The Last Cat in the Universe

Chapter 58


Ji Xiuyun didn't believe that the meaning behind Yue An's words could be understood literally.

To be reasonable, besides eating, drinking, sleeping and playing, Yue Anna's little brain is the energy spar, how can it hold other things

Will he consider spiritual enjoyment and emotional life

Yue An would not believe it even if he said it.

And Yue An really didn't think in that direction at all.

He patted Marshal Ji's head, and was surprised that it felt so good, so he touched the board on the top of Marshal Ji's head.

Ji Xiuyun's hair was unexpectedly soft, completely opposite to his indifferent expression and temperament.

His hair is fine and soft, even with a cropped cut it is not irritating.

Yue'an touched a few, and then a few more, and he liked the touch very much.

It's a little worse than his fluffy touch.

Yue An seems to understand why humans always like to touch his fur.

Who doesn't love Mao Mao who feels so good!

Thinking about it, Yue An couldn't help rubbing Ji Xiuyun's hair two more times.

The long and white fingers were buried in the black hair, and the short stubble could not completely cover the fingers.

Yue'an's protruding joints curved and relaxed, with gentle force, not like stroking his hair, but gently comforting the emotions of the person in front of him.

Mild, peaceful, serene.

Mixed with the faint milk aroma of the young man, people inadvertently slowed down their breathing and gradually calmed down their emotions.

Just like when Yue An was a kitten, as soon as he clings to him, makes a soft meow, or pampers him once or twice, people can easily choose to forgive him for his small mistakes.

Although Yue'an's nonsense straight kick was not a mistake.

It even made Ji Xiuyun feel a little bit of comfort.

Marshal Ji pulled Yue An's hand off his head.

"It feels good in the hand." Yue An commented, and even wanted to touch it again.

Ji Xiuyun paused, and what he wanted to say was blocked by Yue An's words.

In the end, Mr. Marshal put down his hands and could only say dryly, "Okay."

I won't run away with others... Although Ji Xiuyun knew that these words must not be understood in the ordinary sense, he actually felt a sense of peace of mind.

A faint but firm comfort rose in his chest, making Ji Xiuyun a little dumbfounded.

"Okay." He repeated it again, choosing to give up, "Go to sleep and have a good rest."

"... Oh." Yue An responded, glanced at Ji Xiuyun, and then at him.

"Look at what?" Marshal Ji asked.

Yue An jumped onto the bed, rolled sideways in a circle, and then raised his head and said, "See if you're still unhappy."

Ji Xiuyun took off his cloak and coat, and shook his head.

Seeing this, Yue An shrank back into the quilt in military uniform and turned back into a small fluffy ball. He stretched comfortably in the soft quilt, and then kicked all the clothes out of the quilt, and all kinds of clothes and fabrics were scattered in a mess. all over the place.

At this time, the head of the First Army sent a message to Ji Xiuyun.

Marshal Ji was unbuttoning his lining, and connected to the communication.

The head of the First Army is still busy in the cab at the moment. As a serious person who bears the position of deputy, the head of the First Army has a lot to do.

For example, at this time, a rough report on the progress of battle damage statistics and navigation status.

"Currently, we are heading to planet D12 in the S17 galaxy at the junction of galaxies for a temporary stay. The fleet will pass through the atmosphere of this planet in nine hours."

Marshal Ji nodded: "Yes."

"Battle damage report is currently..."

The head of the First Army stopped abruptly.

Marshal Ji raised his eyes to look at his projection, and found that not only the commander of the First Army reacted abnormally, but even the four operators on duty around him were stunned.

Ji Xiuyun paused: "What?"

"..." The head of the First Legion opened his mouth, turned his head and raised his fingers to the operators next to him to make a silent gesture, then walked to the side, turned his back to them, and said in a low voice, "Marshal, The one in your room... is Yuean?"

Hearing this, Ji Xiuyun turned to look at his bed.

A small bulge on the bed is his cat.

But obviously, it wasn't his cat that could make the head of the First Legion dumbfounded, but that man.

Ji Xiuyun's gaze shifted to the clothes that were kicked out of the bed by Yue An and fell in a mess on the ground.

From army trousers to jackets, down to underwear and socks, there are many of them. The picture is quite bad, and it seems to be colored at first glance.

