The Last Apostle

Chapter 73: purchase


Therefore, at this time, Du Yuqi had a feeling that "his head is about to be stuffed and exploded". No matter how talented he is in swordsmanship, it would be terribly miserable to force things into his mind like this. In the end, he had to ring the bell to let the boss come up. Send him some bottles of strong rum.

Du Yuqi drank himself drink after drink, and finally fell into a drowsy sleep. At the beginning, even during sleep, his mind was muddled and chaotic. Fortunately, he finally started dreaming in the middle of the night. broken.

After Du Yuqi woke up the next day, her head was still dizzy and her temples were aching. Fortunately, she finally got rid of the chaotic state in her mind. It seemed to be similar to the feeling of a hangover. If he dared to practice sword again, he planned to take a stroll in the beautiful Hedunmar after going out.

Although he burned a lot of gold coins yesterday to learn these sword skills, the purchasing power of gold coins is still very strong. The remaining twenty or so gold coins are considered a huge sum of money for ordinary people. He inquired yesterday that in There is a black market in the old city of Hutton Marr, and there are more than one, so there is a chance to go there to pan for gold.

In addition, there is another place that must be visited, and that is the alchemy pharmacy.

There is no doubt about the importance of alchemy potions, so Du Yuqi felt that he should hoard two bottles, but after inquiring, he realized that he was wrong!

Because the raw materials of alchemy potions, failure rate, etc. all restrict its output, so even if there is a time limit for this stuff and the shelf life is not long, it is still regarded as an important strategic material by the country for storage, so even if it is in the Among Hutton Marr, only two firms with strong backgrounds can provide alchemy potions if they want to buy them.

At the same time, even in pharmacies in big cities on the earth, a doctor's prescription is required to buy antibiotics. How can there be no restrictions on the purchase of alchemy potions in the Arad continent

Du Yuqi went in and looked at the price, and thought it was fair, but she was dumbfounded when she asked about it. It turned out that if you want to buy alchemy potions, you need a tax certificate from the mercenary group, or a related warrant! Otherwise, money is useless.

At the same time, even if you get the relevant tax certificates, warrants and the like, this medicine is not supplied in large quantities, but has a purchase restriction standard! At most, I will buy you three or five bottles.

With great disappointment, Du Yuqi had no choice but to inquire about the alchemy potions in the black market, and then found that there is no need for any bullshit certificates or warrants, but the price can make you want to strangle the shopkeeper in front of you!

However, the shopkeeper also put on a cheap look of "buy it if you love it, and get out if you are poor". Du Yuqi could only grit his teeth and spent a full eight magic gold coins to buy a small bottle of alchemy potion, and was cheated up! !

Where is the pit? Of course, it doesn't mean that I bought a fake product mixed with pure water or tap water, but Du Yuqi didn't realize until half an hour after he left that this bottle of alchemy potion was about to expire. Although it can still be used normally at this time, the shelf life is only It's been a month!

At this moment, Du Yuqi felt the deep malice of the people of Hedunmar...

It is worth mentioning that Du Yuqi also saw a lot of clerics in the store, and the block-driven gloves used by ghost swordsmen seem to be quite popular. He also carefully inquired about this information. I bought one directly, and it seems to be quite easy to use, and the cost is also very small. The most advanced ED-22 crystal block glove, Delos Empire Edition, only cost ten silver coins, and it is also given as a free gift A small colorless crystal block can continuously support energy consumption for 630 minutes under normal frequency.

However, after purchasing the crystal glove, Du Yuqi found a secluded place to put it on, tried holding a weapon, and immediately found a very embarrassing thing, that is, wearing the glove would amplify her own strength Afterwards, the accuracy of swordsmanship dropped drastically, and there was no longer the feeling that the weapon was a part of the body as before.

At the same time, because Du Yuqi himself has a very strong talent for swordsmanship, and he is practicing elementary swordsmanship at this time, so he should have achieved a very obvious improvement in the process of practicing swordsmanship. One hour of swordsmanship, originally wanted to adapt to the surge in power, but found that this hour of practice was wasted, and there was no comprehension and progress at all, so I could only sigh, took off the crystal block glove and put it in the dimensional ring.

After a lot of tossing, it was already noon. Of course Du Yuqi was going to solve the stomach problem. I had already inquired about it yesterday. The authentic moonshine wine, the glamorous elf proprietress Socia, and the unstoppable "Kabab" barbecue are the gathering places for adventurers and warriors.

After arriving at the entrance of the Moonlight Tavern, because it was noon and there were not many people, you could see a lot of elf-like decorations hanging at the entrance, and there was a sign next to it, which was written in white chalk:

"Saucia Elf beer is on sale today, and each person is limited to one cup."

"Socia grilled octopus balls are available today, and each person is limited to three skewers."

At the same time, there are two buzzing and rotating crystal blocks on the window to drive a large fan, blowing out the aroma in the tavern continuously, attracting passers-by.

After Du Yuqi walked into the bar, he felt a burst of noise and food. The aroma of the wine rushed to his face, and his hunger suddenly became very strong. Drinking and yelling is a natural thing to do.

Du Yuqi looked at the bar, and found that standing there was a tall and thick bartender with clear tattoos on his naked arm, and the legendary beautiful proprietress Socia was missing. Du Yuqi still vaguely remembered that in the game It is recorded in the data that she is a 520-year-old elf... and the current world may be hundreds of years after the game world, ahem, fortunately, the lifespan of elves is naturally very long, and they can live a thousand years. Aged is more than enough.

After sitting down, Du Yuqi was about to order food when he suddenly felt someone was watching him. He looked back and stood up excitedly!