The Last Cat in the Universe

Chapter 49


How fat four!

How is this match fat four?

What about the kitten

The relationship with Marshal Ji is so good that he knows the Silver Blade like the back of his hand, and uses the cat's head portrait and cat paw ID, shouldn't it be the marshal's kitten?

The audience was dumbfounded, looking at the situation in the arena with some confusion and disappointment.

Although Marshal Kevin's adopted son is indeed called Yue'an, there is nothing wrong with that...

The audience was somewhat disappointed.

Although the beautiful boy is good, they are still more excited than the relics of the ancient earth.

This battle field does not block the picture and sound of the auditorium, only slightly slowed down.

The main reason is that the real battlefield is much more complicated than the situation in the auditorium. Taking into account various reasons, if only the movement and sound of the auditorium will affect the mood and spirit, it is better to eliminate such people as soon as possible .

Seeing so many spectators, Yue An was also dumbfounded.

There were no spectators at all in the twenty or so games played before, why is this one suddenly full

The white-haired boy stood next to the tall mecha, stunned for a few seconds, and then received a huge ticket dividend.

Yue An looked at the first payment in the new account under his own name, and instantly forgot about the audience.

What could be more pleasant than a little money!

there is none left!

Yue'an patted the mecha beside him, and the Silver Blade put down the mecha's arm, spread out his palm, and waited for him to stand on it.

"Wait a minute!" Yue An's opponent called out to stop him.

Yue An froze for a moment, turned his head to look at his opponent, and tilted his head slightly to show doubts.

"I am a ninth-grade student at the Imperial Military Academy." He introduced himself first, "Hello."

Yue An nodded hesitantly, he was not used to such a formal scene of getting to know each other, this was the first time he had experienced such a thing.

"Hello." After he finished speaking, he paused, and found that he had no identity to introduce, so he said hesitantly, "Yuean."

The dialogue between the two people in the arena will reach the ears of every audience.

The delicate-looking and slender boy had no expression on his face when he spoke, but his hesitant attitude was clearly revealed, which fell into the eyes and ears of others. Some people interpreted it as arrogance, while others interpreted it as introverted and unsociable.

But there was a lot of discussion outside the court, and neither of the two people in the court took it seriously.

No matter how outstanding people are understood by them, they cannot affect themselves.

The opponent on the red side looked up at the mecha next to Yue An, and asked directly, "Why do you have the data of Marshal Ji's mecha?"

"I don't have one." Yue An said while standing on the palm of the Silver Blade, "He made it himself."

After these words were heard by the people present, there were thousands of guesses.

"Why did Marshal Ji specially order a Silver Blade for Marshal Kevin's adopted son?"

"The use of the Silver Blade requires a lot of mental strength. It is said that the marshal hardly uses the manual system of the Silver Blade."

"Yes, Marshal Ji has always used the empathy mode. After all, his physical fitness is comparable to that of standard mechas, and his mental strength is also close to S-level."

"So, Marshal Kevin's adopted son's mental strength should be considerable?"

"It should be, but the information is all confidential and cannot be found."

"Then check the record."

The audience who said they wanted to check the battle record randomly flipped through it, and were directly stunned by the battle record.

"All S-level evaluation victories, the longest match did not exceed ten minutes!"

"It's easy to win, no wonder you can play 21 games..."

"It's lucky that I didn't meet a strong rookie. I watched around and his opponents were all young rookies with poor grades. However, he fought 21 battles in the morning and won all of them. He directly airborne the first place in the rookie rankings. This luck..."

"Where did Marshal Kevin pick up the monster? Didn't the previous interview say that the qualifications are mediocre?"

"Marshal Kevin, can he pick up cubs casually! People at their level say that their qualifications are mediocre, and they are basically A-level and above. It is absolutely no problem to get into the top three in the military academy."

"Stop pushing, let's start!"

The audience carefully observed the movements of the Silver Blade, and were surprised to find that there was no stagnation in its movements.

Not only that, the bullets and gunfire fired by the Silver Blade, and even some close combat skills, are completely different from Marshal Kevin's routines that came out of an orthodox military academy.

The Silver Blade and its current operator, as a whole, have a wild taste that belongs to the imperial god of war Ji Xiuyun.

