The Last Cat in the Universe

Chapter 51


For some unknown reason, Marshal Ji bought more than 20 cat dolls as soon as he got home after taking Yue An around for a few laps that day, and even built a small bed next to his own bed. All on the little bed.

Then he said to the bewildered Yue An, "I bought this doll for you."

Yue An shook his ears, and looked at Ji Xiuyun with a cat face full of shock.

What's wrong with you

Marshal Ji was a little puzzled by Yue An's shock.

"Looks like you like it," he said.

I can still vividly remember the happy appearance of holding the doll in the office until I pursed my ears.


Yue An withdrew his gaze, jumped onto the small bed, and got into the pile of dolls.

When he woke up, Marshal Ji found that there were more than pillows, quilts and cats on his bed.

There are also more than twenty cat dolls.

Yue An was lying on his side, hugging a doll, and the tails of the cat and the doll playfully inserted into Ji Xiuyun's pajamas.

Marshal Ji sat up lightly and carefully, catching a few fluffy fluffs that slipped away, and then put them next to Yue An, and walked lightly to the bathroom.

Yuean's five senses are very sensitive in the cat form. Recently, after sufficient training and adaptation, the perception of the outside world in the human form has gradually become better.

Ji Xiuyun also knew that Yue An must have already woken up when he woke up, but Yue An belonged to the type who would want to squat for a few more minutes after waking up.

So in just a few minutes, Ji Xiuyun will not bother him.

Yue'an stretched out his four claws, reached out and hugged the doll beside him, and rubbed vigorously on the doll whose touch was very similar to his own fur, then turned over and walked to the bathroom with his short legs.

Ji Xiuyun has been getting more and more busy recently. After the previous salty fish period passed, the work was overwhelming like a mountain.

Sometimes I don’t even have time for routine morning exercises and I have to go straight out.

Such as today.

Ji Xiuyun said before that he wanted to go out to play with him, but he had to work all night to spare half a day yesterday.

Yue An couldn't persuade him, he blew his hair and asked him to rest, but he was casually patted on the head and just let it go.

He was so busy that Yue An never brought up the topic of wanting Ji Xiuyun to go out with him.

—What is a mere Sintus star!

After that, they are going to roam the universe!

When the time comes to join Ji Xiuyun, the sky will be big and the earth will be big. After the battle, you can find special food, go to the sky to catch interstellar pirates, and catch some weird cosmic creatures when you land on the barren star to refresh.

When the time comes, catch those creatures and let Ji Xiuyun roast them to eat.

Wouldn't it be nice to even roast one and throw one away extravagantly.

Yue An wagged his tail and sent Ji Xiuyun out as usual.

Fortunately, Marshal Ji doesn't have to worry that he will start being a salted fish when he is not at home.

Because Yue'an has developed a good habit of exercising, he also goes to roll a few laps in the virtual community every day.

The milky white hairball squatted at the door, watched Ji Xiuyun leave with several army commanders, calculated the difference between his points in the virtual community and the last place in the general list, and decided to play a few less games today to save time to find Mrs. Allie, stay with her.

Even after Yue An was named under the name of Marshal Kevin and his wife, he didn't meet them many times.

Yue An felt that he had taken such a big advantage, not to mention fulfilling his responsibilities as a son, at least he should be able to bring that beautiful lady something to be happy about.

Yue An didn't know that Mrs. Ai Li was already very happy because of his existence.

After all, Yue'an is now a rising star that has attracted much attention.

The adoptive father is the First Marshal Kevin, the teacher is the Second Marshal Ji Xiuyun, and the car in the virtual community is the Silver Blade, and the operation is so smooth and pleasing to the eye, it is basically a sure thing.

These days, Marshal Kevin is not only flying with joy, even Mrs. Ellie, who always has a dignified and elegant calm face, always has a gentle and proud expression.

But it would be even better if Yue'an could come to accompany them more.

Mrs. Ai Li's family has several military wives as guests today. These wives are also people from one side, with a broad and open vision.

It was at this time that Yue An came to the door.

Holding a big box.

Marshal Kevin gave Yue An permission to enter and exit his house after completing the documents, and now Yue An directly opened the door.

The ladies in the room were taken aback for a moment, and even Mrs. Ai Li was slightly stunned.

Yue An also stayed there for two seconds, his eyes swept over the elegant and noble ladies in the living room, and finally landed on Madam Ai Li, he paused for two seconds, pursed his lips, and yelled like a mosquito :"Mother."

