The Last Slag

Chapter 131


As soon as he entered the reception room, he saw his younger brother's cute face begging to be petted. Jiang Yu picked it up and threw it to the servant. After all, the other party was too young to even change into a human form. It is not necessary to argue with him about eating tofu.

"Not much time, let's go." Jiang Yu said concisely.

Tang Ming nodded. Before she left, she took a look at the little gray wolf who was held in the arms of the servant and was looking at her dryly. Seeing that she was looking at it, the little gray wolf whined twice to show its presence.

"Its name is Jiang Xun, and he is my younger brother." Seeing that Tang Ming seemed to be paying attention to the little gray wolf, Jiang Yu introduced it to her.

"Oh, it looks very similar to A Yu."


The Jiang family has a training room exclusively for Jiang Yu. This time, Jiang Yu has learned a lesson from the last time. He first competed with her based on his previous impression of her skills. Start planning targeted training.

In the Imperial Army, every warrior has a weapon that he is good at.

In this technologically advanced world, all kinds of firearms are the mainstream, even driving mechas is the same. There are also many cold weapons.

There are many kinds of weapons in the training room. When Jiang Yu asked her to choose one she likes as the main practice direction, Tang Ming picked up the long sword placed in a pile of cold weapons without any hesitation.

Now she doesn't need to use a custom-made light and thin long sword, she can easily swing even a normal-sized sword.

But the interstellar sword is naturally impossible to be exactly the same as the ordinary world. Tang Ming discovered that this sword has a switch. After she pushed the switch, the whole body of the sword became bright. The flowing effect is especially high-end.

"It may not be clear to you if you haven't been in contact with these, but ordinary swords cannot cut through Zerg, so even the weapons used by mechs have been specially treated."

While explaining to her, Jiang Yu drew out another long sword like hers.

"The use of weapons will have a special course in the second year of the military school, but since you want to graduate early, you have to learn it early. Do you have a foundation in swordsmanship?"

Basics of fencing…

Tang Ming thought for a while, "A bit."

Her statement is a bit uncertain, but since there is a foundation, many unnecessary steps can be saved, "Then let's try it first."


Ordinary sparring only needs to use ordinary swords. After all, it will be troublesome if you are accidentally injured.

Originally, Jiang Yu believed that the so-called "a bit" in her mouth should be some basic swordsmanship knowledge that the Tang family specially asked someone to teach in order to ensure the personal safety of their daughter.

But when he really met her, he found that it was not the same thing at all.

Her sword edge does not exist for self-defense, each sword is extremely sharp, without unnecessary movements, as if she used to train with heavy weights in the past, so her movements can become so agile now.

This level seems to have been professionally taught. The person who taught her may have intended for her to learn self-defense, but obviously, that person himself is better at attacking methods, so that the students taught also have Extremely aggressive.

The instructor should be a person with a very upright character, but the students she teaches are very good at all kinds of cleverness, and her skillful but upright swordsmanship brings her temper, which immediately becomes tricky .

With the sound of the long sword falling to the ground, the sword in her hand was knocked down by him.

Jiang Yu put away the sword in his hand. He touched the cuff cut open by the opponent, "Who taught you swordsmanship?"

"A friend from the past." Tang Ming felt that it was a bit difficult to describe. The title "Sage Son" does not exist in Interstellar, "He taught me to help me defend myself."

This is exactly what he thought.

For self-defense, this set of sword skills is a bit too fierce, but now her wish is to go to the battlefield, so it is just right.

Jiang Yu knows a little bit of every weapon. Although he is not good at swords, it is still enough to teach her today. What's more, apart from swordsmanship, she still needs to learn a lot.

Jiang Yu had his own ideas on how to train her in a targeted manner.

Once the training officially started, the time would pass very quickly. Not long after, it was time for lunch. As Jiang Yu's guest, she was invited by him to have dinner at Jiang's house.

I thought I could see the rest of Jiang Yu's family, but unfortunately, it seemed that only the Jiang family brothers were at home that day. During the meal, the little gray wolf nimbly jumped down while the servant was not paying attention, and then happily Jumped into Tang Ming's arms.

