The Last Slag

Chapter 100


Tang Ming had more or less guessed some of Xu Yinchen's thoughts.

He didn't care whether she would be killed by that strange man at all. If she was really killed, then she would become the same existence as him. People who were killed could easily become wraiths.

Although maybe she would become as cold as him after becoming a wraith, but Xu Yinchen suddenly didn't care much about these things. He wanted her more than the temperature on her body.

So even if there was undisguised malice in the man's words, he just watched.

However, when he saw that she really fell on the ground with no power to resist, Xu Yinchen realized that he had taken it for granted. He wanted her to die to accompany him, but when this scene was about to happen, he couldn't accept it anymore.

Why did this man kill her.

Why does this man touch her.

It was very difficult for her to even open her eyes. The strange man gradually approached her, the knife in his hand glowed with a sharp cold light. At the moment when he stretched out his hand to her, the tense string in Xu Yinchen's mind broke. up.

If you get human life on your hands, you will become a ghost

Isn't he now.

The man's screams were like noise in his ears. None of the people who used to live in this room were as miserable as his screams. Perhaps it was because those people were only slightly frightened and did not bleed out so much. blood

At this time, Xu Yinchen somehow suddenly remembered what happened when Tang Ming came here on the first day. They spent a lot of effort cleaning the house.

Inexplicably, he kind of didn't want to get dirty here.

He grabbed the man's hair and dragged him to the staircase at the corner. The staircase is not only a passage to the second floor, but also leads to the basement. She has never entered the basement, so no matter how dirty the basement is , she will not find out.

There was a reason why Tang Ming chose to call Zhou Ying. If she called the police directly, she would have to waste time to provide the address and what happened. Tang Ming didn't know how efficient the police in this world was, but what she was sure of was Zhou Ying. Definitely will be the first to come.

As soon as she finished talking about what happened, Zhou Ying left a sentence of 'wait for me', and then hung up the phone faster than her, obviously leaving.

When encountering this kind of thing, she has no other choice but to ask Zhou Ying for help. From the blood on the ground, it can be seen that Xu Yinchen helped her just now. If it was Zhou Ying, she should believe her explanation.

Tang Ming rubbed her head, and the effect of the medicine has slowed down. Even so, Tang Ming could clearly realize that she had been blank for a long time. As for how long this period of time was blank, she had no idea. And know.

She got up from the ground, and since she could see the blood stains on the ground, she felt shocking. She very much suspected that Li Hai was dead, and even if he didn't die, it would be hard for her to live now.

And Xu Yinchen can't kill people.

Tang Ming hurriedly followed the bloodstains, which continued to the entrance of the basement. The entrance of the basement was blocked by a wooden board that could be turned up. As soon as she moved the board away, a burst of dust rose.

They didn't clean the basement when they cleaned it, because the basement is the same as the attic, they don't use it at all, and now it seems that it is correct not to clean it, this basement has not been used for a very long time, and the first floor was still there Having two floors is not a concept at all.

The basement is completely enclosed. Tang Ming has never gone down, so she doesn't know if there are lights in it. In order to be able to see the stairs under her feet, she turned on the flash of her mobile phone.

Even if the blood was dragged all over the floor on the first floor, it was not as strong as the smell of blood emanating from the basement.

The light of the mobile phone shone past, and she couldn't bear to look at it after just one glance. Li Hai could no longer see his original appearance, but he could tell from his beating heart that he was still alive.

Xu Yinchen stood aside and watched silently, as if he didn't notice Tang Ming at all, he seemed to be immersed in the blood, thinking about how to ensure that he can enjoy the pain without losing it easily took a breath.

"Stop going on, you can't kill people, you should know this, right?" Tang Ming was very glad that she came here after going to the end of the world first, and she was used to seeing the rotten face of zombies, so she was able to In this case, talk to him calmly.

However, the dialogue must be two-sided, and her voice did not reach his mind, and there was no dialogue without a response.

