The Last Cat in the Universe

Chapter 85


Ji Xiuyun wondered if there was something wrong with his ears.

"The bride price?" He asked again and again.

Ji Xiuyun, who is learning Chinese characters for the exercises and has come into contact with a lot of ancient earth cultures, knows very clearly what dowry means.

It is not uncommon for same-sex couples in the interstellar era. On the marriage certificates of same-sex couples, both are husbands or both are wives, and there is no clear separation of identities.

But that was not the case in Viet An's day.

There is still a big difference between marrying and getting married.

Similarly, dowry and bride price are also two concepts.

Can Ji Xiuyun compromise on this matter

That must be impossible.


Ji Xiuyun flatly rejected Yue An's betrothal gifts, and then reached out to click on the document bag with asset details.

Said: "The dowry."

Yue An was stunned for two seconds, then his eyes widened.

"You want to marry me?"

Marshal Ji nodded: "Yes, you want to marry me."

Yue An opened his mouth to say no.

However, Ji Xiuyun took the first step: "You promised to marry me."

Yue An poked his neck: "..."

Why are you humans like this!

She had the heart to play tricks on such a cute kitten!

"Marry as soon as you marry." Yue An pouted, "You rely on me to pamper you."

Ji Xiuyun: ...?

Ji Xiuyun was shocked by Yue An's words. He was silent for a long time, and finally caressed Yue An's head, and said, "Then you can pamper him a little more."

As soon as the words fell, Marshal Ji carried back to the room with the sofa cushion when Yue An was still in a daze.

Then he was kicked out in the middle of the night, disheveled, with some ambiguous scratch marks on his body.

Ji Xiuyun turned his head and glanced at the door, after thinking about it, he packed up and went to the study to sleep all night.

Madam Ai Li thought that Ji Xiuyun and Yue An would go to collect the certificate the next day.

But I never expected that Ji Xiuyun would be busy with post-war affairs the next day, and Yue An also chose to go shopping with her.

It shouldn't be.

Mrs. Ai Li took a look at the marks on Yue An's neck that were not covered up at all, and felt more and more inappropriate.

Mrs. Ellie found a drink shop. Although some people paid attention to them in this high-end commercial area, no one did anything rude.

Mrs. Ai Li took Yue An into the store and sat down, ordered a lot of food for her cub who eats a lot, and then asked gently: "Are you having a conflict?"

"Huh?" Yue An didn't understand for a moment.

Mrs. Ai Li pointed to the mark on Yue'an's neck: "Isn't it very good, with Xiuyun's efficiency, it's time to take you to get the certificate today."

Yue An reacted for two seconds. When Mrs. Ellie thought that he would blush nervously and shyly, Yue An took the drink handed by the robot next to him, and said: "He is not doing well. Kicked out of the room."

Mrs. Allie: …

Mrs. Allie: ? ?

Are you young people... all... like this

Mrs. Allie hesitated to speak.

"That's why I woke up today when he had already left." Yue An didn't care about getting the certificate.

Because Ji Xiuyun didn't sleep in the same room with him, Yue An shrank in the bed and fell into a coma until Mrs. Ellie contacted him.

Yue An knew that Ji Xiuyun probably felt sorry for him because he didn't have a good rest last night, so he didn't call him. Yue An was quite happy with this, and when he woke up, he didn't have the discomfort of last night at all, and even felt a little flattered.

Mrs. Ellie turned her head and glanced at the paparazzi who had heard the news and was being dragged out by the security guards, then looked at the time and said, "It's probably time for him to contact you."

Yue An, who was lowering his eyes and concentrating on sucking the small fruit in the drink, let go of the straw in his mouth, and raised his head blankly: "Why?"

Mrs. Allie pointed to the paparazzi who was dragged away: "Because he knew right away that you were awake."

Yue An glanced at it, and opened the optical brain page without any hassle.

As soon as it was opened, the entertainment headline popped up, which was a dynamic projection of Mrs. Ellie and Yue'an shopping and drinking cold drinks.

Yue An conveniently clicked on the headline.

Mrs. Allie also glanced a few times, with a teasing smile on her face.

"It's very rare." She said, "It can overwhelm my limelight."

Yes, the subject of this report is Viet An.

The whole empire knows how powerful Marshal Ji is. If he wants to get married and get a certificate, it will probably be done in two or three days.

Today, many media have been squatting at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau of the Sintus Star Imperial City for a whole day. Now everyone is about to get off work, and they didn't find Ji Xiuyun and Yue An, but received Yue An to accompany Mrs. Ellie News about going out for shopping.

The high-end shopping district is not accessible to everyone, but paparazzi are paparazzi because they are everywhere.

In this era, almost any flaw can be infinitely magnified under the image capture technology, and the details of the subject can be clearly seen.

For example, the stamp on Yuean's neck was covered.

There are also teeth marks on the wrists that were bitten out.

And the faintly visible traces under the shallow uniform.

Also, today when Marshal Ji was attending an external military seminar and expressing his opinion on the maze-style marching technique, the camera also honestly recorded the scratches under the marshal's erected collar.

Seeing the reports from the paparazzi reporters, the melon-eaters got up excitedly Yooooo, rubbing their hands and feeling that their marshal was really lucky last night must have been very intense!

