The Last Cat in the Universe

Chapter 53


Everyone in the elite class felt a little ashamed.

They are all the reserves of Ji Xiuyun's direct army, the top soldiers of the regular army, the lowest rank is all captains, and the main composition is basically school officers.

In any case, they are all people who have won military merits and medals.

The person who stood at the front of the pyramid of nearly 100 million soldiers in the eighteen major galaxies of the empire was defeated by one person, one young man, three classes in a row today!

Although there are only fifteen people in a class, which is just enough to allocate a raid team configuration, but that is still three classes!

People have only now burst into small beads of sweat!


What a shame!

The people in the elite class felt their faces flustered—there were soldiers under them in the training room!

And this man is different.

This is a matter of their marshal's face!

Who in the entire empire doesn't know that the relationship between the two marshals of the empire is so stiff that they would fight each other at every opportunity

So up to now, these simple men have always insisted that Marshal Kevin sent his cubs under their own marshal so impatiently. To vent my anger, so I came to rub their marshal's one-on-one teaching!

Look at how good our Marshal is.

they thought.

He is magnanimous and cherishes his talents. When he sees a good seedling, even the Silver Blade is willing to share it.

Much better than some well-known narrow-minded marshal.

But no matter what they thought, they still couldn't beat the young man.

The young man said it politely, to be honest, at first this young man who looked like a human version of the marshal's cat was called a little boy in Ji Xiuyun's army.

Later, as the ranking of this young man named Yue An climbed up in the virtual battlefield area, and his smooth and amazing operation when using the Silver Blade, in the end, these soldiers gradually changed their names.

Most of them are former figures on the general list. They have broken through the battlefield areas where gifted students gather in major military academies, and they have been genius-level figures in military academies. Naturally, they know very well how difficult it is to break into the battlefield areas of virtual communities.

Basically, after working hard for half a month, I turned over and returned to the pre-liberation.

So they are well aware of how difficult it is to climb steadily like Yue'an - especially as Yue'an has a winning rate of 94% in the process.

So Yue An's name gradually changed from "that little boy" to "that guy", and finally became "that young man".

The likes and dislikes of this group of soldiers are very clear. Although the first impression was very bad, as Yue An performed brilliantly, he gradually lost that big prejudice.

Some people have even started to think about how to distribute and cooperate with this young man when he joins the army and joins their regiment.

But they never expected that Yue'an would parachute to the position of Marshal's deputy!

The disgust of these men surged up again.


Airborne Officer Jobs!

This is definitely for military exploits!

So when they saw Yue'an passing the training ground while gnawing on a fruit, a group of people coaxed him to stay.

Yue'an's reaction at that time was very flat, and it was obvious that Ji Xiuyun's true biography was won at first sight.

He finished eating the fruit in his hand, wiped his hands casually, and said three words.


bring it on.

Then he overturned the three elite classes as steadily as Mount Tai, and fought with each other without any pretense.

After finishing, he asked quite easily, "Are you still here?"

Yue An touched the faint wetness on his forehead, feeling a little uncomfortable and happy at the same time.

Discomfort comes from cats' dislike of wet and sticky feeling, and happiness also comes from cat's nature.

He has found prey that will struggle a little longer in his claws.


It is only interesting if the prey can struggle and jump.

Yue An thought about it, and then asked again: "Are you still here?"

But no one responded.

The atmosphere is a bit heavy.

Because the people in the elite class are a little skeptical about life, and feel very ashamed.

"I'll come, I'll come!" The commander of the third army strode into the training ground, took off his coat, and stood directly in front of Yue An, "Yue An, right, I'll fight you!"

Yue An looked at the army commander who offered to come to his door, and smiled slightly: "Okay."

His smile stunned everyone in the training ground.

But they reacted quickly.

The elite class who had been ravaged was in awe of the commander of the third army.

As expected of the Legion Commander!

As expected of the marshal's confidant!

