The Last Apostle

Chapter 30: hunt down


This powerful and weird clown has been carrying such a terrifying injury to fight, so one can imagine the strength of this guy in a complete state! Therefore, even an instructor-level figure like Golas couldn't help but wonder, "Can I really defeat such an opponent?"

However, when he was distracted, the clown caught the opportunity. He let out a strange laugh, and suddenly raised his right hand in his trouser pocket, and a black light wandered strangely in the air. The route is not a straight line, but a smooth and undulating curve, which makes it difficult to catch the final landing point!

In that instant, Golas' body froze immediately, and then fell to the sky. This time, he simply lost the breath of life, and the strong blood around his mutated right hand also radiated to the surroundings. Drive away, then drift away...

Because, there was a black Kunai pierced deeply into his eye socket, and it went straight into his brain! !

The wound on Golas's chest was already a fatal blow, but now he was hit by this terrible blow. Of course, he couldn't hold on, and he fell to the ground and died.

Immediately after his death, a series of chain crash reactions were triggered. Instructor Golas has always been the backbone of this temporary team, and his strength is also the strongest. Therefore, the rest of the people who are still gritting their teeth have witnessed his fall. Immediately afterwards, he lost his will to fight and fled around.

The clown Moriarty walked up to Golas with weird steps, pulled out the Kunai, stretched out his scarlet tongue and licked it, and then looked at Du Yuqi's fleeing body. In the direction, Jie Jie smiled and said:

"Bug, run away, I like your smell, and I also like the uneasy feeling you bring me, so please be afraid, please be uneasy, please be painful! In this way, your smell will become better!"

He was talking to himself, the figure standing here had faded, and was blown away by a gust of wind, and the crystal light on his chest flashed, and the body had already appeared thirty or forty meters away. At this speed, This kind of tracking method is really like a ghost, it makes people tremble!

Du Yuqi didn't know what happened next. After seeing Golas's chest was pierced, he turned around and ran away with all his strength, because he was almost sure that no one could survive such a severe injury! !

Instructor Golas did not hesitate to sacrifice his own life, it was to stop the monster behind him for a moment to delay enough time for himself, as long as he survived well, then he would not be considered a failure of his sacrifice, if he could not escape If so, doesn't it mean that his sacrifice becomes meaningless

Under the fierce running, it seemed that the last trace of oxygen in the lungs was about to be squeezed out, and the mud under his feet became heavier and heavier. Du Yuqi could even feel twitches coming from his temples, constantly following Arterial throbbing and excruciating pain.

He was panting heavily, his throat was so dry that he almost burst into flames, and at the same time, his physical exertion became doubled due to nervousness, and in the end he gritted his teeth and relied on his willpower to move forward step by step. move. Seeing that the forest in front is gradually thinning out, the left side of the road is a hilly mountain wall, and the right side is a deep ditch or a cliff with an invisible bottom. Looking back, it was already filled with fog and there was no sound, so I breathed a sigh of relief .

At this moment, a black figure holding two daggers suddenly jumped out of the nearby bushes. It was a rat-headed assassin. As soon as it appeared, it stabbed Du Yuqi's eyes without saying a word. !

This blow could be said to be extremely abrupt, and thanks to the slippery road surface, the rat-headed assassin slipped suddenly before jumping, which gave Du Yuqi a chance to buffer, otherwise he would have been unable to avoid it.

In this way, Du Yuqi also lost his center of gravity after dodging too hard, and fell on the mud next to him. The mud was extremely wet and slippery. When he grabbed it, his hands were full of mud. It was so slippery that he couldn't climb for a while. When he got up, he could only draw out the sword hastily to resist.

Originally, it was very difficult for Du Yuqi to deal with the enemy's attack by himself on the ground. However, after Du Yuqi parried several times in a row and stabilized the situation, he suddenly realized that his talent in sword weapons was really strong Even in such a situation, waving and parrying is also very smooth, and there is no feeling of discomfort.

On the contrary, after the rat-headed assassin was blocked one by one after a series of rapid attacks, he immediately felt extremely uncomfortable, because Du Yuqi fell to the ground to fight him at this time.

Du Yuqi used a Taidao, which used a dagger. If he wanted to stab Du Yuqi, the rat-headed assassin had to bend down to stab. Under this bending down, the dagger moves that can be displayed are greatly restricted, but Du Yuqi's Taidao is more than three times the length of the dagger. Human assassins have to bend their waists and jump up and down for a long time, and they feel extremely uncomfortable whether they are attacking or defending.

