The Last Cat in the Universe

Chapter 45


The little emperor was startled.

Ji Xiuyun's request scared him so much that he hiccupped.

An energy vein star is not such a cheap price.

What's more, a planet that produces stable energy ore veins can do a lot of things—you know, 70% of the monthly energy spar produced by Ji Xiuyun is directly sold to the empire at a small profit, and the rest 30% is the range that he can freely mobilize.

This 30% was basically used by him to fill the army warehouse, and only a small part was included in his own small private treasury.

"You, what do you want the energy vein star to do?" the little emperor asked.

"The military expenditure is controlled by you... I mean, it is controlled by Prince Kells. Except for some industries to supplement themselves, our funds are very tight."

Ji Xiuyun was serious and well-founded.

"One energy vein star cannot satisfy the work supply of seven legions."


In fact, the military already had a complete set of self-sufficient industrial chains. Every year, the military expenditure allocated by the empire was regarded as extra income, and half of it was replaced with some logistical materials to prepare for emergencies.

Marshal Kevin looked at Ji Xiuyun, who opened his eyes and told lies for cat food, and looked away after a while.


Dirty heart!

But the little emperor, who didn't know much about it, believed in Ji Xiuyun's evil, gritted his teeth, and agreed to the other party's request.

When Marshal Kevin said that you would stay at the military headquarters for the time being to keep you safe, he choked and said, "I don't, I'm going back to the palace."

Marshal Kevin just looked at him without saying a word.

Unexpectedly, the little emperor didn't hesitate, he raised his chin, tried his best to put on a proud and noble posture - even though he was still twitching, he still gritted his teeth and said, "That's my palace!"

The expression on Marshal Kevin's face finally changed.

He raised his hand, as if he wanted to pat the little emperor on the head, but changed his direction halfway, and gave a standard military salute to the young emperor.

Ji Xiuyun cut off the communication, turned his head and glanced at the head of the first army who had already consciously faced the media and began to clean up the operation, and returned home with his cat.

——Isn’t it just at such times that subordinates solve problems for their superiors

After all these years, the head of the First Army has already gotten used to it.

Otherwise, why would he be so proficient at making up nonsense to the media with his eyes open.

Marshal Ji was covered in dust, and Yue An disliked him so much that he took his cat into the bathroom as soon as he got home.

The Yuean cat is a small one, although it doesn't seem to be stained with any dust, nor has it changed from a little white cat to a little gray cat. But each person and cat feel that they have just rolled out of the dust, and a bath is very necessary.

Marshal Ji took off his military uniform jacket, and put a layer of hot water for Yue An in the washbasin, which was enough for Yue An to soak in it.

Yuean squatted on the sink, watched the water surface spread up little by little, then walked to the edge of the table, pouted his buttocks and stretched out his paws, leaned over and pulled open a drawer under the sink, revealing the neatly arranged drawer inside. A few neat rows... Pipi Beast toys.

Ji Xiuyun: "..."

Yue'an jumped to the top of the drawer, took out one, and put it in the sink.

Then he closed the drawer very obediently.

Ji Xiuyun was silent for a while, turned off the water and turned on the constant temperature mode, looked at the fur animal toy floating freely on the water and said, "... when did you buy it?"

Yuean jumped into the pool, pushing the iron-gray fur animal toy leisurely with the water waves with his little paws, the whole cat was soaked in the warm water, raised its head and shook its ears, She softly "meowed" at Ji Xiuyun.

Ji Xiuyun just asked casually, and Yue An also answered casually.

Marshal Ji still couldn't understand this answer.

But with a serious face, as if he understood, he nodded slightly, then turned on the news channel and clicked to watch, turned around and entered the shower room, and closed the curtain.

Yue An looked up at the projection in the bathroom, on which was the response of the head of the First Army to the media.

The background of his interview was a long list of criminal suspects who were sent out and put into the car. The charges were very clear: illegal trading and disrupting social order.

The headline of the news is: The Imperial Army Cracked an Extraordinarily Large Case of Illegal Trading.

This group of people who were arrested also suffered from blood mold.

As Yue An thought about it, his two paws slapped on the toy.

Ji Xiuyun was washing while listening to the head of the First Army's nonsense to the media with reason and evidence. He had to memorize the other party's statement, so as not to wear it when someone suddenly asked about it in the future. help.

Just as he was listening and remembering, there was a "chi-" sound from outside the shower room.

Yue An withdrew his paws, and the fur animal toy that had been crushed by him swelled back, and made a "咻—" sound.