It was so low that the ladies sitting in the living room didn't hear it.

The more settled down, the voice raised a little: "Mother, mother! Good afternoon, ladies!"

Then, under the watchful eyes of the ladies, he froze for another second and whispered, "I'm back..."

Madam Ai Li, who was called her mother for the first time, was stunned for a few seconds, and a very delicate smile burst out on her beautiful face.

She stood up and took out the indoor shoes prepared for Yue An early in the morning from the cabinet.

"What did you bring?" she asked softly.

Yue An put on his shoes and walked in, and replied, "Some small games."

After speaking, he added in a low voice: "Old Earth."

Mrs. Allie was stunned.

The other ladies also looked over curiously.

Yue'an moved a big box.

In the box are the gadgets that Yue An spent all morning to buy paper cards and physical printing tools to study slowly.

Monopoly, poker, flying chess, werewolf killing the Three Kingdoms, army chess, chess and the like.

There are still some parts that are not finished, but for the time being, let's take some of them and play with them.

The higher-end Yue'an himself couldn't figure it out. These were all games he had played online before, and he still remembered the rules and card faces clearly, so he drew them one by one, and the rules were clearly written on the board. .

Human hands and technology are indeed much more flexible and convenient than cat paws. Yue An, who has been busy all morning and finished five or six games, has to admit this.

"It's playing cards."

Yue'an took out the playing cards, slowly and accurately controlled his pronunciation, and at the same time called out the recording panel and put it on the table, which recorded the game methods and rules of the playing cards he had played.

"There are many ways to play."

After Yuean finished speaking, he took out the Monopoly and flying chess that were ready, and continued to put the matching rules on them.

Several wives had a good impression of this young man who was making waves in the virtual community. Hearing what he said, they all copied a copy of the past and looked at it.

Yue'an put all the things that had been done.

Then look at the ladies who were reading the rules intently, and flipping through the props according to the rules. Holding the tools and raw materials in the box, they found a small corner and continued to toss.

He is three colors short of checkers.

It was Yue An who scratched his head and finally thought of making these little gadgets.

He wanted to bring some good memories to Mrs. Ellie, but he didn't know where human beings place good memories.

For Yue'an, being rescued by that little human girl at the beginning is a very good memory.

When I was just enlightened, I was picked up by the old seniors. Those years I stayed in the clan land are also very warm memories.

Being able to meet Ji Xiuyun, although the beginning was not very good, but now Yue An thinks about it and feels very happy.

Yue'an felt that he was very lucky, and he never met bad people.

This also made Yue An feel very good.

But for human beings, the beautiful things that can make their memories deep should not be so easy to achieve.

So Yuean had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, choose some entertainment that he still remembered, but few people played now, and teach it to Mrs. Ellie.

Whether it is good or not, these entertainment games can always bring people happiness.

He took the name of one of his sons, and it was his duty to please him.

"Yue'an, come here quickly." Mrs. Allie waved to him with a plate of snacks.

Yue An put down the chubby chess pieces in his hand, ran over, took the plate, and agreed to Mrs. Ellie's plan to play this game live.

—Before the live broadcast, in order to prevent this gameplay from being directly registered for product patents like mahjong, Mrs. Ellie deliberately opened a patent account in the name of Yue'an, and stuffed these games into the ancient earth Patent application for intangible cultural heritage.

The live broadcast is purely to spread the entertainment culture of the ancient earth.

Because Mrs. Elle is also the ancient earth culture propaganda ambassador.

All kinds of cards made by Yue'an are very cute. The most cute thing is the cat's paw prints he stamped on the back of the cards.

The ladies enthusiastically began to play cards according to the rules. Yue An sat holding his big box and concentrated on making other gadgets, occasionally raising his head to correct their mistakes.

In Mrs. Ellie's live broadcast room, the audience all expressed that it's no wonder they didn't see the boss go to the battlefield area every day, so he stayed at home with his mother.

In fact, Yue'an is not far from the bottom of the overall list.

He is like a big dry sponge, falling into the group of excellent military cadets who have received orthodox education, frantically absorbing the knowledge revealed by them, and instinctively using the skills stolen from others , Arm yourself more tightly and impenetrably.

His learning speed is terrifying, and his progress is even more visible to the naked eye. Even laymen can see a few clues.

With such an amazing fighting intuition and talent, it's no wonder that the media crazily praised him as a genius, saying that he would become the second Ji Xiuyun of the empire.

Even the group of high-achieving students who were in the top ten of this issue's general rankings, like chicken blood, came to the virtual community every day, very worried that one day they would wake up and be kicked off the general rankings.

