The Last Cat in the Universe

Chapter 12


Yue An showed his fluffy little butt to the marshal in protest.

Ji Xiuyun resisted the urge to rub the ball of fluff.

"I'm doing it for your own good."

The marshal was moved with emotion.

"If you can't read, you can't even buy things."

The marshal knows the truth.

However, Yue'an turned his head and meowed at him, not appreciative.

If you can help me buy it, it will be fine!

Where does so much nonsense come from!

Ji Xiuyun thought for a while, and then said: "You can't read, and you can't understand those food recommendations."

"The same goes for buying energy spars on the black market."

Yue An was shamefully shaken.

It's impossible for Ji Xiuyun to be with him all the time. After all, he is the marshal of a country, and his status is there, so the responsibility is naturally equal to his status.

Yue An was quite aware of this point - even his first master, the little girl, had to carry her schoolbag to school on weekdays, let alone a marshal of a country.

Yue An is not the kind of ordinary cat who will be lonely to death when his master is not around. He has a very clear understanding that Ji Xiuyun will be busy with work in the future.

So asking people to translate food recommendations, asking people to help buy energy stones on the black market, once or twice is fine, but it is obviously unrealistic to ask them every time.

Ji Xiuyun looked at the tip of Yue An's slightly raised and dangling tail, and continued: "I can't read, and I don't even know how to earn money."


Yue An stood up and shook his hair.

Learn to learn!

Isn't that just word recognition

Under the gaze of a large group of human cubs like wolves and tigers, he bit the bullet and learned it!

It's just a relearn!

Yue An puffed out his small chest, and slapped his paw on the childish style of painting in front of him, which at first glance seemed to be an enlightenment education book for preschool children.

Then the book made a sound: "The sun."

Yue An was startled, jumped to the corner of the sofa, and stared at the book as if facing a formidable enemy.

The marshal turned his head to look at him, then reached out and tapped a word above it lightly.

So the book made another voice: "Galaxy."

Yue An raised his head to look at Mr. Marshal who was impassively demonstrating, poking the words one after another.





Yuean: "..."

Okay, okay, I get it!

Ji Xiuyun watched the kitten run back with its paws, poking at the audio book in a decent manner.

After setting the parameters for the protective cover that comes with the audiobook, I am satisfied and turn my head to continue thinking about the cat climbing frame.

The light pen is a very useful tool for interior design and environmental design.

It can draw directly in the air, and you can see what you draw by wearing special glasses.

The brushstrokes drawn by light pens have very good sensitivity to light. After choosing the built-in material effect and coloring, you can see the effect of the decoration immediately through the matching glasses.

Generally speaking, after you have a rough design concept on paper, you can carry out on-site design comparisons based on the light ratio.

But no matter how easy the light pen is to use, it can't stand up to Mr. Marshal's lack of design skills.

Wearing glasses, Ji Xiuyun wandered around the not-too-large living room twice, referring to the product patterns of those cat climbing frames, and painted most of the living room crookedly.

After painting it, he looked around, and the Marshal, who always had a mysterious confidence in himself, turned his head to look at Yue An, who had finished six sets of questions on the protective cover and unpacked more than 30 bags of snacks.

Then Ji Xiuyun gently put one lens of that pair of glasses in front of Yue An.

Yue An, who was biting a biscuit and poking at the words on the seventh page, was taken aback: "Meow?"

The Marshal leaned over and picked him up: "Come and see."

Yue An poked his head out curiously.

The marshal asked flatly: "How is it?"

Yue An looked at the bunch of crooked lines and hesitated to speak.

Ji Xiuyun turned to look at him.

Yue An remained silent: "..."

Ji Xiuyun stared blankly at the white dumpling in his arms for a long time before speaking again, but the topic jumped thousands of miles: "What do you want to eat tonight?"

"Meow." Yue An turned to look at his little snack.

"You haven't tried the staple food of Star Sintus yet," the Marshal reminded.

Yue An turned his head back and rubbed Ji Xiuyun's chest.


Take me to eat!


Ji Xiuyun nodded lightly, then put the lens back in front of Yue An, and turned his little head to the cat climbing frame he drew.

He asked again, "So, what do you think?"

Yuean: "..."

The marshal's tone was calm: "The staple food of Star Sintus tastes very good."


Why are you like this, melon baby!

Don't let the cat think that your paintings are ugly!

Although his heart was filled with extremely violent fluctuations, Yue An still rubbed Ji Xiuyun's chin, expressing his approval against his will.

"Well, I feel good too."

Mr. Marshal was finally satisfied.

He rubbed Yue'an's head, and said with emotion without any fluctuation in expression and tone: "Stupid."

