The Last Slag

Chapter 150


Tang Ming stood still at the door of the room, she turned around hesitantly, and met his plain gaze.

With only 60 favorability points, it looks like a sweet finale, big brother, are you serious

"What did you say just now?" She asked back uncertainly.

He stood up and walked in front of her. His figure was tall and straight. When standing in front of her, she had to raise her head to look directly into his eyes. He stretched out his hand and took out a A delicate hairpin.

"I saw it on the street and thought it matched you very well, so I bought it as a gift for you. It can also be regarded as a thank you gift for that purse."

That's the case, but she is obviously not old enough to wear a hairpin, so he didn't put it on for her, but delivered it to her.

Tang Ming finally moved her eyes away from his face. In her hand was a white jade hairpin. The whole hairpin was carved out of white jade. It seemed to have a soft luster like moonlight in the night. It was exquisitely crafted. It is even a little hard to imagine that it was made in ancient times with such backward aesthetics.

Saw it on the street? Tang Ming didn't remember that they passed by such a small shop with such excellent workmanship. They must have bought it on purpose, but they were almost together along the way. How could he have any chance to visit other shops

After thinking about it for a while, she figured it out.

He must have bought it when she was picking up the book.

"This is the color of Bai Hao." She looked at the jade hairpin in her hand and smiled slightly, "It really matches me~ Thank you, I like it very much."

She always seemed to be able to bring the topic up to him, but Zhi Yuhanzi insisted that it was his color.

For a moment, Bai Hao didn't understand what the feeling in his heart was. It was a feeling he had never had before, which caught him off guard.

"Go to bed early." After all, he didn't bring up the previous topic, but only whispered.

She didn't ask any further questions, and left after nodding her head in response.

It was the first time for Tang Ming to walk in the Tang family's compound alone. She had been accompanied by Xiaolu before, but this time she didn't bring Xiaolu with her, so she had to walk this road alone.

She played with the white jade hairpin in her hand, as if she had thought of something, she suddenly said: "Black dog?"

As soon as the words fell, a man in black appeared in front of her in an instant. He knelt in front of her on one knee, bowed his head respectfully, "What is the master's order?"

Although the second lady and the white genius doctor did not bring any servants into the city this time, the black dog was a secret guard placed by Tang Ming's side by Tang's father. Naturally, no matter where she went, he had to follow her all the way, so maybe she didn't Not aware of it, but in fact he is always there, it can be said that he is always on call.

She didn't hear the genius doctor's previous words clearly, but he heard them clearly.

Even if he didn't look up, he could still imagine her admiringly holding that jade hairpin. After all, everyone knew that Second Miss had a crush on Divine Doctor Bai.

But the Second Miss is only in the age of the golden hairpin, and it is too early to make a private decision for life. If the Second Miss called her out to elope with that white genius doctor, even if she disobeyed the order, he would not agree.

Tang Ming put the hairpin away, but she didn't take Bai Hao's words to heart.

After all, a 60-point favorability is at most a good friend, not even a liking. Although Tang Ming complains about the stinginess of the system, she still has no doubts about its favorability statistics. The world has proved that this favorability is particularly accurate.

Even the black dog whom she has never actively favored has 65 points of favor towards her, 5 points more than Bai Hao.

"The scripts on the table in my room, please go and give them to my sister." After she said this, she felt that the person kneeling in front of her was obviously relieved.

Knowing that Tang Ming didn't want him to help her elope with the miracle doctor, the black dog suddenly became less nervous, and he immediately took orders.

After the black dog disappeared, Tang Ming slowly walked back to his yard.

The wound on Tang Yueyao's face did not recover quickly, but it was indeed gradually recovering. Due to her close relationship with Bai Hao, Tang Ming could come to watch the dressing change process every time. She knew Tang Yueyao's current situation best. situation.

As the person involved, Tang Yueyao naturally wanted to know what happened to her face, but she didn't dare to ask, and could only get information from the genius doctor's words.

