The Last Cat in the Universe

Chapter 44


This shock made everyone startled.

Following the direction pointed by the soldier just now, Ji Xiuyun, who saw two people and a cat next to the bright red vehicle, paused, then walked up quickly, stuffed his cat into his arms, and looked up at Marshal Kevin. glance.

Just as he was about to say something, the ground under his feet shook again.

This time, they heard the dull explosion from underground very clearly.

Marshal Kevin did not hesitate: "You go down, I will take His Majesty back."

"Yue'an come with me." Ji Xiuyun looked down at the cat in his arms.

Yue An raised his head, licked his little nose, and said softly, "Meow."

When Marshal Kevin saw this, he didn't intend to take people outside to walk in front of the media. Instead, he hugged the crying little emperor and got into the bright red car driven by Yue'an.

—It is impossible for him to take the little emperor for a stroll under the noses of the media who heard the news, otherwise who knows what the news will be like tomorrow. Drive away.

Yue An watched Marshal Kevin's behavior, and the whole cat was stunned. The next second, he raised his paw and slapped Ji Xiuyun's chest frantically, pointing at the shopping box in the car and meowing anxiously.

Ji Xiuyun glanced at the shopping box, then looked up at Marshal Kevin.

Marshal Kevin looked at Yue'an, then at the shopping box, understood immediately, and nodded immediately.

The two had a tacit understanding, one turned around and left with the cat in his mouth, and the other drove away quickly with the little emperor in his car.

Naturally, this allocation makes sense.

It's still not clear what happened below, so to be on the safe side, Ji Xiuyun, who is several levels stronger in terms of physical fitness, genetic level, and combat effectiveness, will see the situation.

And bring Yue'an, who is not inferior to Ji Xiuyun in physical fitness, together, one person and one cat can take care of each other.

The most important thing is that the little emperor will be very obedient and cowardly in front of Marshal Kevin, and dare not say a word.

—The specific reason probably dates back to when he first came to the throne, Marshal Kevin often taught him a lesson with a stern face.

This is probably one of the reasons why he is more willing to trust Ji Xiuyun who can't control him very much.

"Technical class?" Ji Xiuyun walked to the nearest black market entrance and turned to ask the soldiers guarding the door.

A small white head in his arms pricked up his ears vigilantly, and two small snow-white paws rested on the collar of Ji Xiuyun's black military jacket, and he was raising his head to smell the smoke and dust in the air.

The remaining soldiers were all under the command of Marshal Kevin. Although they felt a little uncomfortable about being led by Ji Xiuyun suddenly, they obediently obeyed the order out of their military nature.

"Report to Marshal Ji! It was an ordinary explosion. The source of the explosion was about 120 meters underground. Several elevators used to go up and down have been blown up."

"Are any of you going down?"

"No! Marshal!"

Ji Xiuyun nodded, and kicked open the closed elevator door neatly.

Thick smoke billowed out from inside, and the door was empty. It was obvious that the elevator was below and had been blown up.

Yue An, who was concentrating on sniffing the unusual smell, was so smoked that he sneezed, his little head shook, and he sneezed again.

The soldiers in the technical class next to him quickly delivered the oxygen stickers and positioning communicators. Ji Xiuyun looked down at Yue'an who was swaying in his arms, and shook the oxygen stickers in his hand.

"Meow!" Yue An ducked back and slapped his hand away with a disgusted paw.

Disliked by Marshal Ji, he gave up the idea of putting an oxygen sticker on his cat. He put it on himself, walked to the exit where the smoke was billowing, and said, "Go down."

With a "meow" sound from Yue An, his four claws firmly grasped Ji Xiuyun's coat.

Under the watchful eyes of many soldiers, Marshal Ji jumped into the billowing smoke without hesitation!

Not long after, the soldiers staying above heard the bang of a heavy object falling to the ground, followed by the sound of something being violently destroyed.

Even though I've heard a lot of rumors about Ji Xiuyun's physical fitness being so strong that he doesn't look like a human being, hearing the rumors is never as shocking as seeing it with one's own eyes.

Except for the sound of the equipment operating, the soldiers above who witnessed Ji Xiuyun jumping directly from a height of 100 meters were all quiet.

A colonel was the first to react, looked at the shocked colleagues around him, and said loudly: "What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and work, is it possible to let Marshal Ji do everything alone? Shame is not shame!"

The words woke everyone up, and the soldiers who were originally quiet and shocked moved quickly.

The hot smoke and dust continued to roll out, and several other exits were violently broken open. The media and people eating melons outside the central business district saw countless thick smoke surging upwards.

Surrounded by the media, the head of the First Army thought for a while, and guessed that something happened to the black market.

He kept his mouth shut, and despite the media's excited questions, he pretended to be very talkative, but he didn't speak anymore.

