The Last Slag

Chapter 140


"What are you in a hurry for?"

Just when everyone was silent, Annie spoke suddenly, and everyone immediately looked towards her.

At first she was a little bit worried that Jiang Yu lost contact, but after knowing the specific situation, Annie calmed down, "This breeding ground won't run away on its own, and the deputy commander can still talk to us. Liaise to explain the situation, which means that the matter is not urgent enough to require the lives of other soldiers to win."

When everyone heard it, it was true.

The location of the breeding ground will not change. As long as the safety of the deputy commander is ensured, they can wait no matter how long it takes. It's just a bug that even the commander-in-chief has never been able to win. The deputy commander can really win. Is it safe and sound under its hands

The most fearful thing is that the rest of the soldiers were not rescued, and the deputy commander was unfortunately killed.

If the breeding ground is bombarded now, the deputy commander who owns the mecha may not be affected, but in the same way, the lives of the rest of the companions and even the commander-in-chief are equivalent to being given up.

It's quite a difficult choice.

"You're all thinking about something messed up." Anne found it strange to see all of them struggling. "We're just soldiers. It's the commander who needs to worry about these things. All we have to do is obey orders."

"Who gave you the illusion that you can make decisions without the presence of the commander?"

Xia Duo also stopped talking. Although she was still anxious, after listening to Annie's words, she realized that she was really too impulsive. Only revenge was left in her mind, and what was in front of her was An excellent opportunity, which made her lose her sense of proportion.

They have indeed wiped out many Zerg races, and even destroyed hundreds of breeding grounds, but at no time like now, she clearly felt that the Zerg race would be completely wiped out if this female bug was eliminated. wiped out.

Although Annie somewhat expected that among so many female insects in the Zerg race, there must be one of the most special mother insects. The Zerg race is a female society, and their leader must naturally be a female, but what she did not expect was that the insect mother and other The Zerg is so different.

At the beginning, sister Xiaoming expected those breeding grounds that were neglected by the empire, so did she expect this situation now

Of course Tang Ming expected it.

The development of the plot is always driven by an inertia. The former Jiang Yu encountered another threat at this time in the original work, and Tang Ming took over and resolved that threat as early as the very beginning.

So, as the male protagonist who ended up dying, he was bound to go through a life-and-death test, so he ran into a second problem.

However, this should be the last. In fact, there is nothing wrong with thinking about it. It took only ten years to reorganize a 50 million Zerg army to attack the empire. It is impossible to say that there is no specific leader.

Another white chrysalis was taken away by the black mecha and put into the spare compartment. Tang Ming carefully avoided the tentacles of the worm mother. Its attacks were very fast, and the interval between each attack was not clear. Like a snake waiting for an opportunity, it caught people off guard.

Including Jiang Yu himself, his team has a total of forty members. Tang Ming silently counted the number of people she put into the mecha spare compartment.

There is only one person left, but where

The environment in this nest is really bad, the only thing that can illuminate are the fluorescent eggs, and the mucus ejected by the female insect, its mucus is also fluorescent, green , You can tell at a glance that you can't touch it.

It is really extremely difficult to find a cocoon encased in a group of insect eggs in such a dim environment.

But she has no other choice. All the people who died here were people she knew. They have been there since the first day she joined the Imperial Army. Friends who usually joke and fight together, she can't Just leave it alone.

I just hope that the outside world will not act impulsively, now is not the time.

Finally, she found the last chrysalis.

But the cocoon is located under the belly of the worm mother, so it is not so easy to get it.

Before, because she didn't know the exact location of those soldiers wrapped in cocoons, she kept her hands tied. Now that there is only the last one left, and the location is clear, she doesn't need to worry so much.

The insect eggs around were half the size of a mech. Tang Ming drew his sword and stabbed one of them. She didn't want to mention the feel and sound of the long sword piercing. The unformed larva let out a mournful cry before death.

The mournful cry of the larva stimulated the mother worm, and its attack suddenly became fierce. Tang Ming pierced dozens of worm eggs all the way in the same way, and the mother worm was completely enraged.

It left its original position.

Tang Ming dodged suddenly, and the next second the worm mother's thick, long and sharp forefoot stabbed the ground. It missed a hit and immediately turned around and chased after it. Tang Ming didn't want to get too entangled with it, her goal was very clear .

She successfully stuffed the remaining worm egg into the spare compartment, but she couldn't avoid the tentacles of the extremely fast worm mother.

Its tentacles are not as soft and slender as those in some pornographic paintings, but are very ugly with barbs. The first time it grabbed her, it stretched out another tentacle and plunged into it. Her mecha core.

Even in the control cabin, Tang Ming could hear the sound of the core of the mecha being pierced.

I don't know why, under such circumstances, she can still think of Dong Fu's paralyzed face. She remembers that she pierced the core of his mecha in this way. It turned out that the mecha gradually lost control while sitting in the driver's seat. a feeling.

After the core of the mecha was broken, it could still be manipulated for a period of time. Tang Ming quickly contacted Annie.

She said only one word.


