The Last Apostle

Chapter 21: Inquire about whereabouts


Du Yuqi took a deep breath, and said with anxiety:

"I, before I was summoned, I was working with a good friend. At that time, I was completely unprepared to be summoned. Ahem, it can even be said that I had never heard of such a thing as being summoned. Therefore, in the face of When I was summoned, I was in a hurry... I was involved in a passage, and then I came here. Before I lost consciousness, I seemed to see my friend and was also involved. Do you know his whereabouts?"

When Ming Xi heard Du Yuqi's words, she immediately brightened up and said:

"Ah? You came here using the summoning channel? It seems that I did not make a mistake in drawing the rune this time! What shape is the summoning channel you came over? Round? Square? Or flat? How many seconds did it last? The shining one is What kind of light? Oh, yes, yes, what kind of sacrificial altar did you see? What kind of voice did you hear when the contract was established? It is said that the god of the contract will speak in dragon language when he is in a good mood... ? "

Seeing this little girl throwing a lot of questions, and all of them were irrelevant to what she wanted to ask, Du Yuqi's face turned blue, but fortunately, the instructor uncle came out to help at this time. He patted on the head lightly and scolded in a low voice:

"Get to the point! Can't we ask these little things later?"

Ming Xi was stunned, her eyes sparkled with grievance and said:

"But this is not a trivial matter. With these materials, this self-created summoning circle will be more perfect in the future..."

It's good that she didn't mention this kind of thing, but when this self-created summoning circle was mentioned, even the instructor of Golas couldn't help shivering... They had witnessed the power of the magic circle explosion, and it was this time Thanks to the true God, let the enemy share the power of the out-of-control magic circle explosion, but what about the next time

Instructor Golas and the others secretly swore that they would resolutely forbid Ming Xi's research in this area.

At the same time, Du Yuqi had already complained countless words in her heart, directly labeling this little girl Mingxi as an "academic dumb". Fortunately, there are reliable people, and soon Zhou Qian's answer made Du Yuqi's heart drop, and she got a satisfactory answer.

It turned out that the summoning array was out of control at that time. After the big explosion happened, although their team was not the first to bear the brunt, it was also touched by the aftermath, causing considerable chaos, and the personnel were also scattered. The mutated monsters attacked, so they were scattered.

Even now, there is still a scattered team still swimming outside, but at this time they have been contacted. In this team, there is a person who is dressed very similar to Du Yuqi. If it was an accident, then it should be Zhao Qiuyu who entered this world with him. If there are no accidents, this team will come to the round in the afternoon, and the two will meet each other.

Hearing this news, Du Yuqi was also very happy. After all, there are four great joys in life, and the next sentence of the bride being a virgin means meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign land? He didn't sleep well last night, but when he was exposed to the warm sun, he suddenly felt sleepy, and he fell asleep on the grass next to him.

I don't know how long Du Yuqi slept, but suddenly he felt that he was shaken awake. After getting up, he suddenly said with a jolt:

"Is my friend here?"

The one who woke him up was an acquaintance, the gunman Duize. Although the two had known each other for a short time, they supported and relied on each other on the battlefield. The friendship established in this way can be said to be very strong and affectionate. Duize smiled. laughed:

"Not yet. The main reason is that the weather seems to have changed again. Maybe it will rain again. If there is no sun, you can no longer sleep on the grass. It is not a joke to catch cold. Don't worry, your friend is here I will call you in time."

Du Yuqi sighed in disappointment. At this time, he saw Duize walking in front, but his hands never stopped. It was the revolver that he had been disassembling and assembling. He suddenly said curiously:

"This gun of yours... seems to be different from the gun in my concept."

Yes, in Du Yuqi's opinion, the power of firearms, such as hot weapons, is definitely far superior to that of cold weapons, but he has seen it with his own eyes before, and Duize's revolver once cracked He hit a red goblin three times in a row, and the latter was able to escape at a fast speed... Such power is indeed much weaker.

Duize's answer made Du Yuqi dumbfounded:

"That's right, I can probably understand your doubts. Presumably the firearms where you came from use gunpowder as power? And there is no magic."

"Gunpowder? You know gunpowder?"

Du Yuqi half opened his mouth, he didn't know what to say at all!

And Duize picked his goggles with the muzzle of the gun, pondered for a moment and said:

"Well, let me think about it. The ingredients should be saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal, right?"

"..." Du Yuqi was completely speechless. "You, how do you know?"

Duize shrugged and said:

"You don't think you are the first person to be summoned from a different plane, do you? Summoners in the continent of Arad have existed for at least tens of thousands of years, and intelligent creatures summoned from other different planes can There are countless things to say. Why is it strange that some information has been circulated?"

"Then, then, since you all know the existence of gunpowder, why don't you use it...?" Du Yuqi became more and more puzzled.

Duize spread his hands and said:

"Because it's useless, saltpeter, sulfur, charcoal... Maybe the names are different, but the same thing can be found on the continent of Arad, but they are mixed according to the proportion and then ignited. Uh, the final result is that it is useless at all." .”

Du Yuqi was stunned:

"how so?"

Duize said:

"If the laws of the plane deviate, then the laws of matter will also deviate. A great magister has studied this problem for a long time. Different planes have different laws. What can play a role in your plane? Formulas and rules may not be useful here. To put it simply, coconut trees can survive in hot places, but they will die when they go to places covered with ice and snow. You should understand this, right?"

Du Yuqi said:

"Of course this is understandable."

Duize said:

"Then, the gunpowder is the coconut tree, the hot place is your world, and the snow-covered place is the continent of Arad."