The Last Slag

Chapter 155


Tang Ming had never met anyone who took the initiative to attack him, and Ye Linyu was the first one.

Ye Linyu considered her very well. He transferred her to the head of the Devil's Cult, where she lived in a room next to his room. In addition, he simply provided her with a few maids for her to use.

This Demon Cult leader is not that remote small courtyard, suddenly a strange woman lived in, within a day the whole sect basically knew all about it, although their leader has never kidnapped a woman back, but it is delicious and comfortable to live in. Some even gave her a maid, which is rare.

What's more, this time the leader specifically told them to ensure her safety and not allow anyone to do anything to her.

As soon as this order came out, everyone immediately speculated about the origin of this woman, or that their leader decided to abandon evil and pursue goodness, and decided to find a woman he really loved to be their leader's wife

There is really no accurate statement just by guessing, so they decided to take a look quietly.

The Devil's Cult is different from other sects. Not only do they appear to be very loose and unruly from the outside, but they are also very free inside. Their leader will not limit them to various rules and regulations. For those who cannot be ruled by the world For those who tolerate them, the Demon Cult is the only place that will accept them, so even if there are no rules, they still respect the leader and look forward to the leader, and are willing to be the fan of the leader.

So this group of brainless fans wanted to see what this woman, who was very likely to become the wife of the future leader, looked like.

As a result, they found that this woman was very good-looking and very suitable for the leader, but her temper seemed too soft and cute, and she was a bit out of tune with the environment of the devil's religion.

The main rudder of the Devil's Cult is located near the top of Changqu Mountain. Not to mention the high altitude, there are many plants that look gorgeous but are full of poison. Because these poisonous plants look good, no one wants to deal with them.

After all, the Devil's Cult, it feels like a Demon's Cult only when there is some poison.

But people from outside don't know that when they see such beautiful flowers, they will have the urge to pick them and put them in their rooms.

One day, a believer stopped a woman who was trying to reach out to pick these flowers with fear on her face. These poisonous flowers can kill half of her life if she touches them. The leader said to ensure her safety. If they are dead, what face do they have to face the trust of the leader.

Of course, Tang Ming knew that these flowers were poisonous. The time she spent with Bai Hao was not a waste of time. She had studied those medical skills and knew a little about plants.

Even so, she still showed a regretful expression.

"However, this flower blooms quite beautifully."

Perhaps it was because she was afraid that she would be poisoned to death next time she tried to pick flowers when no one noticed, or maybe it was because the woman in front of her had never shown a look of fear and resistance to them. After seeing the disappointment on her face, the believer Silently went to find the person in their teaching who is best at dealing with these poisons.

The next day, there was an extra flower at Tang Ming's door that had been carefully treated in a flower pot. The part with the venom had already been cut, and the rest were harmless parts.

People in the Demon Cult are really kind.

Soon everyone discovered that the woman who was kidnapped this time didn't seem to be afraid of them. Not only that, she even made a snack for a demon cultist because the cultist gave her a flower.

The believers who received the gift were quickly questioned by the crowd. After learning the cause and effect of the incident, the members of the Demon Cult found that the problem was serious.

In the past, ten out of ten girls who were abducted to the Devil's Cult were terrified, but at this time, their leader reappeared and comforted him a few times, and this girl basically agreed secretly. Yes, after all, the beauty of their leader rests there.

But now this girl is not only not afraid of them, she seems to have a good impression of them.

This also makes the leader how to create a sense of presence!

The believers who think they understand their leader’s routines decide to work hard for the future happiness of the leader. After all, there are only a few good-looking people in the devil’s religion, most of them are old men, and even many people have Large and small knife scars are definitely at the level that can scare a child to tears when walking outside.

The leader said that he wanted to protect the girl's safety, but it shouldn't matter to scare her, right

So they sent some of the ugliest faces in the Devil's Cult to scare her, and if necessary, they could scare her a few more times. They thought it would work, but they didn't expect that the girl didn't scare her, and the men who came back had all faces. with melancholy.

"Miss Tang is the kindest woman I have ever seen..."

"I hope the leader is sincere this time, otherwise Miss Tang is really pitiful."

"If the leader abandons Miss Tang, I am willing to take care of her for the rest of my life!"

Other believers: ? ? ? Can you do it? ! In the end what happened? !

After careful questioning, I found out that these people who can be regarded as fighting strength just by their faces when they go out have not frightened them at all, and she doesn't care about the scary and ugly scars in the eyes of ordinary girls.

How many years have I not been treated so normally by a girl, besides, that girl is so good-looking.

"Miss Tang also invited me to drink a cup of tea, and the tea she made is also very delicious." One of them said.

"The tea should be brewed by the maid."

"Oh... Miss Tang's movement of pouring tea is also very beautiful!"


Although the teacher was not successful, it also let these believers understand to some extent what kind of woman this Tang girl brought back by the leader is.

In addition to some people in the Demon Cult who are naturally fond of revenge against the society and who are evil and barbaric and are not accepted by the righteous way, there are also many people who have been deceived and betrayed by others in the arena, and finally ruined and homeless. The Devil's Cult is the only place that can accommodate them. It is precisely because they have had enough of all kinds of contemptuous looks from the outside world that they understand how difficult it is to treat them with the most ordinary attitude.

What's more, she was a weak woman with no strength to restrain a chicken.

Ye Linyu has been a little troubled recently.

Because he found out that although Tang Ming promised to attack him, he never took any practical actions. Finally, he heard the report from his subordinates that she specially asked her to take her to the kitchen to make pastries, but the pastries were not given to him his.

