The Last Cat in the Universe

Chapter 89: Extra two


The fox who turned into a cat to help Yuean solve a small trouble, invited Yuean to go back to the current Yaozu clan to visit when he was free before leaving, and allowed to bring his family members with him.

Yue An readily agreed, but did not go after many years.

Just as Ji Xiuyun thought, after the short-term turmoil in the eighteenth galaxy, the Sints Empire has entered a stage of gentle and peaceful development.

The little emperor, who is trying his best to make some achievements to consolidate his status, is like taking medicine, and his government orders are crisp and effective.

Under the frenzy of the entire interstellar civilians pursuing peace and resisting war, the eighteenth galaxy of the Sints Empire, which is the source of this frenzy, is under the eyes of everyone, and its economic growth is so fast that it can be seen by the naked eye.

And those wandering star thieves, after the fox led the phoenix star thieves on a rampage for no reason and took many famous star thieves on the list, they all became low-key in their actions, for fear of provoking their heads and attracting evil spirits.

For a time, the entire interstellar was unprecedentedly peaceful, and even the news that the star robbers robbed the caravan that they usually received every month became once every few months.

Ji Xiuyun, who always needs to patrol around the Starfield of the Sints Empire as a deterrent, is strangely free.

This is a good thing.

Thinking about it, Ji Xiuyun felt that he might be able to enter the retirement stage early.

Yue An said that he killed too much, and he should settle down well. The more mysterious way is to wash away all the lead, and the more popular way is to turn to Buddhism to support the elderly and cultivate one's morality.

Cultivating with a bloody head and a dull head, it is easy to be struck to death by lightning.

Viet An said so.

Marshal Ji pinched the fluffy cat doll, he missed his cat a little bit.

And his cat, as his direct subordinate, directly asked for a long vacation, saying that he was going to accompany Ellie's mother in filming to protect Ellie's mother's safety.

Can Ji Xiuyun disagree

Of course not.

Otherwise, Marshal Kevin will beat his head off.

Marshal Ji stayed alone on the Emperor Star. With his current strength, few people could walk a few laps under his hands. The combat effectiveness of the elites in the military department was like a small bird under Ji Xiuyun's hands.

After beating up those favored sons to the point of doubting their lives, Ji Xiuyun was too embarrassed to do it again, so he could only go to Marshal Kevin to play with a bunch of board games that Yue'an sent him.

The two happy and happy imperial marshals who are high-ranking, powerful, and have a family live like two empty nesters.

Marshal Ji felt that he was miserable.

He pinched the cat doll for a long time, looked up at the time, got up and took a box of chess, and ran to play chess with the First Army Commander who was taking a break from today.

The head of the First Army looked at him, Shangfeng, who was an old cadre who looked like a Buddhist pensioner at a young age, and hesitated to speak.

Ji Xiuyun raised his eyes and looked at him: "What's the matter?"

"The actions of the Phoenix Star Thief Group...was your instruction?" he asked.

Ji Xiuyun paused while he was making chess moves, and his brain, which had not moved for a long time, reacted sluggishly for a few seconds before he realized what the commander of the first army was referring to.

In recent years, the Phoenix Star Thief Group has done a lot of actions, and the hot spots of related news have never gone down.

A few years ago, the public knew very little about the Phoenix Star Bandit Group, because the Phoenix Star Bandit Group had been out of nowhere for a few years before they could vote without saying anything, and they were very sincere in not attacking civilians.

Therefore, although they have been highlighted on the reward lists of various parties, they are not well-known among the public.

Most of the ones known to the public are vicious, murderous, smuggling and despicable groups.

What the Phoenix Star Bandit hurts is not the large number of civilians, but the interests of big businessmen and even high-level officials in some countries, so the discussion among the people has not been high all the time.

And the recent actions of the Phoenix Star Thief Group can be regarded as very satisfying - they took over many of the star thief group's lairs every now and then, not to mention the entire interstellar bounty list, and even threw the money obtained by cheating to the interstellar peacekeeping Army headquarters.