With a straw in his mouth, Yue An just opened the comment area to enter content, but was interrupted by a communication from Ji Xiuyun.

Yue An couldn't help but look up at Mrs. Ai Li who said Ji Xiuyun would contact him.

Mrs. Allie also held a glass of drink and looked at him with a smile.

Yue An got through the communication.

Ji Xiuyun didn't speak. First, he looked at Yue An carefully, and after finding that he was in good condition, he turned his head to look at Mrs. Ellie, and nodded to her.

The purpose of this communication from Marshal Ji is very simple.

Get the certificate.

To get the certificate.

Let's get the certificate together.

Important things are repeated three times.

Yue An sent Mrs. Ai Li home, and then followed Ji Xiuyun to get the certificate.

Ji Xiuyun turned on his horsepower and drove all the way on the privileged lane, stepping on the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau five minutes before get off work.

They were all about to go home, wash and sleep, and the media, who were going to stay overnight tomorrow, were taken aback. Before they realized that they should be filming, Yue An and Ji Xiuyun used their extraordinary physical fitness to stand in front of media reporters and various cameras. It passed by in a flash, leaving behind two afterimages.

Yue An looked back at the media who were stopped outside the Civil Affairs Bureau and felt that this kind of movement was very exciting, and even wanted to go for a stroll in front of them again to piss them off!

Ji Xiuyun grabbed Yue An who was about to be skinned, then dragged Yue An to the window, and handed in the formalities he had filled out and the photos he had taken.

A minute later, Ji Xiuyun got a red book.

As for the marriage certificate, there is a copy of the virtual information and the real one.

In Marshal Ji's personal information, the column of spouse that had been left empty also showed Yue An's name.

Ji Xiuyun's apprehensive heart settled down instantly... half.

Whether the other half can settle down depends on whether the fox has a cute little female cat, and whether Yue An will try to raise a litter of kittens.

But speaking of kittens...

Ji Xiuyun turned his head to see Yue An, and was about to speak when he was cut off by the little girl issuing the certificate at the window.

"Marshal, may I ask when you plan to hold the wedding?" The little girl behind the window asked in a low voice.

Marshal Ji, who was holding the red book, was taken aback for a moment.

Yue An, who was about to read the red book from Ji Xiuyun's hand, was also taken aback.

The two looked at each other, then shook their heads in unison.

Yue'an doesn't like the ostentatious wedding ceremony of human beings.

To be reasonable, announcing in public that I am going to mate with this person, human beings who have always been extremely ashamed feel very romantic!

Viet An is incredible.

Ji Xiuyun, on the other hand, felt that instead of spending two months preparing and holding the wedding during the three-month wedding leave, it would be more cost-effective to go out with Yue An and go out for a few laps alone.

Yue An and Ji Xiuyun were immediately relieved when they saw that they had the same attitude.

"We don't hold weddings." Yue An looked at the red book in his hand, and stuffed it back into Ji Xiuyun's arms uninterestedly.

The little girl behind the window was stunned for a while, as if she couldn't believe it.

And whether she believed it or not, Yue An and Ji Xiuyun had already turned their heads and walked towards the door, ready to slip away.

Yue An still remembered what Ji Xiuyun said to play with him: "When will you start your marriage leave?"

Ji Xiuyun has already clearly noticed Yue An's heart that is about to move.

He raised his hand and rubbed Yue'an's head, "Go tomorrow, it will take a week for the process and work handover."

Yue An nodded, and generously said that he was fine for a week.

The two approached the gate, and the media suddenly became commotion.

With the ears of Yue An and Ji Xiuyun, they could clearly hear the roar from the crowd.

"How long have you two been together?!"

"Does Marshal Kevin agree to the marriage of the two?!"

"Excuse me, when will the wedding be held?!"

"Excuse me, will the marriage of the two have any impact on the affairs of the military department?!"

"May I ask if the two of you are truly in love or a political marriage?!"

"May I ask you two when you want it! Son! Son!"



As soon as the last question came out, the entire Civil Affairs Bureau fell silent.

Two seconds later, another round of orgasms erupted!


With the physical fitness and genetic level of these two non-human beings, how awesome are the cubs!

With the current genetic technology, it is no longer a big deal for same-sex couples to have children.

The media suddenly started to explode again.

"May I ask if you two like boys or girls?"

"Do you two have any plans to have children?"

"Excuse me… "

Ji Xiuyun turned to look at Yue An, and asked him: "Yue An, in fact, you can have kittens without a kitten."

Yue An frowned: "I don't want artificial ones!"

Ji Xiuyun shook his head.

"Not artificial."

Yue An turned his head and glanced at Ji Xiuyun's stomach: "You gave birth?"

"No, you gave birth." Before Ji Xiuyun finished speaking, Yue An disappeared from his presence.

Immediately afterwards, Marshal Ji saw their car parked outside shake twice, and they left at a speed that was two minutes faster than when they came.

After being kicked out of the room last night, Marshal Ji was once again abandoned outside by his partner.

Ji Xiuyun: "..."

Just ask if you can make a wish for a kitten.

How to run so fast.

The author has something to say: Yue An: I believe your evil.

My skills in driving a hearse are super good, and I look proud.jpg