The Last Cat in the Universe

Chapter 43


Ji Xiuyun looked at the secretary, and even he was inconceivable that the emperor would disappear—the emperor, who was less courageous than anyone else, would disappear?

Ji Xiuyun didn't bother to think about Yue'an buying cat food with his blank magnetic card, and grabbed the emperor's secretary and got into the car directly.

The two army commanders who came with him today looked at Ji Xiuyun, and at the secretary who turned pale with fright.


Ji Xiuyun didn't care about them either. As soon as the door was closed, he turned around and asked, "How long has it been? Missing location?"

"Central business district..." the secretary hesitated.

Central Business District…

Marshal Ji stared at the secretary for two seconds, and reiterated: "Time!"

The secretary took a deep breath, "Five hours."

"..." Ji Xiuyun couldn't believe it. The emperor's disappearance was so big that this group of people could hide it from him for five hours before they came to him

He opened the address book without hesitation, and sent a message to Marshal Kevin in the military science class who should be in the army station.

During the disconnection period, he turned his head to look at the two army commanders beside him, and said without hesitation: "Go and inform the transportation department to cut off the power supply of the traffic tracks No. 2 to No. 6. The No. 1 military will keep it for use, and check all the vehicles entering and exiting."

He paused slightly, and at the moment the communication was connected, he said bluntly: "Marshal Kevin, Your Majesty is missing."

The two army commanders who were still a bit dazed took a breath, turned around and went to communicate with the transportation department, and the other got out of the car directly, and hurriedly requisitioned a car from the Supreme Court, without hesitation. gallop out.

Marshal Kevin was stunned for two seconds, and asked the same question as Ji Xiuyun: "Location, time."

Ji Xiuyun's answer was different from the secretary's: "Central business district, black market, five hours."

When Marshal Kevin heard this, his face turned green.

He turned his head to look at the cowardly secretary, completely unable to see the high-spirited secretary on weekdays, and scolded: "Trash! Things that are more than successful than failures."

As soon as Marshal Kevin finished speaking, he hung up the phone neatly, picked up his robe, and went to order soldiers.

Ji Xiuyun glanced at it and didn't refute him saying that the secretary of the black market entered a series of special military instructions on the vehicle's console to set the address, and the vehicle quickly slid out of the parking space and sped out at the highest speed.

"Whose idea?" Ji Xiuyun asked.

The secretary lowered his eyes and shrank aside, not daring to say anything.

Ji Xiuyun's voice raised slightly: "Let him go to the black market and hide it from the military after he disappears. Whose idea is it?"

The secretary murmured, his head lowered.

"It was His Majesty who said he wanted to see it."

"So you let him go?" Ji Xiuyun said coldly, "Whose idea was it to hide from the military?"

Beads of sweat appeared on the secretary's forehead.

"Prince Kells, Prince Gary, Grand Duke Rodney..." Ji Xiuyun looked at the secretary whose head was getting lower and lower following the names he gave out, his eyes were so cold that they could fall out of ice.

Ji Xiuyun has been a marshal for more than 20 years, and it was the first emperor who bestowed on him the rank of marshal.

The first emperor worked hard all his life to govern, and his greatest ambition was to be able to expand the blueprint of the empire, and he made complete preparations for this. After Ji Xiuyun became the marshal, he gave him absolute trust and let him go to expand the territory and open up the territory. Finally, it took more than ten years to successfully capture the eighteenth galaxy.

No need to worry about logistics, no need to worry about supplies, no need to worry about the public opinion of the people and the safety of the rear. During the ten years of conquest of the eighteenth galaxy, it was the most comfortable and least worry-free battle Ji Xiuyun has ever fought.

Unfortunately, in the second month after the eighteenth galaxy was confirmed to be included in the territory, the elderly late emperor passed away.

After the late emperor left, the originally appointed heir died unexpectedly, and the high-level political power of the empire was thrown back and forth. In order to gain more power in the early stage of the new era, the royal family suffered a lot of casualties.