Bai Hao didn't get the title of genius doctor for no reason. Although it took a long time, Tang Yueyao's face was healed in the end, and the face that had been burnt by the flames was restored. Girls should be beautiful.

Tang Ming was next to Tang Yueyao when she removed the cloth strips from her face. She was nervous, so she held her sister's hand tightly, hoping to gain some courage from her.

In the past three years, Tang Yueyao has almost gotten used to the touch of the cloth strips tied to her face. Now that they have been taken off, she just feels a little uncomfortable. See your own reflection.

Tang Ming found the bronze mirror on the side and handed it to her.

At this time, Tang Yueyao's face no longer had those wrapped strips of cloth, nor those horrible scars. The exposed skin was smooth and delicate, and there were no traces of disfigurement. The original owner was a great beauty, so as a Her elder sister, Tang Yueyao, naturally also has an appearance that is not inferior to her.

Looking at the figure reflected in the bronze mirror, Tang Yueyao lost her composure and shed tears.

She had almost forgotten what she looked like, but she didn't expect that one day she would have a chance to restore her original appearance.

Tang Yueyao is also very happy that Tang Yueyao has regained her appearance. Just watching the plot and getting along with the people in the plot is a different feeling. Although Tang Yueyao is somewhat silly and sweet in the plot, she is actually quite a good person and takes good care of her. Not to mention, and surprisingly they have a lot of common topics, Tang Ming still likes her quite a bit.

With such a good looks, why not find a good family

Thinking of this, Tang Ming couldn't help but secretly glanced at Bai Hao. In the original book, Bai Hao only developed feelings for the heroine in the later period of getting along. Now he should have no idea about the heroine.

But even if he is a genius doctor, facing Tang Yueyao's pretty face, he should be a little surprised. She still likes to see other expressions on his calm face.

But who would have thought that as soon as she turned her head, she found that he had packed up the medicine box and was about to go back to his room.

"Are you leaving?" she asked.

; Although she didn't point out anything in particular, Bai Hao should understand what she meant.

"Miss Tang needs to observe for a few more days." The implication is that he will not leave the Tang family for the time being.

Only then did Tang Ming breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was popular in ancient times to stay in the hospital for observation.

Since that day, Bai Hao has never brought up the topic of whether he wants to go with him again. He said before that he would let her know him, but there is no more. He is still gentle with her on weekdays, but the degree of goodwill increases. It's really slow, after so many years, his favorability has only increased by a little bit from time to time, until her 15th birthday passed not long ago, and it just increased to 70 points.

Favorability level of 70 is an ambiguous stage. It can't be called liking, but it is a step further than friends.

What Tang Ming was thinking about was whether to open up the route of the genius doctor at once and then complete other tasks, or go to other branches first, and wait until the plot is almost over, and then find a way to add the remaining favorability.

If there are many targets in this kind of strategy, it is easy to be blackened. This is Tang Ming's bloody lesson.

In the end, she decided to leave with Bai Hao at that time, but if she stayed in the Tang family, she might not be able to meet the leader of the Demon Sect, let alone the leader of the martial arts alliance.

Before that, she had to try to convince Father Tang.

However, Tang Ming's persuasion work did not have time to start, and the Tang family fell into a state of alert. The outside world did not know where the rumors spread that the Tang family had a treasure map. Every few days, there would be unsightly attempts. Sneak into Tang's house.

But after all, the Tang family is not an ordinary big family, and it doesn't mean that you can sneak in by sneaking in. Those people are often discovered and expelled before they even set foot in the Tang family.

More and more people failed, and the rumor that the Tang family had a treasure map spread more and more widely, and many people believed it to be true.

Even if they don't take these people seriously, the Tang family has no choice but to step up their guard. Even Tang Ming is restricted in his daily activities, and has to stay in his room when it gets dark.

