The Last Apostle

Chapter 85: Cursed Cat Demon


It can be seen that this cloud of dust and mist is composed of irritating substances such as lime. Once it is caught in a hurry, it will definitely feel extremely uncomfortable in the eyes immediately, and the cat demon also let out a painful cry Strange cry, this monster can jump like flying in the night of this primitive dense forest, its eyesight must be excellent, after being hit, there must be burning pain in both eyes, it immediately lost its sense of balance and became stumbling, and was forcibly Entered the blinding effect.

At this time, Jeter had already swung the scimitar and slashed down, leaving several bloody wounds on the black cat demon's body. The black cat demon seemed to be ignorant of pain. Having a sexual attack, and waving her claws wildly as soon as she recovers.

However, at this time, Jeter did something that made Du Yuqi dumbfounded. He held the scimitar with his right hand, but his empty left hand stretched out all at once. Half of the brick came first, and hit the black cat monster hard on the forehead.

Skill: Brick Attack!

With a crisp sound of "啪啦", the brick shattered into several pieces. The aggressive black cat demon suffered such a severe blow to his forehead, and immediately lost control of his body and fell into a dizzy state. At that moment, Jet swung his scimitar and slashed out again, adding a bloody deep wound to the opponent!

Under the severe pain, the black cat demon twitched for a while, as if he was about to wake up from the dizziness, but Jeter had already thrown out a left fist at this time!

This punch had been prepared for a long time, and white light was faintly shining on the fist. With a fierce uppercut, the black cat demon lost his balance and flew into the air.

Immediately afterwards, Jeter took a sharp step forward, stretched out his left hand and grabbed the throat of the black cat demon, and raised it high with one hand.

It can be seen that there is a layer of light shining all over his body. It is obvious that the original force all over his body has been fully stimulated. His left hand is strangely red and hot, as if it has become made of metal, and then a A sudden explosion caused heavy damage to the black cat demon's throat, and at the same time, it was completely blown away several meters away. It landed on the ground and twitched a few times, and it was already in a dying state!

Skill: Capture Moon Flame!

Jeter's series of tricks were done in one go, as if it was a violent storm, it inflicted heavy damage on the enemy, so that it had no room to resist and was directly crushed to death! Its strength far exceeds Du Yuqi's previous assessment.

With Jeter as the mainstay in the front, the few black cat demons who rushed forward were quickly overwhelmed by the surrounding goblin warriors, and finally they were all wiped out here in a short time.

Of course, the men led by Jet also suffered casualties. Three Goblin warriors died on the spot, and a dozen others were injured. The tragedy of the dead kin.

At this time, it was Du Yuqi's turn to show his sense of existence. When he knew that the attacks of these cat demons contained poison, he had been thinking about detailed and reliable treatment plans. Therefore, in the previous battles, once someone was killed After the black cat demon was scratched or bitten, Du Yuqi yelled loudly and immediately asked them to withdraw from the battle, lie flat on the spot, and treat these wounded according to the procedure for dealing with snake bites:

First cut a cross shape on their wounds with a knife, then use a cupping can to suck out the venom from their wounds, and then bandage them for treatment. No matter how strong the toxin is, if you want to poison people to death, you need to reach a lethal dose. Du Yuqi like this Even if the treatment failed to completely eliminate the venom, it was enough to prevent any major problems.

If the wounded were seriously injured, Du Yuqi was also confident that he would directly cut their wrists and let them bleed.

If this is done on the earth, then needless to say, the person who was cured must have lost too much blood before being poisoned to death, but these goblin warriors are all muscular, and their physical fitness is the same as that of the earth. There are several times as many people, and there are alchemy potions as the last resort, so Du Yuqi is confident and bold to do it according to his own ideas. Although the toxin of the cat demon has been integrated into the blood, the more blood is released, it is equivalent to the toxin. The more excreted from the body.

Finally, after a series of treatments by Du Yuqi, only one person died because of the serious injury, and the rest survived. Even among the wounded, five people just felt that their heartbeat was a little faster, and they still maintained their combat power. This group of goblin warriors also admired Du Yuqi very much.

At this time, the corpses of several black cat demons who came to attack had been piled up together, and the goblin warriors attacked extremely ruthlessly, almost all of them were chopped to bloody flesh and disemboweled. The few cat demons belonging to the old white-haired tribe carefully inspected the corpses of the same kind, and kept communicating with the goblin warriors next to them.

Soon, Du Yuqi knew that Lao Baimao's tribe was indeed innocent. Although the appearance of these black cat demons who attacked at this time was similar to it, in fact, a careful comparison showed that the fur of these cat demons was facing the light. If it looks like it, it will reveal a clear purple color.

"This is a family of cursed cat demons." Jet told Du Yuqi, his face was a little dignified, but Du Yuqi was speechless when he sneaked up and added:

"The tails of these guys are grilled for five minutes, and then eaten with spicy sauce. It tastes very good! It's suitable for tearing and drinking..."

It turns out that in the depths of this forest, there are dotted with highly poisonous swamps. These swamps are completely barren and full of purple-black mud. Once you enter them, you will be poisoned, and you will be continuously eroded by toxins, as if Like the abscesses growing on the ground, even the vegetation near the poisonous swamp has obvious mutations, so it is called the Black Forest.

There are different opinions about the cause of the poisonous swamp. The legend handed down by the goblins is that there is a dormant poisonous dragon underground, and its toxins are constantly leaking out, forming such a poisonous swamp on the ground.

As for the cursed cat demons, they grew up in the area near the highly poisonous swamp. They have a violent personality. When they attack the enemy, there will be toxins on the claws and teeth, making the enemy's wounds fester as if they were cursed. What puzzles Jeter is that, He also fought against the cursed cat demon before, and he didn't realize that the poison of this cat demon could be so strong.