Not only that, they also put down the saying that the money was given to the unlucky people who had been robbed of the mine by them before, and the offspring of the unlucky people would be given to the descendants of the unlucky people after they died, and the rest should be used to expand military expenses for the peacekeeping force.

This kind of behavior is really puzzling, but it has attracted many fans who don't understand and only read the news.

The people who eat melons have speculated whether the Star Thief Group is atoning for their sins.

It is the first and only one among the Star Thief Group in the history of the atonement for the atonement.

The head of the First Legion had seen the fox before, and he also knew through Ji Xiuyun that the fox was of Ji Xiuyun's family. Now that the Phoenix Star Thief Group is doing such a weird behavior, the first reaction of the head of the legion is that the marshal of their family poked secretly. I'm messing around.

After all, their marshal's heart is not a matter of a day or two. Although it doesn't sound good to say, it is really a good idea to let the Phoenix Star Thief Group and other star thief groups go dog-eat-dog.

Haven't you seen that the Phoenix Star Thief Group is not going back to the Triangle of Death, and there is no military force from any side to intervene in their affairs

Ji Xiuyun finished setting up the chessboard slowly, and pushed the pawn in the middle forward one square.

"No." Ji Xiuyun felt that he couldn't bear the blame, "It's just a territorial dispute between the Star Thieves."

The head of the First Army also pushed a pawn. After thinking about it for a while, he thought it was the same.

After all, the number of livable planets is limited, and there are no harmful substances that will cause death or hidden dangers. Basically, they are directly occupied by various countries, leaving only a few livable planets for other wild forces, and the area is still small.

The Phoenix Star Bandit blasted the forces that previously occupied these small planets to the ground in one breath. It is no wonder that those thugs who have no place to belong don't break their heads and fight for the planet.

So those recent actions may really be just a battle for territory.

As for the loot thrown to the joint peacekeeping forces of various countries-let's just think that the Phoenix Star Bandits don't want to face the power of the Star Bandits and the Interstellar Military twice at the same time.

Ji Xiuyun raised his head and glanced at the head of the first army, and after seeing that he believed it, he silently looked away.

What is the actual situation

The reality is simpler.

After Yue An's life became stable, she always went out with Mrs. Ellie. Although Mrs. Ellie's main purpose was to shoot movies and record variety shows, she always pampered Yue An, which caused Yue An to become more and more serious. cling to her.

A few years ago, Yue An went out for a walk with Mrs. Ellie. They pretended to be bodyguards, but they actually went to eat, drink, and watch shows. As a result, on the way to the film and television planet, they met a group of people who had their heads blown and ran away in a panic. So far the star thief.

This gang of star thieves was chased and kicked out by Ji Xiuyun.

They were quite happy to meet civilians at first, but they never expected that Yue'an would appear in that passenger ship.

There were wolves before and tigers after, and this gang of star thieves ended Star Life OL completely there.

After that, Yue An felt that his beautiful and weak human mother was in a particularly dangerous situation, so he turned around and caught the foxes who came out to let the wind go and see if there were any idiots who dared to attack those little planets.

The fox felt at the time that the juniors in the clan have been clamoring to come out since they knew they had found Yue'an, rather than those little guys messing around and ruining themselves, it's better to pick a few stable ones and let them selectively let them go. They come out to see the world.

When meeting the world, we must always let them realize that people's hearts are sinister.

So the fox took those little guys, and went to other people's star bandits all day long, and after making the little guys in the clan so unpredictable, he happily killed the gang of evil ones one by one.

The stolen goods will not be accepted by Ji Xiuyun, this kind of thing that has no aura will not come out to them, monsters and immortals. It can be regarded as accumulating virtue.

After that, Ji Xiuyun quickly entered the retirement state.

The fox has done all the things that should be done, and the military expenditure of the peacekeeping force is quite sufficient. A few days ago, the strength of the two legions was expanded, and the star robbers who occasionally popped up were full of heads.