But at this time, all the imperial troops had gathered outside the breeding ground, and countless warships surrounded the only remaining breeding ground, waiting for the final order.

In order to wait for this word, they have been waiting in place for more than an hour.

Although she let go of her big words and said that soldiers should obey the command's orders, but after waiting for such a long time, Anne was a little restless, but her reason told her not to act impulsively.

After waiting for an hour, the first command of the hour finally came from the communication device that had been quiet for a long time. Annie immediately contacted other warships. Because of her short stature, she simply stood on the seat.

Countless warships concentrated their firepower at the same time. After the unified launch countdown, the flames shot up into the sky, and the air wave when the breeding ground was blown up even spread to those nearby warships.

The breeding ground was blown up, and the insect mother was immediately exposed to everyone. Because of the impact, the mech pierced by its tentacles was immediately shot out by the air waves, but it was precisely because of this that it was able to escape from the insects. mother's control.

They could see the roar of the worm mother, but they couldn't hear the sound. Even if they didn't have the command to give orders, they knew exactly what they were going to do now.

Xia Duo turned around abruptly, and without waiting for others to stop her, she had already entered the spare mecha inside the battleship at an extremely fast speed, then pressed the closing button, and left the battleship directly.

Now she is extraordinarily calm, it is precisely because of this hour of waiting that she has figured out a lot of things.

The mecha that was blown away by the air wave couldn't be recovered directly because it was quite close to the worm mother. Xia Duo glanced at the position of the worm mother, calculated the approximate distance, and then went directly to the pitch-black mecha rush away.

Annie saw her movements, and immediately knew what she wanted to do.

"Hmph! If you act recklessly like this, you will be punished later!"

Annie's voice came from the communicator, and Xia Duo simply turned it off.

Anne didn't care either, she contacted the person in charge of other warships, because she was in charge of the small commander of the warship where the commander-in-chief was located, so she still had the right to speak at this time.

"Hit it!" As soon as her two short words fell, all the battleships aimed at the position of the worm mother.

Originally, the worm mother was about to attack the mecha that was rushing towards it alone, but before it raised its tentacles, countless flames exploded from it, and its movements suddenly slowed down.

Xia Duo took this opportunity to hold the battle-damaged black mecha, and immediately ran back without looking back after her goal was achieved.

The deputy commander's mecha was withdrawn to a safe location, and the rest of the warships didn't have to worry about it anymore. It was impossible for the worm mother, who was under fire from so many warships at the same time, to have the power to fight back.

The Zerg was completely wiped out. Although the process was not particularly smooth, it still couldn't conceal the high emotions of the crowd.

Tang Ming herself was impacted, and the mech that had lost its energy did not have any protective measures. When everyone pried open the cockpit, she was already unconscious.

Everyone hurriedly sent people to

Fortunately, the hospital is not life-threatening.

The only thing that made them feel a little regretful was that there was only the deputy commander in the cockpit, and those companions who were captured by the worm mother did not seem to be rescued. Xia Duo also felt somewhat regretful, but I am afraid that the deputy commander is really helpless, after all, she persisted It took more than an hour before the order to open fire was given.

She has tried.

Everyone thought so, only Annie carried her toolbox and climbed onto the mecha that was laid flat on the ground. She knocked and opened a small hatch on the right side of the mecha until Annie commanded several A strong orc helped to remove the metal plate, and everyone discovered that there was actually a spare compartment there.

This was added by Anne on a whim, and it's normal for the rest of the people not to know.

In the spare compartment were the companions wrapped in cocoons. Everyone worked together to move everyone out. After tearing the cocoons, they found that they were still breathing. All the cocoons added up to a total of forty. Much more, all here.

When some female soldiers in charge of logistics heard this number, their eyes could not help but turn red.

All the wounded were sent to the medical department directly under the Imperial Army. This battle was a great success. People no longer had to worry about the Zerg, let alone be displaced because of the Zerg.

Tang Ming felt like everything had changed.

As soon as she woke up, the medical staff immediately notified the doctor to help her diagnose. It didn't take long for dozens of people in white coats to surround her. Except for some normal tests, they were not even at ease. I checked her teeth, and I was short of doing a vision test for her.

Before leaving, a female medical staff secretly took a pen and asked her to sign on her terminal.

While she was recuperating in the hospital, even high-level officials from the empire came to express their condolences to her, and brought a few baskets of fruit very thoughtfully, and told her by the way that her military academy had been promoted from a lieutenant general to an admiral.

Not only that, even the two elder brothers of the Tang family who had never seen each other came to see her.

"You've been naughty since you were a child. I thought you just wanted to go to the Imperial City to play on a whim. I didn't expect to kill the Zerg, hahahaha, okay!" The second goth was very happy, and took her unconsciously. The fruit in the fruit basket, I peeled an orange, stuffed a piece into my mouth, and then gave the rest to her, "Second brother is proud of you!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was slapped on the back of the head. The second brother subconsciously wanted to curse, but when he saw the expression on the elder brother's face, he swallowed the words again, "Huh... bullying others."