His group of subordinates had an even bigger problem, they even stopped when they saw her

Say hello to her, and even the most eccentric protectors will nod at her.

She didn't pay attention to him, but instead captured all of his subordinates.

Demon pills.

Ye Linyu was resting his forehead and worrying about the future of the Demon Cult. The guy who hadn't looked for him since he moved to the helm finally took the initiative to look for him. After getting his permission, the masked maid opened the door for her. In order to prevent her from tripping over the door frame, the maid whispered 'be careful'.

Ye Linyu, who looked like he was protecting his cub, frowned.

What the hell happened in his absence.

After she entered the door, the maid stood outside and closed the door intimately, leaving space for the two of them.

As soon as Tang Ming looked up, she found that Ye Linyu was looking at her with a complicated face, as if she had done some heinous thing, which made her look puzzled, "What's wrong?"

He wanted to ask her what she had done, but the Demon Cult leader's persona didn't allow him to ask such destructive questions, so Ye Linyu looked away from her face, and landed on her hand. On the food box, "What is this?"

Tang Ming walked to the table and opened the food box. There were a lot of exquisitely shaped pastries inside. It was obvious that they had just been baked. As soon as the lid was opened, there was a burst of steam, and the sweet fragrance permeated the whole room.

She took out the plate from the food box and handed the pastry to him, "I prepared it for you, eat it?"

At this time, she didn't look like she was trembling at the beginning, and her attitude was as generous as if they were friends who had known each other for a long time. He was a little curious about the change in her attitude, "Are you not afraid of me?"

"Well, because I found that the Devil's Cult is a little different from what I thought." She answered honestly, but she didn't elaborate on what the difference refers to. Instead, she changed the subject and said, "Besides, you didn't think You want to kill me, since you won't hurt me, why should I be afraid of you?"

These words are too innocent, like a child who is not familiar with the world.

Ye Linyu glanced at her and took a piece of pastry.

I thought that this pampered lady of the Tang family would not be very good at craftsmanship, but I didn't expect the taste of this pastry to be quite good. "You made this?"

At least she finally remembered to attack him, Ye Linyu felt very relieved.

"I asked the kitchen to do it."

Ye Linyu almost couldn't laugh.

Just say how the pastry tastes so familiar.

The cakes made in the kitchen can be eaten at any time as long as he says a word. After learning that they were not made by herself, Ye Linyu immediately lost his appetite. Somewhat dangerous.

"This seat kindly gave you the opportunity to leave here, but you don't cherish it." You even fooled him with ready-made pastries, "Or do you think this seat is easy to talk, and you have made up your mind and decided to stay here forever?"

No matter how dull he was, he could see his displeasure at the moment.

Ye Linyu wanted to see what she was thinking from her face, but saw that she moved her eyes a little guilty. Before, she was open and frank, but when she mentioned the previous agreement, somehow her face changed It burned red.

"Of course I remember, didn't I just make you fall in love with me..." Her voice became smaller and smaller, "But I don't have much to talk about with you, and we don't have many interactions on weekdays. There is no way to be like ordinary men and women. Cultivate feelings as well."


"Either you take a little time to accompany me every day. I think this is more conducive to strengthening the relationship." Seeing that he was silent, she changed her words again, "Or I can accompany you."

What she said was too taken for granted, as if she really thought that a little more time spent together between a man and a woman would enhance mutual affection.

But seeing that she finally wanted to work hard, Ye Linyu agreed.

Ye Linyu gave her the right to enter and leave his room at will without knocking, so in the following days, except for sleeping at night or occasionally when she wanted to be alone, Tang Ming basically relied on Ye Linyu. Yu's room.

After getting along for a long time, she found that Ye Linyu, who is the leader of the Demon Cult, knew very different things, and they were all types that she had never seen or had no contact with at all.

Just like the bugs mentioned in the original book.

This is despised by decent people, so when Tang Ming was in the Tang family, he had no chance to contact him at all.

She thinks that Bai Hao should know a little bit, but Bai Hao pretends to be very upright on the surface, and has never shown any such skills. Unlike Ye Linyu, who is upright, whenever she asks, he will answer, even Willing to teach her how to use these things.

And every time Ye Linyu answered her questions, she would look at him with admiration.

Ye Linyu felt that the demands he made of her might be too difficult for her, she simply didn't know how to please a man, let alone make him fall in love with her, even the occasional ones that seemed to want to increase His affectionate actions are also very clumsy, if he pretends to give her some response, she will be very happy.

And she seems to be getting closer to him recently, and she will blush after being watched by him for a long time.

Ye Linyu has a well-known bad habit, that is, once the person he wants to seduce falls in love with him, he will lose all interest, and those women who are infatuated with him, he will often return them to their original state Lord, let them go back to where they came from.

That was the purpose of his arresting her, but Tang Ming didn't know it, and worked hard to fulfill the conditions he set in order to go back.

It's just that I didn't expect the final result to be the same.

Although the blushing face of the beauty is very seductive, Ye Linyu is a little disappointed. This kind of development is different from those women who rely on and fall in love with him because they have no one to rely on in a dangerous environment.

Originally, at this point in the plot, Ye Linyu should have lost interest in her and sent her back to the Tang family, but he remembered the first morning when she hugged him and called another man's name.

So Ye Linyu asked Tang Ming who came to play with him in the early morning of a certain day: "There will be a temple fair at the foot of the mountain tomorrow, are you interested?"

Before Tang Ming could answer, he continued.

"That divine doctor Bai may also be there."