Those star thief forces have become as quiet as chickens, and countries have followed public opinion, and there is no possibility of war at all.

—The ten-day-long post-war video recorded by Kitty is still at the top of the list on all major platforms.

This directly caused a hole in Ji Xiuyun's job, who relied on fighting for food, and the two top leaders of the military department all squatted at home with paid leave.

Marshal Kevin occasionally has to be busy with the little emperor's affairs, and after the little emperor tasted the sweetness brought by Marshal Kevin's suggestions, he simply and neatly threw away the hero filter for Ji Xiuyun, and turned to invest in In Marshal Kevin's arms, he trusted Marshal Kevin so much.

As for Ji Xiuyun... He was so idle that he was almost exhausted.

Yue'an also said that he should calm down and never take him when going out.

Just as Marshal Ji was about to hoist the regiment commander's horse with a cannonball, his communicator rang.

It's a communication from Yue'an.

Ji Xiuyun connected to the communication, and blew up the horse of the commander of the First Army with a single shot.

Yue An's projection landed on the side, and he asked Ji Xiuyun with a tentative meaning: "Ji Xiuyun, do you like me or Fluffy?"

Ji Xiuyun was taken aback, and turned his head to look at Yue An: "What do you mean?"

"I met a fox. He asked me if I want to go back now and take you with me." After Yue An finished speaking, he looked at Ji Xiuyun very vigilantly.

Marshal Ji tasted the meaning of Yue An's words.

Probably because most of the Yaozu are fluffy, Ji Xiuyun thought, if he said he likes fluffy, Yue An would probably hang up the communication in the next second, pat his butt and go back by himself without taking him to play up.

Marshal Ji slowly put the black horse chess pieces aside, and then, facing the strange eyes of the head of the first army, replied: "I like you who are fluffy."

Yue An smacked his lips: "Don't learn this from Kevin's father, it's not suitable for you."

Ji Xiuyun looked away.

Yue An reluctantly counted that Ji Xiuyun had passed the test. He waved his hand and said very generously: "That's all right, the fox and I will wait for you on the thirty-fourth film and television planet!"

Ji Xiuyun looked at Yue An's fox and shouted, Yue An hung up the phone, squinted his eyes, and the alarm sounded in his heart.

Not once or twice did he see Yue'an and the fox licking each other and sleeping together.

Ji Xiuyun admitted that the picture of the fiery red fox and the white and soft kitten dumpling huddled together sleeping and snoring is actually quite cute.

but! yes!

That kitty dumpling is a family kitty dumpling!

Ji Xiuyun stopped playing chess, stood up directly, left the commander of the first army who was killed by him to only one general, and went directly to the military headquarters to ask for a long vacation.

Basically, he took more than half of the annual leave he had saved since he joined the army.

Recently, there are not many military affairs, and there is not much to hand over, so Ji Xiuyun rushed to the No. 34 film and television planet as soon as he threw the pot.

Yue An was taken out of the fox's arms by Ji Xiuyun.

It was too late the night before, and the cat and the fox reeked of alcohol.

The fox who has long been used to nightlife is fine. Yue An, who was a good baby with Mrs. Ellie, fell into a dazed sleep. As soon as he smelled Ji Xiuyun, he turned his head and slid directly into the inner pocket of Ji Xiuyun's warm coat. Tuancheng fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.

The fox has not turned into a prototype, and now he is still lying on his side on the sofa with a slightly drunken face, his eyes are slightly squinted, and his anger is almost breaking through the sky.

the most important is.

There was a strange man lying on the bed in this room.

"You took him to play with this?" Ji Xiuyun's face was extremely dark.

"Nonsense." The fox got up lazily and slowly, "His room is next door, and he just got in this morning."

Ji Xiuyun glanced at the man on the bed with a very bad expression.

"Don't worry." The fox yawned, not sitting still, "I'm the one having a one-night stand, you don't have green on your head."

Ji Xiuyun glanced at the fox and wanted to hit him.