This was too boring for Tang Ming. She had nothing to do in the room, so she could only flip through the scripts. She didn't just come here in the past three years. She had a thorough understanding of the internal skills produced by the system. She didn't know if there was a bottom line in the cultivation of internal strength by the ancients, but she felt that she had cultivated to the extreme.

In other words, she felt that her internal strength could no longer be strengthened, reaching the so-called sss level that the system compared at that time.

The best proof is that she no longer vomits blood.

But she can't be too outstanding at home, so Tang Ming has always been half-covered, presenting herself in front of everyone in a very talented but acceptable state.

She has a long sword in the room, which is the weapon she is most familiar with, but usually she doesn't keep it with her all the time, and most of the time she keeps it idle in the room.

At this time, the long sword was also being hung on the wall by her, the candle flame was blown by the wind, and even the light and shadow reflected on the scabbard swayed, and there were noisy sounds outside, as if someone was trying to sneak in again. up.

Tang Ming didn't care at all, she was used to it after so many days.

These people like to sneak in at night. Several times, Tang Ming was disturbed and couldn't sleep well. In order to keep quiet, Tang Ming stood up and closed the window that she had kept open for ventilation.

The moment she closed the window, the candle was extinguished. Before she could react, a dagger was pressed against her neck.

"Don't make a sound." A man's voice sounded from behind her. There was an imperceptible hoarseness in his voice, as if he had been seriously injured. Even the strong smell of blood could be smelled in the air.

Tang Ming remained silent.

The man seemed to relax a little when he saw her cooperate so much. The people in charge of the Tang family's search passed her yard. It wasn't until there was no more light from the torch on the door, and the house was completely plunged into darkness, that Tang Ming felt that he was being held hostage. The human nature relaxed a little.

For a while, there was only a slight breathing sound in the room.

"Did you also believe the rumors to steal the treasure map?" She broke the silence first.

There was no element of fear in her voice, as if she was asking about a very ordinary matter, and she didn't feel at all that she was being held by a knife around her neck.

Under normal circumstances, no one would answer her such a question, after all, it was obvious, but that person said: "What does it have to do with you."

have personality.

Tang Ming still wanted to chat with him, but happened to feel that his breath was not stable, and noticed that he seemed to be unable to concentrate at this time, so she grabbed his hand and slapped him backward.

He didn't seem to have thought that she would suddenly resist and slap her hard. She was seriously injured, but now it was even worse. Her knees softened and she fell to her knees on the ground.

Tang Ming slowly ran to light the candlesticks. After the room was re-lit, she ran to the man lying dead and kicked him. Seeing that he hadn't moved, she squatted down and turned him over. face.

Just like all the people who sneak into other people's homes in the middle of the night, he is also dressed in black and wears a mask that can only cover half of his face. Tang Ming tore off his mask without thinking too much. It's okay to talk, but even Tang Ming couldn't help being stunned.

Under the mask was a face so perfect that no one could show any hostility. He closed his eyes tightly, as if in extreme pain, even frowning in a coma, just looking at it gave her a feeling Kind of unbearable feeling.

Tang Ming thought for a while, then put the mask back on him.

With her current skills, she had already discovered that someone had sneaked into her room. The lack of movement from the black dog was probably distracted by this person, or she was knocked out altogether. In order to make it easier for the other party to move, She also deliberately exposed her back to the other party and ran to close the window.

Just because she wanted to see what he really wanted to do.

If it was an ordinary intruder, she would naturally not have any curiosity. What aroused her curiosity was the prompt sound that suddenly appeared from the system at that moment, and the system reminded that Ye Linyu's favorability had increased.

After all, the name of the leader of the Demon Cult is still very recognizable.

Tang Ming's expression was subtle.

The injuries on his body don't seem to be fake, but this scene is too familiar to her. She can see it every time she reads ten old sayings when she encounters a seriously injured ruthless killer in the boudoir late at night. Arrived four or five times.

What does he want