—Brutal, rough, treacherous, disorderly but dexterous and changeable.

Ji Xiuyun didn't go to a military academy, so he died because of the military theory and fighting theory that he had gnawed through a few cabinets during the march.

Most of the skills he possessed were the experience gained from years of rolling on the battlefield.

How to do it can incapacitate a person.

What to do can take full control of the other person and prevent them from struggling.

How to do it can directly wring a person's neck.

How to do it can make people paralyzed and fall into a coma.

Every method, Ji Xiuyun explained it to Yue An in detail, and Yue An couldn't go to the battle to experience the skills himself, all of them were demonstrated by others.

And Yue An was in the battlefield area today, and tried all the ultimate moves that Ji Xiuyun had demonstrated to him, but he hadn't experienced it himself, which caused a heavy psychological shadow on his more than twenty opponents.

And Yue Anshen blocked and killed the gods and Buddhas all the way to this point, and finally kicked the iron plate.

This kind of distribution method where powerful rookies are matched with experienced top players in the general list, after so many years of history, it makes sense for people in the battlefield area to be called "killing power" with sympathy.

Yuean's physical fitness is indeed very strong, and his mental strength is also amazing, but the time for him to learn human fighting methods is still too short.

After more than an hour of intense fighting, Yue An gritted his teeth, and shot through the opponent's cockpit without hesitation.

The cockpit of the Silver Blade was also cut across by the opponent's sword.

The end result was a draw with an A rating for the fight.

draw! !

It was a tie with the tenth in the overall list! !

Marshal Kevin's adopted son gave the audience a big surprise.

They all broke their voices, yelling Yue An's name frantically.

But the owner of the name they called stayed in the cockpit of the Silver Blade in a daze, looking at the combat evaluation panel in front of him in disbelief.


It turned out to be a draw?

Except for the few days when he was not familiar with fighting skills, he has never lost to anyone other than Ji Xiuyun!

—Although it is in the form of a cat.

But his human form is not weak in terms of physical fitness or mental strength!

He actually ended up in a tie with a military cadet?

Yuean withdrew from the virtual community, looked down at his hands, and doubted Maosheng.

He finally understood why Ji Xiuyun was always worried about him, and always caught him doing all kinds of fighting skills exercises.

Because his doll can't even do a military cadet!

Even if he didn't use spells or prototypes, if he didn't do it, he didn't do it.

If you want to walk in human society, although using the form of a cat is indeed very popular in this era, it also means that you will be noticed wherever you go. Occasionally, it’s okay to be addicted, but your whereabouts are known all the time , this is wrong.

Not to mention the rising risk factor, if it were revealed that he was a nine-tailed cat one day, Ji Xiuyun would not be able to keep him.

So it's still convenient for the doll to act—then the combat power of the doll must keep up, right

It's impossible for the human form to change back to its original form if it can't beat it, then it's over, let alone Ji Xiuyun, it's probably useless for the entire Sints Empire to protect him.

And spells also need spirit stones to support them.

Besides, if he was really exposed to people with his spells, Yue An felt that he didn't have to think about who could protect him, and he would be cold if anyone protected him.

Human beings' fear of unknown forces can overcome their morality and conscience.

Yue'an can run and hide, and the space in this universe is indeed huge. If you find any desolate star, Yue'an can squat until the ninth tail grows out.

But so what

He always ends up meeting a human being who grants his wish.

Yue An felt that he had to hold onto Ji Xiuyun no matter what, and after these twenty years, he would enjoy himself and become a fairy.

Thinking of such a result, Yue An turned his head, put on his helmet again, rushed into the battlefield area again, and buried himself in the fight.

Here, Yue'an has overthrown a lot of people in the virtual community, while the outside media are writing a special letter to Marshal Kevin, a very talented adopted son.

Some of Gu Yue'an's genetic level and mental power level are both A or even S.

It is guessed that the two marshals will finally shake hands and renew their friendship.

There is also Guessing that Yue'an was picked up by Marshal Kevin and brought up specially to please Ji Xiuyun - after all, both the appearance and the name of the adopted son are very similar to that cat in Ji Xiuyun's family, even exactly the same.

And Marshal Kevin, who was interviewed by the Central Radio Station of the Empire, said with a calm face that his cub's genetic level and mental power level are A and B respectively. Anyway, this is the level according to the data, and it cannot be higher.