In fact, Du Yuqi's situation at this time is quite similar to traditional Chinese martial arts: lying on the ground knife and the like, specializing in the next three ways, and the feeling of the rat-headed assassin is that he feels like he is facing a twisted sword. A poisonous snake, a tortoise retracted into its shell, it is difficult to find the opponent's flaws, and even if you find it, you have to be careful of being bitten back.

Seeing that the more he fought, the more it became unsmooth, and even he was almost stabbed back by the sword when he was not paying attention. The eyes of the rat-headed assassin gradually turned red because of anger. He pointed the two daggers he was holding at Du Yuqi and threw them over.

Now I found Du Yuqi's weakness!

That is, it is inconvenient to move when lying on the ground, so in the face of such a long-range throwing attack, you can only parry it hard!

Hearing the two crisp sounds of "Dangdang", Du Yuqi successfully knocked the two daggers away, but the hand holding the Taidao was extremely sore and numb, and the tiger's mouth burst and bled again, excruciatingly painful. The rat-headed man had already pounced on him, kicked Du Yuqi's wrist and kicked the Taidao away. At the same time, he opened his mouth to reveal sharp teeth and bit it fiercely. The indescribable rancid smell made Du Yuqi almost vomit.

At this time, the two sides were like the most primitive beasts, rolling and fighting on the extremely muddy road, with terrible roars from their throats, and the rat-headed assassin's eyes were really sharp, and he spotted Du Yuqi All the abilities of the whole body were on the Taidao he was holding, so he exchanged directly and replaced Du Yuqi's Taidao with his own dagger.

Therefore, in the close combat at this time, with its sharp claws and sharp claws, and the severe body odor that makes people want to vomit, it has the overall upper hand!

I have been paying attention to the book review area, and there are many debates about the clown Kunai. This is not a bug, I wrote it on purpose.

For a long time, when I played the DNFPK field with the Big Red God, I kicked off the gunner when I saw it.

Why, because my level is very average, and the gunners at that time, no matter what profession they were, had two skills that were compulsory for PK, one was the RX-78 chaser, and the other was Thomas' gyration. Let go of the pursuer, and it’s a bit of a misplacement to get close to him. Thomas’s roundabout + grenade + combo hit me so painfully. To be honest, I can spread my hands when I encounter such a hit. If I’m in a bad mood, I can only keep silent. Turn on support, and be a shameful hanger (laughs).

Everyone can accept that gunners learn Thomas maneuvers and grenades, it is nothing more than because these two skills are easy to use, powerful, short CD, wide attack range, and many people learn, so it is logical.

So why can't you accept the necromancer learning Kunai? Because Kunai is an unpopular skill, if it is revised one day, Kunai will become automatic tracking, the damage is extremely high, and it has a stun and shock effect. I think all the night messengers will fill it up immediately. No one will ask me this question.

Some people will say again, just talk nonsense when you come back, how could Kunai become so strong

Here we go back to the subject matter of this book.

Why is the last apostle not in the category of game novels, but fantasy? It's because I think what I want to create is a real Arad continent, where there are all kinds of people, and you will see a variety of skill combinations, which is not a conventional content of the game. (The following content contains spoilers, please read carefully).

I think that among these people, there are geniuses, mediocrities, and lunatics, and there are all kinds of weirdos among them. Maybe someone is particularly talented in a certain skill, and if he concentrates on practicing for decades, it is possible to make him The power of an originally inconspicuous skill has been brought to the extreme, and it has been raised to an astonishing level! It's like Liu Xiang in our world is to sprinting, just like Phelps is to swimming.

As for why the clown uses kunai, it is because he is talented in this area, and his use is more powerful than others. In fact, there will be many part-time jobs in the book, such as the fourth-level summoning part-time third-level magic, Clowns are no exception.

This is unacceptable, so what should you do when you see the powerful combination skills in the future

Have you ever thought about the ultimate attack career in DNF theory? What I am currently envisioning is that one person can learn the phantom clone + lightsaber master + blood rage of blue boxing at the same time. Is there any students who can add

And there may be mutation skills in the future, such as a mountain-collapsing slash. When the ground is shaken, what is cut out is not blood, but a large number of splashing and shattering stones to knock down the enemy!

And there may be brand new oriental skills in the future. As I said earlier, the oriental elements of DNF are not enough. Soon everyone will see the appearance of oriental professions that use brushes, judge pens, and ink battles...

Hey, I’ve written so much, I really can’t get enough of it, I’m going to say a few words at the end, if you think it looks good, please support me, vote, bookmark, click, you can’t miss any of them!