But their chicken blood is useless.

In Yue'an's very regular schedule, he went to accompany Mrs. Ellie in the morning, went to the virtual community in the afternoon, and cooperated with Ji Xiuyun's time for practical training or rest in the evening.

A month later, the ID of the cat's paw climbed to the top very steadily.

The media is blowing like crazy all day long.

Every time Marshal Kevin appears in front of the public, the smile on his face is like a blooming flower. Even in the recent photos of Mrs. Ellie, it seems that she has returned to her youthful vigor People who are addicted to beauty are almost drowned with a sense of satisfaction.

This is probably because people feel refreshed on happy occasions.

Marshal Kevin and his wife both looked happy, as if they were sixty years younger.

The opposite of this couple is Marshal Ji who has been busy becoming a dog recently.

What do you want to fight

It needs money, soldiers, supplies, and logistics.

It’s impossible for all of these to come from the military, right

Then you have to ask the country.

The two marshals and their regiment commanders who were still in the imperial capital were all very active, fighting with the logistics department of the Ministry of Finance and the top officials of the government. They beat the table and challenged them all day long. Looking at the faces of those mentally retarded people, just go straight up and do it.

Marshal Kevin is slightly better without the pressure of going out. Marshal Ji, who was under the pressure of dispatching troops, had exhausted all the anger he hadn't had for decades.

When he used to fight big battles, the first emperor always gave him the green light, and the small battles were basically supported by routine military appropriations, so that Ji Xiuyun never found it so difficult to ask the Ministry of Finance for money!

And this is a simple model after Marshal Kevin has taken the lead in drawing the support of most of the high-level political parties.

"The vanguard has already set off, and the main army will leave the Emperor Star in three weeks. The money and supplies I requested must be allocated in small amounts."

After Ji Xiuyun finished speaking, his eyes swept over Prince Kells where the old god was present, and finally his eyes fell on the little emperor.

"What do you say, Your Majesty?"

The little emperor shrank his neck in fright from his gloomy expression, and was about to say something when he was interrupted by Prince Kells.

"Looking at what you said, Marshal Ji, His Majesty will also go with you. Naturally, there will be no less points that should be given to you."

Ji Xiuyun looked at him sullenly, the consequence of lack of sleep and high anger was that his eyes looked like an evil ghost crawling out of an abyss. Full of murderous intent and gore, like a sharp knife, it stabbed straight into the chest of the person being watched, and then stirred it cruelly twice.

Prince Kells shivered, and his face turned pale.

The little emperor seemed startled by Kells' speech, he raised his head suddenly and retorted: "When did I say we're going together!"

Kells was interrupted like this, and after looking away, he recovered instantly, the fat on his body trembling: "You said it, Your Majesty."

"I remember that Uncle Kells clearly said that you want to go." The little emperor poked his neck, and poked the ground with the scepter in his hand, "Uncle, are you old and suffering from mental disorder? "

"Nonsense!" Prince Kells retorted loudly.

Mental disorder is almost a disease that modern people who have excessive mental work will suffer from in their later years.

The initial manifestation is memory confusion, and then hallucinations. In the end, the level of mental power will plummet below the level of normal people, and even the star network will not be connected, until the brain stops functioning completely and eventually dies.

This is a kind of senile disease. If you are sick, you can basically get a stamp. This person can prepare for his funeral after finishing the game.

Prince Kells never expected that the little emperor who had been under his control would actually refute him, so he immediately questioned and reprimanded him loudly and loudly without any regard for the little emperor's face.

The little emperor's eyes were red from being scolded by him, as if he was about to cry in the next second.

Marshal Ji Xiuyun and Kevin got annoyed after listening for half a minute. Marshal Kevin simply said, "Then just ask the doctor to check it out. If you are really sick, you are not suitable to stay here any longer."

As soon as these words came out, the entire conference hall fell silent.

Marshal Kevin was very active during this period, so that after his speech, no one in the entire conference hall refuted him immediately.

With a wave of his hand, Marshal Kevin directly let the doctor outside the door in.

The snappy gestures, the swift and swift actions of those "doctors" suppressing Kells, all told the people in the conference hall that this was an extremely rough and unscrupulous clean-up operation.

And it may be from the instruction of the young emperor who is now sitting on the throne and has grown up.

Because he didn't look surprised at all, in the past, he would have cried a long time ago.

But apart from realizing not to scold the struggling party, no one in the entire conference hall refuted.