Marshal Ji turned his head and looked at his trusted subordinate, unable to argue.

"Okay, okay, I see."

No wonder there is such a close and tacit understanding between the marshal and that young man, it turned out to be such a relationship!

The head of the First Army was stunned, and expressed his understanding, and chose to back down: "I will report to you about the battle damage and resource situation tomorrow when I am on the ground for repairs."

After finishing speaking, he paused again, and asked cautiously: "Although Yue'an is an adult, but... what is not allowed in the workplace?"

Ji Xiuyun didn't speak, he just stared straight at the head of the first army, as if he wanted to jump over and beat him.

The head of the First Army hesitated for a second: "I wish you a pleasant night."

As soon as the voice fell, he hung up the communication very simply and neatly, turned his head to meet the curious shining eyes of the four operators, and knocked chestnuts on their heads one by one.

Boom boom boom boom four, without fail.

"Look at what to look at! Work hard!" He taught with a tigerish face.

The operator was not reconciled: "The marshal..."

The head of the First Army gave him another brain collapse, and reprimanded him: "Shut your brain!"

The operators shut their heads in desperation.

And Marshal Ji, who was hung up on the communication, turned his head to look at the little cat crawling around under the quilt, walked to the edge of the bed and leaned down, stretched out his hand and slapped the quilt, blocking the path of the little bulge up.

Yue An was suddenly pressed down under the quilt, and after being dazed for two seconds, he turned over, pushed the quilt with his four paws, and meowed.

Marshal Ji heard Yue An's muffled cry from the quilt, let go of his hand, and saw Yue An quickly get out of the quilt.


His cat showed a small head, its fur was upturned in a mess, a pair of ears were pricked up, and its blue cat eyes were staring at him.

I will give you a chance to explain!

Yue An stared at Ji Xiuyun with wide cat eyes.

If you can't explain why you bullied me, you can sleep in my deputy's bedroom today!

Under Yue An's gaze, Ji Xiuyun lifted the quilt and sat on the bed in a leisurely manner.

Yue An lay down on the place where Ji Xiuyun was going to sleep, and spread it into a cake, preventing Marshal Ji from falling asleep.

Mr. Marshal paused, understanding that this was Yue'an's revenge for his previous behavior of pressing the quilt down.

But he still did not explain, but said: "The planet that will land tomorrow is a desolate star that is not suitable for human life."

Yue An shook his ears.

"However, there is a unique creature up there, which tastes especially good when grilled." Ji Xiuyun said, "It'll be there when I wake up, I'll catch it and grill it tomorrow."

Yue An ticked the tip of his tail lightly, "Meow!"

What kind of cat do you think I am!

Am I the kind of cat that can be dismissed with a BBQ!

I'm not such a casual cat!

"I bake it myself." Marshal Ji added.

Yue An suddenly rolled around, turned over, and gave up his seat to Ji Xiuyun.

Marshal Ji stared silently at the cat in his family who forgot to hate when he heard it was eaten, and felt like sighing very much.

Why are you so stupid.

Ji Xiuyun lay on the bed, lifted the cat lying on his chest, and asked him: "If you meet someone who cooks better barbecue than mine, would you choose that person or me?"

Yue An waved his four claws in the air indiscriminately. Hearing this question, he let out a "meow" without hesitation.

Of course I won't choose you!

Let go of you!

"As expected, I was chosen." Marshal Ji made a conclusion with an indifferent face.

Yue An's eyes widened, thinking that this man was really shameless.

Ji Xiuyun put down Yue An, who was kicking wildly with his four claws hanging in the air, placed it on the soft pillow, and turned off the light.

"Sleep." He whispered.

Yue An moved under the pillow and responded, "Meow~"

After about two minutes, Yue An heard Ji Xiuyun suddenly say, "You won't have a chance."

Yue An shook his ears.

Ji Xiuyun's voice sounded very serious: "There is no one who can cook better than me."

Yue An perfunctorily brushed the tip of his tail across Ji Xiuyun's neck as a response.

"Even if it exists, it won't have a chance to appear in front of you." Ji Xiuyun's tone was still serious, as if he was not making trouble for no reason, but was having a military discussion.

Yue An lifted the cat's head and looked at Ji Xiuyun in disbelief.

