The Last Cat in the Universe

Chapter 74


When Yue An came over to talk about it, Ji Xiuyun didn't agree to him outright.

Because they are marching and fighting outside, they will not intervene in the issues of public opinion in the rear.

The military's external propaganda interface is the Military Propaganda Department, and Ji Xiuyun of the Military Propaganda Department has always ignored it. It is Marshal Kevin who takes over the responsibility of controlling the external propaganda interface.

To be more precise, it is Mrs. Allie.

—Ji Xiuyun and Marshal Kevin are so famous and popular in Interstellar, a large part of it is that Mrs. Ellie, who has been in the entertainment industry for many years, handles these things for them behind the scenes.

Even the person in charge of the Military Propaganda Department specially went to Mrs. Ellie's studio for a period of time to earnestly learn from it.

So when Yue An said that he wanted to live broadcast the live broadcast of the battlefield, Ji Xiuyun was stunned for a moment, neither agreed nor directly refuted.

This matter is not in line with the tradition of the military department. The most successful place for the military propaganda department and the empire to reach a consensus is the way of handling war reports.

But Ji Xiuyun didn't reject Yue An's idea because he knew that Yue An must have his own ideas and reasons.

So Marshal Ji finally just shook his head and said, "This matter is out of my control."

Then Marshal Ji dialed Marshal Kevin's communication for Yue'an, who seemed a little languid.

Yue'an's idea is actually very simple.

Because public opinion can be controlled and drawn.

Before arousing anti-war sentiment, it is enough to make more preparations and guide people's emotions from "anti-war" to "anti-turmoil".

This method is called contradiction transfer.

It is not too difficult to transfer the contradiction of the big concept of war to the free army.

Dig up a few more black materials from the Freedom Army, and then recruit a few free army militiamen with a moderate attitude to conduct interviews, and finally give the reason why they attacked the eighteenth galaxy—it was because the eighteenth galaxy continued to send elite troops to harass Border this.

In doing so, the conflict can be transferred immediately.

After the transfer, not only the people of more than a dozen other galaxies in Sints hated the Freedom Army, but even those in the eighteenth galaxy who were dissatisfied with the status quo of their lives would blame the Freedom Army.

Yuean just has such an idea, how to operate it should be handed over to professionals.

Although people in this era have extremely high requirements for the entertainment industry because of their pursuit of freedom and liberated nature, they are in a mentality of entertaining to death, but they are still very serious about official military affairs.

Except for the image marketing that the two marshals had to establish, no one, including Mrs. Ellie, considered applying their well-versed public opinion manipulation methods to the military.

People in this era have a very strong awe and admiration for military power. In their impression, the military's reports on wars should be rigid and sexually frigid.

No country's media would choose to intervene in their military, and this situation is especially true in the Sints Empire, which has repeatedly reported great victories.

Marshal Kevin happened to be staying with his wife when he connected, looking in the background as if he were on a routine walk.

Marshal Kevin and Mrs. Allie listened quietly to Yue An's thoughts. Mrs. Allie didn't speak, she seemed to be in deep thought, and Marshal Kevin asked him, "Cub, why do you want to do this?"

Yue An didn't pause for a moment, and opened his mouth to answer: "Because there will be many... children will die, or they will not get enough safety and care because they lost their parents. No matter how good the welfare is, the orphanage can't compare to the parents' one."

Marshal Kevin and Mrs. Elle were stunned for a moment.

The former turned his gaze to look at Ji Xiuyun.

Ji Xiuyun's parents almost died when they were young.

If Marshal Kevin hadn't gone in time, there would be no Ji Xiuyun at this time.

"Your idea?" Marshal Kevin asked Ji Xiuyun.

Ji Xiuyun shook his head.

Marshal Kevin seemed to want to say something, but Mrs. Ellie raised her hand to cover her mouth.

Under the watchful eyes of the other three, Mrs. Ellie nodded gracefully and reservedly, and said, "This is feasible."

If it is possible to disturb the minds of the Freedom Army or the people of the eighteen star systems, then it is indeed possible to avoid most of the casualties and wars.

If all goes well, it is not impossible for the militiamen to lead the people to leave the Freedom Army directly, and it is not impossible to open the city to welcome the army when Ji Xiuyun and the others arrive.

Then the three people and one cat, together with the two heads of the Military Propaganda Department and the Imperial Propaganda Department, together with the PR department in Mrs. Ellie's studio, held a three-hour video conference.

After the meeting, Yue An turned back into a cat, with the cat-shaped optical computer hanging around his neck, instead of releasing the camera inside, he changed the optical computer to photography mode, walking on four short legs, Left Ji Xiuyun's conference room.

Yue'an's task is very simple, it is enough to see everything that happened here from the perspective of a cat, and the issue of manipulation of public opinion is completely handled by Mrs. Ellie and the others.

Ji Xiuyun immediately called the head of the First Army to the meeting room.

Yue'an's live broadcast room stopped for nearly three months, and when the live broadcast was reopened, the popularity did not drop much.

His channel is still under Ji Xiuyun's social account, and he has privileges when the entire army is prohibited from connecting to the star network.

The number of followers in the live broadcast room is hundreds of millions, plus the time difference of each galaxy and each planet is different. At this moment, there are also many people who are fishing at work, taking a walk after dinner, and doing nothing.

Three seconds after Yue'an opened it, a large wave of people poured in one after another.

The influx of people did not see their long-awaited cat on the screen, and the screen was not a holographic projection, but a pure screen mode.

They could see a few strands of white fur above the screen.

[what happened? ]

[Xiao Yuean made a mistake on the picture? ]

[Is it the wrong mode...? Xiao Yue'an meowed if he could see it. ]

However, Yue'an didn't meow.

