The Last Cat in the Universe

Chapter 80


Here's the thing.

In fact, the matter of counting has nothing to do with Yue An.

After all, Yue An only needs to be responsible for fulfilling his wishes—Originally, the fox treated Yue An with such a tolerant and pampering attitude.

But every time the fox raised his head in the interval, he could see that Yue An was either sleeping with his belly open, or wagging his eight tails, counting them one by one without getting tired of counting them. Play with your own tail.

In the end, Yue An even started playing games with his optical brain.

beat! rise! up! tour! play!

Fox's mentality suddenly collapsed.

With the intention of hurting each other or dying together, the fox held the cat's head and began to teach him mathematics.

Yue An's mentality suddenly collapsed.

Everyone is a monster, why should they hurt each other!

Compared to mathematics, I choose meow belt!

So three days later, two monsters who hurt each other rushed onto the desk in unison.

Looking at the messy office, Ji Xiuyun turned his head to look at his desk, and found that the entire office was still safe and tidy, and only his desk was there.

None of the files on the desktop moved at all.

They are all sensible monsters.

Ji Xiuyun thought.

After rendezvous, the regiment commanders who came back to the main ship with Ji Xiuyun stared blankly at the flaming red ball that appeared in the marshal's office.

"Marshal, that's..."

The salty cat pricked up its ears, shook its head, looked up at the door, saw Ji Xiuyun standing in the front, turned over and jumped up, jumped to Ji Xiuyun's feet and raised his two front paws to push him out push.

Ji Xiuyun leaned over to hug Yue An, but Yue An hid and continued to straighten his body to push Marshal Ji away.

Ji Xiuyun paused: "What's wrong?"

"Meow~" Yue An called softly.

This house smells of foxes, get out and get out.

The only fox here who understood the cat's language turned over, squatted on the desk and wagged its tail, watched Ji Xiuyun being pushed out by Yue An, and walked out with him.

Before Yuean went out, he turned on the powerful cleaning and ventilation system.

Seeing his action, Ji Xiuyun immediately understood why Yue An pushed him away.

He thought for a while, and hugged the kitten who was walking towards the meeting room at his feet, tightly in his arms.

And the several army commanders who followed behind Ji Xiuyun had the same indifferent faces as Ji Xiuyun in front of the soldiers, but their eyes looked more curiously at the red fox who was very generous and walked among them as it should.

Yue An kept rubbing back and forth in Ji Xiuyun's arms, re-infusing Ji Xiuyun with the slight milky cat smell, and then jumped out of Ji Xiuyun's arms, leading the fox back and running towards the cafeteria.

Marshal Ji watched the cat run away after rubbing, and turned his head to meet the curious eyes of the legion commanders one by one.

Ji Xiuyun looked away: "If you want to know something, ask yourself."

Several legion commanders who knew the inside story immediately understood what this meant.

The few who didn't know it turned their heads to look at the other colleagues with serious faces, feeling as if they were being targeted.

The marshal's cat brought another fluffy cat to the cafeteria!

The triumphant soldiers entered the cafeteria one by one, staring at Yue'an squatting on the dining table and the red creature twice bigger than Yue'an, with desire to touch written all over their faces.

Foxes have always been able to figure out the human mind.

What's more, what these soldiers are thinking in their minds can be seen from their faces.

The fox finished the dishes warmly recommended by Yue An slowly, feeling very satisfied.

Human beings, the creatures who do everything in their power and dig out the lifeblood of monsters, do have many merits.

No wonder this race is always lucky.

The fox thought about it, and then graciously jumped onto the lap of a young officer sitting next to him, and lay down on his stomach without seeing anyone else.

Yuean watched a group of people running to pet the fox, and then looked around at the people with bright eyes and faces full of wanting to pet the cat, jumped off the dining table coldly, turned around and left.

His purpose of bringing the fox here is actually to divert the fox's attention from trying to teach the cat math.

Yuean said that he is a fighter, which is completely different from you foxes who like to use their brains.

What's more, I have a brain by my side, and his name is Ji Xiuyun.

Yue An wagged his tail, happily shook off the fox and ran to the meeting room.

When Yue An entered the conference room, several legion commanders inside just turned their heads and glanced at him, then looked away and continued to say what they had to say.