It stared at her expectantly, Tang Ming cut a piece of meat and brought it to its mouth, and it immediately ate it happily.

Under normal circumstances, Jiang Yu would not be jealous of his younger brother for no reason. Even before Jiang Xun threw himself into her arms and licked her face, he didn't pay much attention to his younger brother because he was still young.

But seeing Tang Ming gently feed Jiang Xun all the food that he didn't even have time to eat, and the cub rolled his belly begging to be stroked when he was full, Jiang Yu realized for the first time that his little brother was a little bit in need of beating.

Jiang Xun is indeed young, but it is not an age without thinking ability. If it is replaced by the age of ordinary humans, it should already be ten years old. Orcs can change into human form when they are ten years old. Jiang Xun is exactly ten years old and turns into a human form. That's what happened these days.

Jiang Yu had always treated him like a child before. Because Jiang Xun was the youngest of the Jiang family, he was spoiled and grew up since he was a child. He also liked to run around and let his servants look for him.

In other words, Jiang Xun is very noisy, he is a full-fledged brat.

It looks so cute right now, and there are problems at first glance.

The little gray wolf waited with his eyes closed and his belly glowing, to be gently touched by the big sister, but before the big sister came, the whole wolf was lifted up, and it opened its eyes to meet the face of its big brother who was obviously in a bad mood. Immediately lowered his ears.

"Woo~ow~" It stared at him aggrievedly.

Seeing it like this, Jiang Yu's heart softened again.

Soon someone helped Tang Ming prepare another lunch.

During the rest time after eating, Jiang Yu paid a heavy price for his soft heart. He had to watch his younger brother and Tang Ming play very happily.

The little gray wolf looked like he had forgotten that he was a wolf, and came back with the thrown ball in his mouth, wagging his tail at her.

It's a disgrace to the wolf clan.

Jiang Yu couldn't stand it and covered his eyes, because he remembered that he was still a little white wolf, and he seemed to have done the same thing before.

This is probably blood.

After the break, Jiang Yu finally had the opportunity to lock Jiang Xun outside the training room. He felt that if they got along with each other, the status of 'A Yu' would be lost. The younger brother is more cute than him. As an older brother, he is very fast About to fall out of favor!

"General Jiang Yu."

After closing the door of the training room, there were only the two of them left in the door. Tang Ming missed the touch of the little gray wolf before, "Can I ask you something?"

"Huh? Tell me."

"If I can defeat you, can you give me a little reward?" Tang Ming blushed inexplicably when she said this, she scratched her face a little embarrassedly, "It's actually not a big deal..."

Jiang Yu knew that she was referring to beating him in swordsmanship, and there was still nearly a year before the graduation test in the second year. If she was indeed talented in this area, it would not be impossible for her to beat him. After all, swordsmanship is not Not his specialty.

"Okay, what reward do you want?" The Jiang family's forces can do too much. They want the most advanced mechs, the best weapons, or anything that can be found or cannot be found on the market. He can do it.

Jiang Yu rarely agrees to other people's requests, but once he promises, he will do it.

Tang Ming suddenly became motivated, "Then! After I win, please change into a beast shape and let me touch it!"


After Tang Ming finished speaking, he found that Jiang Yu seemed to be stunned. I'm afraid this was the first time someone made such a request for him, but I'm afraid no one can refuse the fluffy charm! She just loves fluff!

I can touch the big fur and feel motivated to do anything.

"...can't you?" Seeing that he didn't reply for a long time, Tang Ming thought he was going to refuse, and was a little disappointed.

"Yes..." Jiang Yu naturally didn't want to disappoint her, although her request seemed a bit... shameful to him...but it was not completely unacceptable, "Do you like animals?"


No wonder he loves Jiang Xun so much.

"But my favorite is Ayu~! But Ayu got lost..."

Although it's not good to make her sad, but hearing her say that, Jiang Yu was inevitably bumped by the deer who suddenly confessed, "'s a little white wolf, if you like it, you can buy another one." .”

"I only want Ayu, so I can't do anything else."

"It would be great if Ayu was an orc, then I will definitely be Ayu's partner."

"..." Jiang Yudun

Sometimes I don't know whose vinegar to eat.