She doesn't know how many lives have been stained on Li Hai's hands, but she knows that Xu Yinchen can't even have a life in his hands, but at this time Xu Yinchen doesn't listen to her at all, Tang Ming stepped forward to grab her in a hurry Leaving him, "Xu Yinchen! Enough!"

The ghost, who hadn't reacted at all, suddenly seemed to have stopped, his gaze turned to her, those eyes without any luster looked at her silently, as if he was puzzled by the name she said .

This was the first time Tang Ming called out his name, and it was also the first time Xu Yinchen, who was a ghost, heard his own name.

The ordinary three words seemed to bring back Xu Yinchen who was on the verge of madness with an indescribable force. Finally, his attention was no longer on Li Hai, "Xu Yinchen?"

"Don't you want to know why I don't want to die to accompany you? This is the reason." Tang Ming felt that now is really not a good time to talk about these things, but there is no way, "You didn't die at all, you will sooner or later Return to your own body, of course, the premise is that you have not contaminated human life on your hands."

Hearing what she said, Xu Yinchen not only had no doubts, but even had the feeling that this was the case. His soul warned him not to kill humans, because once his hands were contaminated with human life, he could not go back.

Originally Xu Yinchen thought that going back meant reincarnation, but he didn't expect it to be so.

"Can you help him recover?" Seeing Li Hai's miserable state, Tang Ming felt a little headache.

Xu Yinchen glanced there after hearing the words, then shook his head.

When he did all this, he was ready to bear the consequences. Even if someone told him at this moment that he had given up the chance to become a living person again, he would not regret it.

But his hands are now covered with blood, and he can't even hug her.

Xu Yinchen's depression Tang Ming didn't have the time to notice that she now has 2,000 points in her hand, and from the past, the system needs 5,000 points to heal a person, Li Hai is sure to die...


It is indeed 5,000 points if you want a character, but this Li Hai is a passerby who is not even considered as cannon fodder, if you want to heal him, 1,000 points is enough. ]

Seeing her frowning, the system explained to her thoughtfully.

[If you only treat the trauma and make him look intact, you can get a half discount, 500 points, but just treating the trauma does not guarantee how long he will live. ]

Tang Ming was moved.

Li Hai died in this house in such a tragic way, let alone the rumors that this house was haunted in the past, if Li Hai just died in an ordinary way, then she could be considered a legitimate self-defense, but his appearance is too miserable No matter how much she explained, the police would think that she was seriously distorted, and it would be difficult for her alone to get away.

As for spending a thousand points to save his life, Tang Ming had no such idea at all. It was obviously not the first time Li Hai committed a crime. From the methods he described, he could hear the brutality of his previous crimes. What's more, she also almost became a victim.

She doesn't have the kind virtue of repaying blame with kindness at all.

But Li Hai couldn't die in this way.

Because the injury caused by Xu Yinchen caused Li Hai's death, no matter whether it was pushed forward or pushed back, he couldn't get rid of the responsibility, and he lost control because of her.

This is not her narcissism, it seems that during the period when her mind was blank, Xu Yinchen's favorability for her rose to 80 points, which is already at the level of liking, completely different from the ambiguous 70 points before.

Tang Ming glanced at Xu Yinchen, who seemed to be melting into the darkness. Maybe it was because she had been in contact with him a lot. She could only feel the breath of a ghost from him in such a dark place. His face did not show Any look of remorse, on the contrary, revealed a gloomy malice that Tang Ming had never seen before when he looked at Li Hai.

There were footsteps above the basement, and it wasn't just a person.

"You go first." Tang Ming said to Xu Yinchen.

After all, Xu Yinchen was willing to listen to her. He didn't know the behavior patterns of human beings, but if she got into trouble because of him, it would be fine for him to come forward, even if he was exposed to the public's sight.

The wooden boards on the basement stairs were opened.

