The Last Apostle

Chapter 98: encounter


If it was on land at this time, it would be the perfect time for the gunman to distance himself from the enemy, but here it is in the middle of a swamp, just as Gore turned around and took a few steps anxiously, Du Yuqi rushed up again. Without giving him a chance to breathe, after making two consecutive slashes, he took advantage of the momentum and sent out an upward slash, successfully flying Gore into the air.

Next, Du Yuqi did not hesitate to make a cross cut towards Gore in the air. Considering that there may be fierce battles in the future, Du Yuqi also did not want to waste his precious force/spiritual power, so he took out The poisoned dagger pierced through.

Because the shooter is also wearing leather armor, cloth armor and other protective gear, which are quite tough and cannot be easily penetrated, so in order to ensure the hit rate and suddenness, this stab must also be done when the opponent loses resistance. Choose the right position to pierce through the gap in the armor, this is the best time!

Gore had just regained his ability to move, and he had already been stabbed on his right arm with a dagger. When he saw him, he was immediately surrounded by pain. The whole person bent down in pain, pinched the wound tightly with his left hand, and his body was trembling slightly.

It can be said that Du Yuqi wanted to kill him easily at this time, but he chuckled lightly, inserted the Taidao back into the scabbard, completely ignored the existence of Gore, the gunman, and strode towards the bank of the swamp go back.

This sudden scuffle made Du Yuqi smell a conspiracy from it.

Although both sides were killed with blood flowing into rivers and heads rolling, but Du Yuqi didn't know anyone who died in the previous battle, and he didn't have any hatred in his heart, so he naturally didn't want to kill people indiscriminately.

At the same time, as far as the current overall situation of the battle is concerned, the coalition forces have suffered a crushing defeat. Gore's death will not change the current situation.

And if Gore is severely injured and his life is left, not only will he not be able to fight in his current situation, but the enemy will need at least one man to take care of him and escort him to a safe place. In this way, it will be successful Let the power to hunt down the coalition forces be weakened.

These pros and cons have long been weighed in Du Yuqi's mind, so after he got ashore, he strode towards the distance with great strides, leaving the battlefield as far as possible.

This time, his purpose of entering this world is quite simple: to go to towns to learn elementary swordsmanship, which has been achieved long ago, and to absorb the power of lightning with weapons in the Holy Land of Goblins, and get a set of low-level swordsmanship. The heavy armor set, such an extra gain, already satisfied Du Yuqi, and the next step is to save his own life and delay as much as possible until he returns to Earth.

After Du Yuqi realized that there were no pursuers behind him, he left the poisonous swamp, and walked quickly to the distance. After confirming that there were no pursuers behind, he found a hiding place and stopped, and took out a few dollars. Eat high-calorie foods like chocolate in big mouthfuls, so that the physical strength can be quickly replenished from the food.

However, just as Du Yuqi ate up all the chocolate and took out a box of full-fat milk to gulp down, he suddenly heard the sound of hurried footsteps and gunshots in the distance. Du Yuqi immediately lay down on the bed He landed on the ground, and then peeked through the gaps in the bushes next to him, and immediately frowned.

It turned out that it was none other than Goblin Centurion Jeter who made the sound of hurried footsteps. He had five or six wounds all over his body, blood was gushing out, and even the necklace of human head hanging on his chest was dyed red. , panting heavily as soon as he stopped.

It can be seen that Jeter is at the end of his strength at this time, and he is supporting himself with one breath. After he escaped to the side for three or four hundred meters, he saw a tall, thin and silent gunman walking slowly behind him. It doesn't look fast, but the feet seem to be sliding like "floating on water", it seems to be slow and fast!

Although the person chasing Jeter was still far away, Du Yuqi actually knew him. He was the gunman Duize who fought side by side with Du Yuqi and lived life and death together!

At this time, Duize looked different than before. It could be seen that although he had experienced fierce battles, he was wearing a tight black leather jacket and leather pants, which looked very cool. The decorative accessories are all cleverly covered at the vital points. At first glance, the defense power is extraordinary, and it should be a suit, with additional bonus attributes. At the same time, the crimson feather inserted on the head is more and more powerful. Bright and bright, it seems that it has just been bathed in blood.

Not only that, but what he was holding was a gleaming silver crossbow. On the tip of the crossbow, there was a red light, as if it was the color of red embers. It was extraordinary at first glance. Taste.

The distance between the two is rapidly shortening!

Du Yuqi lightly stroked the dimension ring on his finger, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his thoughts were spinning at high speed:

At this time, this situation is not what he wants to see, but what method to use to end the current situation, will he sell Duize if he shows up directly? Will he kill himself too? The two turned against each other? All these possibilities must be carefully considered. At this time, the enemy is strong and we are weak, and one decision may determine life and death!

However, when Du Yuqi was thinking about these things, suddenly there was a crash in the nearby bushes, and an ice bullet was shot from it! Immediately afterwards, a young goblin appeared from inside the bush, sneered and continued to wave his staff.

This Goblin Du Yuqi looked familiar, and then quickly recalled: Its name is Maqi, and its ability to control frost is very powerful. This kind of power is reflected in the speed of casting spells. In the previous situation When nervous, it can even fire four ice bombs in a short period of time, and even bless its companion with an ice body protector!

Such a casting speed requires at least a fourth-level magician to achieve it! Fortunately, this Moqi only knows two kinds of ice spells from beginning to end, and one of them is a defensive ice body protection, otherwise it would be a heaven-defying existence.

Why did Mo Qi appear here

Obviously this was a temporary setup. Jet ran away in front to attract Dize's attention, while Mo Qi lurked beside him and waited for Dize to pass by. The weakness of his only attack method, ice bomb, was that the range was not enough. Just wait for Duize to jump out like a machine gun for a round as soon as he comes into range, this can almost be said to be a deadlock that is difficult to solve!