This is where the marshal finds a place!

very good!

Very good!

Much needed applause!

Outside the training ground, the commanders of the Second Army and the Fourth Army, who had just walked two steps, realized that their colleagues had actually run to deliver the heads, their faces were full of pain.

young man.

Still too sweet.

I don't know the dangers of society at all.

This guy has probably hit you no less than ten times.

At that time you were still driving a mech and he was still a cat, and he had already fucked you many times.

"Alas." The commander of the second army sighed heavily.

The commander of the Fourth Army patted him on the shoulder.

"Why did San'er... rush to deliver it?" The commander of the second army looked at the two people who had already fought inside, and sighed heavily again.

"It's okay, it's okay if it's not Xiao Qi." The commander of the Fourth Army was still smiling, "Xiao Qi has worked so hard recently, if he still gets rubbed against in front of so many people, his mentality will definitely collapse."

Why don't you send San'er up to be with Xiao Qi, two people licking each other's wounds is worse than being alone.

The commander of the Fourth Army thought so, and felt that he was really worried about the physical and mental health of his colleagues.

The head of the second army looked at the head of the fourth army who was smiling but very sinister inside, and felt a dull pain in his head.

He decided not to talk about this topic anymore, turned his head to look at the situation in the training ground, just wanted to say what do you think of the fourth child, swallowed the words in the next second, shook his head and left the training ground.

The news that the commander of the Third Army and the deputy of the airborne Marshal had a two-to-two tie spread among several legions.

After Ji Xiuyun knew about this, he just patted his cat's head, thought for a while, but still didn't speak.

He originally wanted to say that it would be better to go to the virtual training room and close the door to fight against the legion commander in the future.

But after thinking about it, if the legion commanders didn't know what to do and came looking for a beating, it would be fine if Yue An beat them up.

Legion commanders also need pressure to improve, right

Moreover, Yue'an is excellent in himself, and he is about to go to the battlefield. Zang Zhuo is for outsiders, and there is no need for his own people.

Right, that is it.

nothing wrong.

You should be beaten, you should be beaten, and people will make continuous progress only after experiencing setbacks.

Unconsciously, Marshal Ji lowered his bottom line again, and happily went to eat with his cat.

Yue'an felt that something was wrong recently.

This error is mainly reflected in a certain two army commanders.

During this period of time, these two counselors encouraged every army commander who returned to the station to fight with him several times, both real and virtual.

Every time, these two people looked like they were secretly observing, as if they were not in their own army, but as if they were thieves.

At the moment, Yuean is lying on the wing of a reconnaissance plane on the tarmac in prototype form, enjoying the sunshine.

The small milky-white hair ball spread out the belly, as soft as a ball of soft cotton candy, lying lazily on the iron-gray wing, and the sunlight reflected bright colors on his body.

And the two legion commanders who had been abnormal for a whole week and three days also came over at this moment, stood under the wing, and looked up at the wing.

They couldn't see Yue An from below, but they knew clearly that he was there.

The two legion commanders hesitated.

Yue An shook his ears, and heard what they were talking about below very clearly.

"The cat is here, has anyone found it?"

"Not found, not anywhere."

"Then I think this is the way it went, and we guessed right."

"Why don't you ask?"

"How do you ask?"

"How do I know how to ask?"

The two legion commanders looked at each other, but couldn't come to a conclusion for a while.

Yue An listened for a long time, turned over to try to get even heat, and spread it into a cake, even his ears were flattened.

Just after lunch, Ji Xiuyun asked him to come here to wait, but Yue'an Xianyu didn't see Ji Xiuyun come over after more than an hour in the sun.

Instead, these two perverted legion commanders who seemed to be trying to steal a cat these days quietly popped out of their heads.

There was something wrong with the two legion leaders, even Yue An, who didn't know much about human's special behavior, could see it.

