The Last Slag

Chapter 171



Tang Ming didn't react.

When she finally understood what he was talking about, she felt that Ye Linyu was so strong for the first time. Ye Linyu was completely sure of Xiao Shuo's character, and would never leave someone who was obviously being coerced by others. Originally, Tang Ming meant to at least let Xiao Shuo know that she was harmless to him, 70 points Although the favorability is high, it has not yet reached the point of unconditional trust.

He will offer to help himself, a large part of the reason is because he has given him all the treasure maps just now. After all, she is currently a manipulated person in his eyes. It's another statement.

Although Tang Ming couldn't hear Xiao Shuo's inner thoughts at this time, she could not imagine how much he went through to finally keep her.

The current development is really... It can only be said that Ye Linyu's ability to make up things is really top-notch.

She looked at the handsome man in front of her with a worried face, and asked curiously, "But how do you make me fall in love with you?"

Xiao Shuo looked away, as if he was also a little at a loss about this question.

"I have no idea… "


Xiao Shuo obviously has no experience in actively pursuing women. You can tell just by looking at his usual appearance. Although Tang Ming sometimes thinks he is a veteran driver, it must be very difficult for him to deliberately operate. not easy.

It would be fine if they were ordinary women, even if they wanted to enhance their relationship, they would at most just recite poems, talk about life or travel together.

But if it was her, it seemed that this way would not work.

Xiao Shuo was also troubled by what he said impulsively. It was really too difficult for him to take the initiative to find ways to make a woman fall in love with him.

But what else could be done

"If you don't mind, girl, we can visit Divine Doctor Bai, and he may have some ideas." In this regard, no matter what, only Bai Hao is the most authoritative.

If even he can't do anything, then it doesn't matter if he finds a way to implement that plan.

Then Xiao Shuo clearly felt that the masked woman in front of him had suddenly become stiff since he said the three words "Bai Miracle Doctor". Although it was not obvious, one could tell from her unsteady tone.

"Bai... genius doctor... there's no need for it." Not to mention that she didn't have that kind of soul dew on her body, just because of her escape from marriage, Tang Ming was a little afraid to look directly at Bai Hao.

Reasonably speaking, Bai Hao is the person she wants to complete the strategy at the latest. Now that her favorability is only 75, she is dragging her to get married. After the favorability increases, the picture is really beautiful.

Her resisting appearance seemed a bit strange to Xiao Shuo. Although Bai Hao was indifferent, he was highly regarded among the people. Of course, this was also related to his deceptive appearance. Xiao Shuo had hardly seen anyone This is the reaction to the rumored miracle doctor.

Tang Ming saw his doubts and sighed.

Her fingers rested on the mask. In fact, it was inconvenient to look at people through the mask. Just as she was about to take off the mask, she was stopped by the other hand.

Xiao Shuo stood in front of her, with his hands covering hers, Tang Ming could feel his warmer temperature than hers from his hands, just like how he feels to others, " Don't force yourself."

It can be seen from his expression that he obviously still remembers the disfigurement setting she set for himself.

There is one thing that is quite strange in romance novels, that is the temperature of the hands. It seems that a person’s personality can be detected based on the temperature of the hands. All the domineering male protagonists have a pair of cold hands waiting for the female protagonist to warm him. , only a small number of manpower will be warmer than the heroine.

Tang Ming hadn't researched how warm Tang Yueyao's hands were, but she felt that Xiao Shuo's hands would not be any warmer.

She clasped his hand backwards, took his hand and placed it on her mask.

Even though Xiao Shuo said that he didn't mind her appearance, he couldn't help clasping the light mask as if he had been bewitched. The mask was much lighter than it looked, so that when she pulled When holding his hand to let him take off her mask, he didn't seem to feel any weight.

The first thing he saw was her eyes, which seemed to be wearing a mask for too long, and they were a little dewy under the moonlight. At such a close distance, he could even easily see her slender eyelashes and her skin. Ru Ningzhi's face also didn't have those horrible scars in her mouth.

Probably because he felt a little uneasy when he looked at her, so she licked her lower lip uncomfortably.

When his eyes touched those crimson lips, he suddenly came back to his senses.

He was still holding the useless mask in his hand, and the distance between the two seemed too close for a man and a woman at this moment, Xiao Shuo immediately took a step back after noticing it.

No longer just staring at a specific place, he finally had a sense of familiarity with the person in front of him, "Are you...?"

Now that she has taken off her mask, she naturally has nothing to deny.

Although there was a gap of time, Xiao Shuo still had a deep impression on the woman who had tea with him that day, but he never connected the two together, so that the girl who had just seen her appearance For a moment, he will be in a daze.

If this is the case, then it is understandable that she is unwilling to tell him her appearance and name.

After all, he may be the only one who knows what happened between her and Ye Linyu, and it is completely understandable that he does not want others to face him with sympathy.

It's just that he didn't know that this Ye Linyu was not only playing with the woman's feelings, but also pouring a drug like Qinghunlu on the woman.

Xiao Shuo didn't speak for a while, Tang Ming waited for him to speak.

She can almost hear the content of his brain supplements. In fact, from the perspective of an onlooker, it is indeed a scene of sadomasochism. First, she was played with her feelings, and after being abandoned, she wanted to seek revenge, so she stole it. The other party's treasure map, but unexpectedly fell into the other party's hands by accident, and was drugged, so he had to obey the orders of the hated person.

"Didn't the girl go back to Tang's house with Doctor Bai that day?"

