The Last Cat in the Universe

Chapter 23


Marshal Kevin felt that his students were fooling him.

Among other things, whose cat eats rocks!

Didn't he watch the live broadcast of this little hairball before

"Anyone who has passed seventh grade knows that energy spar is the hardest ore in the current universe."

Marshal Kevin said that he had studied!

Ji Xiuyun was not surprised that his teacher didn't believe this at all.

If he hadn't seen Yue'an eat a lot of it with his own eyes, he wouldn't believe it.

Yue An looked at Marshal Kevin, turned over and got up from Ji Xiuyun's lap, jumped to the ground and shook his hair.

Ji Xiuyun glanced at him, and watched Yue An running towards the box where the energy spar was stored, and immediately understood what Yue An wanted to do.

But Marshal Kevin didn't take Yue An's actions to heart. For him, compared with the ancient earth creatures, he has a deeper relationship with the students in front of him, and is more worthy of his attention.

He felt that his students must have a big conspiracy!

And it's a very dangerous plan.

No kidding, that's more than 500 energy crystals! !

Although more than 500 energy crystals are nothing to Ji Xiuyun, but he is not satisfied with what he has saved, and he wants to buy a lot outside, then something must be wrong!

Others don't know, but he is very aware of the high production rate of the energy spar vein planet that Ji Xiuyun is holding, and he knows even more that the ore mined in the end will be handed over to the empire and export trade, and the rest will go where.

Didn't they all flow into those legions under Ji Xiuyun's hands

Could it be that the title "Army of the God of War" is so well earned

Otherwise, a lot of war experience and huge resources can be piled up!

Excluding Ji Xiuyun's private treasury, among the legion warehouses of the seven legions under him, there are definitely two to three warehouses dedicated to storing energy spars!

With Ji Xiuyun's reputation, if he is really rebellious, not to mention directly overthrowing the entire 18 major galaxies of the Sints Empire, it is absolutely no problem to directly overthrow a galaxy and stabilize it while the empire is unable to react.

Marshal Kevin knew that Ji Xiuyun was very dissatisfied with the fact that the imperial political party protected the senior officials of the scientific research department to fight him.

Ji Xiuyun and Marshal Kevin were also both overtly and secretly trying to trip people up.

Everyone is clear about this situation, but it is wrong to want to overthrow the current peaceful rule and plunge the country into civil strife.

When Ji Xiuyun disappeared before, the upper echelon of the empire was even more anxious than the military department - it was one thing to snatch power in the nest, but if it really damaged important people, it would be a major issue to the outside world.

This, they all clearly distinguish.

Marshal Kevin also knows that his students have been wronged over the years, which is directly reflected in his attitude of not returning to the Star Star except for very important things, on the grounds that Marshal Kevin, the Shield of the Empire, guards the Star Star.

"If you are really angry and want to fight with someone, the Freedom Army of the eighteenth galaxy is making trouble again recently. When your Silver Blade is rebuilt, go and drive them away."

Marshal Kevin is earnest.

"It is not advisable to drag the country into chaos arbitrarily."

Ji Xiuyun: "..."

That's really just cat food.

Ji Xiuyun swears that although he has opinions on the political side of the empire, he has never had any unreasonable thoughts.

For so many years, he has always only given the emperor his own face, not because of the old idea of being loyal to the emperor, but because he simply wants to protect himself and guard the peace of the country.

He was born and grew up here, and he opened up the territory for the empire to quell the war, just out of love for his homeland and inheritance of his parents' will.

Ji Xiuyun's parents were just civilians living in the galaxy on the border of the empire, and they were childhood sweethearts since childhood.

When they were young, they had a brush with death in a border friction. It was the young Marshal Kevin who arrived in time and blocked the artillery fire that was about to end their lives.

After the incident ended, the two resolutely joined the army. Unfortunately, relying on their own strength, it took decades for them to fail to leave the border planet to go to the Emperor Star Core Legion.

In the end, it was Ji Xiuyun, who joined the army with his parents at a young age, who was extremely talented. He was able to go to the Emperor Star only after he got a rank enough to enter the Emperor Star Core Corps from a remote border planet.

After that, the parents brought Ji Xiuyun to join Marshal Kevin's army without hesitation.

The genetic level and spiritual power level of the parents are not enough to enter the frontline troops of the Imperial Core Legion, and they are finally included in the logistics.

Marshal Kevin once went to inspect, and finally gave Ji Xiuyun's parents the opportunity to face their benefactor directly and express their gratitude to him.

It was also that time, after Ji Xiuyun ran out of the scientific research department all the way, he was carried back to his army by Marshal Kevin who rushed to him quickly.

Marshal Kevin was very impressed with Ji Xiuyun's parents.

Those are two young people who have a very strong love and enthusiasm for everything in this world.

——At least in the impression of Marshal Kevin, thousands of people were saved by him. Finally, he gritted his teeth and spent decades walking up to him as a soldier to express his gratitude, and he also saved countless lives through his own hands There are only these two people.