After the day's practice, Jiang Yu told her that starting next week, he would have work in the morning, so the practice could only start in the afternoon. Although it was a bit regrettable, there was no other way.

A few days after returning to school, Anne's surprise test came.

Tang Ming felt that her original spiritual power must not be as high as the sss level. The improvement of her spiritual power should be related to the fact that she has traveled through so many different worlds. Besides, there was a world where she used the power of the God of Light. It affected a little bit.

However, no matter what the reason is, the spiritual power of her soul has inevitably grown to the point of being like a bug. Originally, she thought it would take a week just to read the material, but in fact it took her a day to finish reading it. It took four days.

The extra time was used by her to practice some sword skills that Jian Jian Jiang Yu taught her.

The practical part of the mecha training class in the school hadn't been carried out yet, but after Annie found that she had completely memorized the tasks she assigned, she took the key and took Tang Ming to the training room.

Naturally, it is impossible for you to pose as a real mecha in the training room. The real mecha is too destructive. If one of the students does not operate properly, the damage caused can be imagined.

"This is a mech-related simulator." Annie pointed to the two simulators next to each other in the training room. "After mastering the theoretical knowledge, the most direct understanding is the actual operation. I will demonstrate the details later. Sister Xiaoming, you can experience the steps of the operation."

"Yes." Tang Ming nodded.

The mecha simulator is to allow people to directly experience the feeling of driving a real mecha, and simulates all the shocks and reactions of the enemy to the attack and battle damage. The mecha-related simulator is specially developed for teaching.

The associated simulator is two identical devices, one is the host computer, and the other is the experience machine. All the operating experience of the host machine will be transmitted to the experience machine. Generally, it is used by the teacher when giving demonstrations to students. .

Of course, Annie gave her information about the use of these machines.

Tang Ming followed the content she had memorized, turned on the experience machine, and then connected the various sensory circuits in the experience machine that were no different from the real mecha to her body. Like, the top of each line is a small suction cup, which can be adsorbed on the joints of the human body to simulate human movements.

On the other side, Annie had already sat in the main engine, and after the cabin door was closed, it was suddenly dark inside.

Soon the surrounding buttons lit up, and the front screen also showed a picture of the universe. In the front was a deep black hole. After zooming in on the screen carefully, it was discovered that it was not a black hole at all, but a wormhole.

All the actions on the host side can be felt on the experience machine side.

So Tang Ming could clearly feel that she was beheading the densely packed Zerg in front of her in an extremely relaxed and willful way. This is a simulator set up for teaching purposes, so the simulated Zerg in this machine naturally does not Possibly as powerful as a real Zerg.

Annie didn't come to let her experience the thrill of killing Zerg, Tang Ming clearly understood this, she clenched the joystick tightly, paying attention to her every movement.

For a total of two hours, Annie allowed Tang Ming to completely integrate the knowledge memorized in his head with the actual operation through two hours of practical operation.

"The next step is to practice with a single-person simulator. The mech driving license test is not only about proficiency in operation, but also precision and dexterity. This requires long-term practice."

Annie, who obviously didn't feel anything after running 30 kilometers in a row before, looked like a salted fish after operating the mech simulator for two hours in a row. Even when she went back, Edward carried her back.

The operation of the mecha is a test of the operator's mental strength, let alone controlling two machines at the same time. Under normal circumstances, even the teacher who uses the associated simulator to give demonstrations to students usually does not use it for more than an hour.

Annie's A-level mental power used the associated simulator to control two at the same time, and it lasted for two hours, which was already very scary.

But Annie didn't help her unconditionally. In return, she had to achieve what Annie expected.

Dong Fu was the first to notice Tang Ming's change. Since she proposed that day that she wanted to participate in the graduation test for the second graders, he couldn't help but pay more attention to her than others.

It stands to reason that Jiang Yu has returned to the emperor's *, and Tang Ming will not suffer any harm at school. He should classify her as an ordinary student again, and treat her equally with everyone else, and stop treating her differently.

Maybe it was because she accepted the rejection too easily, which made him pay so much attention to her involuntarily.

After that day, she was just like before, participating in the training on time, completing every task assigned by the instructor, and having lunch and dinner with her companion's little girl, she looked very ordinary and normal.

