareness, so he immediately typed and said, "Xiaoxiao, you can take command."

Xiao Han followed up and said, "That's right, Commander Xiaoxiao."

Yuan Xi didn't understand the situation, so she sent a question: "Xiaoxiao? Are you okay?"

Xiaofeng Wanyue pushed the boat smoothly: "I'm not good at secret letter mode. Why don't you come?"

Yuan Xi said straightforwardly: "Okay, I'll come!"

Qin Mo: "..."

I really want to shoot this bastard to death, what a mess!

Therefore, Yuan Xi, who thought he was very handsome, stepped forward and took the initiative to serve as the commander of this game. He pointed at the small map and said, "Everyone, go to the courier refresh point as soon as possible! Let's intercept the secret letter first!"

This kid took the initiative to stand up and command, and Qin Mo couldn't openly object, so he had no choice but to follow Yuan Xi's footsteps.

This team is full of squishy skin. Relatively speaking, the survivability of the summoner is relatively strong, so Yuan Xi manipulated his summoner "Duanhun" to rush to the front of the team consciously.

He is still in the habit of summoning defensive pets at the beginning, because he thinks this way can save some mana—the mana of the summoner will slowly recover over time, and if he summons pets at the beginning, the mana will be almost the same when the fight starts It is full again, which is equivalent to giving away a pet for nothing.

Qin Mo didn't quite agree with this approach, because although it saved manpower, once the pet was killed, it fell into a cooldown, and it couldn't be summoned again at a critical moment. In order to train him to be his successor, Qin Mo took great pains. Unfortunately, Yuan Xi disagreed with many of Qin Mo's ideas, and the two had many disputes over this. After a long time, Qin Mo did not want to change him anymore. After all, every player has his own habits. Yuan Xi is not Qin Mo after all, and it is impossible to become a copy of Qin Mo.

Summoner "Broken Soul" moved forward quickly with a huge mechanism blood cow. Qin Mo checked his equipment. Unlike Qin Mo's cooling down reduction and quick pet summoning, Yuan Xi still used his favorite crit plus As a way of playing, he stacked the attacks of all pets to the highest level, and this way of adding points would make his pets extremely terrifying. But also, once his pet is killed, he will become very passive.

After a while, Duan Hun led the team to the courier's refresh point. In a forest in the northwest of the village, they saw a messenger in black walking fast. The courier's blood volume is 500,000, and its defense is not high, but its attack power is quite fierce. The courier is set in the game as an assassin, with countless poisonous hidden weapons on him. He will automatically attack players who enter the field of vision, and Quickly superimposes the poisoned state on the player.

When Yuan Xi saw the messenger not far away, he immediately let his mechanism blood bull rush over. The wooden mechanism bull rushed to the messenger unstoppably like a tiger descending the mountain, and slammed into his abdomen with its horns! At the same time, Yuan Xi quickly summoned four mechanism chariots to surround the messenger!

The sound of "Boom" sounded, and the large amount of damage caused by the explosion of the chariot, coupled with the forced hatred skill of the Mechanized Blood Bull, pulled the messenger over steadily in less than three seconds.

Yuan Xi typed on the team channel: "Quick kill!"

After all, this guy was brought out by Qin Mo, his consciousness is not bad, and his hatred is very fast.

Everyone burst into output immediately, Xiaofeng Canyue and Changming Deng stood in the distance and played the piano and flute in ensemble, and the sound waves attacked one after another. The five outputs teamed up and broke out, killing the messenger within half a minute!

Sure enough, a secret letter fell to the ground, and Yuan Xi stepped forward to pick it up.

Although the secret letter was successfully intercepted, the red party also paid a heavy price for this - everyone was poisoned, and everyone's blood volume was only half.

Yuan Xi didn't mind this at all: "Let's go!" He turned around and walked towards the target NPC who received the secret letter.

The white heads never leave each other: "Be careful in ambush."

Seeing this person's reminder, Yuan Xi said decisively: "I know, the other side will definitely ambush on the road, everyone protect me!"

Since he was carrying a secret letter, if he hangs up, the secret letter will be transferred to the blue side, and the four of them had to gather around him for protection.

Everyone hurried towards the middle of the village, but when they passed the corner ahead, a crisp flute sound suddenly sounded from behind the wall, it was the flute song "Broken Bridge Meeting" of Luoying Valley!

With the green sound waves flying straight through the barrier, Yuan Xi, who was walking in the middle, was instantly stunned!

Immediately afterwards, a sharp sword light suddenly rushed in front of Yuan Xi, and a set of combos directly cut his blood to 30%!

——It was the "Gentleman Wushuang" who made him lose three games in a row today and still "haha" him.

Yuan Xi was so angry that she gritted her teeth and immediately typed: "Hurry up and protect me!!!"

A bunch of exclamation points are enough to prove his irritable mood at the moment.

Qin Mo frowned, and summoned two wooden wooden snakes in succession with his backhand, one left and one right quickly wrapped around them, binding Junzi Wushuang in place. Xiao Han realized that he was in an ambush, and cooperated with Qin Mo to set up a large circle of traps around him. Of course, Xie Changming and Su Cheng were not idle. They stood in the distance and played the flute together. All kinds of sonic attacks rushed towards Lin Shuangcheng like a tide!

The sonic attack power of Su Xie and his team is very terrifying, and their equipment matching and point-adding mode can just complement each other. When this wave of attacks came, the blood volume of Lin Shuangcheng and Pei Yu also began to drop rapidly. Fortunately, their There is also Li Muran in the team, who quickly restores blood for the two of them.

The three opponents ambushed and intercepted here, but Shen He and Liu Hong disappeared...

Sensing Lin Shuangcheng's intentions, Qin Mo secretly thought something was wrong. But Yuan Xi obviously didn't realize this. The enemy was extremely jealous when they met. When he saw the ID "Gentleman Wushuang", he was so angry that his teeth itched. Wushuang, at the same time, summoned the mechanism eagle to spin and throw hidden weapons in the air, and the two mechanism wooden snakes followed closely to the gentleman Wushuang, quite a kind of fierceness of "I will not stop until I kill you"!

Since his pet's attack was increased to the highest level, this wave of continuous pet summoning operations also bit Junzi Wushuang to a state of residual blood in one go.

Lin Shuangcheng reacted quickly, and immediately activated the lightness kung fu "Pian Ruo Jing Hong" and retreated rapidly.

He only has 5% blood left, so of course Yuan Xi would not let him go, and quickly chased after him with a wave of pets!

Only one meter away, he can kill Jun Zi Wu Shuang in seconds! Yuan Xi was so excited that she wished she could teleport behind Junzi Wushuang!

It was too late for Qin Mo to stop him, Yuan Xi disappeared around the corner in a blink of an eye, and three seconds later, a prompt popped up on the screen——

[Three Dots of Water] killed [Broken Soul] and intercepted the secret letter!

Yuan Xi sent a row of exclamation marks on the team channel: "Damn!!!!"

Qin Mo thought that it would be useless for you to scold him any more. You are so stupid. You ran after him recklessly when there were only two people in front of you. Can't you see that Lin Shuangcheng was "luting the snake out of its hole"
