The Last Slag

Chapter 152


There was a faint scent of incense in the air, which was the first thing Tang Ming smelled when she woke up. There was an extremely soft bed under her, and outside the bed with dark purple gauze curtains was lit by countless candlelights. bright room.

The maid who had been waiting for her to wake up in the room greeted her when she woke up, "Miss Tang, please take a shower and change clothes."

Really, a very official opening.

Tang Ming sat up and rubbed her head. She glanced at the maids in front of her, and found that they were all wearing masks that could only cover the upper half of their faces. The clothes on their bodies were not like ordinary maids. Pretty actionable attire.

She herself was still wearing the clothes she had worn in Tang's house before, and the fluffy white dress was incompatible with the atmosphere of the whole room.

"Where is this place?" She asked meaningfully.

The maid who was dutifully waiting by the side replied, "This is Changqu Mountain."

She only said one name, but as long as someone who grew up in this world is enough to understand everything, when it comes to Changqu Mountain, people's first reaction is the devil's sect lair that does all kinds of evil, and the devil's sect is rooted here In Changqu Mountain, including the somewhat elegant-sounding name Changqu, it was all chosen by the leader of the Demon Cult himself.

Changqu Mountain is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The internal structure is not as peaceful and harmless as its name sounds. There are all kinds of ferocious beasts and even many poisonous snakes and venomous insects on Changqu Mountain. The structure of the place is even more intricate. Everyone knows that the Devil's Cult is located on Changqu Mountain, but no one has ever found the exact location.

Originally, he had been struggling with whether to brush up the goodwill of the genius doctor at one time or to open up other routes. The appearance of Ye Linyu directly solved this problem.

However, according to the other party's thinking, he should be the target of his strategy at present.

What a novel experience.

She let the maid lead her out of this somewhat mysterious room.

After leaving the room, Tang Ming realized that the place she was in was like an ordinary courtyard house. At first, she thought that Changqu Mountain should be more cult-like, but the painting style around the door was very normal.

However, there are tall pine bamboo forests everywhere outside this courtyard, and there is nothing else to see, as if there is only this courtyard for a few miles around.

I'm afraid the position of the chief rudder is not here, this is at best the back garden of the Demon Cult

The maid led her into the bamboo grove, and said as she walked, "This bamboo grove has a maze set up by Lord Guardian Zuo himself. Miss Tang, please don't force yourself in, lest you risk your life."

"I see," she replied.

Perhaps it was because she was too calm, and she didn't even ask why she appeared here when she woke up. The maid who guided her saw that she was still calm at this time, and couldn't help but look at her more. Two eyes.

Although the leader likes to seduce women from ordinary families, this is the first time he has brought someone directly to Changqu Mountain. However, no matter what the leader wants to do, they can't figure it out secretly, they just need to do things according to the order.

Tang Ming didn't expect that there was a hot spring deep in the bamboo forest. After the maid led her here, she put the changed clothes aside.

They didn't mean to help her bathe and change clothes, but Tang Ming was relieved.

The hot spring in this pool is not an ordinary spring water. Tang Ming felt relaxed after soaking for a while, and even the meridians that had been in good condition seemed to become more transparent.

If she had the guts to let Ye Linyu bring her here, she must at least be sure of saving her life.

The clothes the maid prepared for her were much more cumbersome than her own. Tang Ming, who was used to wearing these ancient clothes, took a while to change. While changing, she suddenly thought of something.

The 'daily necessities' she left at Tang's house were not brought.

Fortunately, these daily necessities don't cost many points, so they can be replaced, as long as no one is going to tidy her room.

After taking a shower, she was taken back to that room.

The maids all retreated, leaving Tang Ming alone in the room. She looked at the suit she was wearing boredly, and wondered if the pink and white collocation seemed a little childish in this Demon Cult.

The maid was not there, so she started to look at the room. She had to say that the Demon Cult is indeed rich and powerful. Everything in this room exudes an aura of "I am very expensive", and it is randomly placed on the table. The wooden jewelry box was opened, and there were all kinds of jewelry and hair accessories inside, and the calligraphy and paintings on the wall were somewhat recognizable by Tang Ming.

She looked through the bookshelves in this room, and found those books that Tang Ming had never seen outside.

With a click, the door was pushed open.

Tang Ming withdrew her hand, which was about to pick a book to pass the time, and followed the sound to look at the door. A man in black walked in, and he also wore a mask that could cover half of his face. , but from the exposed lower half of his face, it can still be seen that this person must be handsome.

One of Tang Ming's strengths is that he is very accurate in recognizing people. With only half a face, she recognized him immediately, "Your injury is healed?"

Ye Linyu obviously didn't expect that she would recognize him so quickly, and the first thing he said was to ask about his injuries, and he didn't know whether to say that the second miss of the Tang family was special or that she was too simple. Didn't she realize the situation she was in now

"The leader will summon you in a few days, and you can't leave here until then." He avoided her question, as if unwilling to admit his identity.