The sacrifice of Ji Xiuyun's parents left a deep impression on Marshal Kevin.

Until the end of their lives, these two young people, who had only experienced more than a hundred years of death, were still doing their best to protect an orphanage in the war zone, ensuring that none of the children in the orphanage were fatally injured. harm.

Just like Marshal Kevin protected them back then, they also protected these children.

They said: These innocent children are the last people who should die because of war.

The kid who was the biggest in the orphanage at that time had now entered Ji Xiuyun's army. He overthrew all his competitors at a young age and became the commander of the Seventh Army, the only parent of his benefactor.

Marshal Kevin once thought that the so-called innocence is probably like this, and so is the so-called inheritance.

It was Marshal Kevin who buried the corpses of those two young people, and Marshal Kevin who handed over the ashes to Ji Xiuyun, who silently accompanied Ji Xiuyun who had lost his parents through the most difficult time, was also Marshal Kevin.

This is why Ji Xiuyun has always maintained absolute trust in Marshal Kevin, and why Marshal Kevin treats the talented Ji Xiuyun differently.

Marshal Kevin felt that the children who were taught by two people who were devoted to the world with kindness and gratitude to the world should be as sincere and passionate as their parents.

Ji Xiuyun did not live up to their expectations, he was willing to bear the will of his parents who sacrificed for the country, and he was proud of it.

But it seems that everyone who knows something about the inside story thinks that Ji Xiuyun is a bitter and bitter person. He has experienced ups and downs since he was a child, and his life experience is very painful.

Even Marshal Kevin felt that these experiences were too cruel for Ji Xiuyun.

It's just that Ji Xiuyun never showed it, so he just kept silent.

But it is absolutely impossible to go astray because of this.

Marshal Kevin also hoped that after his death, when he saw Ji Xiuyun's parents, he would be able to happily say to them: Your child is very good and has lived up to your expectations. He has become the light of hope for the empire!

Now the Light of Hope looks like it is going to rebel!

How can that work! !

Absolutely not! !

Marshal Kevin looked at the expressionless Ji Xiuyun, and his tone was very gentle, with a deep heart: "If you guys from the scientific research department are really angry, you can tell the emperor, no matter how difficult he is, he will definitely give you an explanation, after all For so many years since he ascended the throne, you have given him enough face, and he has to make a decision in everything he says."

It's just that if this is done, the emperor's attitude towards Ji Xiuyun and the military will definitely change.

After Ji Xiuyun was promoted to marshal for so many years, he never made any request to the emperor. It was the emperor who gave him money, honor and status, and then he took orders to send troops to conquer or suppress rebellion.

War is never a good thing.

But people's ambitions are always expanding. Either you swallow me or I occupy you. Once your attitude is soft and your opponent thinks you are weak and bully, you can send a team of people to test the border in the next second.

In the end, there is always a decision to be made, so that you can calm down safely and develop and live a good life.

Ji Xiuyun listened to his teacher explaining the principles of life in a soft and creepy tone, and finally chose to interrupt Marshal Kevin's act of force-feeding chicken soup.

"Teacher," he said, "That's really cat food."

"Nonsense!" Marshal Kevin slapped the table, "I read the information, who cats eat rocks!"

Ji Xiuyun was silent for two seconds: " house."

"Meow." Yue An's little paw pushed a spirit stone and rolled all the way, then squatted in front of Marshal Kevin, and meowed at him.

Marshal Kevin lowered his head and looked at the little fur ball squatting on the fluffy carpet.

Viet An is really a very cute cat.

The snow-white fur is long and looks like a soft and fluffy mass. The fur is smooth and shiny. It looks like a mass of transparent snow under the sun. Only the ears with relatively sparse fur are exposed under the sunlight. A few lovely shades of pink to come.

The pair of cat eyes are watery and lively. When they stare round and look at people, they are so agile that they seem to be acting like a baby at people all the time, asking them to play with him.

Marshal Kevin's heart suddenly softened into a puddle of water.

Then he looked at the fluffy little ball, stretched out his paws and held the energy spar, lowered his head, and took a bite, leaving a small gap in the energy spar.

Marshal Kevin: …

Marshal Kevin:? ? ? ?

... hold the grass!

Scared the old man to death.

Ji Xiuyun reiterated, "It's really cat food."

Marshal Kevin looked at Yuean lying on the carpet, licking and biting the energy spar with his four claws, and quickly ate up a piece of energy spar that researchers had been struggling with for two hundred years. It's as easy as cracking candy.

Marshal Kevin: "..."


As if in a dream.

Marshal Kevin's shock was interrupted by the doorbell ringing by the delivery robot.

The tall and burly Ji Xiuyun went to open the door, blocking the robot's detection head, without revealing any picture of the living room.

Then he pulled a dining car and came back.

Most of them are for Yue An.

As an added note, it was Ji Xiuyun's own salary that was spent.

Ji Xiuyun put the dishes in the dining car full on the table, and then looked at his teacher and his cat.

Marshal Kevin, who has lived for more than 200 years, met the eyes of his students, got up and sat down at the table with milk, and quickly used level99's topic-changing skills.

