The Last Slag

Chapter 148


Not long after the man finished speaking, Bai Hao came back.

He was still holding some bundled medicinal materials in his hands, obviously it looked like the matter had been settled.

"I've been waiting for a long time, let's go." He walked up to her and said.

Tang Ming got up from the chair and grabbed his sleeve with his hand. Bai Hao glanced at her and saw that she was looking cautious with her head down, so she didn't say anything and let her drag her.

After leaving this pharmacy, Bai Hao has nothing else to do, and the rest of the time is just for her to hang out.

It was Tang Ming's first visit to the city. Even a candied haws seller on the street would make her feel very interesting, but she didn't particularly want to eat it. After all, even if the age is different, the taste of hawthorns may be the same.

There were many people gathered not far away, and Tang Ming immediately prepared to go to see the excitement.

"You go, I'll wait for you here." Bai Hao didn't seem to want the past.

Although it was a bit regrettable, it was obvious that Bai Hao was more important between watching the excitement and Bai Hao, so Tang Ming simply didn't go, "Then let's go."

Originally thought that when she came to the city for the first time, everything she saw was very novel, but she didn't expect to give up so easily just because of his words at this time. Bai Hao didn't know what expression he should have at this time. sighed.

He took her hand and walked towards the crowd, "Since you're curious, let's go and have a look."

Tang Ming was led away by him, and when she raised her head, she could only see his back. At this moment, she understood why Tang Yueyao trusted this person so much in the original book, "Bai Hao, will you always be with me?"

He only heard him say: "When Miss Tang's face recovers, I will leave."

He calmly stated the facts, and did not give her any extravagant expectations. He seemed extremely indifferent but always cared about small things. Such a person must be a very responsible person and would not give anything he could not do. A promise made.

"Oh, will you take me with you then?"

He stopped on his feet and didn't answer.

Tang Ming didn't care either.

As he got closer, Tang Ming realized that the crowd was not because of trouble, but because someone was competing to recruit relatives. Because the arena was not set up too high, Tang Ming was not able to because of the long distance. see clearly.

The location of the contest to recruit relatives is set at the bottom of a restaurant. Looking up from Tang Ming, you can see a woman in white sitting on the second floor of the restaurant, but the woman is wearing a veil, so she can't see clearly. Allow.

"If anyone can marry the eldest lady of the Shen family, it will be a blessing from the previous life!"

Tang Ming heard people talking about it, and then realized that the woman in the restaurant was the rumored eldest lady of the Shen family. The Shen family was a businessman. worry free.

How could a young lady with such wealth think of a martial arts competition to recruit a relative

"The eldest lady of the Shen family didn't stay at home, why did she think of running out to compete in martial arts?"

"I heard that Ms. Shen didn't want to get married, and she only wanted to marry that devil. The Shen family had no choice but to cut through the mess quickly, so they organized a competition to recruit relatives."

Fortunately, in the world of martial arts, there are always people around who can explain.

Tang Ming thinks that's not the only reason. The Shen family is so rich, how can they be so eager to marry their daughter? I'm afraid that Miss Shen thinks that the leader of the Demon Cult must still have her in his heart, so she deliberately puts on a show with great fanfare. After leaving the ring, he wanted to impress the other party and come back to her.

This kind of drama might be useful for the heroine, but this Miss Shen didn't even have a name in the original book.

Can the leader of the Demon Cult really be attracted by her arena

Tang Ming expressed doubts.

The method of recruiting relatives in this martial arts competition is slightly different. If you want to compete on stage, you must first be able to catch the hydrangea ball thrown by Miss Shen.

The ones in charge of guarding the ring are the guards of the Shen family.

Seeing that the hour was approaching, many people began to coax the young lady of the Shen family to start quickly. Tang Ming didn't think there was anything interesting about the contest, so she dragged Bai Hao to leave.

Ms. Shen suddenly became a little restless under the crowd's booing. She searched back and forth among the crowd, but she couldn't find the person she was thinking about day and night. Still have the confidence to be able to recognize him at a glance in the crowd.

The time has come, no matter how reluctant she is, she has to throw the hydrangea in her hand.

Even if she really had to marry someone else, at least she hoped that the other party was a handsome one.

Ms. Shen waited and watched for a while on the second floor, and finally found a man with a completely different temperament from ordinary people among the group of crooked people. For her own future happiness, she still made up her mind to throw the hydrangea towards that person.

Tang Ming dragged Bai Hao for a few steps, then she turned her head and noticed that the red hydrangea was flying straight in their direction. Throw it right in front of Bai Hao.

They have already walked a few steps away from the crowd, so even if Miss Shen can't throw the hydrangea so far, can she

Tang Ming saw that Bai Hao also noticed the hydrangea ball, but his face was unmoved, as if the hydrangea ball fell on the ground and no one picked it up, it wasn't him who was embarrassed.

But the fact that no one picked up the hydrangea that was thrown in the martial arts competition, and the hydrangea fell to the ground was too hurtful. Tang Ming couldn't bear it. She let go of Bai Hao's hand and stood in front of him. When the hydrangea came flying, he kicked it back into the crowd.

Everyone was nervous to see who had received the hydrangea, including Ms. Shen who was watching anxiously on the second floor.

The one who received the hydrangea ball was an ordinary-looking scholar. He was originally standing on the outermost side of the crowd. Obviously, he had no intention of participating in the contest to recruit relatives at first.