The kitten stretched out its paws and patted the toy again.

This time the force was different from the last time, and the sound from the toy became "Chirp—".

Yue An became addicted to playing.

Ji Xiuyun was in the shower room, when he heard the sound of the news broadcast accompanied by a series of "chirp-", "tweet-", "tweet-" and a series of "chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp chirp" Chirp chirp chirp chirp" and other mixed sounds.

Occasionally, it is accompanied by the strange accompaniment of Yue'an's "meow", "meow", "meow" and "ow".

In the end, even the sound of "Gulululuhuu-" being pushed into the water was inserted horizontally.

Ji Xiuyun: "..."

I can't read the news.

Marshal Ji had never taken such a lively bath.

When he came out of the shower, he found that the lively fur animal toy had been brutally murdered by Yue An's fangs, its head had been gnawed off and thrown aside, and its body floating on the water had been brutally dismembered.

"Meow!" Yue An threw the toy aside, and happily patted the water on Ji Xiuyun.

Obviously, he was having a good time.

Of course he is happy, because he is about to have a planet of spirit stone veins!

Although Ji Xiuyun made a very high-end reason that sounded reasonable and well-founded, Yue An knew that the mineral planet was for him.

Yue An happily patted the water, stretched out his wet paws, and waited for Ji Xiuyun to wash him carefully.

Marshal Ji was wearing home clothes, looked at Yue An stretching out his little claws, rolled up his sleeves resignedly, and cleaned the dead spots between his fingers.

Who let this be his savior cat.

Marshal Ji was thinking while cleaning up.

And Yue An is so cute—whether in human form or cat form, good-looking creatures can enjoy some extra care.

This extra care is reflected in various aspects.

For example, Marshal Ji personally took away food, such as Marshal Ji himself trained him, such as Marshal Ji washed his paws with his own hands, such as Marshal Ji wiped his hair with his own hands, or...

Marshal Ji personally went into battle as a sparring partner in martial arts.

Yue An was stunned when he was thrown over his shoulder and fell to the ground.

Regarding the matter of Ji Xiuyun turning him into a human form after taking a bath, blowing him dry, Yue An thought about many kinds of follow-up developments, for example, the other party is going to teach him some human etiquette and social issues, or teach him to speak Pronunciation and such.

But he never expected that Ji Xiuyun took him directly to an empty room, and threw him over the shoulder.

Yuean: "..."

you've changed.

How dare you throw me.

However, Marshal Ji didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

Compared with slowly teaching Yue An about the action of the doll, the speed and effectiveness of pain education are much more significant.

Yue An is not an ordinary human who knows nothing, he actually knows everything.

To put it simply: he understands the truth, but he just doesn't know how to do it.

Therefore, the best way for Yuean to become familiar with the various movements and strengths of the doll as soon as possible is to beat him directly.

Pain is an emotional feeling that can most promote the rapid growth of human beings. Coupled with Yue An's unyielding character, it can make him enter the realm quickly.

Although there is a saying that if you don't learn to walk, you learn to run.

But this is not the case for Yue'an. For Yue'an, it should be that practice is the only criterion for testing truth.

Yue An, who was dragged by Ji Xiuyun forcibly practiced a wave, turned over and got up after being briefly forced for a few minutes, and rushed towards Ji Xiuyun viciously.

Marshal Kevin Kevin came back in that bright red car to deliver cat food to Ji Xiuyun after he fought openly and secretly with the government from the palace.

He had just rang the doorbell when he heard an angry curse from inside the room: "Ji Xiulin! You bastard!"

Immediately afterwards, his student calmly corrected him: "It's Ji Xiuyun, not Lin."

The door was opened, and Marshal Kevin saw that Ji Xiuyun, who came to open the door, was sweating on his forehead—with his physical fitness, he would never sweat unless he was exercising very intensely, but now he was sweating at home. It's incredible.

And then he discovered that Ji Xiuyun's condition was considered to be very good. The white-haired boy in the room seemed to be fished out of the water, slumped on the sofa like a salted fish.

The image of a good and beautiful boy was destroyed in one fell swoop.

Because he was staying at the gate, Marshal Kevin didn't plan to go in, and Ji Xiuyun didn't intend to let the door go.

"I sent the car back." Marshal Kevin said, then raised his chin to Yue An who was inside the door, "What's going on?"

"Practice and exercise." Ji Xiuyun replied, and added, "The progress is gratifying."