Why are you so naive?

The naive Marshal Ji found out on the second day that he really underestimated Yue An.

This cat is really not stupid.

Because he hunted ten giant creatures unique to this planet to roast for Ji Xiuyun.

A full ten heads! !

This size is enough for thirty people to eat!

It's too hard to bake!

Yue'an hunted ten of them!

This cat is really not stupid.

Ji Xiuyun looked at Yue An who threw the tenth head in front of him and was about to turn his head to continue hunting, raised his hand and directly grabbed his wrist.

"Enough," he said.

Yue An was aggrieved: "Just one meal."

"Take the rest back." Marshal Ji expressed his surrender, "Roast slowly."

Yue An immediately sat down beside Ji Xiuyun happily.

Restoration on the ground naturally required a few laps on the serious land, so several legion commanders made a pile together.

Originally, they didn't intend to come to find Yue'an and Ji Xiuyun, but when they saw Ji Xiuyun turned on the energy stove and pretended to be grilling, they immediately rushed over, staring at the steak eyes that their marshal was handling like a wolf that had been hungry for three days Take the green light.

Marshal Ji raised his eyelids: "These are from Yuean."

The six army commanders with green eyes all turned to look at the young man beside Ji Xiuyun.

Yue An was in a good mood at the moment, and he was extremely generous. Anyway, the normal human appetite was there, and with a wave of his hand, he agreed to share food with the six legion commanders.

The six legion commanders immediately praised Yue An wildly from top to bottom, from the inside to the outside.

The head of the First Army looked at Yue An's proud little face, and thought it was very cute.

Probably because he looks at this young man from a different angle now. After taking off the filter of conspiracy theories and looking at it purely with admiring eyes, he is really a very outstanding young man.

That's right, if you're not good, you won't be able to attract their Marshal!

The head of the First Army couldn't help but glanced at Ji Xiuyun who seemed indifferent to this, cleared his throat, and simply opened the report that should be done today, planning to make a report at this time.

"Marshal, this is the report and calculation of the battle loss rate. The number of people in this battle is 13,000, and there are 130 destroyers, including four mecha squads. The battle loss rate is less than 3%. for… "

While listening to the report, Ji Xiuyun occasionally interrupted the report to inquire about the situation, while still methodically seasoning the steak.

Yue An looked at the steak in his hand without blinking his eyes.

After the first piece is baked, it must be given to Yue An.

Yue An gnawed on the meat with a barbecue fork, his two big eyes rolled around, watching Ji Xiuyun work hard on the barbecue while discussing with several army commanders.

"About the question of Star Pirates, it's like this..."

"The atmosphere between the seventeenth galaxy and the eighteenth galaxy is very bad. Because of the historical legacy of friction between the borders of the past, the relationship between the residents of these two galaxies has always been very bad."

"Because of the troubles caused by the Free Army, the law and order here is also very chaotic, so there are quite a few interstellar pirates who choose to wander between these two chaotic galaxies."

The commander of the second army said, and opened the information he had prepared.

"Countless pirate groups are born in this star field every day. The one who blocked us yesterday was one of them, and the name was not even recorded—and these are old pirate groups that have been entrenched in this star field for a long time."

Yue An looked at the information released by the head of the Second Army.

The top row is neatly listed with the names of the pirate group and the logo of the pirate group, and the bottom row is the information about the leader of the pirate group and the pirate group itself, which is fairly detailed.

"The old-fashioned pirates understand the rules. As long as they don't go to their bases, they will never take the initiative to interfere in political and territorial struggles, but the newborn little bastards don't understand. The Free Army should have recruited a lot of fledgling stars like this. Steal."

"Unless they hit the guns themselves, during the pacification of the eighteenth galaxy, don't take the initiative to provoke the star thief group with these signs, otherwise they will be attacked by this group of people, and the loss outweighs the gain."

Yue An bit the tender and juicy steak in his mouth, his cheeks bulging with joy.

He looked up at the information, and when he saw one of the red signs, he paused.

Isn't this the phoenix phantom he had only seen once in the wormhole? !

It's that big! The one carved on the bow of the ship!

The author has something to say: Yue An: I heard you think I'm stupid? ? [Smile fades away.jpg