The Last Apostle

Chapter 14: Crystal civilization?


Soon, Du Yuqi learned a lot of important information through the conversation with them:

"First, I can return to the earth, and I won't stay for too long. If the magician Mingxi who summoned me dies, then I will return immediately. If she doesn't die, then According to the summoning contract concluded at that time, the time of his existence usually does not exceed two days.

Second, according to Zhou Qian, some summoned objects appear in the form of projections, such as the Casillas he mentioned earlier. If the projection appears, once the projection dies, the main body will be safe, but it will lose It's just a part of the soul imprint, but if the real body is used, then once something goes wrong, he will really die. Obviously, Du Yuqi doesn't think he is a projection... so he must protect his life well. "

Third, this seems to be a place called the Arad Continent. Du Yuqi seems to have a little impression of this name. She seems to have heard it sometime on Earth, but she can't remember it for a while.

In addition, the immediate effect potions they drank before were prepared by alchemists, but they also had a considerable degree of side effects, first of all, they were expensive, and second, it was said that if they were used too frequently, they would overdraw themselves There is even an example of the kind of life force that, after encountering a serious injury, drinking the healing potion, the hair turns gray overnight, prematurely aging.

At this time, a group of people discussed for a while, thinking that although they were separated from the main force, the enemy had also suffered heavy losses, so they decided to set up camp here, only to see the black ax wield a giant axe, and quickly cut down a lot of wood. Soon a fence was laid down around the camp, and then the magician Zhou Qian chanted a spell, and a thick layer of ice was added to the fence, which was very difficult to climb at first glance, and could effectively prevent enemies from approaching .

After finishing the fence, Mecca, the mechanic, struggled to get up even though he was injured. He did not know where he got a track that seemed to be made of aluminum alloy, and laid it around the entire camp, followed by the track. There are two unique-looking machines on it, which seem to be running on tracks.

Probably noticing Du Yuqi's curious gaze, the pale Mecca smiled at him, pointed at the machine proudly and introduced:

"EX-730 Viper Cannon, double-barreled, with a core technology of three nanometers, energy consumption has reached an unprecedented five millicrystalline, equipped with infrared recognition function, equipped with double-barreled high-energy machine guns and an intelligent recognition system, which can effectively identify weapons that are more than a hundred meters away. enemy."

Immediately afterwards, Mecca took out another thing that looked like a metal box, inserted its interface on the track, and finally took out a small colorless and transparent crystal, but it looked a little cloudy, so it was stuffed into the side In the control system of the track, there was a light "buzzing" sound in the air immediately, and then the EX-730 Viper Cannon began to slowly drive on the track around the camp.

At the same time, after obtaining the energy supply, a cover on the surface of the thing that looked like a metal cube began to open, revealing the black holes inside. Immediately afterwards, the indicator light flashed non-stop, and it began to fly from the hole. A series of miniature floating cannons came out, and Mecca introduced with excitement and fanaticism in his eyes:

"G17 Predator paralysis type, the core technology is three nanometers, and the energy consumption is reduced to only one centimeter. There are six of them. They will fly in a random route and at a random speed within a hundred square meters. Once they encounter an enemy, they will Adhering to it, it will cause continuous damage to the enemy, and the current carried in it can even produce a paralyzing effect. Once it is destroyed by the enemy, it will produce a very violent explosion."

As he spoke, he began to take out a few things that looked like badges, and motioned everyone to put them on.

"G17 Predator's current level of intelligence is not enough, so it can only use microcapacitors to identify the enemy, so please carry this identification card with you, otherwise, you may be attacked."

Du Yuqi looked at the series of operations of Mecca, the mechanic, and felt a little dizzy. Originally, this place seemed to be fighting with swords. He thought the degree of scientific development was a bit primitive, but he didn't expect to find such a cutting-edge technology.

Then he saw that the black ax saw that all kinds of defensive facilities were well built and the surrounding area was generally safe, so he sat down on the wooden pier next to him, and then took off a pair of gloves on his hands, casually placed aside.

Du Yuqi has long been curious about the pair of gloves on the black axe, because the gloves look very high-end, and they are made of machinery. There are rotating bearings on the finger bones made of steel, which make a buzzing sound. There was a soft sound, and various sophisticated and complicated structures could be seen in the glove's body.

After Hei Ax took off the glove, he turned on a switch on the wrist, took out a small colorless crystal that looked very dim, and then threw it on the ground, looking very disrespectful look. Du Yuqi said curiously:

"What is the use of this mechanical glove you are wearing??"

Hearing Du Yuqi's inquiry, Hei Fu laughed and said:

"You said this, it's an auxiliary thing that can greatly increase the wearer's strength. Normally, the threshold for becoming our clergyman is very high, because heavy axes, heavy sickles, and totems are often used We can continue to fight with giant soldiers like Zhu, but with the assistance of this mechanical glove, the threshold can be lowered."

Du Yuqi suddenly realized and nodded. He asked the black ax to activate it again, and then he put it on and used it. Sure enough, he found that it was indeed the case, but the sudden increase in power made him very uncomfortable. At the same time, Du Yuqi didn't need to be reminded. One thing:

It was only three or four hours since he entered the world of Arad. However, from the damaged self-propelled logging mecha at the beginning, to the night protection system he saw earlier, to the one he was using at this time. The mechanical gloves seem to revolve around one thing, and that is the crystal block! It gives people the feeling that this thing is like gasoline and electricity on the earth, supporting half of the entire civilization.

"What the hell! I just have to get through the next day now and I can pretty much go back."

Du Yuqi shook his head, and put these wild thoughts behind him. His attention was quickly attracted by the fragrance emanating from the marching pot next to him. He, who had been in a semi-starved state, had no resistance to food at this time. are all negative.