Yue An jumped onto Ji Xiuyun's leg, stepped on his leg, sniffed around, and after smelling a trace of blood, he stretched out his claws and lifted Ji Xiuyun's inner garment.

The commander of the third army who was reporting saw their marshal suddenly stretched out his hand and pressed down, and lifted Yue An, who had just stuck a small head in, out of his clothes.

Legion Leaders: …

Ji Xiuyun still felt a little itchy around his waist: "What are you doing?"

"Meow!" Yue An pointed to Ji Xiuyun's waist.

Ji Xiuyun looked down: "Small injury."

Yue An waved his claws, broke free from Ji Xiuyun's hand, and got into Ji Xiuyun's clothes again, and then covered by his fluffy body and Ji Xiuyun's clothes, the claws glowed white.

Ji Xiuyun, who was about to take Yue An out again, noticed that the so-called "minor wounds" on his body were slowly healing, and he could even clearly feel the itching of his skin growing.

Marshal Ji frowned, withdrew his hand, then looked up at the commander of the Third Army, and said, "Continue."

The commander of the third army nodded and continued to report the battle situation.

The teams stationed at the headquarters of the Free Army are different from the teams on those remote planets, which are mostly militias.

The main body of the headquarters on the down payment planet is the old government army of the eighteenth galaxy. Because the political officials sent by the previous Sints Empire were very incompetent and greedy, he even had a relationship with these old government troops who had become the Freedom Army. Together, they dreamed of the emperor of the earth.

After all, the old government army was a regular army, and the first thing the advance troops led by the head of the Third Army arrived here was not to launch a surprise attack, but to evacuate the masses first to minimize population losses.

Homes can be rebuilt if they are gone, it is just a matter of money, but people are gone, at least it will take more than 20 years to grow new crops. People are the foundation of a country's development, and if they can be saved, they must be saved.

The advance troops completed the task of evacuation very well. After the follow-up troops, which were originally divided into two groups, came together, they directly targeted the bombardment of the Free Army headquarters.

The destructive carpet bombing, rolling over all the way, is nothing to be afraid of.

And the official who vainly wanted to be the emperor of the land was locked in the prison of the main ship at the moment, and when he was escorted back to Emperor Star to be tried in court, he would be exiled at the lightest.

"The Prophet was not found, Marshal," said the commander of the Third Army. "They all said that the Prophet was missing."

Ji Xiuyun waved his hand and said, "He's dead."

Several legion leaders all looked over. The whereabouts of that prophet—that is, the mysterious staff officer of the Freedom Army has been closely watched by the military systems of all parties. For the legion chief, it is not a confidential level that cannot be touched.

Now they are staring at them eagerly, and there are many forces who want to take the opportunity to find out the details of that staff officer!

Because although Yue An, Ji Xiuyun's deputy, has also learned that kind of treacherous method, but that deputy is the adopted son of Marshal Kevin!

This means that he is sure to be the next general-level candidate of Sints.

Such people, they can't pry the corner of the wall.

But the staff officer of the Free Army is different.

In the eyes of all forces, the reason why the staff officer has been following the Free Army is not because of his lack of vision, but because this amazingly talented military genius used his record in the Free Army to show off his talent, so as to improve himself. One's worth is up for grabs.

Everyone is waiting for the end of the fight between the Sints regular army and the free army to rush to grab people!

They kept a close eye on the information in this area, and they always said that he was too weak to go out with the team and needed to maintain his health, and they never mentioned death at all.

If a person dies, there is no reason for them not to receive any news.

The information in their hands, including those circulated outside, all received information that the staff officer was missing.

The head of the First Army said, "We have not received such information, Marshal."

"He's dead." Ji Xiuyun said again, "I got the news three days ago."

That person is indeed dead, and he played it off because he leaked too many secrets.

This kind of people died in a particularly miserable way, and they were wiped out directly, not even a handful of ashes were left behind.

A weak and seriously ill person lying on the bed suddenly disappears overnight. In the eyes of others, isn't it just a disappearance!

There's nothing wrong with being missing.

But Ji Xiuyun, who was told the truth by the fox, knew that the man was dead.

Several legion commanders looked at each other, and they all felt that the news probably came from Ji Xiuyun's own intelligence channel.

They knew very well that Ji Xiuyun had another information channel of his own. After all, he was the marshal who was recruited by Ye Luzi, so it's normal that he wasn't used to following the orthodox route.

