The Last Cat in the Universe

Chapter 9


Destroying the camera and smashing the camera into the wall are two completely different concepts.

In terms of the material of the camera and the wall of the spaceship, the strength required is about ten thousand times different.

A slap on the wall of the spacecraft can only make a hole in the wall of the spaceship. This is something that Mr. Marshal, who has undergone systematic training and perfectly developed an SS-level gene body with a genetically optimized level, can do.

Although the generals looked at the delicate and soft animal as very cute, no one risked their lives to get close to it.

Only a character like Marshal, whose force value is several grades away from ordinary humans, dares to bring this little guy with him.

But don't play with it but watch it from a distance!

The generals can say anything to such a cute little guy, as long as they don't get slapped by his paws.

Yue An squatted in place, the small and exquisite communicator on his neck swayed slightly, reflecting a bright light.

He looked up at the few humans who retreated directly to the door, but maintained a very polite and curious onlooker attitude. After two seconds, he shook his tail and turned his head to grunt at Mr. Marshal.

The marshal knew what he heard, and leaned over to hug him.

The soldiers who followed put the blood sample back under the signal of the generals, and then swiftly arrested the deputy who was frozen in place.

The marshal is also very clear about the condition of the deputy's hypothermic stiffness.

Before, Yue An was too lazy to go out to hunt in the rain, and caught a lot of animals in one go. In order to prevent spoilage, he froze the meat with his claws and hung it on the branches outside the safety cabin.

As long as Yue An doesn't lose his strength, even if the wind blows and rains, the freeze will not be unthawed, and it is guaranteed to be fresh when eaten.

Yue An felt that Ji Xiuyun's hug was not comfortable enough, and the epaulets were too harsh. He thought about it, and when he tried to climb onto the Marshal's cap and squat down, he was hugged down by the Marshal who hadn't responded.

In the end, the little creamy white fur ball got into the pocket of the marshal's cloak aggrievedly, and only protruded two small claws from the inside, sticking out a small head.

The marshal did not bother to question his deputy about the circumstances of the attempt to take his blood sample.

With his toes, he knew that his SS-level optimized genes must have attracted the covetousness of many forces, and Ji Xiuyun had long been accustomed to endless tricks and tricks.

Even if the other party's purpose is not just his blood sample, the subsequent interrogation is not the marshal's job.

So Ji Xiuyun chose to go back to the meeting room and continue the military discussion.

The theme of this military meeting is not only the content report on spies, but also the empire's eagerness to do something to the border galaxies of neighboring countries.

For such a meaning conveyed from above, the military department rejected ten thousand from top to bottom.

"The emperor is just a test for the time being." The first general said bluntly, "You conquered the eighteenth galaxy during the previous emperor's tenure, and now he also hopes to achieve something during his tenure."

Yue An, who was climbing onto Ji Xiuyun's lap, paused, his ears trembling slightly.


Feudalism restored

Or is Ji Xiuyun's country a constitutional monarchy

Yue An faintly felt that something was wrong, he climbed onto Ji Xiuyun's lap, put his two little paws on the table, and saw a small flag on the table at a glance.

The pattern on the flag is exactly the same as that on Ji Xiuyun's military cap.

The black background, pure gold and bright red outline the appearance of a blooming flower.

Yue'an had never seen such a flag.

Counting the time based on the tail he has grown, he has only been away from the earth for tens of hundreds of years.

It is understandable that a new country appeared during this period. The rapid development of science and technology directly jumped into the cosmic age. With Yue An's poor scientific knowledge, although he felt that the possibility was very small, he could barely understand it.

But in this era of the great universe, can a brand-new country be so powerful that it can lay down a galaxy in just a few hundred years

Yue An reads less, but he knows how big a galaxy is!

Do other countries eat dry rice?

The more An thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. He listened intently to most of the meeting, but because of the generals' habitual way of extracting important information, he never captured any key information.

And when the meeting drew to a close, the quiet darkness outside the window suddenly lit up.

Several generals raised their heads and looked out the window, "The exit of the wormhole is opened, and we will land in about three hours. Marshal, let's go back to the frigate first."

Hearing this, Yue An followed suit and looked out the window.

What came into view from a distance was a planet half illuminated by a star.

There are green clusters, blue oceans and broad rivers domineeringly decomposing the continental plates into irregular shapes. In high latitude areas with clear weather, several white snow peaks can be clearly seen.

However, Yue'an did not find the desert.

The vegetation coverage of this planet is extremely impressive, and it is almost impossible to find large-scale exposed land.

"Singus Star, the emperor star of the Sintus Empire." Ji Xiuyun rubbed Yue'an's head and explained in a low voice.

Yue An's eyes widened, he jumped onto the table, and patted the back of Ji Xiuyun's hand anxiously: "Meow!"

"Meow meow!"

And the earth!

This is not Earth!

This is not a vehicle to Earth! !

Ji Xiuyun couldn't understand Yue An's anxiety, but he felt it.

After all his generals left, the marshal handed over an input board to Yue An.

Yue An stretched out his paw and poked a few characters on it.

Ji Xiuyun was startled: "Earth?"

Yue An panicked: "Meow!"

Ji Xiuyun couldn't help showing a few traces of surprise on his face: "Are you an earth creature?"


The surprise on the marshal's face froze for a few seconds, and he didn't know how to speak.

Yue An anxiously turned around a few times, meowing and meowing to urge him.

"Yue'an..." Ji Xiuyun restrained the expression on his face, "Earth... the mother planet of human beings... has disappeared."

Yue An stared at Ji Xiuyun in a daze for ten seconds.