In the end, in order to prevent the foundation from being shaken, they pushed the youngest son of the late emperor, Jonson Sints, who was only 31 years old, who was not considered as an heir at all, to the throne.

In the era of the big universe, human life expectancy has become longer, and the period of growth and adulthood has also been lengthened a lot. Thirty-one years old has just entered adolescence.

This young man hasn't even received any lessons that an emperor should have. Ji Xiuyun still clearly remembers the panicked and dazed look of the little emperor when he was enthroned.

Those political bigwigs standing next to the little emperor knew quite well what it means to be close to each other. They told the little emperor all day long that if they want to appease Marshal Ji, they should act like they are close to him and trust him.

As for Marshal Kevin who has been stationed in Emperor Star for a long time, in order to prevent the little emperor from trusting Marshal Kevin too much and leaving their control, the tone of this group of people has become: this person is not trustworthy, and his meritorious service is not as good as The other marshal is outstanding. This person is already old and can no longer protect you. The position of marshal will not last long, so it's good to save face.

Coupled with Ji Xiuyun's heroic halo, the little emperor simply agreed to all those people's methods of currying favor and appeasing Ji Xiuyun.

He made a gesture of being close to Ji Xiuyun, and Ji Xiuyun was also smart, so he showed a gesture of respect.

He only respected the little emperor alone, and he didn't show any kindness to the other high-level officials.

On the one hand, he is very clear that he has no possibility of staying in the Emperor Star. In order to prevent him from directly leading troops outside to betray him, it is only natural that the government wants to win him over.

On the other hand, it was because the high-ranking members of the political party were fooling the little emperor, while keeping the people in the scientific research department disgusting him.

What's more, talking about real feelings with people who play politics

I'm afraid I don't know how he died.

But it was different from Ji Xiuyun who was wandering outside all year round.

Marshal Kevin is very concerned about this little emperor who can only stamp proposals and open his own private treasury to appease all parties. The wind in the ear, Marshal Kevin's repeated reminders, can't stand up to someone else's light mention of Marshal Ji.

The military's status is sensitive and it's not good to meddle too much in the affairs of the government. Ji Xiuyun is out of reach all year round. As time goes by, Marshal Kevin also chose to give up treatment.

But this does not mean that they will allow people in the government to fool around!

Let the emperor go to the black market and tell them he disappeared for five hours

What are these people trying to do?

Let the emperor disappear naturally and then usurp the throne logically?

Ji Xiuyun hadn't met the little emperor when he returned to Emperor Star this time. The energy spar was considered a big deal before, but in the past, the little emperor who was so timid that he couldn't sleep because of a little trouble, would definitely jump up and go ran to find him.

At that time, seeing that only the secretary was sent here, Ji Xiuyun thought that the little emperor had finally grown up a bit, but in the end he was able to make himself into the black market? Still missing

Ji Xiuyun closed her eyes, still feeling unbelievable.

What a mind-blowing operation this is.

Putting people on the black market and losing them, and not immediately seeking help from the military after losing them, these people are either stupid or bad.

More likely to be stupid and bad.

Ji Xiuyun knows that there are many rich and powerful stores in the black market, but not all of them are owned by rich and powerful

Will those people in the black market stop doing bad things just because the other party is the emperor

of course not.

The central business district of Sintus Star Emperor Capital was suddenly under martial law, and all stores and customers were evacuated.

Not only that, the traffic in the entire Emperor Star was at a standstill, and military personnel were checking every traffic intersection.

Marshal Kevin arrived first, stepped directly into the martial law circle, and disappeared from the eyes of the onlookers after a while.

At this time, Yue An was pressing the young man who suddenly appeared in front of him to the ground with one paw, avoiding a thin ray of light that suddenly shot in.

Both the boy and Yue'an were a little confused.

The boy didn't expect that the person who was just trying to catch him would suddenly use a lethal weapon.

And Yue An didn't understand what was going on - he went shopping all the way smoothly, and those people outside were obviously here for this crying boy.