But I couldn't beat it, and I was very angry.

With his cat in his arms, Ji Xiuyun took the room card handed over by the fox, and without hesitation turned around and left the fox's room.

It was already afternoon when the fox saw Yue An again.

Yue An sucked his nose and covered his buttocks, and followed Ji Xiuyun pitifully, feeling extremely wronged.

The fox leaned over and sniffed, but didn't smell the heavy Ji Xiuyun's smell on Yue An.

He thought for a while, then asked Yue An: "Have you been spanked by your family?"

Yue An became furious, chasing the fox and beating it violently.

The fox jumped up and down, then hid in the aircraft, grabbed the collar of Yue An who was chasing him, and pushed him back to the prototype, and then stuffed it into the arms of Ji Xiuyun who was following him.

"Let's go, let's go." Fox started the aircraft, "Take you home and make sure you know your faces."

Ji Xiuyun never thought before that he would one day enter the triangle of death.

He watched the fox shuttle through the high-speed meteorite belt familiarly - not relying on driving skills, there is probably a route.

Because they occasionally hit a meteorite directly, but there is nothing unusual about this thin aircraft.

Those meteorites do not exist, they are hallucinations.

But no one could tell.

The star field in the death triangle is surrounded by various high-speed meteorite belts and unstable wormholes that never return, like an unbreakable armor, tightly covering the pure land behind.

Yes, it is pure land.

Passing through the high-risk area intertwined with wormholes and meteorites, the gorgeous star field as far as the eye can see ripples like water waves, and then as the aircraft advances, the gorgeous star field is like a broken crystal. Cracks appeared.

The aircraft smashed into that star field.

Then its hidden truth is revealed.

It was an incomparably gorgeous world, the sky was blue, with a few clouds floating, and the change of dark blue and light green could be faintly seen on the skyline.

And under the sky, there is a sea of vigorous and wanton flowers, flaunting their own beauty in the sunlight, each flower seems to be shining.

A few small wooden houses can be seen sporadically in the sea of flowers, and under the dark blue and light green sky in the distance, traces of the existence of mountains can be seen.

There are small birds pecking and flying here, and occasionally some huge things above the clouds spread their wings and pass by in a flash.

"Welcome to the remaining fairy land!" The fox said with a smile, and pressed the joystick of the aircraft. "This is the last continent that has not been broken."

Yue An squatted on the window sill, resting his two little paws on the window, staring round at the sea of flowers below.

"Meow!" Yue An's claws pointed at the movement in the sea of flowers.


I see a rabbit!

"Well, but those who stay on the outskirts of the sea of flowers have no hope of becoming elites. If you want to eat later, you can catch them yourself." The fox steered the aircraft over the sea of flowers and headed straight for the mountain range.

As soon as Yue An got off the aircraft, it was covered with all kinds of fluff that had been waiting for a long time, most of which were animal cubs that Ji Xiuyun had never seen before.

One or two of these little guys, they all scrambled to climb on Yue An's body, even if they climbed, they suddenly turned into a human form, completely naked and stretched out their chubby short hands to hug Yue An's neck.

Yue An ignorantly supported Chick Cub's butt to prevent her from falling.

Then one person, one cat, one fox, heard the little chick say in a childlike voice, "Yue An, I will marry you when I grow up."

Ji Xiuyun: "..."

fox:"… "

Yue An: "... huh?"

A little fox next to him also turned into a human form, grabbed Yue An's clothes, and said softly, "Mother said that a hero deserves a beauty, and I am more beautiful than a chick. Yue An should marry me."

Ji Xiuyun: "..."

Yue An looked at the frank little fox, and was dumbfounded for a while, before putting down the naked chick in his arms, and regained his voice: "You are a boy."

"What's wrong with boys? The big foxes often sleep with boys too." The little fox said.

Yue An and Ji Xiuyun turned their heads to look at the fox in unison.

Ji Xiuyun's eyes couldn't tell, but Yue An's eyes were full of condemnation.

"They grew up listening to your legends." The fox explained helplessly.