Yue An felt that Ji Xiuyun must have noticed it too, but he seemed unaware of Ji Xiuyun's presence.

Ji Xiuyun didn't make a sound, and Yue An didn't bother to make a sound, let them see, anyway, his kitten's whole body is 360 degrees with zero dead ends, no matter how you look at it, it's so cute.

Yue An flicked his tail leisurely, thinking about who he would torment Ji Xiuyun when he was busy later.

— Yue An has no interest in Ji Xiuyun's endless military meetings and tactical discussions. Ji Xiuyun can't accompany him right now, so Yue An naturally wants to have fun by himself.

That's right, Lezi is the military guys in this station.

From army commanders at the general level to ordinary privates, Yue'an basically just stops in the training ground and refuses all comers.

It's just that there are very few private soldiers recently, and it is always the school officer and above who come to him to fight.

Among them, a certain ranked third and a certain ranked seventh general who became more frustrated and braver came most frequently.

Although the ending is always not so happy, the result of the joint training during this period is still pleasing.

At least now, someone would come to go to the cafeteria with Yue An hooked up.

However, most of the time, Yue An had dinner with Marshal Ji who had been busy all day, so those who would come to drag him to the cafeteria with him, basically had lunch together.

Among them, a certain third-ranked and a certain seventh-ranked general-level figure who was a difficult brother came most frequently.

After much deliberation, Yue An decided to torment the commander of the First Army who always put on a calm and gentle gentleman face today.

For example, when I was sleeping at night, I spread out the quilt and found a piece of cat cake wrapped in the quilt!

It's exciting to think about.

Although this may cause Ji Xiuyun to be unable to find the cat before going to bed, and to send messages to several legion commanders one by one asking about the whereabouts of the cat with a dark face, Yue An still enjoys this kind of scaring activity quite happily.

So far, he has frightened several legion commanders.

Among them, the third and seventh generals who are also full of vitality are the most frequent.

After thinking about his partner, Yue An rolled over and got up, ready to take the initiative to find Ji Xiuyun with his short legs.

He just jumped off the wing, and stared at the two legion leaders below who hadn't come to a conclusion yet.

"Meow." Yue An greeted politely.

The commander of the Fourth Army was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but replied: "Meow."

The head of the second army turned to look at him, his face was covered with horrible words.

"Cough." The commander of the Fourth Army came to his senses and coughed lightly.

Yue'an moved his short legs, preparing to bypass them.

But the commander of the Second Army stopped him.

"Yue An."

Yue An looked up at him.

The commander of the Second Army thought for a while and asked, "Are you Yuean? I mean... people..."

Before the legion commander finished speaking, he was interrupted by a call from behind.

It was Ji Xiuyun who came.

Marshal Ji knelt down, picked up his cat, and said, "I've been waiting for a long time."


Yue An stretched out his paw to pat Ji Xiuyun's face to show that he didn't mind, but he looked at his dusty paw, thought for a while, wiped it on Ji Xiuyun's coat, and then patted Ji Xiuyun's face.

How clean do you think it will be after wiping

Ji Xiuyun felt very helpless.

But he didn't show any displeasure. Instead, he reached out and grabbed the cat's paw, gently pinching the soft pad.

Then he looked up at his two legion commanders.

"Are you here...?" He didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning was obvious.

"Marshal." The commander of the second army nodded, and opened his mouth to ask out his guess.

But when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them abruptly.

He suddenly realized what would happen to the little Maotuan who was so valued by their marshal and the marshal who protected the little Maotuan if their guess was true.

The head of the second army recalled Ji Xiuyun telling them that if it wasn't for Yue An, he would surely die, his eyes turned for a moment, and the responsibility and burden instantly overwhelmed curiosity.

He shook his head at Ji Xiuyun, made a gesture to seal his mouth with a zipper, pulled the fourth child next to him, turned his head and left.

"They guessed it." Ji Xiuyun weighed the cat in his arms, signaling Yue'an to make a statement.