Tang Ming quickly spent 1,000 points to repair all the scars on Li Hai's body. She didn't have time to regret that there were only 1,000 points left, and she saw Zhou Ying who came down the stairs first.

She didn't look like her usual outfit, but was wearing a police uniform. Many other police officers followed her. They immediately surrounded her and pointed their black guns at Li, who was unconscious in the corner. ocean.

Zhou Ying pulled Tang Ming nervously. She looked her up and down to see if she was injured. After making sure she was safe, she breathed a sigh of relief, "I should stay with you today."

She hugged her, as if trying to calm her frightened emotions.

Tang Ming, now playing the role of a victim, wanted to lean on the heroine's shoulders to show his fear, but was accidentally put off by her epaulettes, and had to give up this option halfway.

"I'm fine." She patted Zhou Ying.

Tang Ming was taken to the police station to make a statement, and the situation was much better than she expected, because with Tang Ming's statement first, they detected the ingredients of the drug on Li Hai's hands, and even A knife with his fingerprints was also found, and the car parked outside the house was also seized for inspection. The entire rear compartment was chilly when it was opened. After inspection, it was found that there were not only body bags but also some special ones inside. The container used to store organs, and the temperature of the rear compartment may also be used to match these things.

There are also some evidence of his crimes hidden in his mobile phone. Photos of young women who were killed were all found in his mobile phone album. Although he set a password for that album, for the police to unlock Opening is a breeze.

Li Hai's crime was immediately clear.

Zhou Ying didn't expect that the person caught this time turned out to be the serial murderer in the previous case. The relationship between Li Hai and the previous suspect has not been clarified yet, but it is estimated that the suspect will not be innocent. He will become a suspect, naturally because the police have some crucial evidence.

Thinking of Tang Ming facing a vicious serial murderer alone, Zhou Ying felt a little scared. She did this job to protect others, but if she couldn't even protect the people around her, then she would become a policeman. has no meaning.

Fortunately, there was nothing wrong with Tang Ming, but in order to reassure her, Zhou Ying would still tell her the latest news about the prisoner, so that she would have peace of mind.

Li Hai's case was serious. Even before the trial was over, Zhou Ying could swear to Tang Ming that the only thing Li Hai would face was the death penalty, and of course there were other information.

"I've seen many prisoners, but this is the first time I've seen one like him." Zhou Ying frowned involuntarily as he recalled, "As soon as he woke up, he said there were ghosts and ghosts, and that he had been ripped open , but there are no scars on his body, not even a small cut."

"But I heard that the house we rented is haunted by ghosts. Could it be a ghost?" Zhou Ying said this in a joking manner. She is an atheist, so naturally she would not believe this. It's kind of nonsense, besides, she has lived here for a while, and nothing happened.

Li Hai seemed to be crazy. Zhou Ying said that even in the prison, he always huddled in a corner alone, and started shouting when the lights were turned off. He was deeply afraid of the dark, but in that kind of place What was the use of him yelling

No one knew what he had experienced, his body was intact, and Li Hai also felt that he had stumbled into something evil, but the previous experience was too real, even if he closed his eyes, he seemed to be able to see the blood flowing out of him at that time. intestines.

He folded his arms and trembled. He had cut open many people's bodies before, but he never thought that he would be treated like this one day. Just thinking about that kind of memory made him feel sick and wanted to vomit. .

He wanted to bang his head against the wall, but he didn't dare.

So he could only squat in that corner day and night, hoping for the day of execution to come soon.

Zhou Ying still had to go to work, and Tang Ming justifiably resigned when something like this happened.

After Zhou Ying left, Tang Ming was the only one left in the room.

She leaned on the sofa, looked at the snow-white ceiling and said, "Do you want to go back to your own body?"

There was a chill behind her, and a pair of hands wrapped around her neck from her back from top to bottom. He lowered his head and pressed against her face. The hoarse voice didn't change much from usual, but it made people feel uncomfortable just listening to it. I can hear the feeling of softening.

"... I'm not going anywhere."