The Last Apostle

Chapter 77: Fall Ray Keino


After Du Yuqi heard Jeter's narration, she was startled, knowing that she had made a big mistake, but she immediately calmed down again—brother is not here at Hutton Marr. how? So he continued to relax, eat, drink, talk and laugh, until the door of the bar was pushed open with a bang, and then a gangster with a bandaged arm rushed in, pointed at Du Yuqi and Jeter and said with gritted teeth:

"It's them!"

The two of them were still stunned when they saw fifty or sixty people pouring in from the door, filling the empty front hall of the bar all at once. He is holding a stick, and a sword is a murderous weapon, full of murderous aura.

It would be fine if there were only these fifty or sixty people. In Du Yuqi's eyes, ordinary gangsters are the five scum of war. The key is that Du Yuqi is afraid that there will be one or two guys like Poison Yeren among them, who will take advantage of the momentum in the melee, and This bastard's weapon will be smeared with poison, which is quite fatal.

So without saying a word, he jumped up and fled to the back as soon as he pulled Jeter who was still eating hard. Jeter seemed very unwilling, and even grabbed half of a roasted pork leg, and fled with Du Yuqi. One side gnawed until his mouth was full of oil.

After all, Du Yuqi and Jie Te are much stronger than these hooligans in physical strength, so after running for a full three or four kilometers, they finally got rid of the people behind them. The tongue sticks out as long as a dog on its knees.

On the contrary, Jeter was very calm, as if running a few more laps would be all right, but the roasted pork leg was gnawed by him as he ran until only the bones remained, but Jeter was reluctant to throw it away. The mouth of the teeth is also very good, and the thigh bones of the roasted pork legs are cracked open, sucking the bone marrow inside.

At this time, Du Yuqi suddenly realized that he had nowhere to go... Back to where he lived before? Visit the black market

Please, the time that the Changsaburo gang has been entrenched in this city is calculated in units of a hundred years. They are out-and-out local snakes. Du Yuqi still killed their people this time, and he must be looking for him everywhere. , Du Yuqi believes that the efficiency of finding people for this group of people may be higher than that of regular officials!

So Hutton Marr definitely can't stay here, but fortunately, the main purpose of being summoned this time has been achieved, which is to learn elementary swordsmanship, otherwise, he would be even more depressed.

Seeing Du Yuqi's at a loss, Jeter wiped his greasy hands on his body a few times, then hiccupped and asked him what he was worried about. After hearing Du Yuqi's worries, Jeter suddenly asked:

"I just saw you attacking the enemy with lightning?"

Du Yuqi said:


Jeter pondered for a while and said:

"If that's the case, you can go to my tribe to have a look."

Du Yuqi wondered:

"What does going to your tribe have to do with controlling Thunder?"

Jeter was probably a little thirsty at this time, and when he saw a fountain next to him, he planned to drink it. Du Yuqi was shocked, and hurriedly stopped him, and then gave him a two-liter bottle of Pepsi from the Dimensional Ring, and Jeter took it After coming over, he unscrewed the lid and drank more than half of it, then nodded and said:

"This is good, this is delicious... Hiccup..."

"Our goblins are prone to mutations (Hi'er). After some mutations, they will gain the ability to control fire. They are called red goblins. After some mutations (Hi'er), they will gain the ability to control ice. ability, known as Green Goblins."

"As for me, after a mutation, I got an increase in strength. This is very rare, so I was able to get the title of Centurion... However, there has always been a legend in our ethnic group (hiccup) , that is, let the goblin before the mutation go to the Holy Land for enlightenment, and it may produce a rare and incomparable ability from it, that is, to control the extremely powerful thunder and lightning! And its fur will turn white accordingly, and at the same time, it will be awarded the honorific title of Luo Lei Kai Nuo , since you have the ability to control lightning, you might get some benefits if you go to the Holy Land."

After Du Yuqi heard Jeter's words, his heart was moved immediately, and he pondered:

"you mean?"

Jeter hit his chest with his fist, and then Du Yuqi's chest with his fist:

"We are (Hi'er) friends now, right? Anyway, you have no place to go, so why not go to our tribe to have fun? It only takes a day for us to go down the river by boat, and then go to the Holy Land to stay for one night, maybe It can strengthen your ability to control lightning!"

Du Yuqi looked at Jeter, and found that although this guy looked very vicious, the invitation was very sincere, and he really had nowhere to go for the next two or three days, so he nodded and said:


Jeter laughed "hehe", looking quite happy:

"Then let's go, come with me, let's go to the dock to find a boat first."

Then Du Yuqi discovered that Jeter seemed to have a high status in front of all the goblins, and even some goblins who seemed to be very difficult to mess with were submissive to him, and looked at him with awe and respect , then it might be because, as he said, there are very few goblins called centurions.

And there are still many goblins on Hutton Mar's pier. With their help, Du Yuqi and Jeter quickly got a simple boat and went down the river. It is so simple that it is equivalent to cutting down the trees directly, and then burning the middle of the trees with fire to make a canoe for people to sit on, and then tie the two canoes together. It takes a lot of courage, but seeing Jeter jumping directly on it, and then skillfully paddling the boat, you know that he is already proficient.

The two went down the river, and after more than ten kilometers at most, they found that they had entered the canyon. The flow of the river changed from the previous gentleness to the extremely turbulent, which can be said to be extremely amazing. Du Yuqi is not an ordinary person, she possesses strength and courage beyond ordinary people. This kind of journey is undoubtedly thrilling, but it is also extraordinarily exciting, and even has the thrill of "the apes on both sides of the strait can't hold back, and the light boat has passed ten thousand mountains".

Probably in the evening, when the setting sun dyed the sky red, there was a faint and dull roar coming from ahead, and then Jeter signaled Du Yuqi to get ready to "get off" the boat. The tree trunks leaning over the river gave up the boat directly, because the two banks of the river were either cliffs or sharp stones like wolf teeth, and there was no chance of landing.