The Last Apostle

Chapter 86: anatomy


And the cursed cat demon is a very cunning creature. It usually hunts in the dark. Once it finds that the enemy is strong, it will immediately give up and run away. The frenzied attack like a death squad in groups like this is fundamentally impossible. never happened.

"If these guys are collectively mad, then the problem can only appear in one place..." Du Yuqi rubbed the black dimensional ring on his finger and pondered.

Next, after Du Yuqi listened to Jeter's narration, he asked him to separate the remaining cat demons of the old white-haired tribe, and directly brought over the corpse of a normal cat demon, and placed it side by side with the corpse of the mad cursed cat demon. together, and then directly start the dissection, the key part of the dissection is the head that can affect the mind.

Listening to Du Yuqi sawing the cat demon's skull until it creaked, all the goblin warriors watching beside him gulped and seemed frightened. In fact, these guys are murderers without batting an eyelid. They have never heard of something, and it suddenly appeared in front of them. The impact on the old concept can be imagined!

Don't talk about these goblin warriors, even Jeter's face changed a little. He hesitated when Du Yuqi called him to go over, but Du Yuqi didn't seem to notice this, and simply pointed at the two cats. The head of the demon said:

"You can see that the brain of this normal cat demon is gray and white, while the brain of the crazy cursed cat demon is faintly black. It is obviously mutated by unknown pollution. Obviously, this is the problem. The pollution made it painful and mad, so it suddenly attacked your patrol team, and the toxin of the cursed cat demon also reacted with this strange power, forming an even more terrifying toxin."

Then Du Yuqi cut open the brain of the cursed cat demon with a stroke of the knife, and continued:

"Look, the blackness has only eroded to the surface of the brain, and the blackness spreads like silk threads... Hey, what's wrong with you?"

It turned out that when Du Yuqi cut his brain open, the goblin warriors around couldn't bear it any longer, and ran to the side and vomited wildly. Even Jeter was a little far away from Du Yuqi. Shinobu looked like his belly was turning upside down, but he didn't want to spit it out in order to maintain his image. Even the melon seeds that this guy likes to eat most stopped.

In fact, Du Yuqi had already guessed that such an effect would occur. Not to mention these goblins who have never had the concept of dissecting corpses, even the first time he saw a car accident patient whose intestines were knocked out, it was a nightmare that night. I can't eat for days.

His purpose in doing this is to kill two birds with one stone, to show his irreplaceable ability, and to make the goblins feel fearful of him. After all, the goblins are definitely not a civilized race, they can definitely be said to be barbaric And cruelty, when dealing with such a group of alien guys, you can't show any weakness at all, otherwise you will probably be looked down upon, and there is not even a bone left. What Du Yuqi wants is not only respect, but awe! ! And be more afraid!

"You don't have to like me, but you absolutely can't not be afraid of me!"

This is the effect Du Yuqi wants to achieve!

After a group of goblins recovered a bit, Du Yuqi said to Jeter simply:

"Our goal this time has been achieved. We not only cleared away the grievances of the old white-haired tribe, but also caught the real culprit and avenged the patrol team. At the same time, we also understood the reason why the patrol team was attacked. As for why the cursed cat demons are polluted and go crazy, we need to go deep into their lairs to find out what is going on, and our current manpower should be beyond our capabilities... "

Jeter pondered for a while, looked at the people around him, then nodded, and ordered to return to the tribe. Before leaving, he took a deep breath, walked up to the two dissected cat demons, looked at them carefully for a while, and then ordered his subordinates to chop off the two heads and take them with them, and handle them with care. keep it as it is!

About two hours later, Jeter was already standing in the meeting hall of Kuva City. Of course, strictly speaking, it is just a shed built of stone and wood, but it is not wider than the rest of the place. At least, a lot of animal skins were hung around as decorations.

The seven elders gathered together and listened to Jeter tell about all the things after he set off. Jeter was also telling the story, and all the details were told one by one, neither exaggerated nor humble. , but the process of him killing the crazy cursed cat monster is a brushstroke.

After the story of the battle was finished, Jeter began to talk about Du Yuqi's treatment of the injured goblin warrior, as well as his conclusions after the autopsy of the corpse.

Finally, after the seven elders finished digesting what he said, they asked their subordinates to deliver a wooden plate, which contained the severed heads of the two cat demons, and gave them one by one. All the elders pass on the view.

During the transmission, even though these elders were all treacherous and cunning, several of them still frowned, looking a bit unacceptable.

After everyone finished looking at the two severed heads, Domengji, the head of the seven elders, took the lead in saying:

"I think that's the truth of the matter, does anyone disagree?"

The other six elders whispered to each other, and finally they all clenched their fists and patted themselves on the chest lightly, expressing that they had no objection.

Domonji continued:

"Then the second question, although Jeter has successfully avenged the tribe's warriors and cleared up the grievances of our allies, if we can't find the reason for the madness of the cursed cat demon hidden deep in the forest, Then similar attacks will still occur again, and the entire Creek tribe will be in danger all the time, creating huge hidden dangers! You should also know the number of cursed cat demons? I think we should send out warriors from the tribe, Go deep into the black forest to eliminate the root of the hidden danger."

This time, voices of opposition began to appear, and the elders immediately came forward, saying that once they want to go deep into the Black Forest, at least hundreds of soldiers must be dispatched, and if this happens, the defense force will be empty .