The Last Apostle

Chapter 119: Misha


The blue veins on Ji Rishou's forehead suddenly swelled up, he suddenly raised his head and looked over with a fierce light, but he forced himself to say:

"That's right! But so what? Mutated terra stone is important, but after this place is taken down, there are still eight crystal block fields that can be mined. The total reserves can at least exceed 3,000 tons, and it can also provide a large number of experiments. Body and slaves, this is also an indelible credit!"

The woman snorted softly, and she didn't know when she was already holding a slender lady's cigarette between her fingers, but she didn't light it up and smoked it:

"Let's get to the point, what do you want to do here?"

Ji Rishou came here this time, originally wanting to laugh at the other party and tell her the news of the failure of the war plan that he made, but he didn't expect that after a few words of confrontation, he would instead make himself impetuous and disheartened, so he could only Honestly said:

"Now the goal of the first stage has been roughly completed, and then we will be in the open, and a series of mining and refining basic buildings will be fully rolled out, but the enemy's revenge and counterattack will come in the dark!"

"The potential of the Son of Ramis organization is also very deep, and it has the ability to threaten our base. There is a legend among these Goblin natives that nothing can be broken, and their king will appear after the Holy Land is occupied. This kind of legend cannot be fully believed, nor can it not be disbelieved, so I need information and human support from your side to make up for the vacant period after the death of the puppet master Sandu."

The woman said coldly:

"I don't have enough manpower here. Where can I allocate manpower to you? I have made it very clear to your master at the last board meeting. Supporting your floating steel ark is already the limit, and you are still here now. The lion opened his mouth?"

Ji Rishou took a deep breath and said word by word:

"Among the eight crystal fields I took down, I will give you three pieces for you to mine for half a year first, and all the proceeds will be given to you. You will transfer the clown Moriarty to me. Although this guy is perverted, he is still very easy to use. Yes, and I heard that last time he mined the mutated Terra Stone from the underground ruins of Sorrow, and learned new power from it. If he comes to sit in Kuva City, then I can fully deal with the idiots of the son of Ramis gone."

After the woman heard this, she finally turned her body slightly, no longer turned her back to Ji Rishou, and squinted at him and said:

"I want four crystal fields for one year's mining income! The clown is impossible, because after he recovered from his injuries, I have already sent him out for another secret mission, but the rat-headed man who followed him into the Ruins of Sorrow last time Among the elites, there are three guys who have successfully advanced and learned the abilities of doppelganger, flashing backstab, rat swarm incarnation, etc. It can be said that their strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and the evaluation of their strength is quite good."

"At the same time, if I remember correctly, a large part of the people you lead this time are also rat-headed soldiers. If these three guys are under your command, they can easily take over these rat-headed soldiers. The command of the soldiers allows these timid guys to regain their normal combat effectiveness."

After hearing the woman's words, Ji Rishou pondered and said:

"Master Mixia, if you are not exaggerating, then we can make a deal, but at most I will give you half a year's mining income from four crystal fields, and this matter can only be finalized after I have personally inspected the three guys you recommended. "

"Then it's up to you." The woman Mi Xia waved her fingers gracefully: "You can go, immediately, immediately."

Ji Rishou snorted coldly, and then strode out. After he left, the woman turned around and said with a frosty face:

"Theoretically speaking, the probability of Shadu's defeat is only 0.07 in fact! Can someone really seize such an opportunity?"

After saying this, she immediately returned to her seat, and signed an order in a hurry:

"Secret order: The three elite experimental subjects black rodents went to the Black Forest area for business. Search for this person, and give priority to capturing him alive. If he cannot be captured alive, he is allowed to kill him! The reward is a C-level genetic enhancement Potion (capture alive) / a D-level genetic enhancement potion (kill), this secret order has the highest priority, and when there is any conflict with other orders, the content of this secret order shall prevail."

"The following data is targeted... in transit..."

Immediately afterwards, a series of Du Yuqi's materials were transmitted and popped up, including his frontal and profile photos.

At this time, if Du Yuqi was present, he would definitely find that the face of the woman who signed the secret order seemed familiar. It was the one he looked down from above when he witnessed the steel fortress rescue the clown in the Loland area. woman.

And at the end of the secret order signed by the woman Misha, there was a stamp stamped on it, which was the lifelike mark of Medusa's snake head! !

The night has gradually fallen, with Elder Domengji leading the way, although the surrounding area of Kuva City has been occupied by the enemy forcefully, but Du Yuqi and the others can still find a comfortable and safe place to stay, warm up, eat and rest.

The bonfire was raging, making the cheeks of the people next to it red. The secret cave was very quiet, and no one spoke, except for the occasional "crack" explosion sound after the branches were burned.

I don't know why, ever since Du Yuqi told Elder Domengji about the secret of the mutated Terra Stone hidden in the Holy Land, this old fellow has been given a shot in the arm, and he doesn't even care about disasters like genocide , Sweeping away the decadence of not being able to eat anything before, on the contrary cheered up extraordinarily.

At the beginning, this old guy didn't eat anything and didn't talk much on the way, but after arriving here, he asked Du Yuqi for food to be full, and then fell asleep without saying a word, and snored in an instant Ru Lei, it's only now that he has calmed down, as if he has let go of a heavy burden on his body!

Du Yuqi knew that there must be a demonic reason for something abnormal to happen, but the old man's tone was extremely tight, no matter what Du Yuqi said, he refused to say anything.

It was about eleven o'clock in the evening, and almost a group of people had enough food and drink, and slept for four or five hours at the same time. Although it can't be said that they have completely recovered, it is no problem to recover to 80% of their combat power that's it.

At this time, there is no need to be woken up by others. The old man Domengji naturally opened his eyes and woke up. He led a group of people and did not walk towards Kuwa City, but made a big circle and came to Kuwa City. Waiting quietly beside a river to the west of Wacheng.