"That's really great. I was still worried about how to investigate this matter." He said, "The little guy from the scientific research department came to me yesterday afternoon and said that the enemy of the enemy is a friend, and wanted me to cheat you. Express your sincerity and give me a message.”

Ji Xiuyun paused when he sat down, and turned his head to look at his teacher.

"He said that they intend to let me go on an expedition..." Marshal Kevin paused, "Conquer the nineteenth galaxy of the empire."

Ji Xiuyun frowned, and rarely showed emotion: "Nonsense!"

Marshal Kevin's current physical fitness is not suitable for going to the front line, let alone going on an expedition to expand the territory.

No one has more say than Ji Xiuyun, who has experienced it once, about how fierce the resistance will be when conquering a galaxy.

"The free army of the eighteenth galaxy hasn't calmed down yet. If I go out, you must stay in Emperor Star." Marshal Kevin's sense of war is no worse than that of Ji Xiuyun. "The target galaxy borders the eighteenth galaxy. You If I can’t stay in the eighteenth galaxy to suppress the Freedom Army, my rear will not be guaranteed.”

Ji Xiuyun pursed her lips: "They want you to die."

"What they want is the people's hatred for the target galaxy, so that you can justifiably send troops in the name of my revenge." Marshal Kevin picked up the meat with his chopsticks, and didn't seem to care much, "The people who took me have already Think about it, but... they must be scared now."

Looking at his teacher's indifferent appearance, Ji Xiuyun gradually relaxed his brows.

"The boy from the scientific research department revealed to me the matter they discussed recently, and there are people suspected of being from the military buying energy crystals on the black market in the imperial capital. What do you think they will think?"

Marshal Kevin grinned: "They will definitely feel that when this order is issued, it is time for me to rebel."

"That boy from the scientific research department who leaked the news privately must be in bad luck, let me tell you."

Marshal Kevin ate happily, and when he was happy, he patted his student on the shoulder: "Good job! Anyway, you don't spend money for being frigid, and the balance in your salary card is piled up? Keep buying! Don't be cowardly." !"

Ji Xiuyun thought and thought, but still didn't tell his teacher that Yue An would be self-sufficient.

After all, Marshal Kevin is a person who completely handed over his salary card to his wife, and would act coquettishly with his wife even if he asked for pocket money.

To put it simply, although Marshal Kevin has a huge salary and benefits, he still has a subtle hatred of the rich.

If the teacher knew about Yue'an's ability to absorb money, maybe he would sneak in in the middle of the night one day and take Yue'an home to earn benefits for a few days.

You must know that Marshal Kevin once secretly bought a game, and then brought the game over to play with Ji Xiuyun's biological cabin.

The main reason is that Marshal Kevin is strong and handsome, and his wife is very insecure, so he doesn't let Marshal Kevin play in all virtual games, for fear that he will be cuckolded someday.

Marshal Kevin loves his daughter-in-law, so he secretly hides it when he really wants to play, and goes to Ji Xiuyun's house to rub it.

Ji Xiuyun has also seen the avatar of Marshal Kevin, a bearded and scruffy homeless uncle, the type who can basically make girls within ten meters around him walk around him once he stops in the virtual community.

Marshal Kevin was still chatting with Ji Xiuyun about the family life.

Ji Xiuyun occasionally responded once or twice, but he didn't talk to each other - he really didn't have anything to talk about, but listening to the sweet and sour daily life between the teacher and his wife also felt quite warm.

Yue An was very interested in the cup of milk that Marshal Kevin hadn't drunk all this time, and wanted to know the difference between the milk of this era and the milk of the earth.

Although the cat is lactose intolerant, he is a monster!

Yue An shook his tail, looked at the two humans beside the dining table, and while Ji Xiuyun and Marshal Kevin were communicating, he quietly stuck his head towards the cup while no one was paying attention to him.

Just when his little head was about to touch the wall of the glass, a big hand took the glass of milk away.

As soon as Yue An raised his head, he met Marshal Kevin's smiling handsome face.

"Want to drink this?" he asked.

Yue An acted sweetly and coquettishly: "Meow ~"

Ji Xiuyun looked at his teacher, then at Yue An, stood up and walked into the kitchen.

The remaining one person and one cat did not pay attention to him.

Marshal Kevin looked at Yue An, and Yue An looked at the milk.

Marshal Kevin said, "Then let me pinch your paws."

Yue An stretched out his left front paw.

Marshal Kevin squeezed contentedly, and then said: "Pinch the right side too."

Yuean retracted his left front paw and stretched out his right front paw.

Marshal Kevin squeezed again: "Let me rub my belly again."

Yue An turned his head and yelled at Ji Xiuyun who came out of the kitchen with a glass of milk: "Meow! Meow! Meow!"

I now believe that you were taught by this person! !

This bad taste is the same! ! !

What a shame! ! !

The author has something to say: Marshal: The technique of teasing cats is in the same line :)

Yue An: Bah! ! ! !