And the cat in his arms got into his coat nonchalantly, found a familiar position, grabbed the neckline, poked its head out, and meowed softly.

I don't know if I completely trust Ji Xiuyun's vision, or if I really don't care about this being exposed.

Ji Xiuyun trusts the commanders of his subordinates very much. Among them, the second, fourth and fifth all saw Yue An's map cannon with their own eyes, and they haven't said a word until now.

This matter also slammed on the brakes before the official question.

Both merchants were not disconnected, and they also conducted some conjectures and investigations based on guesses. When drawing conclusions, they advanced and retreated with the overall situation in mind. It seems that the state has been adjusted quite well.

Marshal Ji habitually assessed the pre-war state of his army commander, and took Yue'an away from the tarmac to the mecha field.

Yue An watched as Ji Xiuyun led him straight to the deepest point.

The silver-gray streamlined body was displayed in front of one person and one cat. Yue An and Ji Xiuyun couldn't be more familiar with the mecha presented in front of them.

God of War mech, Silver Blade.

Yue An turned his head around, and with this turn, he saw another mecha next to the Silver Blade.

It is very similar to the Silver Blade's fuselage, the main body color is black that is easy to hide, and the main lines on it as the empathetic nerves are slightly dim blue.

"Mine." Ji Xiuyun pointed to the Silver Blade, then pointed to the mecha next to it, and said, "Your."

Yue An's little furry head was raised high, looking at the mech, the whole cat seemed stupid, even opened its mouth slightly, revealing small fangs like white jade.

The God of War Mecha Silver Blade is the same model.

Whoever made it knows.

Thief expensive.

The cost of a small part is hundreds of millions, a can of paint is 8 million, and the full set of design and equipment of the synesthesia operating system cannot be bought for more than one billion.

As a whole, there are countless zeros behind the price of the whole one. The Silver Blade itself is 80% allocated by the empire, and Ji Xiuyun himself pays 20%.

But to build the second Silver Blade, and the fine-tuning that seems to be made for Yuean, the price is hollowed out, and the current kittens can't afford the main body of a Silver Blade.

This is probably the gap between the chaebols and the nouveau riche.

Yue An thought in bewilderment.

Ji Xiuyun lightly poked Yue An's head, reminding him: "A name?"

"Meow!" Yue An stretched out his front paws to hug his fingers.

Ji Xiuyun squinted his eyes: "Meow number?"

Yue An patted him: "Meow!"

"Okay, think about it slowly." Marshal Ji walked under the black mecha and asked again, "Do you want to go up and have a look?"

Yue An waved his paw excitedly: "Meow!"

Want to want!

This kind of mech, which looks and smells full of copper smell, is especially suitable for my kitten!

Marshal Ji activated the mecha from the outside, and followed Yue An into the unnamed behemoth.

The first thing Yue An did after he went up was to activate the system, click on the AI naming module, and at a speed that Ji Xiuyun couldn't even react, he entered a string of characters and then quickly clicked OK.

The decision is yours!

Meow meow meow meow meow!

Yue An, who felt that he was also super cute today, wagged his tail happily, and swept Ji Xiuyun's stomach back and forth through a layer of fabric.

Marshal Ji felt a little itchy from being swept by the tail, and stretched out his hand to hold the cat's tail in his arms through his jacket.

He lowered his head and looked up at him, his eyes were shining brightly as if Yue An was begging for praise, after hesitating for a long time, he still said against his conscience: "It's quite cute."

Ji Xiuyun silently looked at the happy Yue An and his name that could kill the media, and decided to go back and look through the books to find an awesome external name for Yue An's mecha.

You can't let the media reporters yell "meow meow meow meow meow meow" every time they report on the battle situation, right

Are journalists shameless

The author has something to say: Yue An: A look of regret.jpg

Ji Xiuyun: What about the focus? Couple models okay! [knock on blackboard