Soon, the parties also lost the opportunity to speak out.

The entire conference hall was so quiet that a needle could be heard.

The little emperor looked very calm except for his red eyes, and most of the people present had already made up their minds, and the rest of the small part who didn't have time to stand in line or stood in the wrong line naturally stayed silent up.

Ji Xiuyun tapped on the table lightly, breaking the silence: "My military expenses."

In order to paralyze the prince and prevent him from noticing that something was wrong, they left Emperor Star for refuge. Marshal Ji has been following the procedures in such a long time, and he has received a lot of anger from the heart.

He just wants to go back now, hug his cat, suck it hard, rub his little belly, and rub his little head.

The little emperor's eyes were still wet, but he still held back the posture that an emperor should have.

He picked up the chapter without hesitation, stamped the document in front of him, and similarly stamped the transfer letter of the energy planet mineral lode below.

The little emperor was very heartbroken, he sniffed and said, "I approve it!"

Ji Xiuyun didn't have any nostalgia at all, so he took two documents and turned around to leave.

It took a long time to argue this time, and it was already dark when Marshal Ji walked out of the conference hall.

However, Marshal Ji still checked the nearby high-rated gourmet restaurants, and bought a bunch for Yue An along the way, and took them home.

Tomorrow, Mrs. Ellie will go to Film and Television Planet to close the filming. Today she cooks and cooks a sumptuous dinner.

But it's a pity that only she and Yue An ate together.

Yue An was very supportive. Apart from leaving a copy for Marshal Kevin and Ji Xiuyun, he happily cleaned up all the dishes on the table. never broke.

"I'll take it back to Ji Xiuyun!" Yue An watched the housekeeping robot clean up the dishes, then put the portion left for Ji Xiuyun into the food box by himself, then kissed Mrs. Ellie on the cheek, and jumped three times Da ran back home.

Yue An and Ji Xiuyun arrived home one after another.

Not a minute after Yue An turned on the porch light, Ji Xiuyun opened the door.

Yue An was still standing in the porch, turned around and saw Ji Xiuyun coming in, and raised the food box in his hand to him.

"Clang clang!"

The young man's vigorous voice was full of vitality, and after Mrs. Ellie's careful education, the expression on his face was no longer stiff.

With a captivating and beautiful smile wantonly, he leaned in front of Ji Xiuyun.

"Ai Li's mother's love dinner, surprise is not a surprise!"


Marshal Ji was silent for two seconds, put the food box in Yue'an's hand and the take-out food box in his own hand on the low cabinet by the door, then hugged the young man in front of him involuntarily, and put The whole person was pulled into his arms.

It's fine to hug people without cats.

Yue'an's figure is slender, but it is quite firm and predictable when touched.

That head of white hair is as soft as a cat's fur, and there is a peaceful and pleasant milky aroma exuding from her body. Her body temperature is high, as warm as a little sun.

Marshal Ji, who was exhausted, hugged the boy in his arms, rubbed him, and rubbed him again.

Yue An grabbed the cloth around his waist: "What's wrong?"

Marshal Ji replied somewhat vaguely: "Tired."

Yue An heard the words and nodded.

Can you not be tired

Stay up all night and turn on the lights to fight at night, go out early in the morning during the day, and come back very late at night.

The job content of the marshal is definitely not easy, especially when this kind of expedition is imminent.

Yue An recalled how humans comforted each other, and stretched out his arms to hug Mr. Marshal, who was a bit too tall compared to him.

Then she patted him on the back reassuringly.

Marshal Ji stopped his movements and looked down at the little white head in his arms.

Yue An looked up at him, his beautiful blue eyes were full of doubts: "Tired and stupid?"


Ji Xiuyun let go of his hand, and carried all the food boxes on the low cabinet into the dining room.

Yue An came over and happily opened the take-out box.

Ji Xiuyun looked at Yue An's satisfied face, and finally looked away.

Between the palms and the neck seemed to still be the temperature of the boy's body, the delicate and gentle touch and the slightly scorching breath almost burned that piece of skin.

The place where the back was gently patted seemed to be still recalling that wonderful tenderness.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Yue An turned to look at the dazed Ji Xiuyun and asked him.


Marshal Ji picked up the tableware.

It would have been nice if it hadn't been a cat that would be gone in twenty years.

Ji Xiuyun thought.

The author has something to say: Ji Xiuyun:? ? ? Mrs. Allie has tweeted why haven't I? ! Seems like a fake attack. [Whispering.jpg]