The snow-white Mao Tuanzi squatted in the corner of the ruins, dragged out the setting interface of the optical brain, stretched out his claws, and surrounded by comment bubbles of "squeeze claws" on the screen, slowly and difficultly laid down a series of character.

- The world you don't know.

After typing a sentence, he pressed the confirmation button with one paw, and then this sentence was hung on the title of the live broadcast room.

[What? ]

[Has Xiao Yuean transformed into an exploration program? ]

[How do cats explore the show? Wake up! ]

[Wait, have you all forgotten where Yue An is now...]

[? ? ? Right? ? ]

[Didn't it be said that he was taken away by Marshal Ji? Such a powerful fighting force! ! ]

[Little Maomao’s combat effectiveness is not reflected, but Marshal Kevin’s adopted son with the same name as Xiao Yue’an has recently become famous. ]

Without squinting, Yue An leaped a few times, and jumped to the top of the ruins lightly and nimbly.

[Brake brake! ! I'm going to be dizzy on my own, is this the way the cat's perspective is! ! ]

[I feel like I'm flying. ]

[I just flashed by, did I see the wreckage of the mecha...? ? ]

[? ? ? Where is Xiao Yuean? ? ]

[You... The Military Propaganda Department announced the news of the victory seven hours ago. Where is Yue An in the contact title? ]

[? ? ? ? ? ]

[Hiss—close contact with the battlefield? ? ? ]

Yue An jumped onto the small platform at the top of the ruins.

Yue An squatted down here.

His location is not too far from the main battlefield, and this is the battlefield that has been cleaned up.

Sitting here, you can clearly overlook the surface that still has many traces of war, the busy soldiers and robots, the temporary reception rooms and service areas that have been built, and the busy and noisy temporary housing of the medical troops right next to it.

Here, we can also hear intermittently the painful groans from the large row of temporary houses of the medical troops, as well as the collapsed cries of relatives waiting outside the houses.

A steady stream of wounded were transported over, the slightly wounded gave way to those who were carried over, and the carried over gave way to the unconscious and bloodstained.

Everything is very orderly, although it is loud and noisy, it has an unbearable heaviness.

It was evening on this planet, and the sky was burning with a fiery red setting sun.

Under the setting sun, in Yue An's camera, there is a man wearing a tattered Freedom Army uniform, holding a girl who was pierced by stray bullets and anyone with a discerning eye could see that she was dead, and rushed to the side in a panic medical unit.

Behind him, there were regular soldiers of the Empire who were shouting the names of their comrades in arms. His military uniform was scratched in many places, revealing new and even bleeding scars inside.

He slapped the wreckage of the collapsed building in front of him vigorously, making a dull sound.

Behind that firm and steady voice, with a tense cry, was calling a name repeatedly, repeatedly warning the other party not to fall asleep.

Farther away, there was another figure kneeling on the ground, desperately trying to move the heavy building material in front of him.

The wind brought mournful cries and the smell of blood and fire.

Yue An sat motionless on a high place, quietly recording all this.

The bubble comments in the live broadcast room scrolled wildly, but Yue An remained indifferent, staying there quietly all the time, filming everything honestly and calmly.

Yue'an's live broadcast lasted for ten days.

From the details of the post-war treatment starting from collecting the corpses, to the comfort and help to the victims, to the soul-sacrificing and battle songs sung by the whole army at the funeral - in the next three days, when Yue'an occasionally passed by some barracks , You can also hear them singing those songs to their dead relatives or comrades-in-arms in private.

In the dead of night, you can still hear the sound of people humming the Soul Requiem from somewhere. Occasionally, a few people who don't know each other will hum along with everything.

All of these Yue An took pictures exactly.

Including occasional scenes of unsuspecting soldiers, civilians, and even militiamen of the Freedom Army passing by and petting cats, and scenes of them being tired and running to pet cats to relieve their emotions and fatigue.

And those words that these people confided to his cat, half to themselves, were all recorded unreservedly—of course, when talking about the little privacy that shouldn't be said, Yue An would stretch out his paw to hold the other's mouth .

It's a pure, long-running, complete and absolutely true documentary.

Yue'an has been a quiet photographer here for ten days.

Those other regions not affected by the network restrictions—including the interstellar regions outside the Eighteenth Galaxy and the Sints Empire—could not be quiet.

Anti-war sentiment and demands for peace spread wildly among the media and the public.

Under the concerted efforts of several propagandists, before the anti-war sentiment in the Sints Empire permeated, the first thing the people thought of was not to march to protest the military's war this time.

The first thing they thought of was to uncompromisingly protect the territory belonging to their own country, and then talk about the issue of peace after clearing out the free army.

—If someone slaps your motherland in the face, then you must hope that the motherland can slap you back with a big mouth.

On the issue of national territorial sovereignty, the people of Sintes, who have been bombarded and brainwashed by hot news in the past ten days, expressed that they will never compromise.

However, most of the people in the eighteenth galaxy chose to protest against the Freedom Army under such a general situation and fear of war.

Anyway, whether it was the former Sints government or the Freedom Army, it didn't help the lives of ordinary civilians like them.

When neither side is pleasing and there is no threat, these people will naturally choose freedom and sovereignty, but when their lives are threatened—especially after seeing the horrors of the battlefield with their own eyes, fear makes them quickly choose to change their positions.

That Ji Xiuyun promised this time that the new officials sent by the Sints Empire would do a good job.

The credibility of Ji Xiuyun's name, even in the entire interstellar world, is very, very high.

This gave them a glimmer of hope.

Anyway, it can't be worse than it is now.

But no matter what happens next, they want to live.

Only by living can we see hope.