"What about them?" Yue An asked towards the strange humanoid monsters behind the cubs.

The fox glanced at the young men who were eager to pick up the cubs and rolled up their sleeves, and sighed: "We have been waiting for you for tens of thousands of years."

The implication is that those monsters who already have cubs also grew up listening to Yue An's legend.

What is the legend of Viet An

Ten thousand years later, there will be a nine-tailed cat named Yue An, stepping on colorful auspicious clouds to save the entire demon clan and the entire fairy world!

It sounds awesome!

Although there are no colorful auspicious clouds now, it does not prevent a group of monsters who regard Yue An as their savior from attempting to embrace their hero.

—even if their hero already has a partner.

so what.

Isn't it NTR

These two people haven't formally sworn that they didn't stamp it in front of Tiandi, and the small book of marriage certificate doesn't count at all in the eyes of monsters!

"This is my partner!" Yue An felt his heart trembling.

He turned around and hugged Ji Xiuyun, looked at the group of naked little monsters in front of him and the group of monsters behind the little monsters, "I have no intention of changing partners!"

The adult monsters looked at Ji Xiuyun, then at Yue An, and after thinking about it, most of them shrank back.

But the pups are different.

Especially the little fox, he patted his chest and said, "It's okay, I'm still young, I can wait until you have this plan!"

"..." Yue An turned his head and glanced at the fox, "The cubs in your clan are quite powerful?"

fox:"… "

Yue An hugged Ji Xiuyun a little tighter, and said loudly: "But I want to stamp Ji Xiuyun in front of the world, you have no chance!"

"Isn't it still covered?" The little flower demon behind the little fox smiled sweetly.

Fox... The fox doesn't want to talk anymore.

He turned his head and glanced at Ji Xiuyun, a little worried that Ji Xiuyun would suddenly get violent and beat up these cubs.

Although Ji Xiuyun had just stepped into the threshold of monks not long ago, the speed of human cultivation compared with monsters was like cheating. It was really no problem for Ji Xiuyun to beat up a few little monsters.

Ji Xiuyun swore that if he knew that things would turn out like this, he would never agree to the fact that Yue An followed the fox back.

He gave the fox a cold look, and then hugged Yue'an into his arms—in a possessive gesture.

Yue An rubbed Ji Xiuyun's chest back and forth, making Ji Xiuyun smell like a cat, and then let go.

The fox stood next to Ji Xiuyun and said, "Or, you can stamp it here."

When Yue An heard this, he directly took Ji Xiuyun's hand, bit his index finger, and bit his own index finger, and then stuck the two wounds together under the eyes of everyone.

"As a lesson from heaven and earth, Ji Xiuyun and I are together!" He said, raising his head, "We will live together from now on..."

Before Yue An finished speaking, a golden light flashed across the wound where he and Ji Xiuyun were stuck together.

All the monsters watching became disappointed and sluggish at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And Ji Xiuyun looked down at his fingers that had recovered to their original state, and still couldn't react.

Yue An was quite happy.

"I recited half of your killing!" Yue An said happily, "I will not have a catastrophe when I become an immortal, and I am not afraid of being struck by lightning. When you become an immortal, you can borrow some money from me If you are lucky, you won't be afraid of being chopped into ashes!"

Ji Xiuyun didn't know much about these, but he could tell that it was a good thing.

"Okay, I'll show you around." The fox clapped his hands and drew their attention. "Our house is quite big."

After returning to the monster clan, the fox did not abandon the aircraft. After meeting the monster on this mountain, he took Ji Xiuyun and Yue An to visit another mountain.

This remaining continent is very vast, with mountains, rivers, rivers, seas and lakes, from extremely cold permafrost to tropical rainforest, and many animals and plants that have never been seen before and have ignorant self-awareness.

Relying on the fox following behind, Yue An took Ji Xiuyun to the high-risk area.

The fox also let Yue An jump around excitedly, and followed them hard-working to help clean up the baskets.