"I was taken away by Ye Linyu in a coma at night, and when I woke up, I was already in the dungeon of the Demon Cult."

Tang Ming calmly narrated the outline of the story, and then saw Xiao Shuo's expression became even more uneasy, almost overflowing with unconcealable guilt, "Do you feel guilty? Why?"

"That day, the girl offered to take the girl away, but I refused." He deliberately ignored the word "elope" at the beginning, "If I knew that the girl would be in such danger..."

Hearing what he said, Tang Ming couldn't help laughing, "So if you knew something like this would happen, would you take me to elope?"

During these days, he had been covering his face with a mask, even when he was smiling, he couldn't see the slightest bit. Seeing her crooked brows and eyes with a smile and a little bit of teasing, Xiao Shuo felt for a moment how stupid he was. Under the teasing, he could only nod his head seriously, the leader of martial arts who has always been good at words couldn't even speak a half sentence.

It would be normal for him to refuse, but he nodded in agreement.

Tang Ming glanced at the favorability level, Xiao Shuo's favorability reached 75 when she took off the mask, although there was no intention of belittling, but no matter who they are, they are sensory animals, and they can gain favorability even through a mask, but It is undeniable that having the advantage of appearance will make the progress of this strategy faster.

Tang Ming stopped laughing, "Then what are you going to do? Let's make it clear first that Bai Hao can't let this matter know."

The current situation is indeed quite complicated.

"You know, there are fruits that can cure all kinds of poisons around the rumored martial arts secret book." Xiao Shuo hesitated and said.

I don't know.

Tang Ming said that she had never heard of it.

"so… ?"

Xiao Shuo sighed, and he placed the complete five treasure maps on the stone table in the courtyard, "Let's go find them."

The stubborn person suddenly let go

Tang Ming frowned, noncommittal.

The reason why there are five treasure maps, and all of them are indispensable, is because it is not a treasure map in the form of a map. Its real mystery lies in the hidden words in it.

All these words need to be treated with high temperature to emerge, which is the legendary burning with fire, even if it is overburned.

After expressing his discovery, this job was naturally handed over to Xiao Shuo, but Tang Ming found that he seemed to want to burn the treasure map, but in the end he stopped abruptly. Honestly put out the fire.

Because both of them are very strong in martial arts, they are able to do this kind of thing directly in the Qingshan faction so boldly.

The five treasure maps finally left five poems with unclear meanings. Tang Ming was not very interested in this, so he simply threw the treasure map to Xiao Shuo to study. Xiao Shuo looked at it for a while and said: "These tomorrow Besides, you go to rest first."


After all, it wasn't something to be in a hurry, and Tang Ming didn't have any objections when he took his time.

In the early morning of the next day, after she found the four treasure maps she had brought on the ground outside her room door, she suddenly understood something, took the treasure map, put it in her pocket, and sorted it out. As soon as you hit something, you're ready to slip away.

As the leader of the martial arts all along, no matter what he said, Xiao Shuo was unwilling to really find the martial arts cheats, so even now it is the same, although he said that he wanted to find the martial arts cheats together, but he probably didn't mean it. Just want to find an excuse to drag her that's all.

He didn't read those few lines of the poem yesterday carefully. As for the reason for dragging her, it was naturally because of the soul dew on her body.

So who is the only one who can solve that clear soul dew

It's Bai Hao!

The boss didn't know anything about the previous problems between her and Bai Hao, and it was just a small conflict. When encountering such a thing, instead of going all out to find martial arts secrets and destroying the balance of the rivers and lakes, it is better to call the genius doctor over.

After all, their relationship seemed to be good, Xiao Shuo felt that Bai Hao would not be unwilling to come over.

Tang Ming also fully believed that Bai Hao had a way to remove the effect of Qinghunlu.


Knowing that she wanted to avoid people, she simply planned to climb out of the wall and find a remote path down the mountain.

It's just that before her front foot stepped on the fence, someone lifted her collar by her back foot.

"Why don't you go through the front door?"

The deserted voice sounded behind him, and even Tang Ming trembled.

She was lifted down easily by him, and she was wrapped in the man's arms before she could stand still. As mentioned above, what can reflect a character's character is not only the temperature of the hands, but also the body temperature.

At least Tang Ming felt that this embrace was extremely cold.

"Bai Hao..."

Xiao Shuo didn't leave either, and he didn't expect that it was just a message sent at night, and Bai Hao rushed over overnight. Although he didn't know why he went to the side courtyard as soon as he entered the Qingshan School, but at this time he followed to see When he saw the woman who was caught, he had an epiphany.

"What can Divine Doctor Bai do with this clear soul dew?" He asked worriedly.

Bai Hao's gaze fell on her, and his hand naturally rested on her wrist. A few seconds were enough for him to understand all of her situation, but he didn't let go, he still held it, and didn't care if there were other people around her. watch.

Then Tang Ming saw him smiling, it was not gentle at all, and it was fleeting.

Just when Tang Ming thought he was going to be exposed, he heard him say.

"I can't do anything about it." He said coldly, "The Purifying Soul Lotion comes from the Demon Cult. To cure this medicine, you have to get the antidote from the leader of the Demon Cult. Otherwise, I'm afraid there is no other way."

"Of course, maybe the panacea rumored to grow in the place where the martial arts cheats are located may be effective."

Tang Ming's first reaction was that there really is a panacea.

The second reaction was that Bai Hao wanted to make trouble.