Ji Xiuyun was walking in the black market with his cat, and the sudden explosion plunged the hidden underground market into chaos.

Because oxygen is such a common commodity, very few people die of suffocation in fires these days.

Therefore, amidst the thick smoke, those doing business in the black market tried to take advantage of this opportunity to fish in troubled waters. The medium and large shops that they had never dared to touch before were all looted at this time.

But when this group of people was scrambling to leave with their loot, they were horrified to find that all the ladders at the entrance and exit were blown up.

In order to prevent the existence of the black market from being seen through the perspective of scientific instruments, the entire market is wrapped in rare materials that can block various signals. Apart from those elevators, there is no other emergency way to leave.

Right now, these people are all surrounded, and none of them can escape.

And after several openings in the black market were blown open, several openings were torn open in this complete shielding network, enough for the technical class to barely see the whole picture below.

"The first explosion point is on the east side, two streets away from you, turn right, and the third shop on the left after 100 meters."

Ji Xiuyun followed the instructions in the communicator to the destination.

It's a pity that this shop has been bombed beyond recognition, the entire street has been affected, and the shop in the center of the explosion has basically been blown to pieces.

All the evidence that can explore why this point exploded was blown to ashes.

The timing of the explosion was too coincidental. It just happened to be when the military surrounded the central business district. Five minutes had passed before the explosion happened. This timing is really too delicate.

Coupled with the fact that an unknown mission may have just occurred here to attack the emperor of the empire, it is even more subtle and makes people unable to bear to think about it.

Ji Xiuyun lowered his eyes and carefully recalled which shop was originally here.

Yue'an in his arms was in a cloud of smoke and dust without even a trace of ash. It was shining white and was on the collar of his chest. He looked around with his small head, his ears stood up vigilantly, and turned twice from time to time.

The surrounding environment was really too noisy, Yue An listened carefully to the surrounding sounds, always felt that something was not quite right.

Just in case, a few bright white lights appeared on the tips of his claws, and then a transparent and imperceptible barrier was erected, covering him, Ji Xiuyun and the cat.

Ji Xiuyun has already remembered who this shop belongs to.

—Prince of Kells.

A person who always stood by the little emperor's side and almost completely controlled the authority that belonged to the emperor.

"Marshal Ji?" A soldier's voice came from the communicator, "We are ready to go down, how is the situation?"

Ji Xiuyun glanced at the surrounding situation, and replied: "Bring your weapons, there are a lot of people down there."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a very light "click" sound from the ruins at his feet.

Ji Xiuyun's heart tightened, he turned around and threw himself out, protecting the soft hair ball in his arms.

The sudden roar of the explosion resounded through the entire underground black market again.

Not only that, but because of the extremely close distance to the explosion, the sound transmitted by the positioning communicator caused obvious symptoms of tinnitus and dizziness to the soldiers in the technical class who kept in communication with Ji Xiuyun.

Ji Xiuyun, who was in the center of the explosion, shook his head, got up from the deep pit caused by the second explosion, and his first reaction was to take the cat out of his arms.

Yue An was startled by the loud voice.

He hadn't experienced such an exciting activity in real life—the kind in the virtual training room didn't count.

The little white hair ball stared at Ji Xiuyun with round eyes, and there was no pain in that piece of blue except for the shock.

Marshal Ji was still not at ease, he turned and checked Yue An carefully several times, until Yue An recovered from the explosion, and pressed his paw on Hu Lai's right hand.


The call was full of air, and there was nothing unusual about it.

Marshal Ji breathed a sigh of relief, carefully put Yue An aside, turned around and checked himself, and found that even his clothes were not damaged.

He turned to Yue'an who was looking around, and asked, "You did it?"

Yue An knew that he was referring to the barrier that protected them, and immediately puffed out his small chest proudly: "Meow!"

Marshal Ji patted Yue An's head, "It's the second time."

He was rescued by Yue An again.

Ji Xiuyun felt that this time he went out, he had to help Yue'an ask the government to get another planet with high-yield energy spar veins.

The soldiers above came down very quickly, a large number of them poured in from various entrances and exits one after another, and the technical team brought equipment to clear the bombs, and quickly caught all the people who could still jump in the black market.

With so many media out there, the public should be given an explanation for this action.

Now these lucky ones who survived to the end in the black market have become an explanation to the public.

Ji Xiuyun returned to the ground, watched the soldiers pull these people up one by one, and walked around in front of the media before escorting them away.

"Meow!" Yue An put his little paw on Ji Xiuyun's chest, and rubbed his head against Ji Xiuyun's chin.

Ji Xiuyun looked away, and lightly rubbed the furry in his arms.

Then Marshal Ji ruthlessly abandoned his first army commander in front of the media, got into the car by himself, took out his optical brain, and sent a message to Marshal Kevin.