Viet An:? ? ?

I'll tell you.

People like you, on the previous earth, would have been scratched to death by cats in sacks.

Ji Xiuyun didn't even notice that he was being held hostage by this cute kitten again.

This Marshal, who is full of wickedness in his heart, always likes to tease others about some innocuous little things, and then looks at the other party who is uneasy because of his serious expression with a straight face.

The regiment commanders of the seven legions directly under him are the hardest-hit areas that have suffered from his murderous hands over the years.

Now, Mr. Marshal thinks his life-saving cat is particularly interesting—more interesting than the seven regiment commanders combined who have become old fritters, no matter how much he teases them, and have a poker face exactly like him .

Ji Xiuyun sat back on the sofa with Yue An in his arms, and ordered a bunch of things that Yue An didn't quite understand.

Then, taking advantage of the free time during this period, while stroking the cat, he sorted out his communicator, which was piled up with letters.

"Thanks to you..." said Mr. Marshal.

In the past, it was a miracle that there were more than ten unread letters in his communicator.

Now because of Yue An, those who have his communication number all popped up one after another.

Most of them came to ask him about Yue An.

The marshal didn't even click on the kind of letters that can be known to be nonsense just by looking at the title, just swipe them out and delete them.

Among a bunch of inquiries, there is a title that is quite unique.

The sender is the Information Security Department.

There was an attachment in the message, and the attachment read "The final review manuscript on the release of cat information".

The general idea is that I hope the marshal can browse it, and please take the time to reply if there is anything that needs to be modified.

The marshal paused for a moment, and instead of ruthlessly clearing it up like other news, he clicked on it.

Then he neatly crossed out a lot of information about the hunting methods and recipes of cats in the subfamily of cats.

That's the only information left about those murderous big carnivorous cats.

He also crossed out the materials that mentioned the very weak fighting power of cats in the subfamily of cats, leaving only an outline of their closeness to humans and being one of the most popular pets of humans on ancient earth.

All in all, from the overall look of the remaining information, it can only make people think that a cat is a carnivore with a petite and flexible body, a cute and soft appearance, and is very close to humans but has a fighting capacity every day.

There is a certain risk, but it is Ji Xiuyun, who is known as the God of War, who brings this risk with him.

People don’t see such risks as risks anymore.

Ji Xiuyun deleted the information while considering Yue An's particularity.

Let the ordinary people be mentally prepared first, so as not to cause panic among the crowd when Yue'an bursts out with some terrible power.

Then Mr. Marshal replied to the mailbox of the information security department with a lot of deleted materials.

As for the mood on the other end that received the reply, that was out of Marshal's consideration.

Marshal is very busy.

He has to consider Yue An's education, how to make a cat climbing frame, where to take Yue An for dinner, and the military meeting afterward, and how to explain to the empire what happened during his disappearance and why Will come back unscathed...

Mr. Marshal continued to clean up the inbox while thinking.

Then he saw a very familiar sender who made him sick when he saw it.

Ji Xiuyun opened the letter from the scientific research department with a blank face, and saw the strong wording requesting him to hand over the heritage of the ancient earth to the country, he gave a rare snort, and replied firmly "no" After that, the message was very decisively deleted.

The Marshal has a deep grudge with the Imperial Research Department.

This can be traced back to the medical examination when the young marshal, who was only forty years old and had the rank of a colonel, was formally incorporated into the Imperial Expeditionary Army fifty years ago.

At that time, the young Marshal had just come to Emperor Star with his parents from a rural planet where military registration was not very strict, and he hadn't tested his genetic level in detail before—anyway, the backward instruments of the rural planet would only show pass or fail.

In the era of the big universe, the genetic level of the vast majority of human beings is maintained between C and E, and B and above, and they can basically get a seal and take the military route.

A grade is considered excellent, and S grade is considered top.

Marshal Kevin, the Shield of the Empire, was the top gene body of the S-class.

For humans, a large part of the genetic level is determined innately.

Although it is indeed possible to rely on breaking through the physical limit and some drugs to increase the genetic level, but not to mention the rare drugs, just breaking through the physical limit is almost equivalent to killing people once.

The person who can rely on his own strength to improve the genetic level, throughout the ages, is only the founding emperor of the Sints Empire.

As for the innate SS-level gene body, looking at the whole universe, the people of the Sints Empire don't know whether other countries are hiding it, but they are one of the most powerful countries in the universe today, and the SS-level only has Ji Xiuyun is one.

The people in the Imperial Scientific Research Department were overwhelmed at that time, and directly tied Ji Xiuyun back to the scientific research institute, regardless of the face of the military department.