The boy said in a low voice with a crying voice: " save me, I know Ji Xiuyun, I know Ji Xiuyun's communication number, I will recite it to you!"

After the boy finished speaking, he immediately recited a series of numbers.

It was indeed Ji Xiuyun's communication number.

"Meow." Yue An patted the boy with a pale face, and patted his face softly and warmly. When the boy came back to his senses, the white cat squatting on his chest had already opened the car door and got out. .

After a few seconds, the screams of people outside were heard.

The young man made a careful distinction, and felt that the screams sounded like those who arrested him, but he didn't dare to move. He held his breath and squatted quietly by the car door, looking at the inside of the car uneasily.

The structure in the car is quite simple and clear at a glance, the only special place is the huge shopping box in the car.

This shopping box is specially provided by those merchants in the shopping malls in the central business district for customers who buy large quantities of goods and take them home without waiting for delivery.

It seems that he was lucky, and happened to bump into Ji Xiuyun's cat to go shopping.

The young man—that is, the current Emperor of the Empire, Jonson Sints, hugged his knees tightly, constantly rejoicing that he was lucky.

His eyes looked around, and he paused slightly when he saw the cat-shaped optical computer placed on the console in the car and the console that had been unlocked, and moved his fingers lightly, but he still didn't touch it in the end.

The cat named Yue'an is still outside, he can't run away without others.

The young man was thinking like this, and he clenched his fists nervously when he heard the sound of many chaotic footsteps outside again.

Yue An easily overturned the group of people who were chasing the boy with weapons, and then looked up at Marshal Kevin who rushed into the parking lot, he was stunned, and let out a "meow".

Marshal Kevin did not expect to see Yue An here.

He looked at the petite white cat, then at the people around the cat who had been knocked unconscious and their weapons scattered all over the ground, waved his hands to let his soldiers continue to go to the black market, then squatted down to check the Ann knocks people out.

"They came to catch you?" Marshal Kevin asked.

Yue An took two steps back, then turned and meowed at Marshal Kevin.

Marshal Kevin thought for a while, then stepped up to catch up with Yue An.

The boy hiding in the car heard footsteps getting closer and closer, and he was so scared that he couldn't see his neck.

He heard the sound of someone knocking lightly on the car window, and he was startled, his eyes were red, as if he was going to cry in a second.

Marshal Kevin simply opened the car door, stretched out his hand to support the boy who fell out as the door opened, and heaved a long sigh of relief.

"Your Majesty, it's all right."

The young man suddenly turned his head and looked at Marshal Kevin who was wearing a neat military uniform. He suddenly relaxed, jumped up and clung to Marshal Kevin, and cried out with a "wow".

Yue An looked at the boy who was out of breath from crying, and then at Marshal Kevin who was patting the boy's back with his eyes dead.


His Majesty

? ?

He had just arrived at the central business district, and he and his first legion commander got out of the car when they were surrounded by the media who rushed over without fear of death.

Ji Xiuyun glanced coldly, and the media all shuddered, and they all moved out of the way for him, but in the next moment, the commander of the First Army, who looked kind-looking, blocked him behind.

"Hello! Can you tell me a little bit about this incident? The traffic in the entire imperial capital is stagnant, which has had a great impact on the lives of the people!"

"Is it worth revealing the fact that the two marshals were dispatched together? Thank you."

The commander of the First Army looked at this and then at that.

what can he do

Surely it can't be said that the little emperor is missing

Where is the face and credibility of the military and the government going when this matter is revealed

The head of the first army, who was used to seeing big scenes, remained calm and did not change at all. He glanced at the marshal who did not look back and was not prepared to help him at all, and sighed softly.

"Some people reported that someone in the central business district was conducting large-scale illegal transactions."

He opened his eyes solemnly and spoke nonsense.

"There may be a hot weapon battle in the future. I hope everyone will cooperate and leave quickly."

As soon as his words fell, everyone felt a loud shock under their feet, as if something exploded underground.

Commander of the First Army: ...


Me, I'm just talking, right

The author has something to say: Kevin & Ji Xiuyun: Shut up.