The eldest brother frowned, and seemed very worried when he saw her lying on the hospital bed, "If you feel tired, go home, our family is not short of money."

"..." Tang Ming was shocked.

After the two brothers of the Tang family left, Annie came to chat with her with condolences. When she came, she was holding a little gray wolf in her hand. When the little gray wolf saw Tang Ming looking at him, he immediately buried his head in shame. up.

In order to please others, I deliberately turned into a little gray wolf to show cuteness, and it was embarrassing to be discovered by people I knew!

Every day, several people came to visit the patients, and there were more and more flowers and fruit baskets in the wards, and countless autographs were signed. Tang Ming deeply felt that the world had changed.

Even when she was a big star, she was not as popular as she is now.

On the fourth day of hospitalization, Tang Ming met Dong Fu for the first time in the ward. He was probably the only person other than Anne who faced him like normal.

He pulled up a chair and sat down beside her hospital bed.

"How do you feel?" The first sentence he spoke made Tang Ming feel a little familiar.

Even after leaving the military academy, the image of Dong Fu's chief instructor is still deeply ingrained in Tang Ming's heart.

"... I'm fine. I should be able to return to the army soon." Tang Ming felt that she would get moldy if she lay on the hospital bed.

Who knew that after she finished speaking, the atmosphere suddenly froze. Dong Fu didn't know what he was thinking, and he didn't speak for a long time. He didn't speak, and Tang Ming didn't want to find a topic.

After a long time, after the medical staff came to give her a routine examination and left, Dong Fu said, "I never knew whether what I did was right or not."

Tang Ming didn't realize what he was referring to at the first time, and after recovering from his senses, he thought for a while before asking, "Are you referring to my decision to graduate early?"

"This is also one point." Dong Fu admitted.

"Even if you shot at that time, I will still catch up with this battle after I graduate a year later." Tang Ming felt that this was not a problem to be entangled with, and Dong Fu didn't need to feel guilty about it, "And I didn't Whatever the injury, the problem of the Zerg has also been solved, which can be regarded as a happy event.”

Dong Fu shook his head, "I don't mean that. I never regret letting you graduate early. You have the qualifications. I just don't know whether I should admit defeat to you or not."

Aren't these two the same problem

"I lost something other than the game."

Tang Ming was taken aback for a moment.

Seeing her look like she didn't know what to say, he found it a little funny, but even so, he comforted him: "It's not something important, don't worry about it."

"What are your plans next?" He turned around.

Today's empire is already very safe, without the infestation of Zerg, the emperor can become comfortable, and it will be difficult to obtain meritorious service in the future, and she became an admiral at a young age, and she became famous in the first battle. It has a bright future.

"I don't have any plans, I just want to go back to the army." Tang Ming said, "Do you know what happened to General Jiang Yu?"

"He woke up this morning, nothing serious."

Tang Ming learned some other things from Dong Fu, and he didn't leave until sunset.

Although Jiang Yu had already woken up, she didn't see Tang Ming until he was discharged from the hospital, perhaps because he was seriously injured.

Thinking of this, Tang Ming bought something to visit the doctor.

Because Jiang Yu was lifted out of the cockpit at that time, his injuries were much more serious than Tang Ming who had been in the mecha all the time. Although he woke up, he still looked very miserable.

Hearing her knock on the door, he turned his head and looked over.

Tang Ming put down the things in his hands and sat on the chair beside the bed. Jiang Yu was sent to the medical department in the form of a beast. Now, although he has returned to a human form, the pair of ears still haven't changed back.

"Are you okay?" She said, but her attention was drawn to his furry ears involuntarily.

Jiang Yu, who was still a little heavy at first, suddenly laughed when he saw her like this, "My ears hurt a little."

She reached out and took the opportunity to rub her furry ears, "Does it still hurt?"

"much better."

"By the way, what did you say you wanted to tell me earlier?"

She casually recalled what he had said before.

Jiang Yu's expression froze immediately.

Being rescued by the woman he admired was too embarrassing to say such a thing. Jiang Yu has been troubled by this for the past few days. He is not sure if he still has the qualifications to confide in her.

She joined the Imperial Army because she respected him, will she be disappointed in him now seeing him like this...

Jiang Yu was not sure.

But even so, he still had to say something.

"Actually, I am Ayu."

"I know this."

"I went to school as a guide just because I wanted to get in touch with you."


"It was me who was in the bathroom that day. Because the energy is still unstable, I can't change back to the animal form."

"I know."

"I like you."

Those four simple words seemed to contain all his strength.

The end of the mission was right in front of her.

Jiang Yu is somewhat different from the other strategy characters Tang Ming met. He doesn’t know how to talk sweet words. Although the meaning of his pursuit is very straightforward, but he is also very serious. It can be said that she was able to successfully complete the side mission. It can be said that most of it is due to For him, the past few years of getting along did not pass in the blink of an eye.

The key is that he is still fluffy.

OMG, it's cheating.

Tang Ming reached out and touched his head. The head with a pair of animal ears also looked fluffy, and the feel was first-rate.

"Me too."