Those people in the scientific research department usually use the guise of bowing and dying, and they are doing some inhumane experiments in private. Others don't know, but Ji Xiuyun, who has seen it with his own eyes and even experienced some of it, can't know

He dared to focus his mind on Yue'an, and didn't think about whether he had that ability.

Unlike him who has a high genetic level but is still a human being, Yue An is not a human being, nor is he an ordinary cat. This is a character who eats energy crystals without blinking an eye.

If Yuean was unhappy, a thunderbolt directly wiped out the entire scientific research department. Ji Xiuyun didn't think it was a big deal, and even felt flattered.

The high-level group of the Imperial Scientific Research Department has no good things, and the conflict with the military and the military science class is not a day or two.

And the marshal has already broken his face with this group of people, and even gave them face in front of the media.

The whole empire knew that the God of War Silver Blade was not pleasing to the Imperial Scientific Research Department, and if there were any problems that the military science class could not solve, he would rather go to a reputable private science academy than to go to the Imperial Scientific Research Department.

Refusing to hand over Yue'an to the other party is just tearing up the face a little bit more.

The marshal looked at the notification page that the deletion was completed, and slowly pulled the new account into the blacklist.

Opening the blacklist, there are all accounts named Imperial Research Department, which are very friendly to obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Yue An squatted on Mr. Marshal's lap, conscientiously poking at the children's enlightenment book in front of him, without being attracted by Ji Xiuyun's movements at all.

Then the marshal looked at his cat, and in just 20 minutes, he gnawed down two pages of words, made related questions in the question bank of the protective cover system, and got ten packs of snacks very smoothly.

Our Yuean's IQ is amazing.

He turned his head to look at Ji Xiuyun, ten packs of snacks were placed in a row, and his cat's eyes were as blue as the sea of sky, clear and haze-free.


Yue Anke is proud!

Proudly wagging the tip of its tail!

The Marshal thought for a while, then rubbed Yue An's head, and praised him: "Excellent."

Although Mr. Marshal had a perfunctory tone even when he praised someone, Yue An, who had long been accustomed to his way of speaking, accepted the compliment very happily.

The white hairy dumpling took the unopened snacks to Ji Xiuyun's hand, opened its belly and wagged its tail, waiting to be fed.

The marshal unpacked the bag, clicked on the previous social page, and paused for a moment as he looked at the various copyright requests sent to his account by the platform in the background.

It seems that he still has to consider getting Yue An an optical brain and opening an account.

However, the optical brain and the account need to be bound with an identity certificate. With Yuean's current publicized identity, it is obviously inappropriate to obtain an independent identity certificate.

Moreover, Yue An didn't recognize all the characters for the time being, so it was unrealistic to open an identity account for him alone.

So it still has to be named under his name.

At that time, he had to go to the household registration department to apply for an optical computer and account attached to him, specially for Yue An.

Mr. Marshal thought, and stuffed the thing in his hand into his mouth very smoothly.


Ji Xiuyun recovered from his thoughts, and as soon as he lowered his head, he saw Yue An's accusing eyes full of pain.

"… "Oops.

Mr. Marshal kept a stern face, pretending that he didn't notice anything, opened the bag of snacks again, and quickly gagged Yue An's mouth.

And activated the level99 topic shifting skill.

"Yue An." The Marshal dragged the light screen in front of Yue An, and pointed to the terms on it, "Copyright application."

Yue An gnawed on the snack: "Meow?"

"I'll give you some money, see if you want to agree." The marshal pointed to one of the messages, "This is a copyright application for your product image."

Then he moved on to the next one: "Commercial copyright application regarding your photographic likeness."

"This is about you..."

The marshal counted down one by one, and stopped at the last one, "About your commercial copyright application for derivative works."

"Meow." Yue An poked the last item suspiciously.

"It's just using your image..." Ji Xiuyun clicked into the example page for him.

The words stopped abruptly.

One person and one cat looked at the little yellow picture of the marshal in military uniform and the beautiful boy with cat ears and cat tail on the sample page, and fell into a dead silence.

Ji Xiuyun: ...

I knew I shouldn't change the subject.

I should have chosen to watch Yue An howl and be beaten on the chest by the little pink meat pad.

Tsk, I made a mistake.

Viet An: ...

What's wrong with you humans?

Believe it or not, I backhanded a Nine Yin Meow Meow Claw!

Teach you what is honesty, friendliness, cat-loving and dedication!

Neither the person nor the cat spoke.

The scene was once very embarrassing.

After a long time, the marshal raised his hand first, rubbed the head of the kitten in his arms, and ordered a report.

Then, as if nothing had happened, he calmly pressed the reject button for Yue An.

The author has something to say: Marshal: Level99's skills are overturned! !