The legion commanders never delved into this kind of issue. If Ji Xiuyun said he was dead, they would treat him as dead.

They have always trusted the Marshal completely.

"Okay, but it is still declared missing to the outside world." The head of the First Army said.

Ji Xiuyun glanced at him and nodded.

The idea of the head of the first army is obvious.

Now that they have learned the formations drawn by Yue An, when they go out to chase after the star bandits, they can take the opportunity to mess around and disguise themselves as the so-called mysterious staff officer.

Let the various forces that pay attention to that person think that the staff officer is still alive, so they will not hit Yue'an with their ideas.

It can also blindly respond to the olive branches of several forces, and use the opportunity to make those forces beat each other's heads.

It can be said that it is a good idea to kill several birds with one stone.

The abacus was almost crackling.

Yue An yawned as he listened to the army commander's report of the battle situation and damage one by one.

He braced his eyelids to heal Ji Xiuyun's injury, got out of his clothes, and was about to go back to the house to sleep - as for the fox he threw in the cafeteria, Yue An wasn't worried at all.

A creature like a fox would not treat him badly no matter what he said. If he really wanted to rest, he would be able to get a good night's sleep by just grabbing any officer and sneaking into the dormitory.

Yue An stepped on Ji Xiuyun's leg and shook his hair, and was picked up by Ji Xiuyun and carried into his arms.

Yue An was stunned for two seconds, looked up to see Ji Xiuyun's chin, rubbed his head out, and then was led into the bedroom by Ji Xiuyun.

Ji Xiuyun put him on the small bed full of cat dolls.

"Let's talk." Ji Xiuyun said.

Yue An stared at him with a pair of round cat eyes, feeling a chill down his spine after realizing it.

But with Ji Xiuyun's solemn expression on his face, Yue An suppressed the thought of jumping out to escape, jumped onto Ji Xiuyun's big bed, got under the quilt, and turned into a human form.

Then he wrapped himself into a ball, stuck out his head, and looked at Ji Xiuyun.

"About what?"

Ji Xiuyun looked at the large Yue'an steamed stuffed bun, and felt that he could no longer hold on to his serious expression.

"Talk about the marriage line." Ji Xiuyun cut to the chase.

Yue An blinked, then slowly, slowly retracted his head into the bed.

Ji Xiuyun looked at Yue An, who only showed the top of his hair, and couldn't laugh or cry: "Come out."

Yue An came out with a small half of his head, and looked at Ji Xiuyun eagerly with his blue cat eyes.

"I won't eat you again." Ji Xiuyun buried the quilt, exposing Yue An's entire head.

Yue An muttered: "What's the point of talking about this?"

"Of course we have to talk about it." Ji Xiuyun said, "You don't care, but I still want to stamp it."

Yue An was stunned: "...what stamp?"

Ji Xiuyun thought for a while and replied, "Give me a title."

Yuean: "..."

Did you go to look up some weird information again

Ji Xiuyun looked at the big ball on the bed and asked Yue An: "Do you like me?"

Yue An thought for a while: "I like it."

"Which do you like?"

"I like both." Yue An replied quite straightforwardly.

Anyway, Ji Xiuyun would be very upset if he smelled like someone else.

Ji Xiuyun would be worried if he ran far away, and he would be very angry if he was in danger.

Ji Xiuyun's body also has that bright color full of tyranny and vitality that he especially likes.

Which monster can refuse the enthusiasm and love from the heart of a human being

Yue An rubbed the quilt, and it was full of Ji Xiuyun's breath.

At least he couldn't refuse.

Ji Xiuyun carefully tasted the meaning of Pin Yue'an, and his mood suddenly cleared up.

He asked, "Then do you want to live with me?"

Yue An nodded: "I think so."

"Now the problem of longevity has been solved, and even the problem in the fairy world will gradually get better." Ji Xiuyun rubbed Yue'an's head, "Since you like me and I like you, then when we return to Emperor Star, we will give the marriage certificate to you." Let's do it."

Viet An: ...

Viet An:? ?

Yue An was dumbfounded.

Yue An was dumbfounded.

How did this melon poke

Is this what your family proposed? !

Yue An couldn't believe it.

The author has something to say: Yue An: Heh, straight man.