"Hey! Wait." Yue An grabbed the fox's joystick while flying over a hill, pointed at the hill, "Go down here."

"Huh?" The fox was stunned for a while, then nodded and fell down.

The closer Yue An got closer, the more familiar he felt. It wasn't until he reached the foot of the mountain that he suddenly remembered it.

"Oh, this is exactly the same as the mountain where I used to live!"

Yue An excitedly dragged Ji Xiuyun up the mountain.

"Look, that article is where the previous litter of rabbits lived. They don't like to be human, they like to live in deep burrows."

"Yeah." Ji Xiuyun listened quietly and nodded.

"There is a human village over there, separated from us by a big ravine. We have frightened them before, and they started rumoring that there are mountain gods in the mountains."


"There was a gravel road built in the village. It was supposed to be a cement road, but the villagers didn't raise enough money after two years of raising together, so they didn't build it."

Ji Xiuyun paused: "...cement?"

Yue An thought for a long time before explaining, "It's just... uh, concrete?"

These Ji Xiuyun can literally understand what kind of thing it is.

He nodded and signaled Yue An to continue.

"Our cats live on the southern hillside!" Yue'an pointed to the sunny hillside beside the guide, "We are more particular. We built a house, covered it with illusion, and pulled the network cable."

"There are two blind bears living on the top of the mountain. They are smart. They can always get delicious honey from the mountain, but they never give it to us."

"We are walking on the eastern hillside now, and we will be able to reach the old fox's house after a while."

The footsteps of one person and one cat were really fast. As soon as Yue An finished speaking, one person and one cat saw a small pointed roof.

Yue An was taken aback for a moment, the whole cat seemed to be in a daze, let go of Ji Xiuyun's hand, and broke into the house with a whimper.

"Old fox... Aw!!"

Hearing Yue An's voice, Ji Xiuyun hurried to follow, and as soon as he followed, he saw Yue An squatting on the ground with his head covered, dripping wet, and an enamel basin poured beside him.

Ji Xiuyun: "..."

"Stinky fox, it doesn't stop when it dies." Yue An shook the hair on his head, and then pulled Ji Xiuyun, "Look, there must be traps in the house!"

While talking, Yue An dragged Ji Xiuyun across the courtyard and walked to the gate of the house.

This building is square and square, and in Ji Xiuyun's opinion, its style is very old.

From Yue'an's point of view, it is actually a very common southern rural building.

Ji Xiuyun looked at Yue An who was full of vigilance, and wanted to say that Yue An could obviously hide from that childish water basin mechanism.

But turning his head to look at Yue An's slightly red eyes, Marshal Ji choked back his words.

Yue An actually misses this feeling very much.

After all, the old fox has been with him for nearly a hundred years.

"I, I, I, I opened the door!" Yue An couldn't help but tighten Ji Xiuyun's clothes.


Yue An stretched out a finger, and carefully opened a gap.

Nothing happened.

He simply pushed the door open.

Then there was a "bang", and paper crackers and big colored balls came out of nowhere and exploded in the room, colorful pieces of paper fell on Yuean's head and face.

Yue An was stupefied with his head full of brightly colored pieces of paper.

"Surprise!" A familiar voice came from the room, with a fox-specific lazy tone.

There was another one, which Yue An was also familiar with.

It was the old fox who suppressed his throat and imitated the hoarse tone of the smokey voice of their seniors from the Nine-tailed Cat family.

He said, "Yue'an is back."

Yue An grabbed Ji Xiuyun's clothes hem in a daze, and stared blankly at the wood carving of a fox placed next to the tea set on the Eight Immortals table in the room. Next to the wood carving of the fox was a wood carving of a cat with eight tails and a stick in its mouth. Yan, at first glance, looks like an old-timer of the Mao family.

The two wooden carvings kept repeating "Surprise!" and "Yue'an is back" slowly and mechanically.

Yue An stared at the two woodcarvings for a while, then suddenly turned around and hugged Ji Xiuyun, crying "Wow".