The Last Apostle

Chapter 9: The instinct of recovery


Du Yuqi fell face-to-face on the ground, and his back was hurt by the rocks. At this time, he was completely defenseless. The monster in front of him could kill him with a single tail, but However, there was a smile on the corner of Du Yuqi's mouth, because his tactic was successful, which meant that the monster now had no chance to make up for the last blow.

All the secrets lie in Du Yuqi's previous position.

When he yelled to reveal his position, he happened to be standing two meters in front of the hole where the electric sparks shone from the woodsaw machine, so as long as he successfully fell back to the ground so that the strange insect could not hit him , that means that this temporary trap has successfully taken effect—the terrifying monster slammed into the hole in the mecha, and then began to enjoy the crazy baptism of the electric light inside!

Of course, this trap also has a lot of variables in it. For example, the damage of the electric current leaked from this damaged woodcutter is not high at this time, or the outer carapace of this terrifying monster is super insulated... But There are many times in life that you need to gamble, at least when you have just had an idea, Du Yuqi feels that you are 70% sure to take the gamble.

After falling to the ground, Du Yuqi immediately heard the sound of "crackling" electricity coming from the broken mech behind him, as well as a loud "booming boom", as if someone was smashing the broken mecha with a hammer of!

Du Yuqi quickly rolled over, got up, and was very relieved to see that the trap he had set up was in full effect: the terrifying monster plunged into the hole in the mecha, and was scorched by the shining electric current inside. Yes, and although this monster is ferocious, disgusting, and powerful, it was stuck in the hole, and it couldn't get out for a while, so it could only struggle and collide frantically. They all made a toothsome "creaking" sound!

"Huh." Du Yuqi let out a long breath, and began to look at the weakness of this strange insect like looking at the pork under the knife in the vegetable market, but at this moment, there was a muffled "bang", and then I saw a black smoke rising from the inside of the mecha, and then the electric light went out all of a sudden.

"No way!" Du Yuqi was a little dumbfounded. Immediately after the restriction of the current was removed, the mecha made a crackling sound, and the parts were scattered all over the place, as if it had been disassembled. The strength of that damned strange insect can be seen .

Then Du Yuqi was very unwilling to see that this hateful monster broke free from its restraints and stood stubbornly on the ground again with its head held high. However, Du Yuqi was also keenly aware that its injuries were more serious.

The previous injuries were only a few cracks on the carapace at his waist, but now it was like an egg shell had been knocked hard, with dense cracks on it, and the carapace at the core was almost completely shattered. The viscous body fluid flowed out from the inside of the body continuously, and the grass on the ground creaked and smoke kept coming out.

The broken mech was completely destroyed, and the surroundings were quiet again. Therefore, for Du Yuqi, the sound of his footsteps would be caught by the monster again at any time, and the two sides fell into a stalemate again.

However, the fear and panic in Du Yuqi's heart had gradually disappeared.

The reason for this is actually very simple to say, although this monster looks very ferocious and terrifying, and its strength is also exceptionally strong, but it has been chased and killed all the way, and it was completely played by Du Yuqi on the palm of its hand, almost a trap Just step on it, and jump into it when you see a trap. Under such circumstances, Du Yuqi must of course look down on it.

Secondly, fear stems from the unknown. Du Yuqi has almost figured out the strength of this monster at this time, and it is far from reaching the level of crushing himself. No matter how powerful the enemy is, but now that he knows its details, he will Of course, my fear is not so heavy.

Of course, what's more important is that this strange insect also had a major problem and was seriously injured. The yellow blood flowing down from its body was obviously similar to human blood, and it had been flowing out without money. Such an enemy who is still weakening, even though he is a strong enemy, naturally has the confidence to fight.

At this time, Du Yuqi looked at this strange insect, clenched the machete in his hand, and started to circle it non-stop. This was originally a way to deal with poisonous snakes, but who made this strange insect look like a snake? So many similarities? Therefore, it is natural to learn and use.

Feeling that the enemy kept circling around him, the monster immediately felt uneasy and tried his best to point his head in the direction of the enemy, but for a reptile like it, it is necessary to maintain such a The behavior is really a bit difficult and strenuous. After all, in such a circle movement, if you don't have legs, you will suffer too much!

Seeing the strange insect follow him around in a laborious circle, and the pale yellow blood (insect blood) on his body flow down as if he didn't want money, Du Yuqi immediately felt a trick, even malicious I thought, it would be best if it just kept bleeding to death.

It's a pity that things don't always go well in life. In the next second, this huge monster quickly swam a few meters on the ground, then stretched out its head, pointed at Du Yuqi and bit it! Although its crawling speed is not slow at this time, it is also not as explosive as when it slapped the ground with its tail before, so Du Yuqi can barely keep up with this speed, and concentrates on cutting out with the machete in his hand!

Hearing a muffled sound of "铛", the blade of the machete slashed on the head of the monster, but it was completely blocked by the hard carapace on its body surface, and it still had the momentum to bounce back. Fortunately, Du Yuqi was already taking advantage of the momentum Dodge, to avoid the blow.

After fighting back and forth for a few rounds like this, Du Yuqi discovered one thing, he seems to be quite talented in swordsmanship and swordsmanship!

At the beginning, Du Yuqi was very jerky when using this machete, which is actually quite normal, but as he used it a few times in actual combat, he could clearly feel that the technique of using the machete has become so strange. Gradually, I became proficient, as if I had worked hard in related fields many years ago, but I just didn't touch it for too long. At this time, as the battle progressed, the instinct hidden in the body began to recover...