The reason why he gave the cub to Ji Xiuyun was because Ji Xiuyun could go to the battlefield and didn't need to waste time in the rear of the empire. And Ji Xiuyun is not the kind of person who will pass on conflicts to the next generation. If he accepts him, he will do his best to teach him.

Calculating carefully, Ji Xiuyun rolled on the battlefield when he was just in his early twenties. As the adopted son of Marshal Kevin, if he really has amazing talent, it is the most tempering for him to be sent directly to the battlefield The way.

Looking at the big news that Yue An and his father made, Ji Xiuyun narrowed his eyes slightly.

It's good that these two work together so well and have so much drive, he thought.

According to the rules of the military department, when Yue'an reached the top ten in the general list, he would be able to directly enroll in the military.

Marshal Ji's inner abacus was crackling, and when he returned home after a day's work, he asked the orderly to buy a lot of food recommended on the Internet to take back.

As soon as he entered the door, two nuts the size of fingernails hit him on the head. It didn't hurt or itch, he flicked it lightly, and finally landed on the soft carpet.

Marshal Ji looked up at the cat sitting on the sofa. At this time, he was staring at the bag of nuts on the short table in front of the sofa with a serious face, and a civilian Sigan helmet was placed beside him.

Yue An cautiously stuck out a front paw, and pressed the soft pad on a nut, and the nut disappeared instantly.

The next second, Marshal Ji felt a small object hit his head again, and it slid down to the ground without any pain, and it was another nut.

It looked like Yue An was practicing some strange special talent again.

Ji Xiuyun put the things in his hand on the dining table, turned around and asked his cat: "Do you want to press it again today?"

Yue An immediately withdrew his paws and jumped onto the back of the sofa: "Meow!"

Marshal Ji went to get a home long robe and put it on the cat. In the next second, he saw a delicate-looking young man poking his head out of the robe. He hurriedly put on his sleeves and tied his belt, and lay down on the sofa. pose.

Ji Xiuyun was a little funny.

He put down the back of the sofa and asked casually, "What were you practicing just now?"

Yue An thought about the pronunciation for a while, and then said, "Sleeves... No, Mao Li Qiankun."

"Huh?" Ji Xiuyun didn't understand.

"It's just..." Yue'an had to use his brain to pronounce the words, so he spoke slowly, and the ending sound was unconsciously elongated, "Shrink things, and hide them in Mao Mao."

Yue An has already thought about it, he will fight with Ji Xiuyun in the morning, go to the virtual community to fight in the daytime, and practice Maoli Qiankun at night, when the strength of the human form is stable, he will use Maoli Qiankun to carry his hundreds of thousands of spirit stones with him, and he will be safe Feel more!

Although it is a pity that this spell has been failing because of the concept that "a cat can't learn the world without sleeves" has not yet been overcome...

Ji Xiuyun probably guessed what the name of the move Yue An said.

He looked at Yue An who was lying on the sofa bed, and asked casually, "The cat form is hidden in the fur, and the human form is hidden in the sleeve?"

Yue An was taken aback when he heard the words, and suddenly turned over and sat up.

He raised his hand and looked at the cuff of the figure.


Don't I have sleeves now! No need to hide in fur!

Yue An slapped his forehead, and touched the sofa bed under his hand with his backhand. Under the gaze of the two people, the sofa bed shook, and then the size of the surrounding area shrank by about an inch on average.

Yuean: "..."

? ?

Why is it different from what you said!

"It's okay." Ji Xiuyun directly pushed the person down and lay down, "I'm not in a hurry yet."

Yue'an moved twice to adjust his posture, and muttered: "Temporarily?"

The movements of Ji Xiuyun's hands paused slightly, and then quickly recovered.

"En." Marshal Ji nodded slightly, "But if possible, I still hope you can do better."

Yue An turned to look at Ji Xiuyun, his blue eyes were full of doubts.

"I don't want you to experience my past history, Yue An."

Ji Xiuyun lowered his eyes to meet Shang Yue'an's gaze.

"You have to improve faster than those who covet you."

The author has something to say: Yue An: Haven't I already improved faster than you

Ji Xiuyun: ... [Brain Pain.jpg]