That's natural, Tang Ming has never heard of someone who broke into the Demon Cult without permission and came out alive, but she didn't run in by herself, but was arrested, "What's the purpose of your leader arresting me? "

She finally asked a question that a normal person should ask.

"You don't need to know this now," he said, "and you don't have to go to great lengths to try and escape from here..."

"Outside this bamboo forest, there is a maze set up by you, the left protector, right?"

Tang Ming interrupted him, Ye Linyu was slightly taken aback, and then said: "You just need to understand."

"I will take care of you during this period, you can call me Lin Ye." Things like strategy should be done slowly, and then things will come to fruition. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

So after saying this, Ye Linyu was about to leave.

Seeing that he was about to leave, she immediately stopped him, "Wait."

Ye Linyu's footsteps stopped.

"What kind of person is your leader?"

His eyes fell on her face, and he saw that there was a little uneasiness on that usually calm little face, even if it was not easy to detect, it was not unnoticed.

It's like a rabbit that has fallen into a pack of wolves, but it's really kind of cute.

"Master..." Ye Linyu pondered for a moment, then replied, "He is an extremely vicious and brutal person."

Do you really feel good about yourself when you say that

After Ye Linyu said this, he left, not dragging his feet in the slightest, and was very decisive.

After he left, Tang Ming tried to walk out of the room, but she found that it was not only Ye Linyu who left, but also the maid who took her to take a bath and change clothes at the beginning, and she was the only one walking around in the huge yard. one person.

very strong.

If Tang Ming didn't know what Ye Linyu wanted to do at the beginning, then she understands almost now. She doesn't know the leader of the martial arts now, and the Tang family's treasure map is just a rumor that seems to be true. She should be worthless to Ye Linyu.

So apart from the treasure map, there is probably only one purpose for him to tie her here.

He wants to scum her.

As soon as this idea came up, Tang Ming almost laughed.

But this is really justified. After all, the image of the leader of the Demon Cult in the outside world is like this. In the original book, the reason why he approached the heroine himself and tricked her into eating the poisonous venom was that he spent a little time. The kung fu got the heroine.

And it's completely out of interest, otherwise he would directly find his subordinates to force-feed the poisonous Gu to the female lead while the male lead was not around, why bother to do it himself.

Ye Linyu is simply a capitalized gender man who loves women.

It’s okay to say that it’s daylight now, but when it’s dark, I’m the only one in such a big courtyard, and there’s no one outside. She’s still on the rumored Changqu Mountain, maybe there’s some kind of beast Damn, a normal girl would have been scared to death long ago.

In this kind of helpless situation, as long as there is a little care, it is easy for people to rely on involuntarily. Tang Ming felt that Ye Linyu might want to use Lin Ye's identity to attack her.

Although he took a fake name specially, but this name is really not distracting.

I'm afraid Ye Linyu won't show up again today, and Tang Ming has nothing to do, so he simply took a stroll around the yard, maybe because there is indeed a maze of guardians outside, so don't say it's a wild beast around here. Not even a bug in sight.

There was a guqin on the stone table in the courtyard. She plucked the strings at random, and the clear tone came out from her fingertips.

It's a good piano, but she can't play it.

In many articles, there are often ways to cover the internal force on the strings and then use the sound of the piano to attack. Now that there is no one around, she is a little eager to try.

She deftly condensed her internal energy to her fingertips, only to hear a sound, and the strings snapped.

Tang Ming withdrew her hand and went back to the room as if she hadn't done anything.

Early the next morning, when Ye Linyu entered the yard, he saw the Guqin with broken strings.

Will put a piano here, naturally to make her less bored.

After all, the girls that Ye Linyu got acquainted with all had a strong interest in these qin, chess, calligraphy and paintings, and they liked to play the qin and read a few words when they had nothing to do. Ye Linyu thought that Tang Ming would also like it, so he prepared one.

The strings are all broken, I'm afraid it's quite annoying.

Although the outside world said that he is very feminine, Ye Linyu is actually more interested in the process. He has his own set of standards for women, and he still pays great attention to the necessary etiquette.

So even if the other party was abducted by him, he still knocked on the door before entering.

After hearing the girl's voice of permission from inside, he opened the door.

Originally thought that she must have woken up for responding to him in such a timely manner, but when Ye Linyu walked into the room, he found that she was still nestled on the bed. Bundle up, so that the situation inside becomes unobstructed.

Modern people may think it's nothing, but in ancient times, it was somewhat inappropriate.

Ye Linyu took a step back subconsciously, but he didn't expect that she would grab his sleeve at some point.

She was obviously a little sleepy, she grabbed his sleeve and pulled it towards her. When she found that he couldn't pull it, she moved over by herself and hugged his hand in her arms.

Ye Linyu had to cooperate with her to bend down, her face was rubbed against his hand, her white and tender face was still slightly flushed, it looked sweet and delicious.

His heart softened, and just as he was about to wake her up, he heard her say in a daze, "...Bai Hao."