His cats have rapidly evolved from being speechless to cursing.

He also quickly grew from being able to wrestle when he walked fast to being able to fight a little.

The progress is indeed quite gratifying, and pain education once again perfectly reflects its quickness and efficiency.

Of course, it would be better if Yue An didn't always call him by the wrong name.

Marshal Kevin knew very well what Ji Xiuyun meant by practical training, and most of the army commanders under Ji Xiuyun's command were beaten and drilled from this so-called practical training.

Marshal Kevin has always firmly believed that this is the result of Ji Xiuyun's personal bad taste, but it cannot be denied that the effect is indeed good.

Marshal Kevin expressed his distress for Yue An with his eyes, "The genetic test has detected it, it is a human gene."

Ji Xiuyun paused, and couldn't help but look back at Yue An who was lying on the sofa and didn't even want to hum.

"Bring Yue'an to my house tonight." Marshal Kevin whispered.

Ji Xiuyun nodded, and walked to the yard with Marshal Kevin. After watching the people leave, he turned around and took out the shopping box from the car.

Fortunately, Yue'an had already taken out these energy spars before the black market exploded, otherwise they would all be confiscated.

While thinking, Ji Xiuyun pushed the box and went back to the house. When he closed the door, he suddenly came back to his senses, and finally realized what he missed when his eyelids were jumping around.

—There is no camouflage equipment in that red car!

Ji Xiuyun strode to Yue An's side, turned Yue An who was lying on the sofa like a cat, and asked him: "Yue An, what image did you use to go to the black market?"

Yue An snorted twice, opened his eyes, his snow-white hair and blue eyes were quickly dyed into pitch black.

Ji Xiuyun: "..."

The black market is blowing up well!


It was so good fried!

But even though it was blown up, Marshal Ji was still a little worried that some lucky fish would slip through the net.

When Yue'an arrived at Marshal Kevin's house with Yue'an, who was so tired that he fell into a coma, Ji Xiuyun told about it.

Marshal Kevin was also taken aback, the master and apprentice looked at each other, worried together.

Mrs. Ellie was kneading Yue'an's little paws. At this moment, the kitten was sleeping in the dark with its paws upturned. There was no sign of waking up due to the changes and movements around it. Its belly was heaving. , still snoring a little.

After hearing the worries of her husband and her husband's students, Mrs. Ellie turned her head in doubt.

"You... why do you think things are so complicated?"

The two men who had been in politics or the military all year round turned their heads in unison.

"Not to mention that hair color and eye color will greatly affect human beings' memory of other people's appearance. Have you forgotten that there are still many camouflage devices based on me on the market?"

It is impossible for a well-known interstellar movie star like Mrs. Ellie to go out directly with his true colors, disguises or something, with status or money in place, as much as he wants.

Naturally, some manufacturers of camouflage devices will use her image as a blueprint to make some minor adjustments to create a camouflaged image—after all, even if it is a camouflaged image, people still have preferences.

Some people like to make themselves ordinary and inconspicuous, such as Ji Xiuyun and Kevin.

But some people hope that their disguise image is a delicate and gorgeous beauty.

"Let Yue'an use his original human form and pretend to be the person I accidentally met when I went to other planets to shoot recently. Wouldn't it be nice to take a few photos? There will definitely be a big wave of enthusiasm at that time, just right, just the popularity Said this was our child for adoption."

Mrs. Allie spoke very naturally and as it should be.

"Judging from the photo of Yue'an you sent me, in a few days, disguises based on his image should be flying all over the sky. Even if there are fish that slip through the net, they will naturally think of disguises. go up."

Ji Xiuyun, a man from the military department who did not expect this operation at all: "..."

Kevin, a man from the political department who also didn't expect this operation at all: "..."

Ellie, a woman from the entertainment department who doesn't understand why the military department and the political department are embarrassed by such a problem, is looking at them suspiciously while stroking the cat.

Marshal Kevin and Ji Xiuyun turned their eyes away.

"Then it's decided." Marshal Kevin smiled and used level99's skills, "When shall we have dinner?"

"Um… "

When his teacher and his wife were looking at him, Ji Xiuyun thought for a while but couldn't think of a suitable topic.

He thought hard for more than ten seconds.

In the end, with a straight face, he calmly said calmly, "Yue'an likes spicy food."

Yue'an, who was lying on Mrs. Ellie's lap, sneezed in his sleep.

The author has something to say: Mrs. Allie: You are the worst class I have ever led.