Marshal Kevin did not take the emperor back to the palace at this moment, but took the emperor and his secretary directly back to the military headquarters.

He can't trust any of the people in the palace now.

Ji Xiuyun glanced at the environment at Marshal Kevin's side, and asked, "Who is the one who agrees to go to the black market?"

The secretary hesitated to speak.

But the emperor didn't have the slightest scruples anymore. He sniffed and said bluntly, "It's Uncle Kells."

When Ji Xiuyun heard this answer, he suddenly had a bottom line in his heart.

He asked again: "Whose idea was it that decided to take action against Marshal Kevin?"

"I didn't agree!" The emperor reiterated, staring and poking his neck, "I didn't agree!"

It is true that this emperor has no political opinions and has a natural prejudice against Marshal Kevin. But when it comes to right and wrong, he knows what is good and what is wrong.

Marshal Kevin's brilliance in recent years is indeed not as good as that of Ji Xiuyun, but he is an excellent general who has supported an era with the late emperor, and a hero who has guarded the empire for hundreds of years.

On weekdays, both the military and the government will fight with each other, which is a normal power struggle. But it is absolutely inappropriate to send a hero to the grave for a struggle like this.

"I didn't agree." The little emperor said again, he looked depressed and depressed, completely aware of his own powerlessness and incompetence, "but they still made this decision."

But fortunately, this decision was not implemented in time. The person who made this decision was caught off guard by the matter of the five hundred energy crystals, and stuffed this idea back into his stomach.

And after that, the little emperor, who was worried that he would be misunderstood because of Ji Xiuyun's series of big actions, couldn't wait to throw the secretary in front of Ji Xiuyun, wanting to ask him for a clear attitude.

Ji Xiuyun was only slightly silent about this, but he didn't feel how surprised it was.

He is very clear about how unintentional the little emperor is.

Ji Xiuyun just continued to ask: "Your Majesty, the person behind Marshal Kevin's matter is Prince Kells?"

The little emperor nodded.

Ji Xiuyun's eyes finally fell on the secretary next to the emperor.

The secretary was watched by him, and finally failed to carry it for half a minute. With a froze face, he confessed: "You are not allowed to be notified, which is also the intention of Prince Kells. I went to notify you privately."

Ji Xiuyun nodded slightly, and unexpectedly praised him: "Good job."

Marshal Kevin frowned: "What did you think of?"

Ji Xiuyun paused: "Your Majesty is disobedient, so some people can't sit still."

The puppet emperor, who had always been obedient, suddenly had his own ideas and started to fight against them. Naturally, those in power would not be very happy.

Whether they want to scare the little emperor, or they want to help a new emperor or ascend the throne themselves, in short, they want someone who is obedient and whose interests are completely consistent with theirs to stand in the position that symbolizes the highest authority.

If the little emperor is disobedient, then scare him until he is obedient.

Or it's okay to just kill him somewhere without anyone noticing.

But unfortunately, no matter what they planned, an accident had already happened.

Judging from the situation, the little emperor managed to escape by himself and happened to meet Yue An, but the secretary couldn't bear the torment of his conscience and told Ji Xiuyun about the matter.

The coincident timing of the serial explosions in the black market was also clearly aimed at killing people and destroying corpses and traces.

This is to prevent the military from really finding out something, causing them to be directly sued in the Supreme Court of the Empire.

Marshal Kevin was obviously aware of this, and he asked bluntly, "Have you collected any evidence?"

Ji Xiuyun shook his head: "No, it's all blown up."

The little emperor looked at Marshal Kevin, and then at Ji Xiuyun in the communication. He seemed to understand something, and the bewilderment in his eyes gradually dissipated.

He didn't know where the courage came from, he stood up suddenly, walked to Marshal Kevin, and looked up at the hero who was gradually getting old.

"I was wrong before, sorry."

He pursed his lips tightly, clenched his hands into fists, and bowed deeply to Marshal Kevin.

When he spoke again, there was still a trembling cry in his voice, but he held back his tears.

He tremblingly said: "You... can you help me?"

Marshal Kevin was stunned for a while, completely unaware that the brat would have such behavior and awareness, and he let out a dull "Ah".

"Help me." The little emperor hurriedly wiped away tears, "I don't want to go on like this! I, I also want to be as good as my father!"

Marshal Kevin looked at the little emperor, and then at Ji Xiuyun.

His student nodded slightly on the other end of the communication, and Marshal Kevin immediately relaxed.

"Okay." He nodded.

"Your Majesty, I have a request." Ji Xiuyun touched his arms, and looked at the little emperor's Yue'an with burning eyes, "Can you give me another energy ore planet?"

The author has something to say: Yue An: Ji Xiuyun is still very sensible! [Loving eyes.jpg]

Commander of the First Army: I have a sentence... Forget it, don't dare to say it.