Wish, holding a hydrangea at a loss at this time.

The onlookers around him finally breathed a sigh of relief. The scholar was weak and weak, and at first glance he was no match for the burly guard on the stage.

"Young master who received the hydrangea, please come on stage."

The scholar held the hydrangea with his face hurting, so he just watched the fun, why did he become a spectator

He glanced at the girl who kicked the hydrangea ball to him. Although she looked only twelve or thirteen years old, the kick just now had a little internal strength. If she didn't have some kung fu skills, she might not be able to catch it. Hold her ball.

This is really out of good intentions, are you trying to pick a husband with good kung fu skills for that Miss Shen family

The instigator had already led the white-clothed man beside him away, and he still had to go on stage to put on a show.

The scholar felt very tired, he sighed, and reluctantly went up to the stage holding a hydrangea ball, the guards of the Shen family were still a bit level, although they couldn't be called very powerful, but they didn't just practice martial arts casually People with two years can handle it.

He knew that the Shen family would not marry their daughter so easily.

While thinking about it, the scholar unfolded the folding fan in his hand. Miss Shen's family is indeed a great beauty who is proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting as rumored, but no matter how beautiful a beauty is, once she falls in love, it is very easy It will be annoying.

But if you want to lose, you can't lose too ugly. If you are defeated all at once, wouldn't it be embarrassing.

If you play twenty or thirty rounds, you can lose more beautifully.


Speaking of which, the girl who kicked the hydrangea into his arms before was unknown

After Tang Ming dragged Bai Hao away, she didn't pay attention to the specific situation of the martial arts competition over there. Compared with the martial arts recruitment competition that had nothing to do with her, the person next to her was obviously in a happy mood, which made people care more.

"Is there anything happy?" She walked around in front of him strangely, looking at his overly delicate face, "You seem to be in a good mood."

She didn't tell, Bai Hao didn't even notice it himself, and he didn't realize that he was unconsciously happy for that little thing until she asked.

"Nothing special." He didn't admit it but asked her back, "Is there anything else you want to go?"

Tang Ming looked at him suspiciously for a while, and saw that he still seemed to be indifferent to the world as before, so she reluctantly followed his question and said, "I want to buy some new scripts."

Tang Ming himself didn't know where to buy these ancient scripts, so he honestly told Bai Hao what kind of scripts he wanted to buy, and was taken away by the subtle-faced Bai Hao. in the shop.

The shop was very old, and it seemed that there was no business at ordinary times, but unexpectedly, it was quite big inside, and there were many kinds of scriptures.

Bai Hao didn't know what he saw. Seeing her indulging in the world of story books, he made sure that he could notice the location of this store at any time, so he walked towards a certain direction.

As soon as Bai Hao left, Tang Ming noticed it. She put down the notebook in her hand, and wanted to walk out of the shop door to follow.

Who knew that she had just bumped into a person as soon as she took a head.

The person she hit seemed to be afraid that she would fall, so he gave her a hand.

Tang Ming raised her head and saw that the other party was a scholar, with nothing particularly outstanding in appearance, and the only people she knew in this world were those from the Tang family, but the scholar in front of her was subtly familiar to her.

"Are you all right?" He asked, seemingly worried.

His voice is also the same as his appearance, quite ordinary, neither nice nor bad.


In such a flash, Tang Ming almost forgot what she was going to do before. She ran out of the shop gate, only to realize that Bai Hao's figure had gone somewhere.

Tang Ming went back to the store dejectedly, and decided to find some story books so that he could read them when the Tang family was bored except for practicing martial arts strategies.

She was picking up the story book, but the scholar she bumped into earlier approached her and said, "Girl, do you still remember Xiaosheng?"

Before Tang Ming felt that he seemed a little familiar, now that he asked, it was obvious that he had seen him before, but she had been in the city for less than a day, and the scholar she met...

"Ah, you are the one who caught the hydrangea before." The appearance of this person is really too ordinary, so ordinary that he would even forget it at a glance.

The scholar seemed helpless when he heard the words, "The hydrangea was obviously kicked by the girl to Xiaosheng, how can it be said that Xiaosheng caught it?"

When he said this, it was obvious that he had no intention of recruiting relatives to marry Miss Shen. Tang Ming was a little embarrassed, "But if you receive the hydrangea ball, you have to fight on stage. Did you win?"

It's not that Tang Ming underestimated the guards on the ring, but there is still a big gap between people who have practiced martial arts and those who are just physically strong in this world.

Although the scholar in front of him looked weak, he seemed to be able to easily catch the hydrangea ball he kicked with his internal strength. He must not be an ordinary weak scholar, and it should not be a problem to defeat the guard.

"Xiaosheng only wants to spend his life with the one he loves. Even if the eldest lady of the Shen family is as beautiful as a fairy, in Xiaosheng's eyes, she is no different from an ordinary woman."

Tang Ming felt that what he said was very reasonable, "You don't like Miss Shen who is proficient in everything, so what kind of woman do you like?"

She just asked casually, but the scholar said: "Xiaosheng is also very curious, what kind of man do you like, girl?"

This is a bit provocative.

Although he didn't answer her question and asked himself instead, Tang Ming didn't think there was anything difficult to answer. Tang Ming pointed to Bai Hao who came back from the outside, and answered very honestly.

"I like good-looking ones, like him."

Bai Hao paused as he walked towards her.