The Last Cat in the Universe

Chapter 73


Yue An didn't know what Ji Xiuyun understood from his words.

After a brief out of control, the man returned to normal with jaw-dropping speed.

Not only has it returned to normal, it is even much more relaxed than before.

He would even let Yue'an go out surfing alone—the kind of surfing where he left the big team alone in his mecha.

Ji Xiuyun and the others only stayed on planet S18A01 for three days.

After Ji Xiuyun released the war message and post-war treatment expectations for the entire galaxy through the general media of the eighteenth galaxy on this planet, he quickly left here and headed towards the nearest planet that has become the sphere of influence of the Free Army. gallop away.

For Ji Xiuyun, war is a very easy and very heavy thing.

The ease lies in the fact that he can always easily control the situation of the battle, even if the whole situation of the battle is unfavorable, he can turn the tide by himself.

And the heaviness lies in what lies behind the war.

Ji Xiuyun has already found out the age and country that Yue'an stayed in before coming here. It is a country with a long history and powerful on the earth. During the time when the writing written by Yue'an was popular, the whole country was stable, and the country was prosperous and the people were peaceful. .

Yue An, who grew up in a peaceful environment, has never been exposed to real wars, even though he always claims that he is a cat that has already been on the battlefield and killed the enemy.

But the enemies he killed were all vicious interstellar pirates.

Unlike the Free Army, which is not considered a villain, and even consists mostly of civilians, the Free Army does not recruit militia at all.

When they actually met, Ji Xiuyun knew exactly what would happen.

—The real war is cruel. Even if the enemy is wearing naked clothes and resisting with extremely simple weapons, he must kill the opponent without hesitation.

This kind of situation happened more than once when Ji Xiuyun brought down this galaxy.

This is not a problem that can be easily accepted and resolved, nor is it a simple struggle between aggression and anti-aggression.

There have always been many border frictions. When Ji Xiuyun was a child, the planet he was born on was invaded by the elite soldiers of the eighteenth galaxy, and the seventeenth galaxy has always been actively fighting back.

Powerful enemies are eyeing them like tigers, and if they show weakness and don't fight back, their home will be eroded.

Surrender is tantamount to death.

Resisting, and then annexing the other party into one's own territory is the most fundamental solution—at least, it can bring the seventeenth galaxy into the scope of peace.

It's just that for the people of the non-border planets in the eighteenth galaxy, this war is an indiscriminate disaster that befalls them out of thin air.

Both sides are to protect the homeland, and it is impossible to tell who is right and who is wrong.

It is because it is impossible to determine who is right and who is wrong, soldiers who go into battle for the first time will always show unbearable softness.

From Ji Xiuyun's understanding, Yue'an is a good cat who can accept many things smoothly.

But he didn't want Yue'an to see this too early, because sometimes, the war would develop too tragically.

Yue An's heart is full of bright sunshine, and everything he does is what he believes to be the right thing in his heart.

For example, following Ji Xiuyun to catch pirates, or following Ji Xiuyun to suppress rebellion.

Even though Ji Xiuyun repeatedly told Yue An about the relationship between the two galaxies many times, Yue An still firmly believed that it was a counter-insurgency.

In his words, if a war against the government occurs in a place included in the territory, it is a rebellion.

But in fact, it was the empire that made a mistake first.

A rebellion, or an uprising, was not a surprise to Ji Xiuyun.

At least not the type that can fight under the banner of justice and of course.

Ji Xiuyun also mentioned to Yue An what kind of enemy he would face, but Yue An never agreed with what he said.

Ji Xiuyun could almost imagine what the free army was like in Yue An's mind.

Elite soldiers, strong generals, and above-average weapons and equipment are also blessed with many formations and spells, and even use cults to brainwash civilians.

—Probably because the prophet in the Free Army gave him such an illusion.

Ji Xiuyun presented the information of the vanguard to prove that what he said was true.

At the same time, he also presented evidence and reasoned that if the Freedom Army was really so powerful, it would have killed the Seventeen Galaxies long ago, instead of fighting the autumn wind from time to time.

Daqiufeng was often thrown back.

Yue An felt that what Ji Xiuyun said was very reasonable, and then once again expressed his ugly rejection to Ji Xiuyun.

"I think as far as a human's thieves are concerned, maybe all the big moves are quietly kept on him, and you can't be sure if he will come to the front line."

At that time, Yue An, who was very worried that Ji Xiuyun would overturn if he disagreed with him, said so.

But Ji Xiuyun asked him back: "So, if a commoner holds a knife, a sharp object or even a stone as a weapon in front of you, can you strike?"

Yue An, who answered "Why should I attack civilians", was thrown out by Ji Xiuyun in the next second to meet the follow-up troops.

Together with the commander of the Seventh Army, a destroyer and a hundred-man mecha regiment.

So he didn't see a picture of a civilian charging with a knife, a sharp object or even a stone as a weapon, his eyes tearing open.

When Yue An came back with the follow-up troops, the half-month-long battle was over.

Before stepping off the spaceship, Yue An was still thinking that the resistance of the Freedom Army was unexpectedly weak.

They landed on an unending expanse of smoke and scorched earth.