The earth is gone, so what about the cats in my family!

One by one is so witty that they will definitely not overturn!

Human beings are so fragile that they have been strengthened in the age of the universe. Our awesome nine-tailed cat clan must be fine!

But Ji Xiuyun didn't finish his words.

After Yue'an reacted, he continued: "It has been more than two thousand years so far, and no creature on earth has survived except human beings."

Yue An was dumbfounded.

Mr. Marshal thoughtfully did not bother him at this time.

He guessed that Yue'an probably traveled through the time dimension by chance due to abnormal space fluctuations or small wormholes before the earth disappeared, and arrived at the planet where they met.

As for how Yue'an adapted to the desolate star, which was so different from the environment of the earth, Ji Xiuyun didn't know and didn't bother to guess. Any creature can always explode with amazing strength when faced with the oppression of death.

Not to mention Yue An, who has quite amazing abilities.

It took Yue An a full ten minutes to recover from the fact that he was teleported thousands of years later when he stepped on the teleportation array.

After such a long time, those cats in the clan are probably either immortal or GG.

I don't know how many are left.

Although at the beginning when I was rushing to become a fairy, I knew that the feeling of time passing by and things changing and people changing must be experienced, but it was the first time for Yue An to face this situation head-on after opening his spiritual wisdom. To avoid wilting down.

Ji Xiuyun looked at the sluggish look of the milky white hairball that had been in high spirits and was always tossing, and reached out to scratch his chin.

Yue An lightly rubbed that big warm hand, and responded feebly: "Meow."

The marshal didn't know how to comfort him.

But fortunately, Yue'an's depression didn't last long.

The milky white ball of hair spread out its belly and was rubbed by the human being who caressed him tenderly for a long time, as if dispelling the gloom. Turning over, he suddenly remembered to put it in the room. He gnawed half of it and threw it on the Lingshi in the corner.

Things are changing in this world and human feelings are changing, only the Lingshi and the little belly are still warm.

"Meow." Yue An returned to the pocket of Ji Xiuyun's cloak, and stuck out his head to urge him.

Ji Xiuyun knew more and more about Yue An's various behaviors.

"Going back?" he asked.

Yue An shrank back into his pocket, but his mood was still not too high: "Meow."

Ji Xiuyun simply put on the cloak, rubbed Yue'an who got into his pocket, got up and left the conference room.

The guards waiting outside the meeting room silently followed behind the Marshal.

The meeting room is separated from the marshal's room by a cockpit and a training area.

When passing through the corridor of the training area, two people wearing different military uniforms from ordinary soldiers walked up to them. They were slightly taken aback when they saw Ji Xiuyun, and they all stepped aside to salute.

In the past, the marshal who just nodded slightly and walked past without looking sideways stopped in front of them today.

Then pulls out of his pocket a wad of white... huh? Isn't this the little animal they don't know

Ji Xiuyun said, "Science class."

"Yes! Marshal!"

"Is there a backup archive of the earth's biological gene sequence?"

"Yes! Marshal!"

Yue An heard the key words, shook his ears, and woke up from the state of the salty cat hanging on the marshal's hand.

Ji Xiuyun originally wanted to wait until he returned to Emperor Star to obtain Yue'an's consent, and then go to a large science academy with complete and sufficient materials to do a genetic test for him.

But after knowing that Yue'an may be a creature on earth, the meaning of his existence is very different.

In the era of the great universe, human beings who have lost their true original home planet have a fanatical obsession with everything on the ancient earth.

Even if it is of no use, there will always be a copy of the earth's information on the spacecraft bound for space.

This is faith, their roots.

"Yue An, are you willing to do a genetic test? It only needs a hair." Ji Xiuyun held Yue An in front of his eyes.

Yue An looked into Ji Xiuyun's eyes, which were full of magnanimity.

Unlike ordinary cats, Yue An doesn't shed hair, and it's difficult to pull out the root hairs. Except for Ji Xiuyun who is serious, none of them can pass the anus in terms of physical fitness. Now Yue An wants to be safe. Taking genetic material by force is basically an impossible task.

Yue An thought for a while, and because Ji Xiuyun was the future owner, he stuck his paw on the marshal's cheek, and then rubbed it.

A few shiny white cat hairs fell lightly on the sleeves of the marshal's black military uniform, which was particularly conspicuous.

The marshal only took one and handed it to the science class in front of him.

"Check in the Earth's gene bank, I want the result before landing."

The two soldiers in the science class were very quick-witted. When they heard what Ji Xiuyun said, they immediately realized a possibility. They stared at the little hairball that had retracted into the marshal's arms with bright eyes, and then howled uncontrollably while holding the hair. With a sound, he turned around and "chucked" and disappeared.

Star calendar November 8, 2017.

Marshal Ji Xiuyun of the Sints Empire was attacked and disappeared for nearly a week and returned safely. When he appeared in front of the media after landing on the Emperor Star, there was a cute and delicate creature squatting on his military cap.

Under the doubts of hundreds of media and trillions of live viewers, he answered the questions of the military press officer.

"It's a cat."

Mr. Marshal hugged Yue'an, who insisted on squatting on his military cap capriciously, and faced the media gathered on both sides of the exit of the landing field, in front of eighteen galaxies and trillions of live viewers in the entire Sints Empire. In front of him, he announced the genetic sequence of this little guy.

"It is a treasure left over from the ancient earth, the home planet of mankind."

"The only thing left in the universe, the last cat."

The last cat in the universe! ! !

The people of the empire are boiling!

The author has something to say: Marshal: Oh, my family.