Dong Fu noticed her change after two months.

As the chief instructor, he spends no more or less time teaching the premium class, and the content of his instruction is close combat, even the operation of the mecha requires the sensitivity of the operator's body Yes, close combat is the most basic foundation.

Anne is an SS-level brain worker in the intelligence test, and she is too young, so she was exempted from the battle requirements, and Colonel Michelle promised to arrange special combat guidance for Anne after she became an adult.

Therefore, there is only one woman in the special class who participates in close combat training.

The scarcity of imperial women made these reserve troops subconsciously show mercy to her subordinates. Dong Fu saw with his own eyes that these people who still gave in to her at the beginning were forced to exert their full strength day by day.

This is her progress, which is normal, because not everyone possesses such things as talent and hard work, and for those who possess these, no matter how fast they progress, it is not surprising.

However, her original progress rate suddenly changed after he refused to graduate early.

In the past two months, if it was not confirmed that it was the real person, Dong Fu would have thought it was someone from another galaxy impersonating her. Spot it and fight back.

The man taller than her was easily knocked down by her in just five minutes.

The person she knocked down was the top three orcs in the first duel when they entered the school. The others' competitions were not over yet, but at this moment they all stopped and looked at her in disbelief.

Although most people have gradually realized that they are not her opponents during this period of time, such an intuitive difference in strength still shocked everyone.

After all, these people are just students who have just entered school for less than half a year. For the past two months, Tang Ming has been going to Jiang's house every week to be beaten up by Jiang Yu. She is not Jiang Yu's opponent at all.

After getting used to being abused by full-level bosses, when meeting opponents who have just left Novice Village, they seem much calmer.

Tang Ming rubbed her wrists, and Jiang Yu gave her a pair of weights made of special materials. She carried a weight of nearly five kilograms on her left and right hands. It would definitely hurt a lot if the person she was competing with was punched by her.

People in this world have good physical fitness, which is why they can make such a toss. In other worlds, Tang Ming would definitely not be able to bear a five-kilogram weight on his wrist.

Dong Fu noticed the bruise on her wrist, and seeing that she finished the first round of sparring and was about to sit aside to rest, he called out to her.

Hearing the chief instructor calling her, Tang Ming walked up to him obediently.

Noticing that he seemed to be staring at her neck, she straightened her neckline to hide the scar on her shoulder.

Whether it is the injury on the shoulder or the bruise on the wrist, they are all left over from practice with Jiang Yu time and time again. Although Jiang Yu has shown mercy, as long as it is practice, there will inevitably be a little injury. If Jiang Yu really If he gave way to her everywhere and deliberately avoided her getting hurt, Tang Ming would be a little disappointed with him instead.

If she wants to become stronger in the shortest time, she always needs to pay a little price, not to mention that she can block the pain, these seemingly scary injuries, she will not feel much pain at all, and these are not Scars will heal sooner or later.

Dong Fu's inquiring eyes moved to her face, and he couldn't understand her, "What do you want to do?"

Isn't this an obvious question

"Instructor Dong, I signed up for this year's mecha driving assessment." She didn't answer his question directly, "In the imperial army, the conditions that an outstanding soldier must have are to pass the mecha driving license and be proficient Use a certain weapon and have the actual combat ability of an instructor."

Dong Fu didn't speak.

Tang Ming knew that this was a good opportunity to convince him, "If I can meet all the above criteria, then I can prove to you that I have the qualifications to graduate."

"I will pass the test for the mecha driver's license. I am also working hard on familiar weapons. Weapon learning starts from the second year in the military academy. That is to say, the empire believes that it only takes one year to become familiar with a weapon."

"As for the actual combat ability of the instructor level, I will also prove it to you. I will defeat the instructor of the Imperial* School within a year. If you think that defeating the instructor is not enough to prove my ability..."

"Then how about defeating the chief instructor?"

Her words sounded like arrogance to others, a mere student who hadn't even been able to join the Imperial Army even uttered wild words to defeat the chief instructor.

And when it comes to the chief instructor, there is only one in the whole school.

Dong Fu was aroused by her, and a smile appeared on his paralyzed face.

"If you can do it, try it."