From far away, I heard the cries of children and women, as well as soldiers in regular army uniforms, silently and orderly collecting the corpses of comrades-in-arms and enemies, as well as innocent civilians, cleaning the battlefield, and setting up A dedicated refugee desk was established.

At this time, the pitch-black military uniform looked like a mourning dress, heavy and speechless.

No one came up to talk to the newly arrived follow-up troops.

The head of the Seventh Army, who had completed the task together, didn't say much at all, and directly ordered several teams and a few accompanying officials to join them without stopping.

They all have things to do.

Yue An was stunned for a while - he saw not only the sergeants wearing the clothes of the Freedom Army, but also the corpses of many civilians, stuck together with the corpses of regular army soldiers, with grim expressions, as if they died together.

Not only that, among the prisoners who chose to surrender, those who wore the costumes of the Free Army did not see the slightest murderous look in their actions.

The kind of breath that would be stained as long as they touched human life was barely visible on them.

Yue An was stunned for a while, caught off guard by the scene in front of him.

He seemed to understand the meaning of what Ji Xiuyun said to him.

No wonder Ji Xiuyun threw him out after asking him that question, Yue An thought.

If he was staying here, and the other party really had a spell on him, it might not be Ji Xiuyun who overturned, but him.

Because he won't do anything to such civilians.

The free army will indeed use spells and formations as secret weapons, and it is very likely that the high-level officials will keep them by their side. Yue An understands this truth.

But his logic is that the Freedom Army has so many means, and there will be no shortage of funds.

The Freedom Army can quickly spread across the eighteenth galaxy, plus they have the old government army of the eighteenth galaxy to join, their strength is absolutely extraordinary.

Among other things, at least in each branch base, there should always be a way to kill Ji Xiuyun and the others.

But in fact, no.

The degree of selfishness of human beings far exceeds Yue An's expectations.

They would rather watch the people under their hands die than show a little hope from their hands.

Even if this hope is to perish with the enemy.

Yue An couldn't believe it.

Charms, which are difficult to detect, don't need to be used in a sophisticated way to make Ji Xiuyun suffer, and they are not willing to distribute even one

Before he left, he gave thousands of instructions, telling Ji Xiuyun to be very careful about such damaging tricks, but there was not even one of them?

Those charms can be kept and brought into the coffin, can't they

The concept of "how low the bottom line of human beings can be" in Yue An's heart was once again refreshed.

Fortunately, Ji Xiuyun is not like this.

Fortunately, Ji Xiuyun is a good person in essence.

Yue An looked at the city where the final battlefield had been cut off by several meters, and the buildings had collapsed with potholes, and took a deep breath.

He heard footsteps behind him, followed the sound and saw that it was the military reporter.

The reporter asked him, "Aren't you going to help?"

Yue An didn't answer, he was silent for a while, and then asked, "Why didn't you shoot this?"

When saying this, Yue An pointed to the miserable scene below.

"Because neither the public nor the government needs to know about this." The reporter replied, he looked very calm and natural, as if this matter was a matter of course, "They will only hear about the victory and a rough number of casualties, even when doing live broadcasts of the battle , and will only shoot distant views of thick smoke far away from the battlefield.”

Yue An was taken aback: "Why?"

"One is a problem of psychological endurance, and the other..." The reporter paused, as if hesitating to say something.

He tilted his head to look at Yue'an, sighed softly, and said, "Really seeing the situation at the scene up close will arouse a large-scale anti-war sentiment."

Yue An frowned slightly, and was about to say something when he heard a boy below crying for his mother.

He was being hugged by a man in Freedom Army uniform. The man was silent, looking down at an arm protruding from the collapsed house.

His face was a little dirty, his expression was numb and empty, he stood there holding the child upright, like a sculpture.

"He's waiting for the Imperial Army to help him remove those beams and building debris - he doesn't even know when he will be able to wait," the reporter explained.

"Why do you want to fight?" Yue An heard the reporter whisper, "I have seen this scene many times, and every time I want to ask this question, I am like this, those who live in a peaceful environment , will certainly think so.”

The impact of anti-war public opinion on the front line is limited, but people's feelings are always biased towards the weak.

Even the soldiers who took up the butcher knife to cause all this are the same. When they face the fights and accusations of the collapsed family members, they will show amazing patience.

There is kindness in everyone's heart.

No one will take the lives of innocent people at will, especially the weak and weak innocent people.

This is true for soldiers, not to mention civilians who live far away from the battlefield in a peaceful environment and have no understanding of the reasons and meaning behind war and war.

The empire cannot let their heroes not receive flowers and applause when they return in triumph, but instead become a scolding executioner.

Yue An asked, "What's the next process?"

"After at least half a month, the large troops will stay here, clean up the battlefield, bury all the dead, and stabilize the mood of the people. Then the main combat troops will leave, leaving logistics and political officials to deal with more follow-up, and officially move the place Government affairs are on the right track," the reporter replied.

"Oh." Yue An nodded, stood up, turned around and ran to find Ji Xiuyun.

Three hours later, the cat live broadcast room, which had been closed for nearly three months, was quietly opened at 1 a.m. in the capital city of Sintus.